Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Don't Be Silly With Big Bone Soup For Calcium Supplementation! Nutritionists Suggest That Milk Is Best For Calcium Supplementation. Calcium Content In 1 Cup Of Milk = 62.5 Bowls Of Bone Broth

Since childhood, many parents will use the way of cooking big bone soup or pork ribs soup to help their children to supplement calcium, so many people have the impression that "big bone soup or pork ribs soup is rich in calcium", but in fact the soup contains calcium Minimal.


Nutritionist Chen Weiwei pointed out that because the calcium in the bones is in the form of phosphate, it will hardly dissolve in the bones. A 240ml bowl of big bone soup contains only 3.84 mg of calcium (only 1.6 mg of the same weight of milk). %), even if acid (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) is added to help dissolve calcium ions, it will only increase to 9.2 mg.

Chen Wanwei said that big bone soup or pork ribs soup is not an ideal source of calcium intake, and it is almost impossible to convert it to 15 liters. so.

Mature pregnant mother Lu Xinci said that at lunch, you can cook a portion of soba or noodles and add it to the soup to enjoy together; for dinner, you can add 10 to 15 stalks of bamboo shoots to the soup, and the soup will add fresh corn shoots. Sweet, easy to eat 2 meals in one pot!

A box of 200 grams of cartilage ribs, 10 red dates, a handful of wolfberry, 2 bamboo shoots, appropriate amount of salt, other spices or seasonings can be added according to personal preference.

❶Blank the ribs and then take them out for use

❷Boil about 1000CIn the water of C, add red dates, wolfberry, bamboo shoots, and scalded pork ribs, cook for about 1 to 2 hours until the cartilage softens.

❶Cartilage pork ribs soup is full of calcium and nutrients, plus red dates and wolfberry, it is a delicious soup for beauty and qi!

❷ You can add medicated stewed food packs according to your own preferences to add aroma (please consult a Chinese medicine store to purchase medicated meals for pregnant women), and you can also put more vegetables with high fiber and low calorie. The total calorie of this soup is very low , but very satisfying!

❸Eating 5 different vegetables and fruits every day can add enough folic acid and fiber to the body. Don't treat yourself badly when you are low in calories. Honey yogurt and roasted sweet potatoes are sweet and delicious healthy snacks. Occasionally let yourself sweeten, and your mood will be better!

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Elegant Pregnant Mothers Don't Gain Weight: Mature-age pregnant mothers raise babies without raising meat, eat smart, move happily, and have a good pregnancy record! [Full Illustrated Illustration]" by Lu Xinci ◎ Image source / Kaixin Enterprise Management‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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