Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Is Whey Iso Pro Review Good? How Much?

To develop muscle, bodybuilders often choose nutritional supplements, including Whey Iso Pro with great properties that are hard to find in any other food.So is Whey Iso Pro good? How much? Please join WheyShop to find out through the article below!

» Check out Whey Protein for muscle gain and fat loss with cheap promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html

1.Origin of Whey Iso Pro

Whey Iso Pro is rated as a whey protein sampleThe purest on the market today, providing up to 100% hydrolyzed protein for quick absorption into the body.

Products made in the US by Vitaxtrong, very popular in the US and European countries, the product has recently gained great sympathy with the bodybuilding community in Asia, including Vietnam..

The outstanding advantages of Whey Iso Pro are as follows:

  • Lactose and gluten free: Relatively few people are sensitive to both lactose and gluten, so Iso Pro offers an alternative to the two unsuitable ingredientsthis by filtering out unsuitable sugars and gluten.
  • No Aspartame, No Fat
  • Contains only 1g of starch/serving
  • No cheap amino acids: Cheap amino acids are known in some muscle gain products, such as Glycine, Taurine, L'Alanine
  • No artificial colors or sweeteners
  • The delicious taste in Whey Iso Pro is claimed to be free of some harmful dyes
  • 27 grams of 100% hydrolyzed whey per serving

On the market today, there are 2 sizes of Whey Iso Popular Pro is:

  • Iso Pro 5lbs (2.3kg jar): 66 servings
  • Iso Pro 2lbs (900g bag): 26 servings

Is Whey Iso Pro review good? How much does it cost?

2.Is Whey Iso Pro review good?

Here are some advantages of Whey Iso Pro compared to other Whey lines that we can easily notice

2.1 Quality ingredients

Unlike linesThe other iso provides 25g of protein, VitaXtrong's Whey Iso Pro provides up to 27g of protein with 100% pure Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate that is virtually fat, sugar and cholesterol free and low in calories.

Iso Pro can be seen as one of the best Whey powders on the market to help with amino acids absorption, recovery and muscle growth.

2.2 Lactose-free

ISO PRO does not contain lactose, gluten, saturated fat and only 1 g of sugar.The product is suitable for people who often have gastrointestinal problems, are sensitive toGluten or some other component of regular milk.

2.3 No Amino Spiking – Protein filler

The protein filler here is Amino Acid, which is not harmful but does not bring many benefits to bodybuilders.As with other inferior products on the market, the addition of such compounds will increase the amount of protein in each serving, but will not have the effect of building muscle.Some of these compounds may be referred to as L-glycine, L-taurine and L-alanine.

2.4 Natural Flavor

Like other Protein formulas, Iso Pro is guaranteed to be free of the sweetener Aspartame.Instead, you get a delicious taste with the natural sweetness of Stevia combined with the natural color of Whey.

Review Whey Iso Pro review is good? How much does it cost?

3.Is Whey Iso Pro powder for women suitable?

To know if Whey Iso Pro is really suitable for women, we need toConsidering many aspects on how to choose the right type of Whey for women

3.1  Criteria for choosing Whey Protein for Women

Nutrition ingredients:

Ingredients such as fat, sugar, lactose, etc.should appear as little as possible.Ideally, without these additives, the Whey Protein would be purer.Important ingredients such as protein, BCAAs as much as possible, but should also choose products with the right amount for the body's needs.

Product usage:

All types of Whey Protein are used to gain muscle, support muscle synthesis, etc.Because Whey is the best protein supplement in the world.


Solubility is important because pure whey has a fine powder texture that dissolves easily in just a few taps, and makes it easier for the body to absorb the full range of nutrients.

Product Brand:

It is recommended to buy from big brands that have been tested by many users for quality and finished products.

Product flavor:

Women are often more strict abouttaste compared to men.So if you decide to buy a Whey Protein product for women, you also need to consider this carefully, because each box of whey you will use for about 1-2 months.If the taste does not suit you, it is also very difficult for you to use and maintain this product for a long time.

3.2 Is Whey Iso Pro powder suitable for women?

As can be seen, Whey Iso Pro fits all of the above criteria to choose Whey Protein for women 18 years of age and older.Whey ISO Pro is a great combination of Hydrolyzed and Isolate to give youCorn is the purest and most complete source of protein.Supplementing with Iso Pro helps our muscle building process go better.

