Monday, May 30, 2022

TOP 10 Types Of Mass Gain Lean Muscle Best Weight Gain

Mass Gainer is an effective and healthy weight gainer, muscle gainer for skinny people, gym goers.Join WheyShop to immediately refer to the top 10 best and most effective lean mass gainer products through the article right now!

⇒ Refer to Mass Gainer weight gainer with cheap promotion at:

1.What is Mass gain lean muscle?

1.1 What is Mass Gainer?

Mass Gainer is a product supplementing protein (protein), starch (carbohydrates) and fat (Fat) andvitamins and minerals to help you gain weight and develop muscle effectively when combined with exercise.It is a nutritious “meal” that replaces natural foods added to a side meal.

Mass for lean muscle gain are Mass Gainer products rich in protein and supplemented with ingredients that support muscle recovery and development more effectively.

TOP 10 types of Mass gain lean muscle best gain weight

1.2 Who should use Mass Gainer?

Mass Gainer is suitable for skinny people who want to supplement nutrition, people who want to gain weight, gain muscle when combined with gym and bodybuilding.

TOP 10 types of Mass gain lean muscle best weight gain

2.Guide to choosing the right Mass Gainer

In order to choose the most suitable product Mass to increase lean muscle and gain weight, you need to study the following factors: 

TOP 10 Best Mass Gainers

2.1 Nutrition facts 

Calories :

This is the first thing a nutritional product needs.Because if you want to gain weight effectively, you need to put in a lot of energy every day

  • If you want to gain weight fast, you should choose milk with calories greater than 1000. 
  • If you only need to gain weight moderately, but focus on gaining lean muscle, you should choose product lines with calories fromgreater than 600 and less than 1000.

Protein :

Protein is an extremely important and indispensable ingredient in any meal.In particular, protein also helps support muscle gain very well.Protein content in the product to meet the needs of weight gain should be 50g or more

Vitamins and minerals :

You need to provide enough vitamins and minerals for your body to grow and be healthy.Typically needed are vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamins of group B, iron, zinc, lysine…

Others :

With Mass products to increase lean muscle, there will be more Creatine, BCAA,..supporting muscle recovery and development more effectively.

TOP 10 types of Mass gain lean muscle gain weight the best

2.2 Prestigious Brand

You should buy nutritional products such as mass-market weight gain milk, branded and reputable in the food industry.Currently leading companies and organizations in the industry come from the US, UK, Canada, Australia…

When buying, consider buying onlya.

2.3 Price and dosage

The price of the product is also an issue that people often consider when buying any product.The price of Mass weight gainer milks will range from a few hundred thousand to more than 2 million VND depending on the weight of each product.However, with an effective weight-gain nutritional product like mass milk, you can invest in getting the desired physique as soon as possible.

TOP 10 Best Mass Gainers for Lean Muscle Gain

3.Top 10 best mass gainer weight gainer lines for Gym people

3.1 Biotech Hyper Mass

BioTechUSA has been in the market since 1999, aiming to provide nutritional supplements of exceptional quality including Biotech Hyper Mass.This is a product that focuses on the quality and content of the ultimate, superior muscle building protein that promotes weight gain and lean muscle gain.Productseffective and nutritious meal replacement products.

Main ingredientsWeight 8lbs Content 20g protein / serving Main ingredient Tricarbo Matrix – Protein Blend Number of lanes used 61 times Trademark Biotech USA Taste
  • Chocolate
  • Caramel Cappuccino
  • Raspberry  Yoghern
Other components 38g carbohydrates – 3.25g micronised monohydrate – 5.4g fiber

TOP 10 types of Mass gain lean muscle best weight gain

3.2 Extreme Massive Mass Gainer

Extreme Massive Mass Gainer is Elite Labs' first muscle gainer product to market, combined with a protein formula and guaranteed nutritional source for people who need to gain weight, combined with a high protein formula The level that accounts for a huge amount of 60g/serving is called Mass Muscle Gainer.

