Sunday, May 29, 2022

BCAA Vs Creatine Comparison Review? Which Type Of Gymer Should Prioritize?

Both BCAA and Creatine are very good supplements for Gymer, can be taken before training to increase endurance and support muscle development.So, between Creatine and BCAA, which is better for bodybuilders? Should I Take Creatine or BCAAs? The article below WheyShop will help you get the most general assessment of BCAAs and Creatine.We invite you to consult!

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

1.Learn about BCAAs and Creatine

1.1 BCAA

BCAAs are made up of 3 branched chain amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine.This is an essential nutrient that cannot be produced by the body, but must be supplied from outside.BCAAs have the effect of improving and promoting muscle growth, enhancing exercise performance.

Some of the benefits of taking BCAAs include:

  • Promotes protein synthesis
  • Optimizing post-workout recovery
  • Relieve pain, muscle fatigue.
  • Helps to increase lean muscle mass

Comparative review of BCAA vs Creatine? Which type should Gymer use?

1.2 Creatine

Creatine is an active ingredient with 3 non-essential amino acids, arginine, glycine and methionine.Creatine is produced naturally in the human body, and can be obtained from natural foods and supplements.

Creatine is known for the following uses:

  • Improve exercise performance and recovery
  • AllI improve endurance, endurance
  • Promotes muscle growth
  • Increase in muscle size due to water retention.
  • Reduces the feeling of fatigue.

Comparative evaluation of BCAAs and Creatine? Which gymer should give preference?

2.BCAA vs Creatine Comparison?

To learn more about the 2 products, in order to compare BCAA and Creatine most accurately, let's explore the different aspects together.such as usage, origin, ingredients…

Comparative evaluation of BCAAs and Creatine? Which should Gymer use?

2.1 Component Origin

BCAA contains three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine, in which leucine plays the most important role.However, in natural foods, the leucine ratio is not enough to meet the needs of bodybuilders, so it is necessary to use BCAA supplements.These productsusually has a ratio of leucine, isoleucine and valine of 2: 1: 1, which is the golden ratio, ensuring optimal effectiveness for users.

Creatine also contains 3 acids: arginine, glycine and methionine.Creatine is found in food sources such as beef, pork, salmon, herring, etc.but in very small amounts.Therefore, to improve muscle strength, you should use creatine supplements is the best.

Type Compare prices BCAA and Creatin? Which type should Gymer use?

2.2 Main uses 

When it comes to BCAAs, their main function is to restore muscle, reduce fatigue, and increase concentration during exercise, thus increasing training efficiency.So BCAAs help prolong your workout.

The main use of Creatine is to create energy and help build strength, helping you lift heavier weights, or train with more intensity.

In terms of effects, if you want to restore muscle, reduce fatigue during and after exercise, then BCAA is the choice.Choose the right one for you.If you want to build muscle faster, increase muscle volume and strength in the next workout, then Creatine is more suitable.

Comparative evaluation of BCAAs and Creatine? Which should Gymer use?

2.3 Time to be effective

BCAA supplements will take effect immediately after using the product from 5 to 10 minutes.For the Creatine line of the product will have a slower effect thanBCAAs, you will see the effects of creatine after about 2 weeks of repeated use.

Comparative evaluation of BCAAs and Creatine? Which should Gymer use?

2.4 Muscle growth

BCAA also has the ability to support muscle growth, but the content of the product is not high, so it is less effective.BCAAs are primarily intended for muscle recovery and maintenance.Creatine not only helps increase endurance, but also helps increase retentionwater in the muscle, thus helping to increase muscle thickness and mass.

Comparative review of BCAAs and Creatine? Gymer Which one should I use?

2.5 Usage

BCAAs can be taken at any time of the day, just follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.You can use BCAAs in both bulking and cutting.

As for Creatine products, you should not use too much during the day.Creatine is usuallyUsed more during the muscle release phase.

