Monday, May 30, 2022

Instructions On 10 Ways To Make Protein Bar Vegan For Vegetarians To Lose Weight

Vegetarian Protein Cake, also known as Protein Bar Vegan lis a food exclusively for those who want to add Protein, to gain muscle and lose fat but do not have animal protein sources.This cake is suitable for those who exercise or diet and lose fat.

» Please refer to Whey Protein to increase muscle and lose fat on promotion at:

1.What is Protein Bar? How to choose Protein Bar to gain muscle and lose fat

1.1 What is Protein Bar?

Protein bar, akaProtein bars are a type of cake used to provide an abundant amount of pure protein for the body, promoting muscle building for gym goers.Protein bars are all you need to replace a nutritious snack, especially for busy people who don't have time to cook.

Protein Bar can contain many different types of protein such as whey protein, soy protein, egg protein, casein protein...Therefore, you can choose a product that provides the right type of protein based on your protein supplement purpose.

 Instructions for 10 ways to make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight for vegetarians

1.2 How to choose Protein Bar

Here are some useful notes for people who are in need of Protein Bar, especially Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight effectively.

10 ways to make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight

Pay attention to the balance of daily protein intake:

When eating a protein bar, pay attention to how much protein your body absorbs.It is important that you choose products that contain the right amount of protein, and balance it with your daily intake.

Check the nutritional ingredients:

In addition to protein, many Protein Bar products also provide other essential nutritional ingredients such as calcium, iron, fiber...People who need to supplement these groups of substances should pay attention to nutritional information when choosing to buyproducts.

Protein Bar is made from whole grains, nuts and seeds, contains a lot of fiber, so it is a great snack for dieters, because this fiber helps you feel full longer, limiting cravings Snacking, ensuring a healthy intestinal system is also very important.So, pay attention to fiber when choosing a protein bar.

Choose your favorite flavor:

Protein bars are available in many different textures, the most popular are sponge cakes, chocolate chips covered with nuts, pies, granola bars, etc.Protein bars help you recharge quickly.Quick when hungry and a sweet alternative for dieters.

For those who don't like sweets, you should choose combinations containing seeds and grains, which increase the richness of the cake to overwhelm part of the sweetness of the cake and help you enjoy it easily.easier.

Guide to 10 ways to make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight for vegetarians

2.Instructions for 10 ways to make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight

Tutorial 10 How to make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight for vegetarians

2.1 Fitness Protein


  • 250 g oats
  • 120 g peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons raw honey
  • 3 tablespoons of pure cocoa
  • 1 tablespoon whey protein
  • All kinds of nuts of your choice: cashews, almonds, walnuts,..
  • Stencils
  • Tray

How to:

  • Heat the butterpeanuts and mix well with honey
  • Mix oats, cocoa powder, and nuts
  • Put the peanut butter and honey mixture into the oatmeal bowl and mix well by hand until combined
  • Put parchment paper under the tray and pour the mixture out, using a spatula to compress and spread the mixture
  • Put it in the fridge for 4-6 hours and then we can enjoy it

Guide to 10 ways to make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight for peoplei'm vegetarian

2.2 Pumpkin Protein Bar


  • 100 g pumpkin
  • 40 g oat flour
  • 1 egg
  • Honey
  • 4 grams of yeast
  • Choose one of the following to decorate: almonds, shredded coconut, pumpkin seeds, raisins, etc.(Depending on preference)

How to make Pumpkin Protein Bar to lose weight :

  • Steamed or boiled pumpkin can be mixed with oatmeal, yeast, eggs, and Whey Protein.
  • Cover the mixture and let it sit for 30 minutes for the dough to rise.Pour the mixture into the mold and steam for 15-20 minutes
  • Cut it into bite-sized pieces and you're done with pumpkin protein pie

Guide to 10 ways to make Vegan Protein Bar to lose weight for vegetarians

2.3 Oat Protein Bar


  • 2 eggs
  • Oats
  • Cereal
  • Raisins
  • Bananas, dried potatoes
  • Dried pears, dried apricots, dried apples, prunes
  • Olive oil
  • Honey
  • Soy milkvinamilk walnuts
  • 1 scoop of whey protein
  • Almonds
  • Flour
  • 4 g white granulated sugar
  • Almond Butter

How to make oat protein bars for weight loss :

  • Mix oats, cereal, dried fruit, almonds, banana, 1 tablespoon flour, 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons olive oil, and almond butter.
  • Add about 2 tablespoons of whey protein
  • Take one egg yolk, beat 2 whites into a bowl.
  • Add milk mixture and stir until thickened, then sprinkle with flour to firm up the cake.
  • Put in the ovenMicrowave, can sprinkle cocoa powder or chocolate depending on preference.
  • Waiting for the cake to be done

Guide to 10 ways to make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight for vegetarians

2.4 Cereal Protein Bar

Preparing :

  • 250 g cereal
  • 150g peanut butter
  • 30ml honey
  • 30g whey protein powder

How to make protein bar cereal for weight loss:

  • Mix butter, honeyg and microwave for 10 to 15 seconds to melt and soften for easy mixing.
  • Put cereal, whey powder, and honey butter in a large bowl and mix well.
  • After mixing, the mixture is placed into a rectangular mold and flattened (about 2 cm thick).
  • Put in the fridge for 2 hours, then take it out and cut it into bite-sized rectangles that can be stored in the fridge.