Main ingredientsWeight : 6 lbs ~ 2.7 kg Content : 1270 calories + 60g protein + 249g carbs Servings : 8day (4 tablespoons/  day) Main ingredient : Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Whey protein hydrolyzed, Whey protein concentrate, Whey protein isolate Other components : Vitamins, Minerals, Cream, Flavors Trademark : Elite Labs Smell : Chocolate – Vanilla – Strawberry

TOP 10 Best Masses for Lean Muscle Gain

3.3 ON Pro Gainer

On Pro Gainer milk products are always ranked in the listList of best weight gain dairy products.This product line is loved and preferred by many consumers, is a product manufactured by Optimum Nutrition.It's the United States and the world's leading producer of sports nutrition.

Main ingredientsServing sizes : 1 spoon Quantitative : 10lbs (4.6kg) Number of times used: 28 Main ingredient Maltodextrin Trademark Optimum Nutrition Smell
  • Banana Cream Pie
  • Double Chocolate

TOP 10 Best Mass Gainers for Lean Muscle Gain

3.4 BioX Nitro Juice Gainer

BioX Nitro Juice Gainer has a special formula and is developed by the famous Canadian company BioX.The ingredient contains Nitro Protein Matrix, which is an ingenious blend of fast-absorbing protein chains and slow-soluble protein chains to help the body provide nutrients, absorb quickly, gain weight quickly in a short time.

BioX Nitro Juice Gainer with weight: 5.45kg, per serving (2 times)50g) guarantee:

  • Provides more than 1000 Calories per serving.
  • 57g NitroPro Protein Matrix
  • 11g BCAA
  • 3g Creatine Monohydrate.
  • 2g L-Glutamine.
  • Flavour: Vanilla; Chocolate; Chocolate Peanut; Cookies & Creams; Strawberry.

TOP 10 Best Masses for Lean Muscle Gain

3.5 Rule 1 Mass Gainer

Rule 1 Mass Gainer is one of the weight gain productsAmerica's leading n RULE 1, providing users with a wide range of nutrients, helping users shorten weight gain while improving recovery and training performance.

Main ingredientsWeight : 12 lbs ~ 5.4 kg Content : 1000 calories + 40g protein + 200g carbs Servings : 16 days (2 scoops/  day) Main ingredient : Maltodextrin, Whey protein concentrate, Whey protein isolate, Whey protein hydrolyzed Other components : Creatine, Vitamins, Minerals,… Trademark: Rule 1 Smell : Chocolate – Vanilla

TOP 10 Best Masses for Lean Muscle Gain

3.6 Serious Mass

Serious Mass is the main weight gain milk line of Optimum Nutrition brand-one of the largest brands in the world and has more than 30 years of development in the functional food industry, thanks to outstanding quality products such as: Whey Gold Standard or HydroWhey ON increases lean muscle.

Main ingredientsWeight : 12 lbs ~ 5.4 kg Content : 1250 calories + 50g protein + 254g carbs Servings : 16 days (2 scoops/  day) Main ingredient : Maltodextrin, Whey protein concentrate, Whey protein isolate Other components : Creatine, 25+ Essential vitamins and minerals,... Trademark : Optimum Nutrition ( ON ) Smell : Chocolate – Vanilla – Banana

TOP 10 best types of Mass gain lean muscle and gain weight

3.7 Muscle Mass Gainer

Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer is one of the leading weight gainer products, a Labrada brand, with over 25 years of experience in the dietary supplement industry.Muscle Mass Gainer helps to gain weight quickly and effectively for all subjects, especially gym people and professional athletes.Easily support optimal weight gain and muscle building effectively with standard ingredients in the diet.

Main ingredientsWeightquantity: 12 lbs ~ 5.4 kg Content : 1265 calories + 52g protein + 254g carbs Servings : 16 days (9 scoops/  day) Main ingredient : Maltodextrin, Whey protein concentrate, Whey protein isolate Other components : Creatine, Vitamins, Minerals,… Trademark : Labrada Smell : Chocolate – Vanilla – Strawberry

TOP 10 Best Mass Gainers for Lean Muscle Gain

3.8 MutantMass XXXtreme

Mutant is one of the most famous brands in Canada trusted by many athletes around the world, it has been present in Vietnam since 2014.Mutant Mass XXXtreme is always the choice of those who have deficiency problem.High levels of protein and essential amino acids support muscle growth and effective weight gain with today's top quality ingredients.