Comparative evaluation of BCAAs and Creatine? Which should Gymer prioritize?

3.Which type should be preferred: BCAA or Creatine?

The preference for BCAA and Creatine depends on your specific goals at different stages of training.

  • If you want to stay in shape and promote faster muscle recovery, choose BCAAs.IfIf you need a great source of energy for intense workouts or you need to build muscle then Creatine is the right choice.
  • If you're taking a standard BCAA-containing whey protein supplement, you don't need the BCAA supplement and choose creatine instead to optimize performance and reduce costs.
  • If you have conditions, then using a combination of Creatine, BCAAs with Whey Protein will bring you maximum training efficiency

However, there are still some suggestions to help you understand when to prioritize BCAAs and whenPriority should be given to using Creatine: 

3.1 When should BCAAs be preferred?

BCAA supplements are a better option in the following situations

  • When you want to lose body fat without sacrificing lean muscle mass.
  • When you have a protein deficiency, but are on a diet 
  • When you do cardio, cardio, aerobics, HIIT, etc.To improve your body's endurance.
  • When you need more amino acids for muscle protein synthesis during and after intense exercise.
  • You are vegetarian and wiseg get enough amino acids from animal protein sources.

Type Compare price of BCAA and Creatine? Which one should Gymer prioritize?

3.2 When should creatine be used?

With creatine, you should prioritize in the following cases: 

  • When you exercise at a higher intensity, for a longer time, it requires more energy.
  • When you want to increase muscle size.
  • When you need more energyng and strength during HIIT exercises.

Comparative evaluation of BCAAs and Creatine? Which should Gymer use?

3.3 Can BCAAs be used with Creatine?

From the above reviews, we can confirm that BCAA and Creatine can be used together.This duo when combined can give you strength and endurance.

However, in reality, BCAAs andCreatines work their own way.Therefore, you need to be careful when using a combination of BCAAs and Creatine, so as not to misuse them.It is important to ensure that the supplements you take are part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Comparative evaluation of BCAAs and Creatine? Which should Gymer use?

=> Check out the list of cheap promotion Creatine at:

The above is an analysis, evaluation and comparison between Creatine and BCAA.Hopefully through this article, Gymers can easily determine what goals and best ways to use BCAA and Creatine in their training? I wish you success in your training.


Glutamine Vs BCAA Comparative Review: Which Should Choose?

Glutamine and BCAA both aid in muscle recovery.So for gym goers, they should choose between Glutamine and BCAA.The article below WheyShop will help you get a more general assessment of Glutamine and BCAAs.Please take a look!

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

1.Overview of BCAAs and Glutamine 

1.1 What is Glutamine?

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid.Our bodies synthesize glutamine through the action of glutamine synthetase in amino acid metabolism.

Here are some benefits of Glutamine:

  • Directly linked to protein synthesis in your body, which speeds up post-workout and post-injury recovery through its ability to preserve cells and cell mass.
  • Increases production of growth hormone, an important component of muscle growth and strength.
  • Strengthen your immune system, reduce the risk of diseases that will sweep you away after trainingpractice daily.
  • Helps repair damage to the intestines and digestive system, ensuring maximum absorption and utilization of important nutrients.

Glutamine is the most important amino acid for the body, but BCAAs also play an important role in muscle growth.

Comparative Review of Glutamine and BCAA: which one should I choose?

1.2 What is a BCAA?

BCAAs refer to branched chain amino acids.Three amino acidsEach main branch is leucine, isoleucine and valine, these are essential amino acids needed by muscles, supplemented through natural foods.

Here are some benefits of BCAAs:

  • Promotes a metabolic phase that regenerates new muscle cells, leading to muscle growth.
  • Provides your body with free cycle amino acids that can be readily absorbed by muscles to improve muscle function.
  • Helps increase endurance levels, thanks to their contribution to muscle fiber size and energy storage.

Comparative Review Glutamine vs BCAA: which one should I choose?

