Sunday, May 29, 2022

Top 10 Best Muscle Strengthening Exercises For Gymer

Building muscle strength not only improves muscle size and mass, but also has many benefits for athletic performance and overall health.The following article WheyShop will reveal to you the top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymers today!

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1.Benefits of increasing muscle strength

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

1.1.Protect bone health and muscle mass

Strengthening exercises to help increase strength, endurance and develop strong muscles and bones, improve overall health, effectively.

1.2.Support weight loss

Increasing strength and muscle helps the body burn calories more efficiently, support better weight loss, and burn fat.

1.3.Beneficial for heart health

In addition to aerobic exercisesc, muscle strengthening exercises also help improve blood pressure.Do muscle-strengthening activities once a week plus 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week to help prevent high blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease.

1.4.Increase endurance for daily activities

Mass loss due to the natural aging process causes painful joints, increases the risk of injury and reduces the body's endurance.As you age, muscle mass is lost faster, which means simple activities can become more difficult.Endurance training can help you increase your endurance, get stronger, and improve your daily performance.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.Top 10 exercises to increase muscle strength at home

The following exercises that use heavy weights and low reps will help you build muscle strength quickly.In particular, the exercises only target the largest muscle groups in the upper bodypossible so that you can build the most balanced strength.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer


Deadlift is one of the muscle-strengthening exercises that helps you quickly increase your ability to lift heavy objects from the bottom up.This move requires the participation of the lower back and hamstrings, which are the two strongest muscle groups on the body.

How to do this: 

  • Stand upStraight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, grasp the bar with both hands so that the inner forearm does not touch the outside of the thigh and the lower leg touches the bar lightly.
  • Put the spine in a central position, neither up nor down; Eyes looking straight ahead, hips low.
  • Lightly squeeze your lower abdomen, making sure that your shoulder blades are in the center position.With your shoulders facing back, press down firmly and take care not to bend over.
  • Hands grip the barbell push the leg down to help the leg create force to lift the bar.hip andShoulders at the same time turned up, hands still clenched.Combine with upper body strength to lift the weight until the position of the weight is in the middle of the upper thigh.
  • Note, when lifting the barbell, push both toes down, followed by heel push.Always keep the bar in contact with the body during exercise.
  • You should slowly lower the weight until it touches the floor, then pause for a bit and then raise the weight again to continue the Deadlift exercise.
  • Note: When lowering the weight, you must be very slow to feel the tension of the muscles.Above all, when you raiseNext time, you must have control and not use inertia to lift weights.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.2.Bicep curls

You can do Bicep curls while standing or sitting at the end of a bench.

To do this exercise:

  • Stand or sit upright.Shoulder width apart.
  • Hold an equal dumbbell in each hand.Place your arm at hWho's on your side.
  • Inhale.As you exhale, slowly roll the dumbbells toward your shoulders.Focus on using your biceps to lift the weight.Tighten your abs and straighten your back.
  • Pause for a beat, then lower the dumbbell to position
  • the beginning.
  • Repeat the movement to the required number of repetitions.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.3.Chest press

ExerciseChest press is a familiar exercise that strengthens your upper body, effectively working multiple muscles at once, including the pectoral muscles, triceps, and shoulder deltoids.

Do this exercise like this:

  • Lie on the floor or on a bench with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand.Bend your elbows so that your hands are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Inhale, holding dumbbells with both hands, slightly wider than chest.
  • As you exhale, push the dumbbell up.
  • Pause for a beat, lower the dumbbell to the starting position.
  • Repeat degreespractice until the required number of repetitions is reached.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymers

2.4.Dumbbell row

Dumbbell row exercises help build strength in the back, arms and abs.In this move, the levers, traps, and rhombuses will be exercised, correcting your posture as you pull your shoulders back and helping to stabilize your spine.

How to do it: 

  • Use a dumbbell (9kg is most common to start) and a bench.
  • Start position with left hand on bench with left arm extended, left leg resting on chair, while right hand holding dumbbell and right leg straight on floor.
  • Put your shoulders up, tense your abs, and pull the dumbbells closer to your body until your elbows are over your body.
  • Slowly lower the weights and repeat 3 reps, 6-8 times each side.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercisesgive it to the gymer


Push-ups are a seemingly simple move that works your upper body muscles while toning your abs and allowing you to move your shoulder blades through their full range of motion.