Main ingredientsWeight : 22 lbs ~ 10 kg Content : 2500 calories + 92g protein + 462g carbs Number of uses (servings ) : 11 days (8 scoops/  day) Main ingredient : Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Whey protein hydrolyzed, Whey protein concentrate, Whey protein isolate Other components : Casein protein, Vitamins, minerals, flavors,.. Trademark : Mutant Smell : Chocolate – Vanilla – Strawberry Banana

TOP 10 Best Mass Gainers for Lean Muscle Gain

3.9 Mutant Mass

Mutant Mass is hitThe price is to bring the best quality and delicious taste.Mutant Mass provides quality ingredients with each use, resulting in visible weight gain and muscle gain in just 1 month of use.

Main ingredientsWeight : 15 lbs ~ 6.8 kg Content : 1100 calories + 56g protein + 182g carbs Servings : 24 days (4 scoops/  day) Main ingredient : Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Whey protein hydrolyzed, Whey protein concentrate, Whey protein isolate Other components : Vitamins and minerals, Cream, flavoring agent Trademark : Mutant Smell : Triple Chocolate – Vanilla – Strawberry Banana – Cookies & Cream

TOP 10 Best Masses for Lean Muscle Gain

3.10 Elite Labs Mass Muscle Gainer

Elite Labs is a famous supplement company that created Mass Muscle Gainer to support weight gain and specifically focus on building lean muscle with high protein content.Cool, rich in creatine for outstanding muscle development.

Main ingredientsWeight : 20 lbs ~ 4.54 kg Content : 1000 calories + 60g protein + 174g carbs Servings : 32 days (4 scoops/  day) Main ingredient : Platinum Carbo Blend, Whey protein isolate, Whey protein concentrate Other components : Creatine, Omega-3, CLA, Elite Enzymes,... Trademark : Elite Labs USA Smell : Chocolate – Vanilla – Cookies & Cream – Strawberry

TOP 10 Best Mass Gainers for Lean Muscle Gain

⇒ Refer to Mass Gainer weight gainer with cheap promotion at:

The above is a list of Top 10 best Mass for lean muscle gain lines for gym goers.In addition to using Mass milk to gain weight and gain muscle, for the best results, you should remember to combine it with a scientific and nutritious diet, absolutely do not skip meals.Hope you find a suitable lean mass gainerp!


Serious Mass Vs Muscle Mass Gainer Comparison Review, Which Is Good?

Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer are both the most popular weight gain support products on the market today.This article WheyShop will help you compare Serious Mass vs Muscle Mass Gainer in all aspects, from nutrition facts to price to help you have more information to choose from.suitable weight gain products!

⇒ Refer to Mass Gainer weight gainer with cheap promotion at:

1.What is the comparison between Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer?ok?

Review compared Compare Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer, which is the best?

Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer are both quite famous products that support weight gain and muscle gain.To compare Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer, we will need to find out in detail each ingredient, use, and product origin!

1.1 Origin

About origin, Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer have an originstasis from the US.In which, Serious Mass belongs to Optium Nutrition brand and Muscle Mass Gainer belongs to Labrada brand.

Both Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer are products from reputable brands, directly imported with quality control stamps, clear origin, peace of mind for users.

Comparative evaluation of Serious Mass and What kind of Muscle Mass Gainer is good?

1.2 Packing specifications

Serious Mass:

MOTHERGreen and black are two familiar main colors of Serious Mass.The packaging is designed quite simply but still gives you basic nutritional information about the ingredients and origin of the product.Serious Mass has 2 popular sizes for you to choose from.

  • Size 6 Lb ~ 2.7kg packed in plastic box with screw cap.
  • Size 12 Lbs ~ 5.4kg packaged in a zip-lock polymer bag.

Muscle Mass Gainer:

Muscle Mass is currently only 12 Lbs ~ 5.4kg, not many small size optionsfor user experience or low-level economic fit.The packaging of Muscle Mass Gainer with red-black-white tones also provides detailed information about the nutritional sources contained in the product.

Type Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer comparison price, which is good?

1.3 Price 

In terms of cost, the selling price of Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer will vary depending on the volume of the product.

  • Serious Ghostss 6lbs: 950,000 VND
  • Serious Mass 12lbs: 1,500,000 VND
  • Muscle Mass Gainer 12lbs: VND 1,700,000

Although Muscle Mass Gainer is more expensive, the range of difference is not so great.However, the beauty of Serious Mass is that there are 2 different sizes for you to choose from and is very suitable for beginners who want to try this Mass Gainer milk weight gainer.