2.Glutamine vs BCAA Comparison: Which Should Gymer Take?

2.1 Similarities

Glutamine and BCAA both belong to the group of amino acid monomers involved in the formation of protein complexes.Both have a carboxylic group and an amine group attached to a central carbon (the asymmetric carbon atom).

Also, both are related to vReducing fatigue and muscle soreness after exercise.

Review compared Compare Glutamine and BCAA: which one should I choose?

2.2 Difference


  • Glutamine: Is an amino acid located in the molecular structure of proteins, found most in muscle, in addition, they also exist a lot in bone tissue.Typically, glutamine comes in one of two forms: the bound form in natural foods or whey proteinotein, and the second is the pure, isolated form, usually from individual supplements.
  • BCAA: BCAAs are amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body, but can only be obtained through natural foods or with the support of functional foods


  • Glutamine is focused on supporting muscle recovery and catabolism while increasing muscle strength
  • And BCAAs play an important role in building muscle mass and at the same time helping to improve the body's endurance 


BCAA or branched chain amino acids are essential amino acids including leucine, isoleucine and valine.While glutamine is a non-essential amino acid, it can be synthesized in the body.So, this is the key difference between BCAA and glutamine.


Glutamine: For those on a normal diet, we will need to provide about 5-6g of Glutamine per day.However, this can vary depending on the individual's diet.

BCAA: Supplemental BCAAs for weight lossequalize blood sugar, reduce fatigue during exercise performance, in addition to BCAAs, they provide a more effective line of amino acid equipment for muscle recovery.Experts recommend using the minimum amount of BCAAs:

  • Women: At least 9 grams of BCAAs per day
  • Men: At least 12 grams of BCAAs per day
  • For people who include enough protein-rich foods in their diet, supplements are not needed.

When to use:

Glutamine: Glutamine can be added in the morning, right afterexercise, and before going to bed.This will ensure that your body is replenished with this amino acid throughout the day and will give you what you need to recover from a long day of hard work.

BCAA: before or during and after exercise.This ensures that your body has the highest supply of BCAAs to help you with this exercise and to replace lost amino acids once you're done with your workout.

Side effects:

Glutamine: Glutamine is found in many foods and supplements, sopeople can use it in the usual prescribed amount without causing side effects.However, during use, if you drink too much, it is definitely not good, not only that, there are now new findings that some people use glutamine with side effects, but the amount is quite small.

  • Allergic rash, difficulty breathing, swelling of lips, face, tongue or throat
  • angry chest
  • Headache, dizziness, fatigue
  • Muscle or joint pain, back pain
  • Nausea, stomachache

BCAA: BCAAs have been shown to be safe andThere are no side effects for most people.All BCAA supplements are subject to safety testing standards prior to worldwide distribution.

Review compared Compare Glutamine and BCAA: which one should I choose?

3.Glutamine vs BCAA: Which Gymer Should Choose Better?

There is no definite answer to this question, although many consider glutamine unnecessary.Can be combined with BCAAs and used during exerciseWhen training, remember that BCAAs are often rich in Leucine, and this ingredient, when combined with Glutamine, will promote protein synthesis in the muscles much more effectively..

It's true that glutamine and BCAAs can boost your size and strength building efforts.However, BCAAs will help you build muscle faster, and glutamine will help you recover from a hard workout.

So the addition of the two should go hand in hand! Why give up when glutamine and BCAA both work for you?

Comparative review of Glutamine and BCAA: which one to choose?

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

The above article has helped you to have the most general assessment of Glutamine and BCAA.Both amino acids help reduce fatigue and muscle soreness after a workout.Hopefully this article will help you gain more knowledge to supplement optimal nutrition for the training process.Thank you for your attentionpost tracking sound


Do BCAAs Have Side Effects? Note When Using BCAA

As all bodybuilders, athletes and athletes know, BCAAs are great for muscle recovery, building, and growth.But many people still wonder if BCAAs have side effects? And how do you use BCAAs properly? Please follow the article below for more information!

