Friday, June 3, 2022

Revealing 5 Times When Drinking Honey Is Extremely Effective For Weight Loss

Honey has many uses in weight loss.Please refer to the article below to know the most effective time to drink honey for weight loss!

=> 5 Ways to drink honey before bed to lose weight 100%:

1.The best time to drink honey to lose weight during the day

To know how to use honey properly, choosing the right time to drink is extremely important.Here is the best time of the day to drink honey to lose weightNeed to know to make full use of honey.

Revealing 5 times when drinking honey is extremely effective for weight loss

1.1 Drinking honey in the morning helps the body detox 

You probably don't know that while we are sleeping, the body is still active.Therefore, every morning when you wake up, you should mix a glass of warm honey to drink, it will be beneficial for cleaning the intestines, eliminating "waste" in the body effectively.u fruit.Especially those of you who want to lose weight, you should not ignore the lemon honey recipe to drink in the early morning, helping to bring about outstanding weight loss effects.

Revealing 5 times when drinking honey is extremely effective for weight lossDrinking honey in the morning helps the body to detox

1.2 Drinking before meals helps reduce stomach irritation

A glass of honey water can inhibit the secretion of acid in the stomach, thereby reducing irritation of the gastric mucosa.thick, this is especially useful for those who are on a strict diet.Honey plays a regulatory role in regulating the amount of acid in the stomach, for people with stomach ulcers should drink a glass of warm water mixed with honey every day, after a while the inflammation will be greatly reduced., if not completely.

1.3 Drink after eating to support good digestion

After eating, the digestive function of the stomach is easily impaired, the small intestine is weakened.Drinking honey at this time has the effect of improving peristalsisintestine, can promote gastric acid secretion, can greatly shorten the defecation time, eliminate bloating after meals.So, after eating 1 to 2 hours, you can drink a glass of honey to help your stomach, and help you lose weight faster!

Revealing 5 times when drinking honey is extremely effective for weight lossDrink it after eating to support good digestion

1.4 Honey in the afternoon helps replenish energy

About 3pm – 4pmThat is, between two meals, this is the time when you feel sluggish, distracted and most of all, feel hungry.At this time, you can drink a glass of water mixed with honey to help your brain reduce fatigue, stay awake, add sugar to the blood to help you continue to work with more energy.

Besides, you can also mix honey with yogurt, fruit and vegetable juices, help your body replenish nutrients and not worry about being bored.This is also a way to help the body lose weight effectively, without worrying about lack of energy due to being too hungry

1.5Drink honey before sleeping to lose weight, calm nerves

Studies have also shown that, add honey to your glass of water for a nutritious drink made with natural sugars and carbohydrates.From there, you will be full of energy and feel energized after a tiring day at work, and at the same time put you into a deeper and better sleep.

In particular, honey contains many vitamins and amino acids that promote fat metabolism and lower cholesterol.Therefore, drinking honey at night before going to bed helps prevent diabetesobesity, weight gain.

Revealing 5 times when drinking honey is extremely effective for weight lossDrink honey before sleeping to lose weight, calm nerves

=> Answers to questions: Does drinking honey celery help lose weight at: p>

2.Which cases should not drink honey to lose weight?

It is undeniable that honey has a weight loss effect, but the weight loss is balancedThe effectiveness of honey no longer depends on many factors.Because, in fact, there are still many cases where, despite persistent implementation, it does not bring about high weight loss results.You need to refer to the cases below to fix it!

2.1 Can't wait for the fastest results

Losing weight with honey or any other natural ingredient requires both process and persistence.According to research experts, it is not possible to lose weight by natural methods for a long time, but it takes time to build up and promote its effects..

So, in fact, many people persist in applying but no fat loss results.The cause can also be due to the location, or because the excess fat can also be due to the wrong method.Therefore, you need to prepare mentally and make the right choice when applying these natural ways to lose weight at home! On the contrary, if you want to lose weight in the shortest time possible, this method will not be suitable.

Revealing 5 times to drink honeyg extremely effective weight lossCan't wait to get the fastest results

2.2 Thick excess fat, too much weight

According to experts, the natural way to lose fat is through diet, exercise and measures from

Because the mechanism of action of these pathways is only to promote overall weight loss, not to reduce the desired partition.