How to do it: 

  • Start with knees facing the floor, hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, straight under shoulders.
  • Stay in a plank position by straightening your legs and lifting weights with your arms and legs.
  • Tighten your back muscles to keep your body straight, then lower to the floor.Right elbowi is curved – like an arrow instead of splitting like an arrow, instead of keeping it spread like a T. 
  • Lower until chest touches floor and return to starting position, fully extending arms and repeating.


  • If you can't do 5 push-ups with correct posture, raise your arms while leaning against a bench or recliner to start strengthening your muscles.
  • If push-ups are easy, try lifting your legs up on a chair and putting more weight on your body.Make sure you can do it 12 timesn do push-ups, lift your own weight before adding heavy objects or elevating your legs.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.6.Split squat

This move is very important because it involves movement of each leg which improves balance during the exercise.The one-legged squat will help you improve lower body strength while improving balance, flexibilityhip mobility and stability.

How to do it: 

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Put right foot forward one step, then left foot one step back – this is your starting position.
  • Keeping your heels in front of you, lower yourself into a one-legged position, bringing your knees and back to the floor.
  • Pause when the back knee touches the ground while the front heel remains on the ground.Pause for about 2 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Do 6-8 reps for the right leg, 6-8 times for the left leg and repeat 3 times like thatmore.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.7.Lateral squat

This is a combination of kneeling and side squatting, which stretches the groin and inner thighs, while also working the hips, thighs, and torso.

How to do it: 

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, heels on the floor and toes pointed.
  • Start the movement by pushing your hips back, bending your left leg andà lean to the left with the right foot pointing slightly out.
  • Bend left knee, left heel still on the ground, and extend right leg while placing weight on left side of body.It's a step.
  • Return to standing position and lower body with the same motion but to the right side.
  • Do 6 reps on each side, switch sides, and do 3 more swaps.

Top 10 exercises to increase muscle strengthbest for gymer

2.8 Hip extension

This muscle-strengthening exercise trains the hip muscles, usually applied when you have to sit for a long time every day

How to do it: 

  • Fix the back shoulder by leaning against a sturdy chair, feet firmly on the floor, about 15 cm from the buttocks
  • Stretch your butt, pushing your hips hard from your heels to a position where your torso forms a bridge with your hips fully extended.The knees should be in a straight line, with the knees bent at a 90-degree angle.Keep the upper body, hips, abs and hamstrings are done
  • Lower hips and repeat 8 times.

Beginners use their own body weight, while more advanced players can keep the bar at hip height and raise the hips and lift harder.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.9 Plank high hand low hand

  • Straighten your body lying on your stomach, raise your arms up, arms as wide asshoulder, hind leg straight and both toes pointed up.
  • Close your abs and lower your elbows to the floor in turn, then raise them one at a time.During the movement, the body keeps tension and tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Continue doing high and low planks for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymers

2.10 Jumping Squats

  • Stand up straight with two legship-width apart, hands clasped on either side of the ribs.
  • Bend your feet slightly to create momentum to jump up high, then land in a deep knee-to-toe position, butt pushed back and hands resting on thighs.
  • jump up again and land in the same squat position as step 2.
  • Inhale when you turn up, then exhale when you land, and repeat continuously for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

Top 10 muscle strengthening exercisesbest corn for gymer

3.Notes for safe and effective muscle strength training

3.1 What to prepare for muscle strength training?

Strength training is a type of training that does not require much investment in equipment.Here are a few things you can prepare to start your home workout routine:

  • An exercise mat
  • Dumbbell set (If you can't afford weights, you can still use water bottles, sandbags or canned goods)
  • Resistance rope
  • Books and videosPrestigious and scientific exercise guide
  • Plan and schedule a suitable gym session

Many of you regularly practice without a specific plan or schedule, it makes you confused, not knowing where to start or what to do with each workout.

Our body is divided into major muscle groups and minor muscle groups, so you must have a plan to alternate training, combining these two muscle groups between training sessions for full body development.

Take some time before you start working out to find and schedule a gym that's right for yousuits you.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

3.2 Practice proper technique

With each exercise, if done correctly, it will work exactly the muscle group you want to target.Non-technical training not only wastes your effort, but also easily leads to unnecessary injury.

You also do not let yourself be influenced by new exercises online, but should focus on basic exercises.n with weights such as weightlifting, weightlifting, deadlift, …

Applying traditional weight training methods:

This is a training method to gain muscle quickly applied by many people.Because when the body gets used to normal activities, they are less likely to tear.So if you want bigger muscles, you have to put more pressure on.The easiest way is to increase the weight.