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

1.Do BCAAs Have Side Effects?

Does taking BCAA have side effects?The answer is YES but only in the case of repeated overdose.Because whatever happens, even water, when you exceed the recommended dosage, it can cause unwanted side effects.

And BCAAs are of course no exception.Some side effects of BCAAs if you use many times the recommended amount can cause such as:

Causes headaches, fatigue:

Although BCAAs are very useful for people who practice sports, excessive use of BCAAs can cause some side effects such as headaches,fatigue, increased blood pressure, ….

Effect on blood sugar:

Although not too dangerous, you should not abuse or overdose BCAAs, because BCAAs can also have an adverse effect on blood sugar.In particular, people who are about to have surgery do not use BCAAs at all, before or after surgery.

Not for people with congenital metabolic disorders:

People with congenital metabolic disorders (international name: Maple Syrup Urine Disease) or people with liver, kidney, heart, or other diseasesPeople who regularly use alcoholic beverages are advised to limit their use of BCAA supplements.

BCAA Are there any side effects?Note when using BCAA

2.Note when using BCAA properly

2.1 Is taking BCAAs harmful to the kidneys?

According to a lot of information that BCAAs are not harmful to users, it is a guarantee that BCAAs will not harm the kidneys because current BCAA supplements have beenundergoes a modern purification process and has completely removed impurities, leaving no pure BCAA ingredients..

The answer is definitely no.This you can clearly see when looking at professional athletes, they still regularly use BCAAs every day to increase training performance as well as improve recovery, so this supplement can considered safe.

Does BCAAs have side effects? Note when usingBCAA

2.2 Does taking BCAAs cause acne?

A very interesting question is whether taking BCAAs can cause acne, many people have compared the use of BCAAs with the use of Whey Protein.However, people get breakouts when using Whey Protein and especially when using Whey Concentrate.

What about BCAAs? The answer is that you can rest assured that BCAAs will not cause acne because whey protein and especially whey concentrate often contain a hormone called IGF-1 that is commonly found in cow's milk.This hormone will cause the skin to produce more sebumn and pimples.

As for BCAAs, because they have gone through a pure distillation process, impurities have been removed, leaving only pure BCAA ingredients, so it will not cause acne for you.

BCAA has side effects? Note when using BCAA

2.3 Should I Use BCAAs?

Surely this is also the problem that many of you encounter when considering whether to supplement with BCAAs while using whey protein or not?

BCAAs are only used when protein intake is nIf your skin is too low, it is not enough to ensure BCAA muscle recovery, the solution will definitely be a BCAA supplement with a cheaper, economical and effective price with more visible results.

So, BCAAs are very important not only for men but also for women who need BCAA supplements.Especially when you go to the gym and play sports.Women can get BCAAs through natural foods or supplements.

BCAA is effectiveoh no? Note when using BCAA

3.How to use BCAA most effectively

To be able to answer more accurately the question BCAA has side effects? If using BCAA or Pre Workout, you should also pay attention to how to use BCAA most effectively.

BCAA supplements are usually produced mainly in the form of a water-soluble powder that is easy to use.You can mix BCAAs with cold filtered water, add ice, and use immediately.

Due to its fast absorption, the best time to use BCAAs is at times of the day such as mornings and evenings.i wake up, before exercising, when exercising and right after exercising so that the body is fully replenished with nutrients.prevent catabolism causing muscle loss and increase protein synthesis to help build muscle effectively

Alternatively, you can always mix BCAAs and Whey to use right after your workout, but please note that these are tasteless BCAAs when taken in balance! In order to avoid being confused with the unpleasant taste of Whey during use.