Is Whey Iso Pro review good? How much does it cost?

4.Compare Whey Iso Pro with Whey Rule 1

Compare Reviews Whey Iso Pro Whey Rule 1 Protein Serving: 27g protein 25g protein Protein composition: Hydrolyzed Whey PProtein Isolate Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate Protein content: 79% 90% Other components: 0.5g fat, 1g carb, zero sugar zero fat, zero carbs, zero sugar Number of times used: 66 uses 76 uses Price: VND 1,650,000 VND 1,500,000

5.Compare Whey Iso Pro with Whey ISO HD

Compare Reviews Whey Iso Pro Whey ISO HD Serving: 27g protein 25g protein Protein composition: Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Isolate Protein content: 79% 79% Other components: 0.5g fat, 1g carb, zero sugar 1g fat, 2g carbs, zero sugar Number of times used: 66 uses 69 uses Price: VND 1,650,000 VND 1,300,000

5.Compare Whey Iso Pro with Whey Gold Standard

Compare Reviews Whey Iso Pro Whey Gold Standard Serving: 27g protein 24g protein Protein composition: Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Peptides Protein content: 79% 77% Other components: 0.5g fat, 1g carb, zero sugar 1g fat, 4g carbs, 2g sugar Number of times used: 66 uses 74 uses Price: VND 1,650,000 1,450,000 VND

Through the above article, I hope that WheyShop has provided you with more knowledge to answer your questions about is Whey Iso Pro good.Thank you for your interest in following the article!

VitaX in ISO Pro 5Lbs (2.3kg)

» Refer to Whey Protein to increase muscle and lose fat with cheap promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html


Review Of Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure Is Good?

Many WheyShop customers question whether Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure is any good, compare Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure with the best selling muscle gainer products on the market today,… This article WheyShop will find out.Find out more about Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure and write a detailed analysis, comparison, review with other best selling Whey Protein products on the market to find out which is the best muscle gainer!

» Refer to Whey Protein to increase muscle and lose fat with cheap promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html

1.Review Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure is good?

Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure is a protein supplement that supports muscle gain from the Nutrabolics brand – an emerging food company in Canada for many years.Hydropure is always advertised as one of the best muscle gain products on the market today, so what is the truth, is Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure really as good as rumored?

To be able to determine if Whey Nutrabolics HydroPure is any good, let's dig deeperLearn about this product through the reviews and analysis below:

HydroPure Ingredients:

Main ingredientsSize : 4.5Lbs ~ 2.04kg Number of times used: 57 uses Calories : 130 Starch : 3g The protein : 28g Fat : 1g Street : 1g Cholesterol: 20mg

2.Compare Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure with Whey Rule 1, ISO HD, Whey Gold

Comparative Criteria Nutrabolics Hydropure Rule 1 Protein ISO HD Whey Goldstrong> Size : 4.5Lbs ~ 2.04kg 5Lbs ~ 2.27kg 4.9Lbs ~ 2.2kg 5Lbs ~ 2.3kg Number of times used: 57 76 69 74 Serving: 28g of protein 27g protein 25g protein 24g protein Protein Ingredients: Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Hydrolysate Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Peptides Protein content: 78% 90% 79% 77% Fat: 1g zero 1g 1g Carbs: 3g zero 2g 4g Other components: … … … Enzymes that aid in digestion Price: VND 1,690,000 VND 1,500,000 1.300.000 VND 1,450,000 VND

2.1 Product Size:

Of the 4 products, Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure is the smallest product with 4.5Lbs ~ 2.05kg, so it corresponds to the least number of uses, with only 57 uses.The difference compared to Whey Rule 1 Protein with 76 uses is more economical.

Other products such as ISO HD, Whey Gold are all in the same 5Lbs size with 69, 74 uses respectively, outperforming Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure.

2.2 Protein quality:

In 4 productsCompared to the above, Whey Rule 1 Protein is the product with the most advanced ingredients with Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate is a pure protein source, without WPC.

Next is Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure with premium Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate and WPC Hydrolysate.Next is ISO HD and Whey Gold respectively.

Review reviews Is Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure Good? 