When training with this method, you gradually increase the weight of the weight and gradually decrease the number of times to lift the weight.You practice 4 sets of each exercise, from round 1 to set 4, the weight increases gradually, and the number of timesgradually dim.Rest 90-120 seconds between each set.


  • Round 1: do 12-14 reps, using weights of 40-50% 1RM
  • Half 2: 8-10 reps, 50-60% of 1RM
  • Round 3: Practice 6-8 reps, 70-80% 1RM
  • Round 4: do 4-6 reps with weights over 80% 1RM

RM: maximum strength when doing push-ups.

Applying the method of overtraining – Max OT:

With this method, you do not need to regularly increase weights, but you will have to train with a fixed weight.

  • Each session lasts 30-40 minutes.OnlyI practice 1 weight Max OT is 80-90% 1RM.
  • Only focus on 1 muscle group or 2 muscle groups related to each other such as: pectoralis posterior, triceps anterior,,…

Drop-set method:

This method is the complete opposite of the traditional weight training method.With Drop-set you will train from heavy to light and gradually reduce the number of repetitions.That means you'll also do 4 sets of each exercise, with only 10-15 seconds of rest between sets.

3.3 Stick to the exercise program

The exercise program must be tailoredfit your body, goals, and experiences.Don't follow other people's programs, training schedules, and training methods.Unless you find this program more suitable for you than usual exercises.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

3.4 Maximum concentration when exercising

Don't bring your phone into the gym, if you have it on silent mode.Don't argue, pay attentionto other people's practice,...because these factors only distract you, not focusing on your exercise.Since then, the training performance is also not reached.

3.5 Learn to breathe, rest between sets 

Many of you think this factor is not important? In fact, they are extremely important, contributing to the success of training.Breathing when exercising properly will make the exercise more effective, more accurately impacting the muscle groups you want.

For the most appropriate rest between series (sets) is 35 minutes, depending onc to the intensity of the exercise.Do not rest too long or too quickly.This is also a way to quickly gain muscle that many people apply.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

3.6 Nutritional supplements for muscles

Besides training, nutrition also plays an important role in increasing muscle strength.Every day, you should consume about 2-3,1g of protein per kilogram of body weightand divided into meals throughout the day.Prioritize plant-based protein intake, as animal protein will cause you to consume more bad fats and cholesterol.Do not forget to increase fiber intake from vegetables, tubers, fruits, legumes, reduce processed foods, sweets and foods high in sugar in daily meals.

3.7 Reasonable rest mode

Rest is extremely important for your muscle growth.Especially for weightlifting exercises with heavy weights, you need to spend at least  8 hours of rest tomuscle recovery.

For daily sleep, you should sleep deeply at least 7 hours per night, but ideally 8-9 hours.Sleeping before 11pm is more reasonable.Deep sleep is extremely important for muscle growth.The time to fall into deep sleep is also the time when the body increases testosterone secretion, switching to the best state of muscle repair and development.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

⇒ Refer to the list of products that increase Strength with cheap promotion at:

The above article shares about the 10 most effective muscle strengthening exercises, and you must have seen that these exercises are not too difficult.Hope you get the results you want quickly.Thank you forInterested in following the article!


Top 10 Best Arm Strength Exercises At Home

Owning a pair of strong, healthy hands not only helps you easily perform all activities in life, but also increases the aesthetics of your appearance.In this article WheyShop will guide you through the 10 best arm strength exercises at home.We invite you to consult!

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1.Benefits of exercises to increase arm strength

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home The effects of exercises strengthening arm muscles at home you may not have thought of.Forearm training at home is the right choice, simple and easy to do.present and bring many health benefits.

1.1 Effectively strengthen hand muscles:

Exercises strengthening hand muscles have a great impact on the hand area in particular as well as other parts of the body.heh.When you take the time to train your biceps seriously, you will get toned biceps, toned, strong arms.

1.2 Easy and comfortable practice:

When practicing at home, you have complete control over the time and space of your practice.You can practice in all weather conditions because you are always safe at home.

1.3 No cost, no time:

You don't need to go to the gym, you don't need to pay for a trainer because you can practice at home by yourself.

1.4 No distractions:

Home workouts allow you to focus on your biceps exercises without being distracted or distracted by your surroundings.

2.Top 10 best arm strength exercises 

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.1 Push-ups

Fitness trainers believe that the exercise to increase arm strength is believed to be thebig to increase hand muscle strength.Just a comfortable position and you can do this exercise at home easily.