Not only that, in many cases, it is difficult for the body to consume excess fat, even though intense exercise, strict diet,...can not lose too much weight in a short time.DRAWTherefore, too high a weight level will not be suitable to apply these natural weight loss methods.

Revealing 5 times when drinking honey is extremely effective for weight lossThe amount of fat is too thick, the weight is too big

2.3 Fat accumulation for a long time

For areas of long-term accumulation of fat, it is a long-term connection of small fatty tissues together.When these bonds become stronger and stronger, they will tighten the fat area, which is difficult to impact and removebasil.

Yoga exercises, gym methods or dietary methods are not suitable for these cases.This is because the impact of natural methods is not great enough to break the strong bonds of fatty tissues.

Natural weight loss methods will not be able to reduce fat to the desired extent.During this time, abdomen, thighs, calves, armpits, double chin, etc.are areas that are easy to accumulate fat but difficult to reduce.

Revealing 5 times when drinking honey is extremely effective for weight lossFat accumulated for a long time

=> [ Reveal ] How to drink honey lemon to lose weight super effective and safe at:

The above article WheyShop has helped you know the most effective time to drink honey for weight loss.However, besides losing weight, you should also pay attention to your health and always keep the most comfortable mood and don't forget to find yourself a reliable honey buying address.yay.Thank you for your interest in following the article


Guide To 1001+ Beautiful Lotus Photography Styles That You Should Not Ignore

The lotus season usually starts from early June to October every year, so everyone wants to take beautiful pictures with this national flower.Please refer to the beautiful lotus photography styles below, to get a beautiful photo as you want.

1.How to take beautiful lotus photos?

1.1 What's so special about taking pictures with lotus?

With pure beauty, luxury and nobility.The lotus flower is the inspiration of poets and a symbol of the beauty of Vietnamese women.Lotus stands out, fragrant, gentle, thanh man.Taking pictures with lotus flowers at least once in a lifetime is something that many girls look forward to, especially during the blooming seasons.Just looking at it made us feel like we were surrounded by lotus flowers and taking pictures could not be better.

It's no exaggeration when beautiful lotus photography styles are being spread around the world as a symbol of Vietnamese beauty.When the lotus flowers bloom in June, the lotus ponds are always crowded with tourists to visit and take pictures.Record your moments with flowers to once feel the beauty of flowersand them.

Direction leading 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not ignore

1.2 Guide to choosing clothes

You do not need to prepare sophisticated accessories such as bracelets, bracelets or similar accessories when taking photos with lotus flowers… Because taking photos with lotus flowers emphasizes the value of simplicity and delicacy.When taking photos in the lotus lagoon, you should also choose low-soled shoes for easy movement, because otherwise it is easy to fall, or happen to be injured.who accident.

Take a photo of a lotus with ao dai:

To take photos of ao dai in a lotus dress, you must choose clothes with bright colors but not too eye-catching.Definitely avoid choosing a dark blue, or blue ao dai, because it's as if you can't stand out in a blue lotus dress.The motifs in the Ao Dai should not be too sophisticated because it will confuse the eyes and not highlight the Ao Dai on the lotus side.Ao Dai for photographing lotus flowers is pure beauty, high bar, never out of date, always the first choice in beautiful lotus photography styles.

Photographing lotus with camisole:

Ao dai is an ancient costume of Vietnamese people.In the past, the camisole was often considered only as underwear, not only in the palace with the princesses, the camisole went to the field, but also "dried rain and sunshine" with the farmer and the four-piece shirt.The camisole has followed the sisters to the cult festival and contributed to creating the "national costume" of the old woman.

Take a photo of a lotus with a ba ba shirt:

Ba Ba shirt is a symbol of Southern women.A popular costume in the southern countryside of Vietnam.Photos honoring the beauty of Southern womenIn the simple Ba Ba shirt, next to the lotus flowers symbolizing the purity and nobility of women, is one of the beautiful lotus photography styles that you can refer to.

A guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not ignore

1.3 How to pose

Lotus is a flower associated with the delicate beauty of Vietnamese women, so the pose is not too picky when taking pictures with this species.oh this.Being able to stand and rest, hands half-closed, slightly lowered face also creates a beautiful pose.

How to pose for a good photo or how to pose for a photo is a topic of interest to many of you.In general, the most important factor is still confidence and naturalness when on the screen.

Some suggested styling:

  • Take a photo with a lotus flower in front of your chest, a bunch of lotus flowers on your back,
  • Take a lotus bud and relax with it, lie on the canoe,
  • Drop water while sitting on a boat, cover your chest with lotus leaves, use oars, row a canoe, shade from the sun when sitting on a canoeg, huddled next to a vase of lotus flowers,
  • Leaning her back against a lotus vase, sitting idly looking out of the lotus vase, pulling her nose in to smell the scent of flowers, posing with lotus leaves,
  • Pose poses with a men's bandana, holding an unopened lotus bud and posing when going down to the lotus pond, holding an unblown lotus bud and posing when going down to the lotus pond, posing with a water>

A guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not ignore

2.Damageg matches 1001+ the most beautiful lotus photography styles

Here are some beautiful lotus photography styles images you can refer to to get the best photos for yourself.

A guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not missGuide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not ignoreGuide 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not be missed Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Tutorial 1001+ beautiful lotus photography style that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you shouldn't skip Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ photography styles beautiful lotus that you should not miss LOVEguide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not miss Guide to 1001+ beautiful lotus photography styles that you should not ignore

The above is a collection of beautiful lotus photography styles with high artistic value, you can consult and discuss with many children.Arrange photos to have the best photo shoot.Thank you for your interest in following the article


Guided Meditation Lying Down Before Bed - A Miracle Drug To Help You Sleep Better

You have trouble falling asleep every night and are tired and don't have time to rest.The practice of lying down meditation before sleeping may be the solution for you now.This article will teach you how to meditate for better sleep.Please take a look!

=> Reference What is a Chakra? Instructions on how to open the correct chakra at:

1.Effects of lying meditation on sleep quality

Instructions to lie down meditation before sleeping – A miracle drug to help you sleep better

Sleep disturbances, or insomnia, are two common sleep disorders, affecting up to 35% of adults.Today, in the face of high pressure and stress at work, sleep disorder syndrome is increasingly "rejuvenating", and has become an alarming disease for many people's health.

Lack of sleep at night will affect both your health and your mental health, you will experience conditions such as:

  • Lack of focus and reduced productivityworking during the day
  • Frequent headaches, fatigue
  • Irritability, depression, or anxiety
  • Always feel low on energy during the day
  • Wake up too early or wake up in the middle of the night.

Most of the causes of insomnia are due to stress.Prolonged stress will "disturb" your mind, making it harder for you to fall asleep.The quality of sleep also decreases if your mind is still not calm.Practicing lying meditation before sleeping can solve this problem.

As mentioned above, the use of meditation helpsp calms the nervous system, relieves stress, restores balance to the body.Through regular breathing, it stimulates the nerves in the brain, which control emotions.This means you're sending a message to your brain to feel safe and it's time to sleep.

Particularly with the meditation method, you can practice anytime, anywhere and choose the posture that suits your body's needs.Not only meditation, sitting meditation while lying down can also help you relax before falling asleep very effectively.

Instructions to meditate before going to sleep – A miracle drug to help you sleep better

2.How to meditate before going to bed to have a good night's sleep

Here are 2 simple, easy-to-follow bedtime meditations that you can apply at home to get deeper sleep

2.1 Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is usually practiced before going to sleep for 5-10 minutes, following a simple 4-step exercise as follows:

  • Step 1: TypeGet rid of annoying objects including your phone.Lie down on the bed in the most comfortable position.
  • Step 2: Focus on your breath, inhale for 10 breaths, hold for the next 10.Then exhale slowly for 10 breaths.Repeat the cycle of inhalation and exhalation 5 times.
  • Step 3: Put your whole mind into your body and breathe in meditation before sleeping.Relax and just focus on your breath.
  • Step 4: While practicing meditation, it is quite normal to suddenly have feelings and thoughts.Don't worry too much, learn to controlThinking about breathing is something that takes patience and time.