2.3 Protein content:

Although Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure provides up to 28g of protein per serving, each scoop contains 35.8g of powder, so the actual protein content is only 78%, in addition to impurities, flavoring,...

The protein content of ISO HD is 79% and Whey Gold is 77%.Meanwhile, Whey Rule 1 Protein is still outstanding with purity and protein content of 90%.

2.4 Other ingredients:

Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure contains many impurities with 3g carb, 1g fat, 1g sugarand 20mg cholesterol is quite similar to Whey Gold product with old production technology.

Next is a purer ISO HD product and Rule 1 Protein is completely free of impurities with high purity.

More specifically, Whey Gold Standard has added enzymes to support the ability to break down and digest protein sources more efficiently, a point that the other 3 products do not have.

2.5 Price:

Of the 4 comparison products, ISO HD currently has the cheapest price of only 1,300,000 VND with 69 uses and 100% Whey Protein Isolate, which is lemongrass.The most economical product for fast muscle growth.

In which, Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure is the product with the highest price of 1,690,000 VND with 57 uses, but the ingredients are not too prominent, many impurities, will definitely make you hesitate to use.

Rule 1 Protein is definitely the best choice with 1,500,000 VND with pure ingredients, high protein content and many uses.

While Whey Gold is the oldest product, with a price of 1,450,000 VND for 74 uses and digestive enzyme supplements are alsoa mid-range option for many users instead.

Review Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure review is good? 

3.Which flavor of Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure tastes good?

Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure comes in a variety of flavors: Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, Salty Caramel, Peach Mango and Chocolate Coconut, the most popular being the basic flavors like chocolate or vanilla.The taste of peach mango or chocolate coconut also received similar feedbackpositive counterpart, although produced later.

In general, Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure is very easy to drink, certified as natural flavor, no artificial colors in the product, so it is safe for health.

Through the above analysis and evaluation, you must have answered the question Whey Nutrabolics Hydropure is good.Thank you for your interest in following the article!

Review Whey Nut reviewIs rabolics Hydropure any good?

Review Of Whey RSP Is Good? How Much? Where Do You Buy It?

There are a lot of WheyShop customers asking if Whey RSP review is good? How much? In this article, WheyShop will work with you to find out and answer questions about Whey RSP right away!

» Refer to Whey Protein to increase muscle and lose fat with cheap promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html

1.Review Whey RSP is good?

RSP Whey Protein Powder Whey protein powder for muscle gain from RSP brand in the US, imported and distributed in Vietnam for many years now.come here.RSP Whey Protein Powder has up to 4 different protein sources including:

  • Whey Protein Concentrate
  • Milk Protein Concentrate
  • Whey Protein Isolate
  • Whey Protein Hydrolysate

RSP Whey Ingredients:

Main ingredientsSize : 4.7Lbs ~ 2.14kg Number of times used: 51 uses Calories : 160 Starch : 7g The protein : 28g Fat : 2.5g Street : 4g Cholesterol: 75mg


2.Compare Whey RSP with Whey Rule 1, ISO HD, WheyGold

Comparative Criteria Whey RSP Rule 1 Protein ISO HD Whey Gold Size : 4.7Lbs ~ 2.14kg 5Lbs ~ 2.27kg 4.9Lbs ~ 2.2kg 5Lbs ~ 2.3kg Number of times used: 51 76 69 74 Serving: 28g of protein 27g protein 25g protein 24g protein Protein Ingredients: Whey Protein Concentrate, Milk Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey PeptideS Protein content: 68% 90% 79% 77% Fat: 2.5g zero 1g 1g Carbs: 7 zero 2g 4g Other components: … … … Enzymes that aid in digestion Price: 1,000,000 VND VND 1,500,000 VND 1,300,000 1,450,000 VND

2.1 Product Size:

Of the 4 products, Whey RSP is the smallest product with 4.7Lbs ~ 2.14kg, so it corresponds to the least number of uses, with only 51 uses, very different.Deviation from Whey Rule 1 Protein with 76 uses more economical.

Other products such as ISO HD, Whey Gold are the same size 5Lbs with 69.74 uses, respectively, outperforming Whey RSP.

2.2 Protein quality:

Of the above 4 comparison products, Whey Rule 1 Protein is the product with the most advanced ingredients with Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate is a pure protein source, without WPC.