Type Comparative price of Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer typewhich is good?

1.4 Ingredients

Compare Reviews Serious Mass Muscle Mass Gainer Serving sizes :
  • 2 scoops = 336 grams
  • 9 scoops = 341 grams
Starch ingredients:
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltodextrin
Protein composition:
  • Whey Protein Concentrate
  • Calcicum Caseinate
  • Egg Whites
  • CFM Whey Protein Concentrate
Other components:
  • 4.5g fat
  • 20g sugar
  • 50g protein
  • Additional 25+ vitamins and minerals
  • 4.5g fat
  • 20g sugar
  • 52g protein
  • Add Creatine
Number of times used:
  • 16 uses
  • 16 uses
  • 97,000 VND/use
  • 106.00 VND/use

1.5 Flavors 

Serious Mass:

Serious Mass is currently available in 4 popular flavors on the market: Chocolate, Vanilla, Banana, Cookies and Cream

According to many users, the taste of Serious Mass is quite easy to drink, chocolate is the most popular flavor with moderate sweetness.The solubility of Serious Mass is also good, there are few cases of clumping.

Muscle Mass Gainer:

Muscle Mass Gainer is currently only available in Chocolate flavor.Muscle Mass Gainer has less than Serious Mass, however, that does not affect consumers' choice much when the chocolate taste is judged to be quite delicious, and suitable for Vietnamese taste.

Comparative evaluation of Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer which is good?

1.6 Weight gain effect

Comparison of Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer in terms of weight gain rate, both types help you gain weight at a fairly fast rate.It is up to the user to determine exactly how fast the increase is.You can gain an average of 3-4 pounds after using the product, much depends on your body's ability to absorb it and your daily routine.

Comparative evaluation of Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer which is good?

2.Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer should choose which?

In general, Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer are both the top two fast and effective weight gainer products today with the price not too much difference.However, depending on the needs of the user, you can choose between two products.

Focus on weight development:

If you are thin for a long time, it is difficult to absorb nutritionIf you care, Serious Mass is the most suitable choice.Because in addition to the high calorie content, Serious Mass also adds 25 kinds of vitamins and minerals to support the body's metabolism, improve the ability to absorb nutrients to help skinny people gain weight effectively.

Gain weight gain muscle:

⇒ Refer to Mass Gainer weight gainer with cheap promotion at:

Through the comparison of Serious Mass and Muscle Mass Gainer, we can see that there is not a big difference in the content, as well as the composition of each product.Hopefully, through this article, you have gained more knowledge for yourself to gain weight effectively.Thank you for following the article!


Instructions For Using Mass Muscle Gainer Elite Labs To Gain Weight And Gain Muscle Effectively

Mass Muscle Gainer is the leading lean muscle gainer on the market today.If you are wondering how to find manual for using Mass Muscle Gainer, please refer to the following article with WheyShop for details!

Mass Muscle Gainer 20Lbs (9.07kg)

1.Is Mass Muscle Gainer good?

1.1 Nutrition facts

 Main IngredientsWeight :
  • 20 lbs ~ 4.54 kg
Content :
  • 1000 calories + 60g protein + 174g carbs
Servings :
  • 32 days (4 scoops /  day)
Main ingredient :
  • Platinum Carbo Blend, Whey protein isolate, Whey protein concentrate
Other components :
  • Creatine, Omega-3, CLA, Elite Enzymes, …
Trademark :
  • Elite Labs USA
Smell :
  • Chocolate
  • VanillaCookies & Cream
  • Strawberry


Calories of Mass Muscle Gainer Ratedis quite average and can be considered lower than other weight gain milk lines, it only provides 1,000 calories per serving.

However, with a source of super clean starch from 7 complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, oats, brown rice,...helps users gain weight sustainably, limiting excess fat.This shows that this is a weight-gain product line that focuses on gaining lean muscle, more like an energy-focused mass line, rather than for quick weight gain.

Protein Content:

Mass Muscle Gainer product provides users with up to 60g of proteinThe purest, promoting absorption from fast to slow with a combination of protein lines such as:

  • Whey Protein Isolate
  • Whey Protein Concentrate
  • Casein

Fat and cholesterol content:

The content of fat and cholesterol in the product is negligible.In addition, they are all healthy ingredients such as CLA, MCT Oil that work to prevent the accumulation of excess fat in the body, improve the process of converting fat into energy, helping you gain weight, but at the same time limitMaximize the ability to store excess fat.