This is one of the simple bedtime meditation exercises for beginners.With regular practice, you can see your sleep quality improve.

Guide to meditation Lying before bed – A miracle drug to help you sleep better

2.2 Body Scan Meditation

In body scanning meditation, you focus on the wordbody parts to enhance physical awareness, including stress and pain.This act of focus promotes relaxation and helps you sleep better.During the practice, you can start with the exercise:

  • Choose a comfortable lying position.Close your eyes and breathe slowly.Focus on how your body weight feels right now.
  • Focus on face, relax facial muscles, jaw muscles and eyes.
  • Slowly “sweep” over neck and shoulders.Loosen these parts.
  • Continue along the body, moving to the arms and fingers.Next comes the bellyback, back, hips, legs and feet.Notice how each part of your body feels.
  • If your mind "gets lost" during your bedtime meditation, refocus your body.
  • You can start your body scan meditation anywhere you like, head to toe, if you want.

Meditation Guide Lying before bed – A miracle drug to help you sleep better

3.Notes when meditating in frontwhile sleeping

If you have a sleep disorder, and are new to lying meditation in the hope of 'curing' your sleep, you can start with these tips:

  • Slow warm-up: Initially, you should practice lying down 3-5 minutes before sleeping and gradually increase to 10-20 minutes when the body and mind have started to get used to this activity.
  • Remove distractions: You should turn off your phone or other electronic devices before falling asleep.If you play meditation music, choose quiet, repetitive music.
  • Creating the Perfect Space:Using scented candles or aromatherapy oils to create a space with your favorite scent is also a good idea for meditation sessions that help you sleep better.
  • Turn off the lights in the room.Light will make you more alert and make it harder to fall asleep.
  • You can also add meditative music or aromatherapy to make the atmosphere more pleasant and comfortable.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly.Focus on observing your breathing and body movements.At this time, the ribcage expands towards the ceiling, the abdomen expands on inhalation and deflates on exhalation, this is the correct way to breathe.

Guide to meditation Lying before bed – A miracle drug to help you sleep better

  • What is a chakra? Instructions on how to open chakras correctly
  • 15+ benefits of Yoga that you will want to practice right away
  • What is nauli breathing? Instructions on how to practice nauli breathing effectively
  • Picture of beautiful nude girls practicing Yoga showing off their perfect body

Hope the information that WheyShopprovided through the above article on how to meditate before sleeping will help you have more ways to have a good night's sleep, bring the best mental energy for yourself! I wish you success in your implementation


Does Drinking Orange Juice Lose Weight? How To Drink Orange Juice To Lose Weight Simply And Effectively

Drinking orange juice every day is one of the most popular detox drinks.But can drinking orange juice really lose weight? And how to drink, when to drink to lose weight effectively.Please refer to the article below to find out the answer!

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1.Does drinking orange juice lose weight?

So does drinking orange juice lose weight? It can be said that when you eat a whole orange, it not only helps reduce hunger, thereby reducing calories, but also creates a feeling of fullness when drinking only orange juice.This is because orange juice has a much lower fiber content than eating the whole fruit.

In addition, a glass of pure orange juice has the same amount of natural sugars as 2 oranges and is much less filling.Consuming more sugar than necessary while drinking orange juice can cause weight gain and other health problems.

Therefore, if you plan to drink orange juice every day, you should only drink it in moderation, pay attention to control itcalories in food, prefer pure orange juice – homemade or packaged orange juice but should reduce sugar consumption, this will be a healthier option.

Drink orange juice to lose weight How to drink orange juice to lose weight simply and effectivelyDoes drinking orange juice lose weight?

2.Note to drink orange juice to lose weight properly

Does drinking orange juice lose weight? How to drink orange juice to lose weight simply and effectively

After knowing does drinking orange juice lose weight, to achieve the optimal weight loss effect by eating / drinking, you should use fruit right before or during meals to Increases the feeling of fullness, helps to absorb calories in the body.

2.1 Golden time for you to drink orange juice to lose weight

Drinking orange juice in the morning or at night has different benefits, you just have to keep that in mind.To lose weight, drink orange juice when not full ornot hungry and maybe 2 hours after a meal.You have to drink regularly for a long time to get good results.