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

Through the above analysis, you must have answered the question BCAA has side effects? and how to use BCAA correctly? In fact, BCAAs have no side effects, completely beneficial for muscle growth if you don't take advantage of them but only take them as a supplement.Hope you have had more information to supplement proper nutrition during your training.Thank you for your interest in following the article

BCAA has side effects? Note when using BCAA

What Foods Are BCAAs Found In? Top 5+ Foods Rich In BCAAs For Gymer

After knowing what BCAAs are, and also having a good understanding of the effects of BCAAs on the body, however, few people know what foods BCAAs are in.In this article, WheyShop would like to share with you the top 5 BCAA-rich foods that gymers can use.We invite you to consult!

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

1.Is it necessary to use BCAAs?

BCAAs contain three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine.BCAAs perform several functionsbut compared to other amino acids, BCAAs are more involved in stimulating muscle growth.

  • muscle growth:BCAA activates the enzyme responsible for muscle formation, the ratio of leucine components is higher than that of isoleucine and valine-one of the ingredients that focus on muscle growth.
  • Effective weight loss: Supports effective weight loss and fat loss.BCAAs do not contain calories, the sugar contained in BCAAs is completely a sugar-free artificial sweetener, a very good substitute for harmful or harmful sweets.carbonated drinks.
  • Balancing blood sugar: Good control of blood sugar, significantly improved health.According to experts, leucine and isoleucine have the ability to increase insulin secretion, causing muscles to receive more sugar from the blood, reducing blood sugar levels significantly!
  • Reduce muscle soreness: Scientific studies have proven that BCAAs are very effective in reducing muscle soreness, shortening muscle recovery time.By supplementing with BCAAs before a workout, BCAAs eliminate the breakdown ofCommit muscles during workouts!

BCAA is really an essential product and helps you stay healthy during bodybuilding.Using a combination of BCAAs with whey and EAA helps you achieve better fitness and a desired body.

Which foods contain BCAAs? Top 5+ BCAA-rich foods for Gymer

2.What foods are BCAAs found in?

The table below shows us the amount of BCAAs in oneSome natural foods are commonly used:

Food Mass The protein BCAA Leucine Isoleucine Valine Chicken breast 6oz 36g 6.6g 2.9g 1.8g 1.9g Beef 95% lean 6oz 36g 6.2g 2.8g 1.6g 1.8g Canned tuna 6oz 36g 5.6g 2.5g 1.5g 1.6g Natural salmon 6oz 34g 5.9g 2.7g 1.5g 1.7g Beef ribs 6oz 36g 6.2g 2.8g 1.6g 1.8g Tilapia 6oz 34g 5.9g 2.7g 1.6g 1.6g Turkey breast 6oz 40g 5.2g 2.8g 1.1g 1.3g Egg 1 fruit 6.3g 1.3g 0.54g 0.3g 0.4g Egg-white 1 fruit 3.6g 0.8g 0.3g 0.2g 0.3g Peanut 6 oz 12g 6.8g 3.1g 1.7g 2g

List of books in bThe above images are all very good sources of BCAAs and protein supplements.In summary, when our bodies absorb leucine, isoleucine and valine through natural foods, we can also get other very important nutrients such as complete protein including 22 amino acids, good fats and vitamins and essential trace elements.

Building a balanced diet with the use of lean protein rich meats and a variety of vegetables, combined with the use of BCAA supplements during intense exercise is a great way.greatfor maximum body development.

In addition to getting BCAAs from the foods above, you can also get BCAAs from powdered supplements such as Best BCAA, BCAA Xtend… These synthetic BCAAs are very practical for athletes, because they has many benefits like

  • Easier to use: Normally, after each training session, we should use an amount of 5-6 g of BCAA.However, to reach this number, you will need to eat up to 1 ounce of beef.Meanwhile, just 1 tablespoon of BCAA mixed in 250ml of water is enough for you to get the required amount.
  • Possibility of damageFaster absorption and synthesis: BCAAs found in meat and eggs are often more difficult to absorb because they take longer to digest.Meanwhile, the BCAAs in supplements are designed to be quickly absorbed through the small intestine wall to enter the bloodstream directly.