Next is ISO HD and Whey Gold, finally Whey RSP with the main ingredients from Whey Protein Concentrate, Milk Protein Concentrate.

Review Whey RSP review is good? How much? Where to buy?

2.3 Protein content:

Although Whey RSP provides up to 28g of protein per serving, each scoop contains 41g of powder, so the actual protein content is only 68%, in addition to impurities., flavoring, etc., so users need to consider it if they don't want to affect a strict diet.

2.4 Other ingredients:

Whey RSP contains many impurities with 7g carb, 2.5g fat, 4g sugar and 75mg cholesterol by basic production technology, WPC ingredients should definitely contain more impurities than high-tech pure whey lines like Rule 1, ISO HD.

2.5 Price:

Of the 4 comparison products, Whey RSP has a much cheaper price, only about 1,000,000 VND for 51 uses, this is a cheap price suitable for moderate economic conditions.

However, comparing the number of uses and the price, with ISO HD 69 times used = 1,300,000 VND or Rule 1 Protein 76 times used = 1,500,000 VND with the same composition.High-quality, high-quality protein is definitely ISO HD, Rule 1 will be a better muscle-gain option with the same price/use as Whey RSP.

Review reviews Whey RSP is good? How much? Where to buy?

» Refer to Whey Protein to increase muscle and lose fat with cheap promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html

The above is some of the most general information about Whey RSP that we havecan be synthesized.Hopefully through the article, you have gained more knowledge about Whey RSP is good.Thank you for your interest in following the article!


Whey Rule 1 Is The Best Flavor, Which Is The Easiest To Drink?

Whey Rule 1 Protein is currently a familiar product and is loved by many gym goers.So Whey Rule 1 is the best, which is the easiest to drink? Please refer to the article below to know which flavor of Whey Rule 1 is best!

» Please refer to Whey Protein to increase muscle and lose fat on promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html

1.Whey Rule 1 Is Protein Good?

Before finding out which flavor is the best Whey Rule 1, let's evaluateOverall review, is Whey Rule 1 Protein good?

For whey protein product lines like Rule 1, we have quite a few criteria to evaluate whether the product is really good or not, but mainly you can rely on the following criteria:


Whey Rule 1 flavor is the best, which flavor is easiest to drink?

Production brand:

The Whey Rule 1 Protein product is manufactured by an explosive sports food companyThe American language is Rule 1 Proteins.This brand has been in the sports food industry for more than 10 years.In addition, the Rule 1 Proteins brand was founded by the father of Optimum Nutrition.For that reason, Rule 1 Proteins has a production line with the most modern and advanced technology available today.

Product packaging:

The packaging and design of Rule 1 Protein products are designed to be simple and recognizable with 2 main colors red and black.The very large and prominent product name is printed on the front of the package for easy identification by usersAll genuine products.

Nutrition ingredients :

Whey Rule 1 Protein is highly appreciated by many users because of its high-quality nutritional ingredients such as:

  • Add up to 25g of protein, 100% from Whey Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Hydrolyzed, produced by modern CFM technology, with high biological value and fast absorption.
  • The product contains 6g of BCAAs and over 10g of EAAs to help promote muscle recovery and growth.It also helps fight muscle catabolism.
  • In addition, the product also provides Glutamine to help improveImproves metabolism and promotes better muscle recovery.
  • In particular, the product is completely free of impurities Lactose and Gluten that are harmful to health.Therefore, people who are allergic to lactose can also use the product.

Whey Rule 1 which is the best, which is the easiest to drink?

2.Is Rule 1 expensive?

Despite being a hydrolyzed whey line, Rule 1 is not as expensive asmany people still think.Currently, Rule 1 has a market price of about:

  • Rule 1 5 Lbs (2.2 Kg) costs about 1,500,000 VND / jar.
  • Rule 1 10 Lbs (4.5 Kg) costs about 2,750,000 VND / bag

Whey Rule 1 Protein compared to other products, the price is a bit higher, but not much.This is understandable when Rule 1 is a fairly high quality product.But the price of Rule 1 is also only in the mid-range, it is very reasonable for you to choose it for long-term use for your training process while supporting muscle growth.Huge stock for you.