A glass of orange juice a day can help you dispel hunger and limit junk food.In addition, drinking orange juice helps the body retain all the nutrients, resulting in hydrated, beautiful and smooth skin.

Drink orange juice to lose weight Simple and effective way to drink orange juice to lose weightGolden time for you to drink orange juice to lose weight

2.2 DosageHow to drink orange juice to lose weight?

One glass of orange juice has about 122 calories and nearly all of it contains 28.7 grams of carbohydrates.One medium orange contains only 62 calories.So you can eat two oranges, it also has the same amount of calories in a glass of orange juice.However, you should choose fresh oranges because they contain more valuable nutrients.

  • This fruit is recommended for people who are trying to lose weight.As most of them have very low energy density.Foods with a low energy density provide fewer caloriesn, making it easier to lose weight.
  • Orange juice or fresh oranges both have an energy density of about 0.5 calories/gram, which is considered very low.A glass of orange juice has about 249 grams and an orange has 131 grams, but a serving of orange juice contains more calories.
  • To avoid unsuccessful weight loss and weight gain, you should not drink more than 2 glasses of orange juice per day.Therefore, when drinking orange juice to lose weight, you should also limit the added sugar, even quickly regain your slim figure by drinking sugar-free orange juice and milk.
  • Drink a glass of orange juiceTaking 2 hours to sleep will help you limit the feeling of hunger or cravings for junk food.In addition, orange juice helps detoxify and regenerate cells while you sleep.

2.3 Should drinking orange juice add sugar?

Orange juice has a slightly acidic taste, especially the bitter pulp, which will have a slightly harsh taste that is difficult to drink if it is not squeezed carefully.For this reason, many people like to add sugar to stimulate the taste buds.

However, sugar is a food that should be minimized when you want to lose weight.Sugar only provides calories without good substances for the body,this makes you prone to obesity and the weight loss process with orange juice is no longer effective.

So, a glass of pure fresh orange juice should still be the number 1 choice.You can add a little ice to make it more delicious and easier to drink.

Drink orange juice to lose weight How to drink orange juice to lose weight simply and effectivelyDoes drinking orange juice add sugar?

» Learn more about how to eat avocado to lose weight 100% for fat people at:

3.How to drink orange juice to lose weight effectively?

Besides the question of whether drinking orange juice will lose weight, you can also refer to the following weight loss recipes with oranges to achieve the desired weight.

3.1 Orange juice

In 100g of oranges, there are more than 80g of water, the rest is vitamin C, potassium, calcium, carotene, fiber, iron, etc.such as a group of substances.This equates to about 44 calories per 100g of orange juice.You should only drink 2 glasses of orange juice a day to prevent weight gain.

Theh do 

  • You can use a juicer or an orange juicer to squeeze fresh oranges, it's best to drink pure orange juice, don't add sugar to get the best results.
Drink orange juice to lose weight How to drink orange juice to lose weight simple and effectiveOrange juice

3.2 Orange juice and honey

Honey is a very good food for women.Although honey is sweet, it is a natural sweetener that creates clean energy for the bodyeh.Pure honey contains a lot of energy, but eating a lot is also boring.

Adding honey to orange juice will make orange juice more fragrant and easier to drink.However, when you decide to use the honey lemon recipe to lose weight, the menu of the day also needs to change.


  • 2 oranges
  • 30ml honey
  • Ice cubes
  • Usage: orange juicer, glass, knife…

How to do it

  • Cut an orange in half and put it in an orange juicer.
  • Note: Do not rub the orange peel vigorously, do not leave the essenceWhen the orange juice is absorbed, it will produce bitter water.
  • Pour orange juice into a glass, add sugar, a little salt and honey and mix well.Adjust to taste.
  • Put in ice cubes and enjoy.
  • Note when choosing ingredients, don't forget that you should choose wild honey when choosing ingredients, the price will be higher than farmed honey, but in return the taste is very delicious.Oranges that can choose the best ones will be oranges of grades 1 and 2.
Drink orange juice to lose weight wiseg? How to drink orange juice to lose weight simply and effectivelyOrange juice and honey