How to do it:

  • Place your hands close to each other (the index finger is in contact with the index finger, the little finger is in contact with the little finger to form a diamond shape), the pressure on the chest will decrease.At the same time, the pressure on the back arm will increase.
  • Legs straight, toes together, resting on the floor.
  • Slowly lower your body, bending your elbows at an angle of about 30-45 degrees.
  • Lift up, return to starting position.
  • Repeati move 2-3 sets, each round 12-15 times.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.2 Pull up bar

Push-up is also one of the effective arm strength exercises at home for both men and women.

How to do it:

  • Place your hands on the bar and the distance between your hands is wider than shoulder width to reduce pressure on your hands and is suitable for beginnerspractice.
  • Grab your hands firmly on the bar so that the palms are facing out or the palms are facing the inside of the body.
  • Inhale the bar, note that when lifting, you need to try to keep your back straight, slightly leaning forward to reduce back injuries.
  • When inhaling the bar, combine with the breath as you use your arms and shoulders to pull your weight over the bar.
  • Exhale slowly when lifting and inhale deeply when lowering.
  • Repeat the entire movement until the required number of repetitions is reached.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.3 Bends and pulls dumbbells

This move helps to strengthen the forearm muscles at home, and the practitioner should pay attention to the amount of weight he lifts to avoid affecting the safety of the practitioner himself.

How to do it:

  • The practitioner stands upright, holding a barbell with both hands and feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Then push your hips back and bend overCome before your body is almost parallel to the floor.
  • Head should be raised, not bent, holding dumbbells perpendicular to the floor.
  • Exhale and slowly pull the dumbbell up close to the body, when pulling up to the highest position, you should keep 1 beat 3.
  • Finally, inhale and slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
  • Perform the movement 3 sets, each set 8-12 times.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.4 Plank leaning over

Although Side plank is often classified as the best exercise for oblique abs.But it also helps to increase endurance, strength for your arms.

How to do it:

  • Lie completely to the right on the floor, body raised so that the body almost forms a straight line.
  • Press your forearm into the ground to stabilize your body without swaying.Your right arm and shoulder should be at a 90 degree angle.
  • Lower your hips almost to the floor, then lift back up.Can keep andi seconds to 30 seconds at the lower hip position to get the right arm to work more.
  • After 30 seconds, you switch to the left and do the same.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.5 Kickboxing 

If you've ever taken a kickboxing class, you know that throwing punches burns a lot of calories.They also help tone and strengthen the armsand your upper back.If you don't have a sandbag to punch, you can throw punches into an imaginary sandbag.This helps you use more force from your arms into the air sandbag.

How to do it:

  • Start the pose with feet hip-width apart and firmly on the floor.
  • The right arm should form a 45-degree angle with the hand forming a fist and placed directly under the teeth.
  • Stretch your arms as you punch your fist at the imaginary target in front of you.Put force into the punch but don'tn overwork your shoulder muscles.
  •  Make 15 powerful punches with your right arm then switch to your left arm.Complete 4 times like that.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.6 Stand pulling the cable

Trainers should use ropes instead of handles.Because using the rope handle will help the biceps to be squeezed more, thereby improving the training efficiency.

How to do it:

  • Stand up straight and hold the ends of the rope with both hands, palms facing each other.
  • The practitioner's arms should be straight and close to the body.
  • Then use the biceps to pull the hand up until the biceps touches the arm, hold 1 beat in this position and exhale.
  • Finally inhale and slowly extend your arms back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement until the required number of times.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.7 Dumbbell Biceps Curl

If you want to change the strengthening arm muscles exercises at home to be more interesting and rich, then you can refer to this exercise.

How to do this exercise:

  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, keep your hands in a straight position parallel to your body, palms facing the weight.
  • Close the dumbbell forward while exhaling.When performing, you should note onlymove the lower arm while the upper arm remains stationary.
  • When raising the dumbbell to shoulder level, hold for 1 second while squeezing the biceps muscle.
  • Bring the weight back to the starting position with an inhale.
  • Perform all of the above movements in 3 sets, 10-12 times each.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.8 Standing Concentration Curl

Strength training exerciseThis at-home biceps muscle strengthens each side of your hand.