Creatine is also one of the featured ingredients in the EliteLab Mass Muscle Gainer product line.With 5g of creatine in each serving, it helps you provide more creatine for muscles, supports increased endurance, improves performance, helps build better muscle.

Direction Instructions for using Mass Muscle Gainer Elite Labs to gain weight and gain muscle effectively

1.2 Mass VolumeHow much does scle Gainer cost?

Currently, Elite Labs Mass Muscle Gainer is being sold at a high price compared to other products on the market.However, this is completely worth it for a premium and top quality lean muscle growth product.

Mass Muscle Gainer has 3 sizes for users to choose from:

  • Mass Muscle Gainer 5lbs: VND 1,100,000
  • Mass Muscle Gainer 10lbs: 1,900,000VND
  • Mass Muscle Gainer 20lbs: VND 2,900,000

How to use Mass Muscle Gainer Elite Labs to gain weight and gain muscle effectively

2.Instructions for using Mass Muscle Gainer

2.1 How to make Mass Muscle Gainer

If you are over 60kg, you can use 4 scoops of Mass Muscle Gainer evenly divided 3-4 times a day at the time of snacks such as:

  • Breakfast
  • Snack 1 hour before training
  • Right after the episode
  • One hour before bed

How to make Mass Muscle Gainer is very simple.Pour the powder and cold filtered water or fresh milk without sugar into the shaker, shake well for 30 seconds and enjoy immediately.

To make Mass Gainer milk more delicious, you can prepare a blender and add some favorite strawberries, bananas, blueberries….and ice, fresh milk without sugar can create a delicious and cool smoothie.

(*) For those of you under 60kg, you should use 1/2 serving size per day, equivalent to about 2 tablespoons/day and then gradually increase, avoiding using a lot of powder that is difficult to absorb, causing waste..

User manual Use Mass Muscle Gainer Elite Labs to gain weight and gain muscle effectively

2.2 Notes when using 

  • Should not be mixed with hot water to cause product clumping and loss of nutrients
  • Shouldn't mix 4 scoops/time and then use it gradually because it's not nutritious
  • The product cannot replace the main meal of the day
  • Should not be used close to mealtime because it will cause fullness

User manual Use Mass Muscle Gainer Elite Labs to gain weight and gain muscle effectively

⇒ Refer to Mass Gainer weight gainer milk with cheap promotion at:

The above article was WheyShop shared with you instructions for using Mass Muscle Gainer of Elite Labs to effectively gain weight and gain lean muscle for Skinny people have the hardest time gaining weight.Hope you will soon achieve the desired weight.Good luck!


How Long Does Super Mass Gainer Last? Expiry Date, Usage, Notes

Super Mass Gainer is an effective fast weight gainer for underweight people who have difficulty absorbing nutrition.However, there are still many doubts about how long the shelf life of Super Mass Gainer can be.Let's refer to the article with WheyShop for details!

⇒ Refer to Mass Gainer weight gainer with cheap promotion at:

1.Super Mass Gainer Overview

Super Mass Gainer is a line of weight gain milk products manufactured by Dymatize, usingExclusive Zytrix ™ technology helps to remove unnecessary impurities for better absorption by the body.Helps speed up muscle recovery and growth.

As an effective weight gainer, the essential nutritional components of Super Mass include:

  • The product contains 1280 calories, helping skinny people gain weight quickly and achieve maximum effect.
  • 52g protein works to support and nourish muscles in the best way
  • Fat, cholesterol and sugar with the following content and ratio: 10g fat, 135mg cholesterol, 22g sugar.You can be completely assured because this is an allowed fat ingredient and very safe for users' health.
  • To improve absorption for the body, Dymatize's products are researched and supplemented with vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B, C, D, E...and calcium,...

How long does Super Mass Gainer last? Expiration date, usage, precautions

2.How long is the shelf life of Super Mass Gainer?

2.1 How long does Super Mass Gainer last?

Shelf life of Super Mass Gainer from date of manufacture is 24 months.Due to the transportation process, it should reach the user, the remaining shelf life of the product is from 18-20 months.