3.3 Orange yogurt ice cream


  • 3 oranges
  • 1 box of yogurt
  • 50g condensed milk
  • 220 ml fresh milk without sugar (1 pack)
  • A few drops of vanilla essence (optional)
  • Usage: orange juicer, ice cream mold…

How to do it

  • Wash the oranges, cut them in half and squeeze the juice.
  • Add honey to orange juice.Add less honey if you like sour drinks and more if you like sweet drinks.
  • Pour in orange juice 1/2ice cream mold, put in the refrigerator for 45 minutes and then make the next layer of ice cream.
  • Put in fresh milk, condensed milk and a few drops of vanilla until fragrant into the pot.North on the stove, reduce heat to low, cook and stir until the milk is slightly frothy.Avoid boiling too much because fresh milk will separate the water, mainly cook until the milk thickens.
  • Add yogurt, mix well and let cool.
  • To make the second layer of ice cream, pour the milk into the mold, leave it in the fridge for 5-6 hours.
  • Leave it on for about 5 minutes while eating, it will be easier to remove the ice cream.
Can drinking orange juice lose weight? How to drink orange juice to lose weight simply and effectivelyOrange yogurt ice cream

» Refer to 10 effective ways to make banana oat cakes for weight loss here:

With the above sharing, you already know does drinking orange juice lose weight, and you can completely lose weight by drinking orange juice every day.However, please pay attention to how to drink and when to drink, you should not drink too much, it may reactfunction.Wish you success in losing weight.


20 Most Effective Exercises For Lower Abs To Lose Fat For Men And Women At Home

One of the training methods to help the young body stay healthy thanks to the effect of reducing lower belly fat is gym.However, not everyone can afford or go to the gym every day.Then lower abs exercises at home are the best choice for both men and women.Let's see which exercises are suitable for you to practice at home.

=> 25 Simple but highly effective abs exercises for men at home at:

1.Summary of lower abs exercises

20 lower abs exercises to lose fat for most effective men and women at home

1.1 Basic Plan

With only simple movements, but lower abs exercise through Plank has a great impact on the lower abdomen, toning muscles, effectively reducing excess fat.

How to practice:

  • Start in a prone position, toes resting on the mat, arms on the ground, elbows perpendicular to the ground, eyes forward.
  • Tighten your abs so that your head, back, and legs are in a straight line.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your ability.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.2 Plank Tilt

In addition to the impact on the lower abdomen, the side plank can also help you have a sexy hips.

How to practice:

  • Initially, you lie on your siden exercise mat, lean to the right.
  • Right hand on the ground, right hand on the ground, right elbow perpendicular to the ground.
  • Left hand rests on left hip.Keep your head, back, and legs in a straight line.
  • Close your abs, hold this position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your fitness.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.3 Mountain Climbers

Fishch implement

  • Get into the pose of an athlete preparing to sprint.Both hands are flat on the floor just below the shoulders.One leg is bent near the abdomen and the other leg is extended.
  • The constant change in foot position creates the feeling of running in place.
  • To get real power in your lower abs, perform a controlled movement at a moderate pace.Imagine having a balanced cup of water on your lower back to keep your hips and spine balanced and aligned during leg transitions.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.4 Basic crunches

Basic crunches exercise, working on lower abdominal fat and back muscle groups.

How to practice:

  • Initial position with your back flat on the floor.
  • Bend knees, feet on ground, hands behind neck or along body.
  • Then bend down until your chest almost touches your knees, while tightening the abdominal muscles.
  • Then lower your body back to the starting position, keep playing until the target is reached.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.5 Heel Tap Crunch

How to do it

  • Lie on your back, heels close to your buttocks.
  • Put your abs, lift your shoulders, and lift off the floor.
  • Tilt your head to the right, bring your right hand down to touch your right heeli.Then, immediately touch the left heel with the other hand.
  • Repeat the movement for as long as necessary.

This lower abs exercise mainly targets the lower abs, obliques, and hip flexors.You can adjust the distance between your heels and hips to increase or decrease the difficulty of the exercise.