Which foods are BCAAs in? Top 5+ foods rich in BCAAs for Gymer

3.Top 5 BCAA-rich supplements for Gymer

3.1 Best BCAA

Best BCAA is publicThe first formula that links the 3 branched chains of amino acids – leucine, isoleucine and valine using a unique and proprietary process technology to form the most effective muscle recovery-promoting oligopeptides.p>

Best BCAA is a superior formula to support muscle gain, effective fat loss, researched and manufactured by the BPI Sports brand-the leading functional food company in the US with hundreds of quality supplement products.quality, effective support for athletes.

BCAA in which foods? Top 5+ BCAA-rich foods for Gymer

3.2 Mutant BCAA 9.7

Mutant BCAA 9.7 is the leading BCAA supplement to support muscle recovery and anti-catabolism on the market today, researched and manufactured by the leading Mutant brand in Canada.

Mutant BCAA 9.7 comes in as an extremely bulky BCAA supplement with up to 9.7g of other amino acids in training, supporting muscle catabolism, reducing fatigue, weakness and elevation.effective endurance.

  • Additional high BCAA content up to 7.2g / serving of Mutant BCAA, helping to fight muscle catabolism, reduce fatigue, muscle weakness during exercise.
  • Extremely rich in leucine: increases protein synthesis, promotes protein absorption and effective muscle building and growth
  • Add up to 2.7g other amino acids to support effective endurance during exercise, weight loss, fatigue, weakness.
  • Supply B vitamins, electrolytes to help supplement energy for effective exercise.
  • Taste delicious, completely natural, insteadgreat beverage !

BCAA found in food Top 5+ BCAA-rich foods for Gymer

3.3 Hydro BCAA

Hydro BCAA is a product that provides energy for the training process of Prosupps.Produced on modern technology lines to bring the best value to users, especially gym or bodybuilders.

The amazing formula of Hydro BCAA gives you a listCh quality ingredients to support recovery and optimize muscle growth.The ingredient list is superior to other products by: 

  • 7g naturally fermented BCAA with a golden ratio of 2:1:1 for a world quality BCAA product that includes the amino acids Leucine, Valine and Isoleucine
  • 3g EAAs along with refined amino acids ensure you maximize protein synthesis, support lean muscle gain, improve glucose absorption and insulin sensitivity, and reduce post-workout>
  • Add more electrolytes, storeSubstance to reduce water loss during exercise
  • No calories but still provide energy for exercise, support low-calorie diet and weight loss 

BCAA found in food Top 5+ BCAA-rich foods for Gymer

3.4 BioX BCAA Rush

Biox BCAA Rush is designed with 3 special ingredients, BCAA, L-Glutamine and Citrulline Malate – These are 3 ingredients that play an important role in improving fitness,increase endurance, fast recovery from fatigue and above all help prevent muscle catabolism after exercise.

Biox BCAA Rush is formulated to help improve recovery after intense exercise and improve athletic performance and strength by influencing lactic acid metabolism and effectively reducing fatigue..

BCAA found in food Top 5+ BCAA-rich foods for Gymer

3.5 BCAA Xtend

BCAA Xtend is one of nThe best selling muscle recovery and anti-catabolism BCAA products on the market today, researched and manufactured by the famous brand Scivation in the US-The leading brand in the production of effective BCAA products for muscle recovery, muscle catabolism and increased endurance.

BCAA Xtend provides more than 7g of BCAA in the golden ratio 2: 1: 1, in addition to other ingredients to supplement minerals, increase stamina, endurance throughout the day.because Xtend is completely "clean", contains no calories.BCAA Xtend is completely calorie-free to help maintainMaintain muscle mass on your low-calorie diet.

BCAA found in food Top 5+ BCAA-rich foods for Gymer

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

The above is an article to share the foods that contain the most BCAAs.Hopefully this article will help you gain more knowledge to build yourself a balanced diet for the body to develop in a harmonious way.n most benevolent.Thank you for your interest in following the article


Which Flavor Of Mutant BCAA Is Good? How Much? Where Do You Buy It?