Whey Rule 1 which is the best, which is the easiest to drink?

Rule 1 Proteins 5lbs (2.23kg)

3.How to use Whey Rule 1 Protein effectively

Each time you mix 1 tablespoon of Whey powder with about 300 ml of cold water, shake your head for about 30 seconds to be used.Because Rule 1 is a hydrolyzed whey line, it has a fine powder structure that makes it easy to dissolve the product in water in a few steps.

Usually whey products are recommended at the following 2 times

After practice:

The post-workout meal plays an extremely important role because it determines the success and results of a certain training session.Adding more protein will help muscles recover quickly, reduce muscle fatigue and soreness, return muscles to an anabolic state and build optimal muscle mass.

Wake up early in the morning:

This is the time when muscles are tired after a long night, supplementing with a high-quality, fast-absorbing protein source like Whey Rule1 helps in muscle recovery most effectively.

Whey Rule 1 flavor is the best, which flavor is easiest to drink?

4.Whey Rule 1 is the best flavor? Which flavor is easiest to drink?

Thanks to its diverse uses, good for the body, Whey Rule 1 is very popular with many customers.One of the concerns when customers choose this product is Whey Rule 1 which tastes the best and which flavor is easiest to drink.

It can be said, NhiMany consumers believe that for functional foods like Whey Rule 1, manufacturers only focus on developing quality, not paying attention to taste.This is a misconception, because Whey Rule 1 Protein has many delicious flavors that will surprise you when you taste it.

Rule 1 Protein is produced in many different flavors, the product has many

Chocolate Fugde Pure chocolate flavor, universal and easy to use for any new user Vanilla Creme The familiar vanilla flower scentg cream products, cakes, sweet and fragrant, suitable for people who like ice cream sweetness Orange Dreamsicle Orange flavor, cool bar and easy to use, suitable for many customers Frozen Banana Cold banana taste with a slight cool feeling and fragrant, faint, gentle, easy-to-use banana flavor Lightly Salted Caramel The salted caramel taste with the combination of natural sweetness and saltiness of salt is very strange Strawberries Creme Strawberry ice cream with the sweetness and aroma of ice cream, easy to use, redpopular Cafe Mocha The taste of coffee combines with natural sweetness for a very satisfying feeling like a real cup of coffee Mint Chocolate Chip Popular chocolate flavor combined with mint flavor brings a cool, pleasant and strange feeling Cookies & Creme The taste of cookies and ice cream is just like the taste of familiar oreo cakes Chocolate Peanut Butter Popular chocolate with fragrant, fatty peanut butter flavor is definitely the favorite flavor of many customers

Here are 10 flavorsRules of Rule 1 are distributed genuine in Vietnam.To judge which Whey Rule 1 taste is the best  is really difficult because it depends on the preferences of each user.However, the best-selling Whey R1 flavors at WheyShop can be mentioned as:

  • Chocolate Fudge
  • Vanilla Creme
  • Mocha Cafe
  • Mint Chocolate Chip

Rule 1 Proteins 5lbs (2.23kg)

The above article has detailed the answer to the question Whey Rule 1 has the best flavor? Hope fishc you will have a better overview of Rule 1 – a product that provides the highest quality proteins available today.Thank you for your interest in following the article


Top 10 Types Of Whey For Beginners To Gain Muscle Fastest 2022

If you are new to the gym, are interested in Whey and do not know which type of Whey is suitable for beginners.The following article will introduce the top 10 types of whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest in 2022 for your reference!

» Check out Whey Protein for muscle gain and fat loss with cheap promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html

1.Criteria for choosing whey for beginners

Products Whey Protein for Beginners are very diverse with many different prices and quality.It is becauseHowever, to choose the most suitable type of Whey Protein for bodybuilders, it should be based on the following criteria:

Top 10 types of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

Economic conditions:

If you are a person with a good economy, want to gain muscle quickly but are allergic to lactose, it is best to use products containing whey protein isolate and hydrolyzed whey protein.You can refer to some of the following premium Whey products: Mutant Iso Surge, Rule 1 Protein,…

If you have a moderate budget, are not allergic to lactose, do not need to gain muscle quickly, then products with Whey Protein Blend and Whey Protein Concentrate are the best choice for you.

