Drinking orange juice every day is one of the most popular detox drinks.But can drinking orange juice really lose weight? And how to drink, when to drink to lose weight effectively.Please refer to the article below to find out the answer!
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1.Does drinking orange juice lose weight?
So does drinking orange juice lose weight? It can be said that when you eat a whole orange, it not only helps reduce hunger, thereby reducing calories, but also creates a feeling of fullness when drinking only orange juice.This is because orange juice has a much lower fiber content than eating the whole fruit.
In addition, a glass of pure orange juice has the same amount of natural sugars as 2 oranges and is much less filling.Consuming more sugar than necessary while drinking orange juice can cause weight gain and other health problems.
Therefore, if you plan to drink orange juice every day, you should only drink it in moderation, pay attention to control itcalories in food, prefer pure orange juice – homemade or packaged orange juice but should reduce sugar consumption, this will be a healthier option.

2.Note to drink orange juice to lose weight properly
After knowing does drinking orange juice lose weight, to achieve the optimal weight loss effect by eating / drinking, you should use fruit right before or during meals to Increases the feeling of fullness, helps to absorb calories in the body.
2.1 Golden time for you to drink orange juice to lose weight
Drinking orange juice in the morning or at night has different benefits, you just have to keep that in mind.To lose weight, drink orange juice when not full ornot hungry and maybe 2 hours after a meal.You have to drink regularly for a long time to get good results.
A glass of orange juice a day can help you dispel hunger and limit junk food.In addition, drinking orange juice helps the body retain all the nutrients, resulting in hydrated, beautiful and smooth skin.

2.2 DosageHow to drink orange juice to lose weight?
One glass of orange juice has about 122 calories and nearly all of it contains 28.7 grams of carbohydrates.One medium orange contains only 62 calories.So you can eat two oranges, it also has the same amount of calories in a glass of orange juice.However, you should choose fresh oranges because they contain more valuable nutrients.
- This fruit is recommended for people who are trying to lose weight.As most of them have very low energy density.Foods with a low energy density provide fewer caloriesn, making it easier to lose weight.
- Orange juice or fresh oranges both have an energy density of about 0.5 calories/gram, which is considered very low.A glass of orange juice has about 249 grams and an orange has 131 grams, but a serving of orange juice contains more calories.
- To avoid unsuccessful weight loss and weight gain, you should not drink more than 2 glasses of orange juice per day.Therefore, when drinking orange juice to lose weight, you should also limit the added sugar, even quickly regain your slim figure by drinking sugar-free orange juice and milk.
- Drink a glass of orange juiceTaking 2 hours to sleep will help you limit the feeling of hunger or cravings for junk food.In addition, orange juice helps detoxify and regenerate cells while you sleep.
2.3 Should drinking orange juice add sugar?
Orange juice has a slightly acidic taste, especially the bitter pulp, which will have a slightly harsh taste that is difficult to drink if it is not squeezed carefully.For this reason, many people like to add sugar to stimulate the taste buds.
However, sugar is a food that should be minimized when you want to lose weight.Sugar only provides calories without good substances for the body,this makes you prone to obesity and the weight loss process with orange juice is no longer effective.
So, a glass of pure fresh orange juice should still be the number 1 choice.You can add a little ice to make it more delicious and easier to drink.

» Learn more about how to eat avocado to lose weight 100% for fat people at: https://wheyshop.vn/cach-an-bo-jail-can.html
3.How to drink orange juice to lose weight effectively?
Besides the question of whether drinking orange juice will lose weight, you can also refer to the following weight loss recipes with oranges to achieve the desired weight.
3.1 Orange juice
In 100g of oranges, there are more than 80g of water, the rest is vitamin C, potassium, calcium, carotene, fiber, iron, etc.such as a group of substances.This equates to about 44 calories per 100g of orange juice.You should only drink 2 glasses of orange juice a day to prevent weight gain.
Theh do
- You can use a juicer or an orange juicer to squeeze fresh oranges, it's best to drink pure orange juice, don't add sugar to get the best results.

3.2 Orange juice and honey
Honey is a very good food for women.Although honey is sweet, it is a natural sweetener that creates clean energy for the bodyeh.Pure honey contains a lot of energy, but eating a lot is also boring.
Adding honey to orange juice will make orange juice more fragrant and easier to drink.However, when you decide to use the honey lemon recipe to lose weight, the menu of the day also needs to change.
- 2 oranges
- 30ml honey
- Ice cubes
- Usage: orange juicer, glass, knife…
How to do it
- Cut an orange in half and put it in an orange juicer.
- Note: Do not rub the orange peel vigorously, do not leave the essenceWhen the orange juice is absorbed, it will produce bitter water.
- Pour orange juice into a glass, add sugar, a little salt and honey and mix well.Adjust to taste.
- Put in ice cubes and enjoy.
- Note when choosing ingredients, don't forget that you should choose wild honey when choosing ingredients, the price will be higher than farmed honey, but in return the taste is very delicious.Oranges that can choose the best ones will be oranges of grades 1 and 2.

3.3 Orange yogurt ice cream
- 3 oranges
- 1 box of yogurt
- 50g condensed milk
- 220 ml fresh milk without sugar (1 pack)
- A few drops of vanilla essence (optional)
- Usage: orange juicer, ice cream mold…
How to do it
- Wash the oranges, cut them in half and squeeze the juice.
- Add honey to orange juice.Add less honey if you like sour drinks and more if you like sweet drinks.
- Pour in orange juice 1/2ice cream mold, put in the refrigerator for 45 minutes and then make the next layer of ice cream.
- Put in fresh milk, condensed milk and a few drops of vanilla until fragrant into the pot.North on the stove, reduce heat to low, cook and stir until the milk is slightly frothy.Avoid boiling too much because fresh milk will separate the water, mainly cook until the milk thickens.
- Add yogurt, mix well and let cool.
- To make the second layer of ice cream, pour the milk into the mold, leave it in the fridge for 5-6 hours.
- Leave it on for about 5 minutes while eating, it will be easier to remove the ice cream.

» Refer to 10 effective ways to make banana oat cakes for weight loss here: https://wheyshop.vn/10-cach-lam-banh-yen-mach-chuoi-giam-can.html
With the above sharing, you already know does drinking orange juice lose weight, and you can completely lose weight by drinking orange juice every day.However, please pay attention to how to drink and when to drink, you should not drink too much, it may reactfunction.Wish you success in losing weight.
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