With this lower abs exercise, you don't have to worry too much about how quickly your hands reach your heels.Instead, control the movement so that it has the right posture, keeping the abdominal muscles tight during the exercise will help the exercise achieve its effectiveness.ah.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.6 Reverse Crunch

How to do it

  • Lie on your back, hands on the floor, palms facing down.
  • Bend your knees and lift your body toward your chest, contracting your abs.Bend your legs, curling your pelvis to push your hips off the floor slightly.
  • Slowly lower until thighs are perpendicular to the floor.Repeat the action 10-15 times each set.

This lower abs exercise is very helpful for your rectal abs.If you want to increase the difficulty, you can combine with resistance bands, or tractors.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.7 Oblique Crunch

How to do it

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.Place your right hand behind your head with your elbows apart while palmsyour left hand hugs your torso perpendicularly.
  • Contract your abs to lift your shoulders off the floor and rotate to bring your right elbow to your left knee.Slowly lower down and repeat a few times before switching sides.

This abdominal exercise is great for strengthening your obliques and surrounding muscles.In addition, this move can also be done with the side variation, the knees pressed together.If you want to increase the difficulty, you can lift your foot a few inches off the ground for the duration of the movement before switching sides.

20 exercises Lower abdominal muscles to reduce fat for men and women at home most effectively

1.8 Front Leg Raise.

How to do it

  • Lie down on a bench with your legs comfortably placed.
  • Put your hands under your buttocks to secure the bench and keep your body stable.Palms facing down or to the sides remain fixed on the bench.
  • Keeping your legs as straight as possible, exhale and raise your legs until they form an angle90 degrees to the floor.
  • Slowly lower your legs to the starting position and repeat

If you feel a slight arch in your back when you lift your legs, you can reduce the pressure on your lower back by lifting each leg one at a time.Conversely, if you want to increase the difficulty, lift your butt off the floor at the start of each movement or squeeze an exercise ball between your feet.

1.9 Medicine Ball Jackknife

How to do it

  • Hold an exercise ball in both hands and lie on your back, bringing the ball over your head.Do not lower your arms and legs to the floor during the proceduredo the move.
  • Start the exercise by simultaneously lifting your head, shoulders, and legs so that the ball is as close to your feet as possible.Then slowly lower your back to the floor.
  • Repeat action.

This is an intense abdominal exercise because it works nearly 12 muscles in the body, mainly targeting the rectus abdominis.You can feel the effects immediately after doing it.

20 lower abs exercises to lose fat for menmost effective women at home

1.10 Dead Bug

How to do it

  • Lie on your back on the floor, lift your legs and bend your knees to a 90 degree angle.
  • Raise your arms toward the ceiling, perpendicular to the floor and parallel to your thighs.
  • Plug in, contract your lower abdomen, and then slowly release one leg and one hand to the floor.
  • Return to starting position and repeat with other arm and leg.
  • For this abs exercise, remember to keep your abs tight and maintain constant tension throughout the exercise.

20 lower abs exercises to reduce fat for men and women at home most effective

1.11 Straight leg crunch

This is a simple but effective exercise to burn lower belly fat.

How to practice:

  • In the initial position, lie on your back on the exercise mat, straighten your legs.
  • To do this move, place your hands behind your neck.Lift yourself up until your back is straight and perpendicular to the floor.
  • After slowly lowering yourself to the starting position,keep doing the target number of times.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.12 Side crunches.

Side crunches are one of the variations of the basic crunches.

How to practice:

  • The initial position is lying on your back on the exercise mat.Then lie on your left side, body resting on your left hand, legs bent at a 90 degree angle.
  • Lift upper bodyCome up, contract your abs and hold this position for 3 seconds.
  • Return to starting position, do the same for the other side, repeat to reach the set target number of times.

1.13 Leg raising and lowering exercise

The exercise not only affects the lower abdomen but also requires the flexibility of the legs.

How to practice:

  • The initial position is lying on your back on the exercise mat, legs straight, hands placed at hips.
  • Slowly lift your left leg to the highest position so that it is vertical, then return to the starting position.Do the same for the right leg.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.14 Lying down and cycling

This exercise uses the strength of the abdomen and legs to perform exercises like cycling.