Product purity:

  • Whey Protein Isolate: Free from sugar, fat and gluten with this clean protein content, muscles will receive an abundant amount of protein and enough nutrients to build and nourish.new lean muscle.
  • Hydrolyzed Whey Protein: is the most premium whey to date, rapidly absorbing, saving digestion time and building muscle quickly.
  • Whey Protein Concentrate: is the Whey line that is not appreciated for its quality because of its ingredients containing many impurities, but the cheapest price.

Variety of flavors:

Whey Protein offers a full line of products from natural flavors to fusion flavors.If you don't like the natural taste of protein,let's start with flavored whey protein powder.

The most common blend is cocoa, chocolate, coffee or strawberry.Choose products with flavors to your liking so that you can maintain long-term consumption habits.

High solubility:

Solubility of powder has a direct effect on taste sensation when consuming Whey Protein.Choose a product that is easy to dissolve and easy to drink so that you can maintain a long-term protein supplement habit.So, be sure to check the texture of the powder before you buy it, and avoid buying whey proteins that are hard to dissolve and clumpy.

Top 10 types of whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.Top 10 types of whey for beginners to gain muscle effectively

Here are the top 10 most effective types of Whey for beginners today that you can refer to 

2.1 Rule 1

This is a high quality Whey blend well known in the bodybuilding world.Whey Rule 1 is a blend of Whey Isolate +Premium Hydrolyzed Whey, extremely pure and free of impurities.

Best selling Whey protein product in 2021.

Top 10 types of whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.2 ISO 100

Similar to Whey Rule 1, ISO 100 is also a premium Whey line with fully hydrolyzed whey ingredients.Therefore, the use and ability to absorb and gain muscle of ISO 100 is also rated as "terrible".Because dryBecause it contains sugar, the taste of ISO 100 is also very smooth and easy to drink.

Top 10 types of whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.3 Platinum HydroWhey

As the first product to contain 100% Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate from Optimum Nutrition, Hydro Whey is one of the best-selling hydrolyzed whey isolates.With clean ingredients without impurities, this whey line helps to quickly increase lean muscle mass, along withi it's muscle recovery and muscle strength increase.

Top 10 types of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.4 ISO HD

ISO HD is a product with 100% Whey Protein Isolate that is carefully filtered to remove impurities.The speed of muscle gain when using the product is quite fast and stable.ISO HD is also highly appreciated for its attractive taste and affordable price, suitable for both students and students.

Top 10 types of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.5 Whey Gold Standard

The mid-priced Whey protein line with nearly 40 years of brand name is always a reliable choice for anyone new to use.Whey Gold provides enzymes to support better digestion and absorption.

Top 10type of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.6 ISO Whey Zero

100% Whey Protein Isolate product with 90 uses from the BiotechUSA brand to support effective muscle recovery and development, pure ingredients, no impurities.

Top 10 types of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.7 RSP ISO Lean

Whey Protein RSP contains a blend of 3 proteinsn and 18 different amino acids, can be taken at any time of the day depending on the needs of the user.The product contains 5g of BCAAs and 4g of glutamine and glutamic acid for effective muscle toning and recovery.

Top 10 types of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.8 VP2 100% Whey Protein Isolate

The VP2 Whey Protein Series is for athletes who want to increase their fish growth.c muscle group.Whey Protein Isolate is hydrolysed into small molecules for quick absorption, bringing positive effects

Top 10 types of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.9 Vegan Protein BiotechUSA

This is a vegan whey protein that promotes weight loss and body maintenance for vegetarians.The product is made from 100% plant-based ingredients with 4 types of proteinOrganic, lactose-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, cholesterol-free, healthy plants when incorporated in your daily diet.

The product provides 20 g of protein, 9 types of amino acids, rich in soluble fiber good for digestion in each serving.The mixture has a natural sweetness from stevia extract to replace sugar, making it easier for you to drink, without worrying about being loaded with a lot of sugar.

Top 10 types of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

2.10 Hydro Whey Zero

The product provides 100% Hydrolyzed Whey Protein for outstanding muscle growth, quickly absorbed and extremely effective from the brand Biotech USA.

