Monday, May 30, 2022

10+ Methods To Gain Weight For People With Acid Reflux

If you are wondering if you can get fat with acid reflux, let's WheyShop refer to 10 safe and effective methods of weight gain for people with acid reflux through the article.below now!

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1.Can I be fat if I have acid reflux?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is not an incurable disease, but it greatly affects the patient's daily life and activities.FishThe symptoms of the disease are quite easy to recognize such as: frequent heartburn, chest tightness, burning throat, nausea...the main causes are from: diet and living, congenital, stomach ulcers....

Despite having difficulty absorbing and digesting food, people with acid reflux still have the ability to gain weight if they apply a scientific, safe and healthy diet as long as you ensure the calories.intake > calories consumed.

10+Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.Suggest 10 ways to gain weight for people with acid reflux

Here are 10 effective ways to gain weight for people with acid reflux that you can refer to

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.1 Reasonable diet

Eating is always an extremely important issue, and in diseasesReflux patients need to gain weight, this problem is much bigger, because they will not be able to eat and drink as calmly as usual.As long as the food is weirder than usual, too greasy or spicy than usual, your baby will immediately show signs of reflux.

With acid reflux patients, they have to design very detailed menus.And breakfast is an important meal that they cannot ignore.Because skipping meals only makes the condition worse.

    Patients with acid reflux should eat many small meals a day, should not eat too mucho in every meal.
  • Limit liquid foods, don't drink too much water at once, avoid drinking water between meals.
  • Eat slowly, chew well, spend 20-30 minutes for each meal.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that swallow a lot of gas in the digestive tract such as: eating quickly, using a straw when drinking, chewing gum, carbonated drinks...
  • Food preparation: use boiling, steaming, instead of frying or pan-frying methods.
  • Addition of fiber in vegetables and fruits, add enough water, limit strong spices, exercise regularly… Only sleep lateu eat at least 3 hours.

10+ methods to gain weight for people with acid reflux

2.2 Use of yogurt and dairy products

Yoghurt helps to digest food faster, not only that, yogurt contains probiotics that improve digestion.People with acid reflux should use yogurt daily, but should not eat on an empty stomach.

Besides, milk is rich in nutrients, but not all old milkGood for people with acid reflux.Whole cow's milk can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, causing or worsening reflux symptoms.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.3 Using turmeric, honey

These foods help improve belching, heartburn.In addition to using turmeric and ginger to prepare daily dishes, patients can alsodrink to make tea.In particular, the daily use of turmeric powder also has the effect of supporting the treatment of diseases and helping to gain weight very well.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.4 Add green vegetables

This is a food containing a lot of vitamins and fiber, especially indispensable in the process of gaining weight for people with acid reflux.Green vegetables are very good for the stomach, controlling the amount of acid causingReflux, reduce belching, heartburn.

In daily meals, people with acid reflux should consume about 50% of green vegetables.Some suitable vegetables for you are cauliflower, squash, cabbage, etc.and foods like chickpeas, soybeans, black beans, etc.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.5 Consume easily digestible proteins

The types of protein that are easy to digest are good for people with diabetesBackward is pork tenderloin, pork tongue, pork intestine, goose meat.These proteins help neutralize some of the acid, limiting the symptoms of people with acid reflux.However, when buying meat, patients should pay attention to choose lean, low-fat, light-colored meat, remove the skin to avoid putting pressure on the stomach.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.6 Should use some other foods to gain weight

Next to nWith the above foods, people with acid reflux disease can add foods such as oatmeal, milk, bread, rice, egg whites, gain weight effectively.These are very good foods for the patient's health, contributing to building the most reasonable diet for people with acid reflux.

The healthy fats found in foods such as walnuts, flaxseeds, avocados, etc.are very good for the health of people with stomach problems.Patients can eat vegetable oil to ensure safety for the stomach, avoiding intestinal irritation.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.7 Abstain from acidic foods

If you often suffer from acid reflux, you must reduce or eliminate the amount of foods containing oranges, grapefruits, lemons, tomatoes...Some fruits contain acids such as oranges, lemons, kumquats,...can cause stomach ulcers if the patient uses a lot.The acid content in these fruits is very high, making it easy for patients to get sickn digestion, acid reflux.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.8 Limit high-fat foods

Fried and fatty foods can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing more stomach acid to back up into the esophagus.Eating foods high in fat puts you at a higher risk of reflux symptoms.

Food containing too much fat will not be goodcough health of patients with acid reflux.If the stomach consumes a lot of fat, it will cause indigestion and esophageal spasms.Patients will be very prone to bloating, nausea, belching.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.9 Limit hot spices, sweets, and processed foods

Foods containing a lot of hot and spicy spices such as chili, pepper, mustard...have the potential to aggravate stomach ulcers,stomach pain.This group of foods also has the ability to increase spasms of the lower esophageal muscle.Thus hindering the treatment of GERD and increasing the severity of symptoms.

Regular use of salt and sugar, or consumption of sugary foods such as chocolate, milk, sweets, etc.will cause bloating and discomfort.Especially alcoholic and carbonated drinks, which are not good for the health of acid reflux patients.The composition of these drinks will reduce the secretion of mucus.At the same time, the acid in the stomach increases, causing people tomore reflux disease.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

2.10 Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Diet is a very important factor in the treatment of GERD, but changing eating habits only helps to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux, not to cure it completely.this whole disease.

So that the patient can completely treat the symptomgastric reflux and effective weight gain, patients can learn more about Oriental medicine to treat acid reflux very safely and gently.

10+ Weight gain method for people with acid reflux

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The above article has guided you 10 ways effective ways to gain weight for peoplehave gastric reflux.If you have symptoms related to acid reflux and want to gain weight, you need to be careful and adjust your diet accordingly, combining the use of quality and safe drugs to ensure your condition.treated quickly and effectively.Wish you quickly improve your physique as desired!


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