Mutant BCAA is always the top quality muscle recovery product on the market today.The following article WheyShop will help you understand which flavor Mutant BCAA tastes good? How much? Where do you buy it? We invite you to learn together.

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

1.Benefits of supplementing with Mutant BCAA 9.7

Mutant BCAA 9.7 is a market leading BCAA supplement that supports muscle recovery, anti-catabolism, and isc researched and manufactured by Mutant brand – the leading in Canada.

Mutant BCAA 9.7 emerges as a supplement with extremely large BCAA content along with 9.7g of other amino acids in training, supporting against muscle catabolism, reducing fatigue, weakness and enhancing endurance performance.outstanding results, improve training performance.

Benefits of Mutant BCAA 9.7 :

  • Additional amount of  BCAA up to 7.2g/time from Mutant BCAA, support against muscle catabolism, reduce fatigue, muscle weakness during training session.
  • Extremely rich Leucine : increase protein synthesis, support protein absorption and effective muscle building and development
  • Add up to 2.7g of other amino acids to support effective endurance in exercise, reduce fatigue, and body weakness.
  • Supply B vitamins, electrolytes to help supplement energy for effective exercise.
  • Taste delicious, all-natural, great soft drink substitute!

Mutant BCAA taste good ? How much?Where to buy?

2.Which flavor is good for Mutant BCAA 9.7?

Flavor plays a very important role, it is a decisive factor for users' news in the near future.If a product has a delicious taste, an attractive taste, consumers will definitely choose this product in the future.

If you buy a flavor you don't like, you will find it difficult to drink, and every time you drink it, it will be like torture.Therefore, mutants study very carefully to create the most delicious, special and seductive taste.

Someone hasUse mutant BCAA feel all of these BCAA supplements.Most people love and are satisfied with the taste that society has launched.Mutant BCAA 9.7 has 16 different tastes: Fruit, Apple, Peach, Pineapple, Lemon Tea, Watermelon, Sweet Tea,...the fragrance is completely created from nature, without artificial substances, so it is very safe.

Which flavor is the best Mutant BCAA? All flavors are delicious, attractive, with completely natural flavors, no artificial flavors, healthy for the body..Depending on the preferences of each person, that flavorwill be the best taste.Most people like to drink mixed fruit flavors or lemon and watermelon tea.

Which flavor is good for Mutant BCAA? Where to buy?

3.How much does Mutant BCAA 9.7 cost? Where to buy?

Mutant BCAA 9.7 at WheyShop currently available in 2 sizes with the following prices:

  • Mutant BCAA 9.7 30 servings are sold at the price of VND 650,000
  • Mutant BCAA 9.7 90 servings priced at VND 1,290,000

WheyShop is a chaini shop selling quality bodybuilding supplements in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Vinh, Hai Phong with over 5 years of experience.Committed to products with clear and genuine information.

When buying any product at Wheyshop, customers will be carefully advised by the staff, providing scientific information about the product, nutrition, training and peace of mind to buy, used to Build a body at will.WheyShop is committed to free exchange within 30 days for customers if it is due to a manufacturer's fault.

Mutant BCAA 9.7 30 servings

Overall, Mutant BCAA is easy to use, and offers the best value for users.Hopefully, the review article Mutant BCAA has helped you have a more objective view of which product Mutant BCAA has the best taste, how much it costs, where to buy it, have more choices.choose about BCAAs.Thank you for your interest in following the article!

What Is The Best Taste Of Best BCAA? How Much? Where Do You Buy It?

 Best BCAA is suitable for those who practice Gym, sports, bodybuilding and those who want to recover muscles quickly.So Best BCAA taste delicious? How much? Where do you buy it? The article below WheyShop will give detailed reviews of the Best BCAA product line, please refer to the article!

