Monday, April 25, 2022

Is "MIT Sea Duck Egg" More Nutritious? Beware That Counterfeit Goods From Mainland China Will Be Fined And Punished For Personal Injury

"Sea duck eggs have higher nutritional value and 50% lower cholesterol"? In recent years, eating "sea duck eggs" has become popular in mainland China. It is said that the eggs produced by sea ducks that eat fish, shrimp and crabs are more nutritious and lower in cholesterol than ordinary duck eggs, causing them to sell well. However, the Animal and Plant Epidemic Prevention and Quarantine Bureau of the Agricultural Committee reminds: Do not buy "MIT Sea Duck Eggs"! Because many sea duck eggs from China but pretending to be from Taitung have been found recently. These eggs have not been quarantined, and they will hurt your health if you eat them carefully.

Taitung County Government solemnly declares that it does not produce sea duck eggs

The Bureau of Animal and Plant Epidemic Prevention and Inspection has recently urgently reminded the public that it has recently discovered that there are sea duck eggs falsely called "MIT" on the shopping website, claiming to be "sea duck eggs from Taitung", but Taitung The county government solemnly declares that this product is not produced locally. The bureau also reminded that many cases of violations sent from mainland China have been found recently, so people are reminded to be careful when buying food online.

Sea duck eggs are more nutritious? Without quarantine, it may hurt the body

It is said that the sea ducks of "sea duck eggs" mainly eat sea shrimps, sea crabs, and sea fish, so the eggs they produce are different from the duck eggs that are generally eaten. Not only low cholesterol, but also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, potassium, selenium and other trace elements that are beneficial to the human body, and lecithin is 6 times higher than ordinary duck eggs. blood vessels, enhance memory. Yan Zonghai, director of the Toxicology Department of Chang Gung in Linkou, reminded that it is not clear whether sea duck eggs are more nutritious, but eggs that have not been quarantined may hurt the body!

Mainland eggs used to contain cancer-causing Sudan red and antibiotic residues.Maybe duck eggs are safe. However, such products falsely claim to be from Taitung, and are simply food of unknown origin, and their safety is a concern. In the past, in mainland China, the industrial dye "Sudan Red" was mixed into the feed, and the eggs of chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry that were fed with Sudan Red feed were yellow and red, creating the illusion that the egg yolks were more nutritious.

But Sudan Red is a known "toxic chemical". Long-term use can easily make the liver and kidney toxic, and even have a risk of cancer. Therefore, please do not buy it. In addition, eggs that have not been quarantined may also have antibiotic residues that cannot be found. Although these salted duck eggs, known as Taitung Sea duck eggs, are all vacuum-packed, Yan Zonghai said that vacuum packaging does not mean safety. If the duck eggs are contaminated or expired before packaging, they will still be contaminated with bacteria and other microorganisms after vacuum packaging, which will hurt your health if you eat them.

Identifying the Dangerous "One-Page Shopping Site"

How to identify whether the purchased products are from mainland Chinese companies with unknown origins? The Animal and Plant Prevention Inspection Bureau reminds you to pay attention to "one-page shopping sites" of unknown origin when shopping online! If you find that the description on the website has the following circumstances, it may be an unidentified violator:

1. The description using simplified Chinese or non-Taiwanese accustomed words 2. The use of limited time and limited discounts and other methods to lure sub-bid consumption 3. Web page No clear indication of the place of shipment If the above points are met, it is likely to be fraudulent or involving products imported from abroad. Due to mainland ChinaIt is an endemic area of ​​serious infectious diseases such as highly pathogenic avian influenza and Newcastle chicken plague. Various poultry products may contain infectious diseases. If eggs, duck eggs, roast ducks and other related poultry products are imported by express, it will not only hurt the body by eating the food, but also harm the body. Fines and possible criminal liability!

◎ Image source/Provided by the Animal and Plant Epidemic Prevention and Inspection Bureau of the Agricultural Council

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