How to do it:

  • Hold a Dumbbell in one hand and push your body forward so that your back is parallel to the ground.The other hand you put on the knee.
  • Close the dumbbell upward, at the highest point squeeze your biceps and hold for a few seconds.
  • Return weights to starting position.
  • Repeat the movement for 3 sets, 10-12 times each set.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.9 Alternate Hammer Curl

Simple exercise with dumbbells to help develop your forearms to help strengthen biceps and biceps in a comprehensive way

How to practice:

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, relax your hands close to your body so that your palms are facing inward.
  • Raise left hand dumbbell high, forearm flexed.When the dumbbells are near your shoulders, stretch your biceps.
  • From lowering the dumbbells to the starting position at the same time, inhale and exhaleRepeat with the other hand.
  • Do the movement 2-3 times, each set 10-12 times.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

2.10 Reverse Barbell Curl

You should pay attention to the weight of the dumbbells to match your lifting capacity.Do not choose weights with too much weight index, affecting yourself.

How to do it:

  • Using barbells and installing weighted dumbbellsappropriate amount, place weights in front of you.
  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart.
  • Grab the bar with both hands, pressing the dumbbells close to your body with your palms facing in.
  • Your upper arm stays in a fixed position, your lower arm bends the dumbbells up while squeezing your biceps muscles as you exhale.
  • When you bend the dumbbell, you can see that the biceps are fully clenched and the bar is at shoulder level.
  • After 1 second holding the position, you slowly bring the dumbbells down to the original position combined with inhalation.
  • Repeat the entire movement 3 sets,10-12 reps each set.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

3.Note when exercising arm muscles at home safely and effectively

3.1 Basic mistakes when doing arm exercises at home

Some common mistakes during training to increase arm strength need attention to ensure your own safety and avoid injury when practicing.

  • Monotonic exercise: Don'tng simply repeat with a device or type of episode as it will limit the development of the muscles of that hand
  • Grace too tight: When you grip the bar or bar too hard, your body distributes the force to other muscle groups in your arm (like your forearm).
  • Back Cuff: Practice in front of a mirror to see if your back arches during the exercise.
  • Do not complete the exercise: If you only do half a rep, then of course only half the effect, not as effective when training.
  • Don't do one-arm weight training: Hand-by-hand exercise helpsdetect whether you have a muscle misalignment or not so that you can take timely remedial measures.

Top 10 best arm strength exercises at home

3.2 Notes when exercising arm muscles at home 

When exercising, it is also necessary to pay attention to manipulations to avoid injury and limit the counterproductive effect of training to increase arm muscle strength 

  • Do not exercise too hard, do not arbitrarily increase the weight too much.
  • A reasonable time to assemble,no more than 45 minutes per session.
  • Practice with intensity from low to high, let your body get used to it.
  • It is recommended to practice under the guidance of a coach, or watch instructional videos on the internet.Regularly change exercises to diversify content.
  • Combining a reasonable diet and sleep, nutritional supplements before, during and after exercise
  • Add enough water during exercise to increase alertness.

Top 10 strength exercisesg best arm strength at home

⇒ Refer to the list of products that increase Strength with cheap promotion at:

The above are the top 10 simple and detailed exercises to increase arm strength at home that you can refer to, and some notes to help you practice more effectively.Thank you for your interest in our articles.Good luck with your training!


The 15 Most Effective Gymnastics Endurance Exercises

Endurance exercises help to supplement the effective gym process, build muscle or lose fat better.The following article WheyShop will help you synthesize 15 most effective exercises to increase endurance in the gym.We invite you to consult!

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1.Why is endurance training important?

For the gym, high-intensity exercises or cardio exercises like endurance running, cycling, etcMuscles and fitness need an adequate source of energy to function.This energy source depends more or less on the tolerance of each person.

Basically, there are two types of endurance.The first is muscular endurance, which is what drives the muscles to work at their full capacity.The stronger the muscle, the more muscle fibers there are and the stronger the connection between them, the greater the muscle strength.

The second type is aerobic endurance, which is the source of energy taken from the cell, and the amount of oxygen available for cell function.It is the energy that determines how long you can practice, and onlyIt can be trained by maintaining practice every day.