Super Mass has 2 sizes which are :

  • 6 Lbs ~ 2.7kg: used from 8-10 days (calculated according to the standard dose of 2 scoops)
  • 12 Lbs ~ 5.4kg: use from 16-20 days (calculated according to the standard dose of 2 scoops)

(*) Note: although the shelf life of Super Mass Gainer is quite long, once usedthen you should only use it within 2-3 months to ensure the best product quality.

Super Mass Gainer works how long?Expiry date, usage, notes

2.2 Notes when storing Super Mass

Super Mass How long can Gainer be used? Expiration date, usage, notes

Open the product when you're readyuse:

Avoid opening products until you are ready to use them.The expiry date on the package corresponds to the unopened product.The open lid makes the milk gain weight easily contaminated by moisture or microorganisms in the environment.

Super Mass Gainer, once opened, has a shelf life of 2-3 months.So use it every day once you've unboxed it.

Buy the right weight to suit your needs:

Buying a large size product can save you money.But it's a waste if you don't use it every day.because thHey, you need to consider carefully before buying the product to avoid waste, and cause the product to be damaged before it's used up 

Check the expiration date:

Ensure the quality of the powder, avoid powder products of unknown origin, origin or not yet inspected by the Ministry of Health.You should buy from the best reseller,

The date of production and expiry date greatly affects the powder such as lumps, mold or discoloration….Therefore, remember to buy Super Mass Gainer with the longest shelf life from the date of purchase to the expiry date.

Store in a dry place:

Super Mass Gainer needs to be stored in a dry place, avoiding excessive heat, moldy places and direct sunlight.Do not store milk in the refrigerator, freezer, should be placed on the table, shelf, avoid contact with the ground, to avoid milk curdling

Store away from moisture:

For canned Super Mass Gainer, it is necessary to tighten the lid of the box, for products with Zip bags, it is necessary to close the mouth of the bag tightly, to prevent air from causing the milk to clump.

Clean hands when scooping powder:

This is the problem many people face when getting the sett, wet hands when adding water to the dough will be moldy and lumpy.Note, you must not use a wet spoon to scoop the dough from the box, as this may cause mold to the dough.

How long does Super Mass Gainer last ?Expiry date, usage, note

3.The reasons why the use of Super Mass Gainer is not effective

3.1 Drink close to the main meal

Because Super Mass is rich in nutrients, when used too close to the main meal, your stomach will feel full and eat less or not want to eat.So, if you eat less or skip meals, you will not be able to recharge and provide nutrients to your body.

Therefore, you should use weight gain milk about 1-2 hours before meals to promote the full effect of this milk.

Super Mass Gainer works how long?Expiry date, usage, notes

3.2 Mix milk with boiling water

Boiling water will make the milk curdle and at the same time lose the nutrients in the milk.because thPlease mix according to instructions with cold filtered water or unsweetened fresh milk.

Super Mass Gainer how long to use?Expiry date, usage, notes

3.3 Excessive activity after drinking milk

Exercise is also a way to gain weight that you should apply.However, not all exercises are suitable for thin people.Because when exercising, it will consume energy, but if it is consumed too much compared to the energy inputbody, drinking milk or wanting to gain weight will not work.

Super Mass Gainer how long to use?Expiry date, usage, notes

3.4 Mix too much or too little

Anything too much or too little is not good and neither is weight gain milk.If used too much, the body does not absorb it all, causing waste and possible side effects.And if you drink too little, you won't get enough nutrients to gain weight.SoUse according to the recommended dosage.

Super Mass Gainer how long to use?Expiry date, usage, notes

4.Frequently asked questions about using Super Mass

4.1 How long does it take to gain weight after taking Super Mass?

There is no set time for weight gain.Some people see improvement after the first week of use, others need to stick with it longer.It also depends on food intake, diet andyour daily activities.

4.2 How much weight gain by taking Super Mass?

On average you will gain 3-4 kg after using up 1 pack of Super Mass Gainer 12lbs.People with good absorption may gain more weight than this number.

4.3 Can Super Mass Gainer be combined with any other supplements?

Of course it is possible because Super Mass Gainer has the main effect of gaining weight.If you want to gain more muscle, use more Whey Protein, BCAAs.Besides, you can also combine increased milkSupplementing vitamins and minerals of all kinds to help the body absorb nutrients more effectively.

