Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Stop Believing That "If You Don't Eat Rice, You Will Lose Weight" TCM Physician Chen Zhijia Teaches "6-character Tips For Losing Weight"

As the saying goes: "One white covers three ugly, one fat destroys all." Obesity is not only an extreme of modern aesthetics, but also the number one indicator of physical health. Modern medicine always says that obesity can cause many diseases and is the source of all diseases, but Chen Zhijia, a Chinese medicine practitioner, believes that obesity, like many diseases, is a manifestation of morbidity. It must be something happening inside the body. lead to obesity and various diseases.

In other words, obesity and these diseases have a common cause behind them, and because they appear together with obesity, these top scientists mistakenly believe that obesity is caused, so as long as you lose weight, you can stay away from difficulties Miscellaneous disturbances.

However, if the main causes behind obesity and these diseases are not addressed first, how can it be possible to lose weight? Even if a lot of extreme methods are used to really lose weight, but the reason is unknown, the disease will still occur, and after the weight loss stops, the obesity will still continue, because the big devil has not been caught yet!

In the process of losing weight, modern people are most likely to feel good about themselves, thinking that they are serious and doing a lot, but not only can't lose weight, but also create a wrong concept of easy fat and hard to lose weight, that is, they can't eat white rice. thing.

Since humans began to learn how to farm, starch has always been the staple food of all ethnic groups and races. It has been eaten for thousands of years. Until these years, rice and noodles have suddenly become the source of obesity. What is the problem? In recent years, it has been said that these carbohydrates are decomposed into glucose from polysaccharides when they are eaten in the stomach.The intestines absorb into the blood, and after the blood sugar rises, insulin will be secreted, the blood sugar will be lowered, and then it will be converted into liver sugar and then converted into fat and accumulated.

Huh? Eating will make you fat! Afraid that the words are not enough to provoke people who will not listen, they use this logic to talk about it everywhere. Many people listen to it without thinking about their knees, so they start swarming without eating white rice. Ask yourself, you really eat white rice to get fat. Is it right? Did you forget yesterday's cake and shakes so quickly? So, what's wrong with rice?

It's not wrong at all! Think about it, who would only eat rice without side dishes? The point is that you don't eat enough vegetables, not that you get fat after eating that mouthful of rice! As long as there is enough fiber, the glycemic index can be lowered, that is,

The same logic applies to fruit. Fruits are very sweet nowadays, and fructose does make people fat, but who will eat only fructose? In addition to fructose, fruit also has many rich nutrients, vitamins, phytochemicals, and more importantly, if the fruit has enough fiber, it will also reduce the glycemic index, make the blood sugar rise steadily, and slowly use it for the body. will cause a burden.

How to match rice and vegetables? It is generally recommended that the ratio of carbohydrates and vegetables is about 1:2, that is, if you eat 1 bowl of rice, you should match more than 2 bowls of vegetables. As for whether to eat first or eat vegetables first? In fact, there is no difference. Unless the time interval between eating and eating is more than 1 hour, it is not all met in the stomach. Whoever eats first and who eats later is fine.difference.

Some people go to exercise without eating after get off work, which is even more stupid. The most direct source of energy for physical activity is carbohydrates. When exercising in a hungry state, the efficiency is only 1/3. After exercising, the body is in a state of extreme fatigue, and the metabolism will only decrease but not improve. Think about it, when you don’t have a stable income and go shopping for the anniversary of the department store, and spend a lot of money, do you usually dare to spend money to buy things? So, please remember the truth of losing weight: "Keep your mouth shut, stretch your legs, and eat enough to lose weight!"

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Women Are Well-Nurtured" by Chen Zhijia ◎ Image source / Dazhi Image / Shutterstock

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