Endurance determines your mobility, besides strength and physical condition, it is also very useful in daily life.For example, climbing stairs or running a long distance to the parking lot will no longer be a burden when you are in good physical condition.In addition, it is also a factor that helps your bodybuilding and endurance training hours achieve the desired effect, no longer being pushed for a few beats and then exhausted.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.Suggest 15 most effective exercises to increase endurance in the gym

Here are the 15 most effective strengthening exercises in the gym today, which you can refer to and practice at home to improve your training performance.body

15 Effective exercises to increase endurance for gymersmost

2.1 Take small steps in place

  • Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart, hands clasped at sides.
  • Start running in small steps.Lift your legs and run in place, landing on your toes.Note that the foot is only slightly lifted off the ground, the running range is reduced.When you stomp your feet, don't lock your knees.
  • Breathe steadily and run continuously for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

15 Strength trainingdurable for the most effective gymer

2.2 Plank high hand low hand

  • Lie on your stomach, arms up by your sides, hands shoulder-width apart, hind legs extended and toes pointing up.
  • Put your abs and lower your elbows one at a time so that your body almost touches the floor, then raise them one at a time.During the movement, the body keeps tension and tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Continue to perform high-low plank for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

15 Most effective strength training exercises for gymer

2.3 Running with thigh lift

  • Stand up straight
  • Two legs running continuously with knees elevated, parallel to the floor t
  • Do it for 40 seconds then rest for 10 seconds.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.4 Push-ups

  • Straighten the body lying on the stomach, arms outstretched,Arms shoulder-width apart, hind legs straight, and toes pointed upwards.
  • Lower body weight by bending your elbows until your chest almost touches the floor, then straighten your arms.
  • Breathe steadily and continuously hold the push-up speed constant for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.5 Jump rope

  • ChGather a rope of medium length so that the length of half of the rope is approximately the distance between your feet and chest.
  • Holding both hands on the ends of the jump rope, placed behind the heels, feet together, standing.
  • Throw the jump rope forward, then jump when the rope hits the ground.Continue to throw and jump for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.6 Power Biceps Curl

  • Two feet hip-width apart, holding a medium fruit in each hand.
  • Slowly lower your body, and at the same time roll your arms up and bend in the direction of your biceps.
  • Sit down as low as you can and press the dumbbells up into a hammer shape, touching elbows to knees.
  • Stand up and slowly lower the weight back down, repeat 16 times, then rest for about 10 seconds.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.7 Reverse Turning Lunge

  • Stand up straight with dumbbells in both hands and flex your muscles.
  • Take a step back and slowly lower yourself until your knees form a 90-degree angle.If you take your left foot back first, then when you lower yourself, your upper body rotates to the right, or vice versa.
  • Push back and return to the starting position and do the same with the other side.
  • Make sure you keep your torso upright throughout the movement.Practice alternating sides for 15 times.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.8 Squat with barbell in front of chest

  • Hold dumbbells in front of you, hands shoulder-width apart.The barbell must be placed at shoulder level, not against the neck, keeping the chest and back straight 
  • Do squat slowly with knees slightly open, squat down, remember to squeeze your abs and straighten your back.
  • Repeat about 15 times

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.9 Deadlift with barbell

  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands holding dumbbells at hip level.
  • With your legs slightly bent, the right side of the bucket should be facing back, slowly lower the weight, keep your back straight and squeeze your butt.
  • Keeping the bar close to your body, lower the weight deeply, pushing your hips forward and back to head position.

15 The most effective strength training exercise for gymer

2.10 Pull up bar

Push-ups or Pull-ups are also one of the effective home gym endurance exercises for men and women with easy movements.

  • Place your hands on the bar and the distance between your hands is wider than shoulder width to reduce pressure on your hands and is suitable for beginners.
  • Grab the bar firmly with both hands with palms facing outward or inward relative to the body.
  • Pull the bar up, pay attention when lifting, try to keep the column straightLive, lean forward slightly to reduce back injury.
  • As you inhale the bar, combine with the breath while using your arms and shoulders to pull your weight over the bar.
  • Exhale slowly while raising and inhale deeply while lowering.
  • Repeat the entire movement until the required number of repetitions is reached.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.11Sumo squat combined with jumping

  • Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart, hands clasped.
  • Kneel slightly to gain momentum for a high jump, then land in a deeply narrowed knee position, toes bent to the sides, hands on thighs.
  • Jump, put your feet together, and clap your hands.
  • Repeat jumping for 40 seconds then rest for 10 seconds.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.12 High jump and stretch

  • Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart, hands at sides of ribs.
  • Jump high, feet wide, arms straight, then land, not locking joints.
  • Squat down, hands on the ground, then slightly jump up to push your legs back, toes resting on the ground, whole body straight.
  • Jump up and bring your legs close to you, then stand up straight, kick one leg forward, swing your arms naturally, and then lower your leg back to the original position in step 1.
  • Repeat padded sequenceWhen working, switch legs and kick continuously for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