How to practice:

  • The initial position is lying on your back, legs straight, hands behind your neck.
  • Raise your leg to a 30-degree angle with the floor, then lift your right leg.
  • After thatYou switch legs, bend your left leg up, and bring your right leg out like you're riding a bicycle in the air.
  • Continue doing the exercise until you have done the set number of reps.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.15 Sit with your hips turned

Basic exercise for those who are starting to lose fat in the lower abdomen.

How to practice:

  • The initial position is sitting on a chairweak, sitting cross-legged, back straight and eyes straight.
  • Turn your waist to the left, then to the right, and repeat the exercise until you reach the set number of reps.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.16 Lying on the hips

The exercise lying on the hips requires the practitioner to focus on lifting the body, this is one of the effective ways to reduce lower belly fat.

Instructions on how to practice:

  • The initial position is lying on your back on an exercise mat, or with your hands along your body, fingers along your legs.
  • Lift your legs, soles of your feet in contact with the ground, so that your knees form a right angle.
  • Slowly raise your hips until your stomach, hips, and thighs are in line.
  • Hold this position for 2 minutes, lower your hips and prepare to repeat the same movement.

20 lower abs exercises to reduce fat for men and women in nthe most effective

1.17 Lying on the waist

The waist twisting exercise aims to make your waist firmer.

How to practice:

  • The initial position is lying on your back on the exercise mat, feet together, heels touching the floor.
  • Place your hands in front of your chest, one hand on your shoulder.
  • Use your abdominal muscles to slightly lift your upper body.Rotate your waist alternately left and right, then lie down.
  • Do this about 25 to 30 times.

20 lower abs exercises to reduce fat for most effective men and women at home

1.18 Plank 1 arm, 1 leg

This move is on the list of plank exercises to help reduce lower belly fat quickly and effectively.

The way to practice it is as follows:

  • Lie face down on an exercise mat or on the floor.Then the hands are placed perpendicular to the shoulders, only the toes and palms touch the floor.
  • Keep your head, back, legs aligned and eyes looking forward.This is the catching poseStart for this plank exercise to reduce belly fat.
  • Inhale as you lift your other arm and leg off the floor.Be careful that your butt doesn't stick out.
  • Do this exercise in turn for 30 seconds on each side and repeat 3-5 times per session.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.19 Put your feet on the wall

This lower abs exercise is so simple you can do it all the timeeverywhere.

Detailed instructions on how to practice are as follows:

  • The initial position is lying flat with your feet on the wall.Pay attention, feet must be perpendicular to the ground and buttocks about 10-15cm from the ground.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and breathe gently and evenly for 30 seconds.
  • Rest for 10 seconds and do the next move in 30 seconds.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

1.20 Shake the ring

Shaking the ring is an aerobic exercise that many women apply and can do it anywhere.Shaking the ring not only reduces fat in the lower abdomen but also helps the body to be more supple and flexible.

How to practice:

  • You prepare a bangle, about 40-50 cm in diameter.
  • Hold the circle around the waist, apply force to the hips, and shake the abdomen to prevent the ring from falling out.
  • Shake well for 20 minutes, pause for 5-7 minutes.

20 most effective exercises for men and women to lose fat at home

2.Note when doing lower abs exercises

Here are some notes in the process of training lower abs that you need to know

  • Don't just focus on one exercise to lose belly fat, but combine many different exercises to get results.
  • You don't have to do all of the above movements in one session, just combine many movements into one exercise in each session.
  • Warm up before exercise to warm up and cool downmuscle gain after exercise.
  • Add enough water, don't let the body thirst and don't interrupt the training process.
  • Need to have a lifestyle, sleep on time, supplement yourself with a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals through vegetables, fruits, and slow-metabolizing starches such as oats, quinoa , brown rice...Protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs, beef...and some good fats from nuts,…
  • 20 ladyi exercise the lower abs to lose fat for men and women at home most effectively

=> 20 most effective abs exercises for women at home with video instructions at:

The above is a list of 20 lower abs exercises that you can refer to to practice at home.Just take some time out of your day to do simple lower abs exercises, and you will surely have a toned, healthy and attractive body.I wish you success in your implementation