Super Mass Gainer how long to use?Expiry date, usage, notes

5.Instructions for using Super Mass most effectively

2 scoops a day, divided equally at the time of snacks.

+ For those of you who practice in the morning:

  • Before episode 30 – 60p.
  • Right after practice.
  • Afternoon snack 3 – 4pm.
  • Before bed1h.

+ For those of you who practice in the afternoon:

  • Breakfast around 9am, 10am.
  • Afternoon snack 1 hour before practice.
  • Right after the episode.
  • 1 hour before bed.

Each time use, mix 1/2 teaspoon with 300-500ml of cold water or replace with unsweetened fresh milk, mixed according to taste.If after exercising close to meal time, it can be combined to use 3 times a day, avoiding being full, eating uncomfortable.

Super Mass Gainer can also be used as an ingredient for a nutritious smoothie with fruits and fresh milk.Depends on preferencesyour benefit.

How long does Super Mass Gainer last ?Expiry date, usage, note

⇒ Refer to Mass Gainer weight gainer with cheap promotion at:

The share of the above article about how long does the shelf life of Super Mass Gainer last? Hopefully, it will help you get more useful information before choosing to buy a product.Wish you have a workout and nutrition planProper nutrition to soon improve your body as desired.




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    Serious Mass And Premium Mass Gainer Comparison Review, Which Is Good?

    Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer are both top fast weight gainer products for thin people.The article below WheyShop will help you compare Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer, which is better? Please take a look!

    ⇒ Refer to Mass Gainer weight gainer with cheap promotion at:

    1.Compare Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer

    1.1 About the brand

    Serious Mass is a branded weight gainer milk productOptimum Nutrition – Is the largest dietary supplement brand in the world with nearly 40 years of development.Genuine imported Serious Mass products, with enough quality inspection stamps, online check scratch stamps and Vietnamese manuals.

    Premium Mass is also a genuine and reputable imported product from Muscletech brand in the US.The product has a full stamp of quality control and product inspection.

    Comparative Review Serious Mass and Premium Mass GaiWhat kind of ner is good?

    1.2 Nutrition facts

    Compare Reviews Serious Mass Premium Mass Gainer Serving sizes :
    • 2 scoops = 336 grams
    • 2 scoops = 341 grams
    Starch ingredients:
    • Maltodextrin
    • Maltodextrin
    Protein composition:
    • Whey Protein Concentrate
    • Calcicum Caseinate
    • Egg Whites
    • Whey Protein Concentrate
    • Calsium Caseinate
    Other components:
    • 4.5g fat
    • 20g sugar
    • 50g protein
    • Additional 25+ vitamins and minerals
    • 1.5g fat
    • 12g sugar
    • 53g protein
    • Add Creatine
    Number of times used:
    • 16 uses
    • 16 uses
    • 97,000 VND/use
    • 112.00 VND/use

    1.3 About taste

    • Serious Mass has 4 basic flavors, very easy to drink such as: chocolate, vanilla, banana, peanut butter chocolate, t...Among them, the peanut butter and chocolate flavors are worth trying.
    • Premium also has 3 flavors such as: chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.In which chocolate flavor is the best-selling or sold-out.

    In general, the taste of Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer is quite easy to drink, fragrant, natural, not too strong, so anyone can use it.

    Type What is the best price to compare Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer?

    1.4 About price

    Currently, the priceThere is a big difference between Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer, up to 300,000 VND for 2 similar products in terms of quality ingredients.

    • Serious Mass 6lbs: 850,000 VND/jar.
    • Serious Mass 12lbs: 1,500,000 VND/jar.
    • Premium Mass Gainer 12lbs: 1,800,000 VND/jar

    However, if you are a person who is difficult to absorb nutrition and want to gain weight effectively, then Serious Mass will certainly be a cheap option that will help you gain weight faster and more effectively with enough vitamins., minerals.

    Comparative evaluation of Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer which is good?

    2.Should I use Serious Mass or Premium Mass Gainer?

    When comparing Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer, if your goal is to gain more muscle when combined with weight gain, then Premium Mass with higher protein ingredients and Creatine helps muscle development is slightly better than Serious Mass.

    However, considering the price difference between Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainerup to 300,000 VND, you can completely add more quality muscle gain products and still ensure good weight gain with Serious Mass ingredients.