2.13 Jumping and jumping

  • Stand up straight, feet narrower than hips, arms relaxed, eyes straight.
  • Jump to the side, pivot foot down to protect the knee, other leg curled up, close to the pivot leg.The taller man stooped forward, his two hands hit him in front and back naturally.
  • Hold this position for 2 seconds, then bring your foot to the other side and land in the same position as in step 2.
  • Jumping side to side continuously for 40 secondsi rest for 10 seconds.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

2.14 Combined high-rise footsteps

  • Stand up straight, feet narrower than hips, hands on hips.
  • Step one foot wide to the side, and at the same time bend the knee deeply.The other leg is stretched, the body weight is tilted to one side.
  • Return your bent leg back to its original position and straighten your body.Then swing it wideAim hands from bottom to top, and at the same time jump out and spread your legs wide, hands touching above your head.
  • Jump again to bring your arms and legs back, and then repeat the step sideways with the other leg.
  • Repeat the sequence for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

2.15 Jumping Squats

  • Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart, hands clasped at your sides.
  • Lightly bend your legs to create momentum to jump up high, then land with a deep knee-to-toe position, butt pushback and hands resting on thighs.
  • Hop up again and land in the same squat position as step 2.
  • Inhale when you turn up, then exhale when you land, and repeat continuously for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

3.Note to increase the body's endurance effectively

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

3.1 Start up thoroughly

The way to increase your body's endurance in the gym is to warm up thoroughly.Rotating the knees, hands, shoulders...are movements that will help warm the body, lubricate the joints, and bring the body from rest to movement.

Thanks to that, the body can create an abundant source of energy and keep up with the intensity of exercise.In addition, it also limits injuries affecting health and efficiencylasting results.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

3.2 Reduce rest time between sets

To increase endurance when working out at home, you should limit the recovery time (rest time) between sets to 30-90 seconds.Reduce the rest time between sets and reduce the weight of the exercise.Instead, please repeat more times and rest only about 30 seconds or less between setspractice times.This is the best way to increase body endurance.

3.3 Combine strength training with cardio

Combining these two forms of exercise is a very effective way to increase body endurance.Because Cardio is an exercise that can improve cardiovascular health.Meanwhile, strength exercises often focus on building muscle

Many of you are used to one day of cardio, one day of strength training.However, it is only when you combine the two in the same workout that it can lead to fatigue due to the high intensity of the workout at first.But whenOnce you get used to it, you can significantly increase your fitness and endurance.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

3.4 Maintain balance

Having enough breaks and working out harder is a great way to increase endurance when hitting the gym effectively.If you think gym workouts are too heavy for you, go slow, go for a light jog, bike, swim, or join a yoga class instead of going to the gym.exercise every day.You can only achieve your goals if your body feels completely comfortable, and you don't over-exercise.

3.5 Increase the intensity if you want

You've been doing consistent intensity training for a long time, but if you really want to increase your endurance, it's time to increase your training intensity.

You can help relax your body by taking a break from exercise 1 day / week, but also remember to exercise regularly 3-5 times / week and at least 20 minutes each time.

15 The most effective gymnastics endurance exercise

3.6 Using Mental Strength

Another important way to increase your physical strength is to use mental strength.Your spirit, or determination, plays a decisive role in the probability that you will continue to try, or give up during the practice.If you want to improve your fitness with rigorous exercise programs, you first need to have determination and consistency.

3.7 Constructionproper diet

You may not know, a scientific and reasonable diet can significantly affect the effectiveness of increasing muscle endurance in particular, and increasing the body's endurance in general.

You should stay away from foods rich in saturated fat and sugar.This is the reason why you are very tired and sluggish during exercise.It is recommended to increase the intake of vitamins, minerals, protein and unsaturated fats to help improve metabolism, improve the body's endurance for longer.

Also, during muscle movementYour body usually sweats more, which causes the body to become severely dehydrated.Therefore, you should remember to bring a bottle of water when you go to exercise, to ensure that your body is always awake, endurance when exercising is prolonged, instead of being easily tired and dizzy.

3.8 Use of dietary supplements

Regular exercise is a sustainable, long-term way to increase the body's endurance when exercising, the use of supplements is considered a shortcut to quickly improve endurance..

When choosing dietary supplements to improveFor endurance purposes, you should choose products that contain the following ingredients:

  • Creatine
  • Caffeine
  • Beta – alanine
  • Sodium Phosphate (Sodium Phosphate)
  • BCAA
  • Protein
  • Glutamine

If you don't know which product to choose to increase endurance when exercising, you can refer to products such as The Curse, ABE Pre-workout or BPI Creatine… at Wheyshop.These are all products that are clearly effective in increasing endurance and strength for an optimal performance session.