The above article has introduced to you the top 10 types of whey for beginners fastest muscle gain in 2022.Hopefully with what has just been shared above, you will be able to refer to it.and make it easier to choose between the many types of whey protein on the market today.Thank you for your interest in following heri write ours

Top 10 types of Whey for beginners to gain muscle fastest 2022

Review Of Whey ISO Gold Is Good? How Much?

Many WheyShop customers question whether Whey ISO GOLD products are good, compare Whey ISO Gold PVL with other Whey products on the market today,… This article WheyShop will find out information and Compare Whey ISO Gold to find out which is the best muscle gainer!

» Check out Whey Protein for muscle gain and fat loss with cheap promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html

1.Is ISO Gold Whey Review any good?

Whey ISO Gold is a new Whey Protein product of PVL brandadvertised as the top high-end muscle gainer Whey protein product, so is Whey ISO Gold really effective for muscle gain?

To be able to determine if Whey ISO Gold is good, let's go with WheyShop to learn more about this product through the reviews and analysis below:

Ingredient Table of Whey ISO Gold:

Main ingredientsSize : 5Lbs ~ 2.27kg Number of times used: 71 uses Calories : 120 Starch : 1g The protein : 27g Fat : 1g Street : 1g Cholesterol: 15mg

2.CompareWhey ISO Gold with Whey Rule 1, ISO HD, Whey Gold

Comparative Criteria PVL ISO Gold Rule 1 Protein ISO HD Whey Gold Size : 5Lbs ~ 2.27kg 5Lbs ~ 2.27kg 4.9Lbs ~ 2.2kg 5Lbs ~ 2.3kg Number of times used: 71 76 69 74 Serving: 27g protein 27g protein 25g protein 24g protein Protein Ingredients: Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Hydrolysate Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Peptides Protein content: 84% 90% 79% 77% Fat: 1g zero 1g 1g Carbs: 2g zero 2g 4g Other components: Enzyme Lactase … … Enzymes that aid in digestion Price: 1,950,000 VND VND 1,500,000 VND 1,300,000 1,450,000 VND

2.1 Product Size:

PVL ISO Gold same size 5Lbs with 71 uses, similar to common products currently on the market.

2.2 Protein quality:

Of the 4 products, Whey Rule 1 Protein has the highest quality and purest protein sourcet with 100% Whey Isolate + Hydrolyzed Isolate.Whey ISO Gold with added Whey Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Hydrolysate is a source of hydrolyzed Whey Concentrate of poorer quality and more impurities.

2.3 Protein content:

Whey Rule 1 and ISO Gold are high protein products with 90% and 84% respectively, higher purity, superior to ISO HD and Whey Gold.

Review of Whey ISO Goldis that good? How much is it?

2.4 Other ingredients:

Whey ISO Gold contains 2g carb, 1g fat, 1g sugar and 15mg cholesterol which is quite similar to Whey Gold product with old production technology or ISO HD.Meanwhile Rule 1 Protein is completely free of impurities with high purity.

In particular, Whey Gold Standard and Whey ISO Gold both have additional enzymes to support the ability to break down and digest protein sources more efficiently, a point that the other two products do not have.

2.5 Price:

Of the 4 comparison products, ISO HD currently has the cheapest price at only 1,300,000 VND with 69 uses and 100% Whey Protein Isolate, which is the most economical product for fast muscle growth.

In which, Whey ISO Gold is the product with the highest price of 1,850,000 VND, the price is quite different from the second product, Whey Rule 1 with 1,500,000 VND with the same refined ingredients.Pure, high protein content and many uses.

While Whey Gold is the oldest product, with a price of 1,450,000 VND for 74 uses and digestive enzyme supplementsalso a mid-range option for many alternative users.

Hopefully from the above sharing, you already know what Whey ISO Gold is and compare the most accurate product reviews.Hope this article will help you have more knowledge to answer the question Is Whey ISO Gold good to have more choices of suitable muscle building products.

Is ISO Gold Whey good review? How much does it cost?

What Is The Best Flavor Of Whey Iso 100? Which Flavor Is Easiest To Drink?

Whey Iso 100 is known as the best-selling and premium Whey Protein line on the market today.So which is the best Whey Iso 100 flavor, the easiest to drink? The following article WheyShop will help you answer the question which is the best Whey Iso 100 flavor right away!

