Sunday, May 29, 2022

Glutamine Vs BCAA Comparative Review: Which Should Choose?

Glutamine and BCAA both aid in muscle recovery.So for gym goers, they should choose between Glutamine and BCAA.The article below WheyShop will help you get a more general assessment of Glutamine and BCAAs.Please take a look!

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

1.Overview of BCAAs and Glutamine 

1.1 What is Glutamine?

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid.Our bodies synthesize glutamine through the action of glutamine synthetase in amino acid metabolism.

Here are some benefits of Glutamine:

  • Directly linked to protein synthesis in your body, which speeds up post-workout and post-injury recovery through its ability to preserve cells and cell mass.
  • Increases production of growth hormone, an important component of muscle growth and strength.
  • Strengthen your immune system, reduce the risk of diseases that will sweep you away after trainingpractice daily.
  • Helps repair damage to the intestines and digestive system, ensuring maximum absorption and utilization of important nutrients.

Glutamine is the most important amino acid for the body, but BCAAs also play an important role in muscle growth.

Comparative Review of Glutamine and BCAA: which one should I choose?

1.2 What is a BCAA?

BCAAs refer to branched chain amino acids.Three amino acidsEach main branch is leucine, isoleucine and valine, these are essential amino acids needed by muscles, supplemented through natural foods.

Here are some benefits of BCAAs:

  • Promotes a metabolic phase that regenerates new muscle cells, leading to muscle growth.
  • Provides your body with free cycle amino acids that can be readily absorbed by muscles to improve muscle function.
  • Helps increase endurance levels, thanks to their contribution to muscle fiber size and energy storage.

Comparative Review Glutamine vs BCAA: which one should I choose?

2.Glutamine vs BCAA Comparison: Which Should Gymer Take?

2.1 Similarities

Glutamine and BCAA both belong to the group of amino acid monomers involved in the formation of protein complexes.Both have a carboxylic group and an amine group attached to a central carbon (the asymmetric carbon atom).

Also, both are related to vReducing fatigue and muscle soreness after exercise.

Review compared Compare Glutamine and BCAA: which one should I choose?

2.2 Difference


  • Glutamine: Is an amino acid located in the molecular structure of proteins, found most in muscle, in addition, they also exist a lot in bone tissue.Typically, glutamine comes in one of two forms: the bound form in natural foods or whey proteinotein, and the second is the pure, isolated form, usually from individual supplements.
  • BCAA: BCAAs are amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body, but can only be obtained through natural foods or with the support of functional foods


  • Glutamine is focused on supporting muscle recovery and catabolism while increasing muscle strength
  • And BCAAs play an important role in building muscle mass and at the same time helping to improve the body's endurance 


BCAA or branched chain amino acids are essential amino acids including leucine, isoleucine and valine.While glutamine is a non-essential amino acid, it can be synthesized in the body.So, this is the key difference between BCAA and glutamine.


Glutamine: For those on a normal diet, we will need to provide about 5-6g of Glutamine per day.However, this can vary depending on the individual's diet.

BCAA: Supplemental BCAAs for weight lossequalize blood sugar, reduce fatigue during exercise performance, in addition to BCAAs, they provide a more effective line of amino acid equipment for muscle recovery.Experts recommend using the minimum amount of BCAAs:

  • Women: At least 9 grams of BCAAs per day
  • Men: At least 12 grams of BCAAs per day
  • For people who include enough protein-rich foods in their diet, supplements are not needed.

When to use:

Glutamine: Glutamine can be added in the morning, right afterexercise, and before going to bed.This will ensure that your body is replenished with this amino acid throughout the day and will give you what you need to recover from a long day of hard work.

BCAA: before or during and after exercise.This ensures that your body has the highest supply of BCAAs to help you with this exercise and to replace lost amino acids once you're done with your workout.

Side effects:

Glutamine: Glutamine is found in many foods and supplements, sopeople can use it in the usual prescribed amount without causing side effects.However, during use, if you drink too much, it is definitely not good, not only that, there are now new findings that some people use glutamine with side effects, but the amount is quite small.

  • Allergic rash, difficulty breathing, swelling of lips, face, tongue or throat
  • angry chest
  • Headache, dizziness, fatigue
  • Muscle or joint pain, back pain
  • Nausea, stomachache

BCAA: BCAAs have been shown to be safe andThere are no side effects for most people.All BCAA supplements are subject to safety testing standards prior to worldwide distribution.

Review compared Compare Glutamine and BCAA: which one should I choose?

3.Glutamine vs BCAA: Which Gymer Should Choose Better?

There is no definite answer to this question, although many consider glutamine unnecessary.Can be combined with BCAAs and used during exerciseWhen training, remember that BCAAs are often rich in Leucine, and this ingredient, when combined with Glutamine, will promote protein synthesis in the muscles much more effectively..

It's true that glutamine and BCAAs can boost your size and strength building efforts.However, BCAAs will help you build muscle faster, and glutamine will help you recover from a hard workout.

So the addition of the two should go hand in hand! Why give up when glutamine and BCAA both work for you?

Comparative review of Glutamine and BCAA: which one to choose?

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

The above article has helped you to have the most general assessment of Glutamine and BCAA.Both amino acids help reduce fatigue and muscle soreness after a workout.Hopefully this article will help you gain more knowledge to supplement optimal nutrition for the training process.Thank you for your attentionpost tracking sound


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