15 Strength training exercises for effective gymer the best

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Here are 15 effective strengthening exercises in the gym that you can comfortably wear at home.You can absolutely do them in the morning after waking up, or practice to relax the body in the afternoon to improve health.Good luck with your practice!It works!


L-Citrulline Vs Beta Alanine Comparison Review, What Should Gymer Choose?

If you explore the ingredient list of any pre-workout, there are a few key ingredients that you might be familiar with like L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine.These two compounds are among the most researched supplements in the medical industry for the effectiveness of their use on training.Please read the article below with WheyShop, to get the most overview about L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine!

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1.Overview of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine

1.1 What is L-Citrulline?

L-Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid normally made by the body, and the body converts L-citrulline into L-arginine, another amino acid.

L-Arginine improves blood circulation by producing nitric oxide (NO), a gas that helps dilate blood vessels, transport nutrients to muscles efficiently and increase endurance, improve strength in the body.practicepractice.

1.2 What is Beta Alanine?

β-Alanin (or Beta Alanine) makes carnosine that is stored in your skeletal muscle.Carnosin reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in your muscles during exercise, reduces the feeling of fatigue during exercise, effectively increases endurance.

Type Compare price of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine, what should Gymer choose?

2.Comparison of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine

Comparative review of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine, what should Gymer choose?

Beta Alanine and Citrulline have always been a popular pairing in all product lines that increase strength, or pump blood during training.The effectiveness of these two substances in training is undeniable.So what are the similarities and how are they different?

2.1 Origin


L-Citrulline is a natural amino acidnaturally in the body, found in foods and available as dietary supplements.

In addition to being produced in the body, citrulline is also found in some foods such as watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber, bitter melon, and gourd.These foods are close and commonly used, so it comes in handy if you need to add a natural cititsurline to your body.

Beta Alanine: 

Natural food sources of Beta Alanine include red meat, poultry and fish...including red meat, poultry, etc.ah fish… Compared to the average person, vegetarians have 50 rnosine less in their muscles (per diet does not use animal meat)

Comparative evaluation of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine, what should Gymer choose?

2.2 Uses


Citrulline alone can also help widen your blood vessels and may play a role in muscle building by dilatingblood vessels, transport nutrients, support recovery and muscle development comprehensively, more effectively.

Beta Alanine: 

Beta Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that helps to reduce muscle fatigue immediately, increase exercise endurance effectively, reduce stress on muscles, and effectively support anti-catabolism.p>

Type Compare price of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine, what should Gymer choose?

2.3 Usage


You can mix an amount of about 3-6g in water and drink 15 minutes before exercise or during training

Beta Alanine: 

Drink about 3-6g in water at 10 minutes before or right after exercise

Comparative evaluation of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine, what should Gymer choose?

2.4 Side effects


L-Citrulline is an amino acid supplement withmany health benefits.Current studies have not found any adverse health effects of this compound.However, if you have heart problems, blood pressure… consult a medical professional or medical professional for support and help.

Beta Alanine: 

Beta Alanine is very good for the body and safe to drink.Overdose can also cause possible side effects such as itching, allergies, pimples, etc.This situation will stop when the body gets used to the ingredients, reasonable supplements.

Comparative Evaluation of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine, Which Should Gymer Choose?

2.5 L-Citrulline vs Beta Alanine, what should Gymer choose?

Beta Alanine has been shown to significantly improve endurance, delay muscle fatigue.In addition, Beta Alanine helps create a nitric acid that can help muscles work better and longer.

For the amino acid compound Citrulline has the ability to increase nitric oxide levels, increase blood flow tomuscle and reduce ammonia/lactic acid levels.This helps muscles work longer and recover faster.

Usually, gymer can choose a type of Pre workout that contains both of these compounds to increase endurance, improve exercise performance, etc.Therefore, you do not need to be too confused about the problem between L-Citrulline vs Beta Alanine, which gymer should choose? What you need to pay attention to here is what is the composition of the type of Pre workout you choose, how does it help your training goals,…

Comparative evaluation of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine, what should Gymer choose?

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The above article has given you the most comprehensive reviews of L-Citrulline and Beta Alanine.Hopefully this article will help you gain more knowledge to enhance effective exercise performance.Good luck with your training