» Please refer to Whey Protein to increase muscle and lose fat on promotion at: https://wheyshop.vn/category/whey-protein-html

1.Whey ISO 100 is good?

Before finding out which Whey ISO 100 tastes best, let's evaluateOverall, if Whey ISO 100 is good based on the following criteria:

Whey Iso 100 which flavor is the best? Which flavor is easiest to drink?

Production brand:

The ISO 100 Whey product is researched and manufactured by the famous American sports food company Dymatize – the leading prestigious dietary supplement brand today.

Product packaging:

Packaging and design of ISO 100 products areSimple design, eye-catching color tone, quality, easy brand recognition, comes with company stamp of genuine quality control.

Nutrition ingredients :

ISO 100 is a delicate combination between the two most advanced whey lines today, Whey Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Hydrolyzed.With each use, ISO 100 will provide you with extremely high quality nutritional ingredients:

  • Pure protein content up to 86% produced using Cross-flow Microfiltration technology.
  • 25g protein supporttop standard muscle recovery and development.
  • 5.5g BCAA with 4.5g Glutamine and Arginine are very effective to increase protein synthesis and fight muscle pain.
  • Plus, ISO 100 is low in sugar and fat, helping you control your calorie intake as much as possible.

Whey Iso 100 which flavor is the best? Which flavor is easiest to drink?

2.Is Whey ISO 100 expensive?

In productsFor muscle gain products, Whey ISO 100 is always rated as a high-end product with a fairly high price from 1,850,000 VND to 1,950,000 VND, which certainly comes with excellent product quality.

Iso 100 5lbs (2.3kg)

3.What is the best flavor of Whey Iso 100? Which flavor is easiest to drink?

In addition to quality, product taste is an extremely important criterion.Currently, Whey ISO 100 is the most popular with 10 flavors such as:

Gourmet Chocolate Popular chocolate flavor and easy to use for anyoneWhat's new? Gourmet Vanilla The familiar vanilla flower flavor in ice cream products, cakes, bold and aromatic sweetness, suitable for people who like sweet taste Orange Dreamsicle Orange flavor, cool bar and easy to use, suitable for many customers Smooth Banana Banana flavor with a light cool feeling and fragrant, light, gentle, easy-to-use banana flavor Chocolate Caramel Salted caramel with a combination of sweetness from chocolate is definitely a special taste Strawberries TasteSweet and fragrant strawberry typical for strawberry flavor lovers Chocolate Coconut Coconut chocolate flavor is the top novelty flavor available only at ISO 100 Fudge Brownie Chocolate cake flavor is a stronger, more aromatic flavor than regular chocolate Cookies & Creme The taste of cookies and ice cream is just like the taste of familiar oreo cakes Chocolate Peanut Butter Popular chocolate with fragrant, fatty peanut butter flavor is definitely the favorite flavor of many customers

This is 10 hoursThe popular flavor of Whey ISO 100 is officially distributed in Vietnam.To evaluate Whey ISO 100 which is the best flavor is really difficult because it depends on the preferences of each user.However, the best selling ISO 100 Whey flavors at WheyShop can be mentioned as:

  • Gourmet Chocolate
  • Vanilla Creme
  • Orange Dreamsicle
  • Fudge Brownie

4.Where to buy Whey ISO 100 cheap, reputable quality

As a high quality product, the price of a standard productISO 100 doesn't come cheap either.If you want to decide to buy genuine ISO 100 products at cheap prices, you can buy them at big showrooms, stores, agents with good price policy like WheyShop, which is a chain of stores selling quality fitness accessories in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.with nearly 10 years of experience.

WheyShop always updates product information as well as discount purchase programs, the best information on customer policies.In particular, when buying products at WheyShop, customers are advised by sales professionals, providing scientific information about products, treatment regimens, and more.nutrition, exercise and peace of mind to use, to get the body you want.WheyShop is committed to free exchange for customers within 30 days if it is due to a manufacturer's fault.

Whey Iso 100 which flavor is the best? Which flavor is easiest to drink?

Iso 100 5lbs (2.3kg)

Through the above article, you can see Whey ISO 100 has the best flavor for you to choose, with the goal of effectively increasing muscle in just a few timesuse.With excellent quality and diverse flavors, ISO 100 will continue to satisfy even the most demanding customers.Thank you for your interest in following the article