    Review compare Compare Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer, which is the best?

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    Whether you choose Serious Mass or Premium Mass Gainer will depend on your needs and circumstancesyour economic viability.Hopefully the above sharing about comparing Serious Mass and Premium Mass Gainer, will help you gain more useful information about these two extremely hot weight gainer milk lines.Wish you success in getting the body you want


    Review Evaluate Whether Ensure Milk Is Good For Weight Gain?

    Ensure Milk is a very familiar milk line to Vietnamese consumers.They are also trusted and chosen by many people for daily use, especially for the elderly and those in poor health.So is drinking Ensure milk good for weight gain and suitable for whom? We invite you to find out through the article below

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    1.What is Ensure?

    Review assess whether Ensure milk is good for weight gain? p>

    Ensure milk is a very familiar milk line to Vietnamese consumers, a product of the Abbott brand from the United States.Ensure milk is specially formulated to support thin people, people with poor digestive system, picky the process of gaining weight.

    The product has an abundance of fatty acids that provide a great source of energy for the body.These nutrients will also help you achieve good weight gain conditionsmost.

    Here are also some ingredients of Ensure milk:

    • Provides many different vitamins such as A, C, E, D, K.Besides, some substances such as calcium, zinc, iron, etc.also help the body to be more supple with strong bones and immune system.translation is enhanced.
    • HMB plays an extremely important role in the recovery and strengthening of muscle cells.
    • The nutrient content has low cholesterol, so it is very good for people with cardiovascular disease.
    • Provides plenty of fiber to aid digestion and increase energyAbility to absorb nutrients to be increased.
    • Along with many oxidizing substances, it will help the body eliminate toxins effectively.

    Review evaluate whether Ensure milk is good for weight gain?

    2.Is Ensure milk good for weight gain?

    The biggest concern of consumers is drinking Ensure milk to gain weight, but does Ensure milk help to gain weight? As the name suggests, Ensure Milk increases weight for peopleskinny is produced with the goal that milk helps to support skinny people in their weight gain process.

    Ensure milk powder provides many different vitamins such as A, C, E, D, K.Substances such as calcium, zinc, iron, improve the efficiency of metabolism and absorption./p>

    However, Ensure milk does not provide too many calories, only about 250 calories / serving, so its nutritional content is low, it is difficult to help you gain weight quickly and effectively.

    Review evaluate whether Ensure milk is good for weight gain?

    3.Note when using Ensure milk to gain weight

    Although Ensure milk powder is rich in nutritional value and supports weight gain, users also need to use the correct dosage according to the instructions.Here is an effective way to use milk to gain weight that is applied by many people.

    3.1 When to use

    According to recent studies, the amount of milk a normal person needs daily is about 300-400 ml, according to scientists.For thin people, use above the recommended levelhey, equivalent to 3-4 glasses of Ensure milk powder per day.

    Therefore, it is recommended to drink Ensure milk after breakfast, or 30 minutes before going to bed for nutrients to be effectively absorbed into the body.This time is also explained as the best time for the body to absorb the highest nutrients.

    Review evaluate whether Ensure milk is good for weight gain?

    3.2 Usage

    You can use Ensure insteadpart or all of the meal, but still ensure that the patient has enough nutrients.When making powdered milk, follow the correct dosage formula, and do not exceed the number of spoons indicated on the product packaging.

    One cup of Ensure properly mixed for thin people will contain 6 full spoons and about 195ml of water.Milk should be mixed with warm water about 45 to 50 degrees, should not be mixed with too hot or too cold water, it will lose many nutrients in milk.

    Review evaluate whether Ensure milk is good for weight gain?

    3.3 How to preserve milk

    To ensure better health, once opened the Ensure milk box, it should be used within 3 weeks.Besides, it should also be stored under normal temperature and away from sunlight.In particular, do not put milk in the refrigerator.

    After making milk, it should be used immediately and not left for too long, causing unnecessary nutrient loss.

    Review evaluate whether Ensure milk is good for weight gain?

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    With the above analysis, you certainly have the answer to the question "Does Ensure milk gain weight?".This is also considered a nutritious and high-energy milk for consumers.However, you should also follow the manufacturer's instructions to achieve the best weight loss effect.I wish you success in achieving a body likewish