Friday, April 29, 2022

People With Cold Hands And Feet Will Not Keep Warm No Matter How Much They Wear! 1 Cup Of Warm Hand Tea Every Day, Massage 6 Points, Hands And Feet Are Not Stiff

Cold hands and feet are common in young women. In ancient times, they were called "cold limbs", which refers to the symptoms of cold hands and feet to the wrists and ankles. If the hands and feet are cold enough to exceed the elbows and knees, it is "extreme limbs". In the "Huangdi Neijing", "extremities" are symptoms that are about to faint! But "extremely cold limbs" is only caused by the obstruction of the meridians, which is a common symptom of cold hands and feet in women.

"The limbs are cold" and the cold hands and feet are different from the cold body. Cold all over the body means that the cold is very strong. The standard symptom is that the whole body is cold. In addition to the cold hands and feet, the whole body is cold. , this is quite serious "yang deficiency". But people with cold hands and feet really only have cold hands and feet, and their belly is still warm, not to mention Yang deficiency.

For people with cold hands and feet, traditional Chinese medicine calls them "Four Negatives Syndrome". can "soothe the liver, regulate the spleen, and remove stagnation and heat" to treat heat-jue, that is to say

This is like many girls in modern times who live a tense life every day. They think fiercely in their heads. Because they are too busy or do not like to exercise, they have poor circulation in their limbs, and their hands and feet are cold, but they also like to be cold and drink. Iced tea, iced coffee and other iced drinks. And because of the great physical and mental stress, I have constipation or mild diarrhea every now and then.

Does this plot feel familiar? From a girl to a mature woman, reading and brain-burning at a young age, leaving the clubGoing to work and stressful, coupled with women’s sensitivity to interpersonal relationships, a stressful life, and poor circulation in your body, your emotions and body are easily influenced by physical and mental interactions, which can easily lead to the “four counter-evidences” of cold hands and feet.

The symptoms of cold hands and feet will not last a lifetime. Many people have this symptom when they are young, but it gradually disappears with age. If you feel that your hands and feet are cold and troublesome, you can adjust your constitution through traditional Chinese medicine, and use diet and exercise to improve it.

Do you feel relieved when you see this? Cold hands and feet may not sound like a serious disease, but it should be reminded that cold limbs must be ruled out whether it is related to some diseases, such as Raynaud syndrome, which is more common in teenage girls and women under 30, when fingers or toes When exposed to cold or emotional agitation, visible color changes, such as whitening or bruising, can be seen, and they are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the "four inverse syndromes" of cold hands and feet are mainly caused by liver and spleen problems, and the source is "liver stagnation and spleen deficiency".

Girls with cold hands and feet are often accompanied by symptoms of irregular menstruation, such as premenstrual syndrome, more prone to dysmenorrhea, emotional sensitivity or anxiety, and poor sleep quality. If the above symptoms have troubled your quality of life, it is best to seek medical treatment, because not only can it improve the symptoms of cold hands and feet, but other concurrent discomforts will also disappear.

Of course, we should also start from our daily diet and exercise. The diet should not be cold or cold, and life should not be overworked or stressed. There should be adequate rest and sleep, and regular exercise to improve blood circulation. Only in this way can the constitution of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency be completely improved.

If you have cold hands and feet for many years, it is recommended to eat more nourishing foods to help your body warm up. Such as ginger, longan, glutinous rice, angelica, etc., are all warm and nourishing Chinese herbal medicines, which can be used as daily maintenance medicated recipes.

12 grams of fried white peony root, 9 grams of roasted chuanxiong, 18 grams of rehmannia glutinosa, 12 grams of angelica, several longan, 1 chicken leg, 1000cc of purified water, red dates and wolfberries at will

The Chinese herbal medicines have been washed slightly, add 1000c.c. of purified water together with the chicken thighs, bring to a boil, turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes, turn off the heat, and then add salt and enjoy.

The Longan Siwu Chicken Soup is suitable for daily maintenance and should not be eaten during menstruation.

9 grams of cinnamon sticks, 9 grams of citrus aurantium, 6 grams of licorice, 12 grams of white peony root, optional longan, 500cc of hot water

: The Chinese herbal medicine has been slightly washed, wrapped in a tea filter bag, and brewed in hot water for 10 minutes before drinking. Take one a day.

Girls with cold hands and feet, please take 3 minutes to love yourself every day, especially when life is tense, you can massage the following acupuncture points, and rotate the wrist, move the ankle, stretch the five fingers and five toes, so that the stiff ten fingers become warm, Body and mind will be more relaxed.

Located on the palm of the hand in the muscle bulge at the base of the thumb. In a massage method, the thumb is pressed vertically against the skin and rotated in circular motions.

Located on the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the side of the little finger. To tap, vertical skin press, thumb tap.

Located on the wrist 3 finger widths upward from the wrist crease, between the two tendons. Press the skin vertically, and press the thumb and index finger together inside and out.

Located 3 fingers just above the medial malleolus, in the depression on the medial border of the tibia. In a massage method, the thumb is pressed vertically against the skin and rotated in circular motions.

Located on the inside of the foot, in the depression below the tip of the medial malleolus. In a tapping motion, press perpendicular to the skin, pressing the thumb in toward the bone.

There is a depression in the left and right midpoints on the front 1/3 of the sole of the foot. Press the bottom of the foot vertically with the thumbs of both hands together.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Food and Nourishing Against Aging: The Secret of Whole TCM Recuperation to Reduce Your Age by 15 Years" by Du Chengyun ◎ Image source/Happiness Culture‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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