The 10 Ways Guide ism Protein Bar Vegan weight loss for vegetarians

2.5 Almond Banana Protein Bar


  • Banana
  • almond powder
  • 30g Whey Protein
  • Honey
  • baking powder 
  • A little vanilla for a delicious taste.

How to prepare:

  • Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and pour some cooking oil into your tin tray.The tray has a diameter of 20cm and a depth of 3cm.
  • Mash bananas with honey until nice and smooth.
  • Add almond flour, Whey Protein, baking powder and vanilla into the honey banana mixture and stir until smooth, no lumps.
  • Pour the mixture into the cake pan and bake for 30 minutes
  • Take out the cake, let it cool, then cut it into small pieces and then wrap each stick with cling film.
  • Enjoy your delicious protein-rich cakes.

10 Ways to Make Protein Bar Vegan weight loss for vegetarians

2.6 Milk Protein Bar


  • 1/2 bowl of peanut butter
  • 1/4 bowl of honey
  • 1 bowl of oats
  • 1/2 cup Whey (vanilla, chocolate or natural)
  • Sugary and calorie intake can be reduced by mixing half VitaFiber (insoluble fiber) with half honey.

How to prepare:

  • Mix the ingredients well
  • Pour the mixture into a rectangular tray, and spread it evenly
  • Put it in the fridge for 2 hours, then take it out and cut itJust eat the rectangular bars and you're done

Guide to 10 ways to make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight for vegetarians

2.7 Protein Bar Jujube and Cereal


  • 470g rolled oats
  • 130g flour
  • 280g Whey Protein Isolate
  • 320ml skim milk
  • 70g dried apples
  • 70g jujube
  • 60g raisins
  • 60g walnuts
  • 75g sugarg white sand
  • 50g olive oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 15ml vanilla
  • 7g cinnamon powder (about 1 tablespoon)

How to make protein cake 

  • Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them.
  • Jujubes and dried apples cut into small pieces.Peel the walnuts and cut the kernels into small pieces.
  • In a large bowl, put all ingredients including skimmed milk, cinnamon powder, vanilla egg, sugar and olive oil together, then beat all ingredients until well combined.
  • Put in the dried nuts including dried apples, jujubes, raisins and walnutsquick hand.
  • In another bowl, mix together the oatmeal, flour, and whey.
  • Pour these 2 mixtures together and stir well.
  • Take a baking pan or a plastic bowl that can withstand high temperatures, lubricate the bottom of the mold with a thin layer of butter or cooking oil to prevent sticking, then pour the cake mixture into the mold, flatten the surface of the cake.
  • li>
  • The oven is on at 180 degrees C (or 350 degrees F).Place the cake pan in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown on the surface.
  • Waiting for the cake to cool, you guys  cut itJust cut the cake into bite-sized rectangles and wrap it up

Guide to 10 ways to make Vegan Protein Bar to lose weight for vegetarians

2.8 Creamy Sweet Potato Protein Bar


  • Steamed sweet potato
  • Whey Protein
  • Egg white
  • Coconut powder.

How to:

  • Mix all ingredients together to make a smooth paste 
  • Put it into the water trayFor 25 minutes at 160 degrees or just to be sure you check with a knife when you put it in and then pull out the knife is still clean, the cake is done.
  • Let the cake cool then put it in another box.
  • Put a layer of whipped cream on top with chopped almonds or walnuts for garnish.
  • Cut the cake into bite-sized pieces and enjoy.

Guide to 10 ways to make Vegan Protein Bar to lose weight for vegetarians

2.9 Protein Bar Coconut Banana


  • Cooked and unsalted chickpeas
  • ¾ bowl of egg whites
  • ½ bowl of bananas
  • Whey Protein
  • Coconut Powder
  • mulberry, you can substitute some other berries of your choice.
  • Stevia powder and nut butter

How to:

  • Mix all ingredients together except nut butter
  • Put into a baking tray at 170 degrees for 45 minutes.You check that by inserting a knife to cut, if there is no powder sticking to the knife, it's fine.
  • UsingUse a rectangular mold to cut into bite-sized pieces or use a round tray to cut into triangles that are more eye-catching and delicious.
  • Remove the seeds you use to cover the cakes or put them between two pieces of cake and then sandwich them like sponge cakes, you can enjoy.

Guide to 10 ways to make Vegan Protein Bar to lose weight for vegetarians

2.10 Term Protein Barh multiplied


  • 1.5 cups almond butter
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 3 teaspoons agave nectar

How to do: 

  • Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Cut into the shape you want, be it bars or balls.
  • Baking for 30 minutes at 160°C, let it cool and then use it

Ten GuidesI make Protein Bar Vegan to lose weight for vegetarians

⇒ See the list of plant-based whey protein products at:

The above is an article to share how to make Protein Bar Vegan so that you can lose weight effectively.Hope this will help you gain more weight loss knowledge and add to a richer weight loss menu.Wishing you success in getting in shape as desired!


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