⇒ Refer to the list of BCAAs for muscle recovery, cheap promotion at:

1.Review Best BCAA is good?

To analyze whether the Best BCAA product is good, in this section weI will share with you information about the packaging, nutritional ingredients and uses of the product.

Best BCAA flavor delicious? How much? Where to buy?

1.1 Product packaging

The outer packaging of Best BCAA uses white, blue and black as the main colors, this is the main color of Bpi Sport products, looking at the packaging we can easily identify it as the Bpi Sport.

1.2 Product ingredients

In BPI Best BCAA there are branched chain amino acids in the form of oligopeptides.This means that each BCAA is in a range of amino acids (oligopeptides) that facilitate the absorption of specific branch amino acids.

Best BCAA is a branched chain amino acid supplement, designed with the optimal 2:1:1 ratio of L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine proven to be very effective for building and maintain muscle mass

Best BCAA's also contain a proprietary blend of slimming ingredients, known as CLA blend.So is there really bBCAA supplement to support muscle mass gain while reducing body fat levels

1.3 Is it necessary to use Best BCAA?

The answer is of course NO if you already have enough protein in your diet.A normal person eats enough meat, fish, eggs, your diet, of course will not need to use Best BCAA BPI.

However, if you exercise or play sports, you will need more protein for your muscles to recover and grow after an intense workout.Then Best BCAA is really the perfect choice for you.

Best BCAA flavor delicious? How much? Where to buy?

2.What flavor is the best BCAA?

Best BCAA products are made in powdered form, so it's easy to prepare and use.The best use of BCAAs is first, and right after training.

Best BCAA now has more than 10 flavors to choose from:

Fruit Punch Synthetic fruit flavor, sweet, easy to drink Blue Raspberry raspberry flavor Watermelon Ice cool, cool watermelon flavor Sour Candy sour candy taste Arctic Ice The taste of shaved ice, the gentle coolness Rainbow Candy rainbow candy flavor Lemonade Lemon taste is a bit sweet and sour Sweet Lemon Tea Easy-to-drink lemon tea Grape Grape flavor, strong aroma Passion Fruit Lightly sweet passion fruit

You can choose your favorite flavor.You can rest assured about the smellProducts by Bpi Sport are a brand that is highly appreciated for product taste.Which taste is delicious depends on each person's taste and experience, whoever likes it will be the best.

Usually, Fruit Punch, Watermelon Ice flavors are more popular because of their simple taste, easy to drink and suitable for most people's taste.

3.How much does Best BCAA cost? Where to buy?

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Currently BPI Best BCAA is packaged in 3 different weights: 300 grams (30 Servings), 600 grams (60 Servings) and 100 grams (100 Servings)

The price of Best BCAA is relatively cheap.

  • Best BCAA 30 Servings: 500,000 VND
  • Best BCAA 60 Servings: VND 790,000
  • Best BCAA 100 Servings: 1,150.000 VND

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Hopefully through this article you will have a better overview of BPI Best BCAA products and Best BCAA flavor before deciding to buy the product.Thank you for your interest in following the article!


Top 10 Best Muscle Strengthening Exercises For Gymer

Building muscle strength not only improves muscle size and mass, but also has many benefits for athletic performance and overall health.The following article WheyShop will reveal to you the top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymers today!

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1.Benefits of increasing muscle strength

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

1.1.Protect bone health and muscle mass

Strengthening exercises to help increase strength, endurance and develop strong muscles and bones, improve overall health, effectively.

1.2.Support weight loss

Increasing strength and muscle helps the body burn calories more efficiently, support better weight loss, and burn fat.

1.3.Beneficial for heart health

In addition to aerobic exercisesc, muscle strengthening exercises also help improve blood pressure.Do muscle-strengthening activities once a week plus 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week to help prevent high blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease.

1.4.Increase endurance for daily activities

Mass loss due to the natural aging process causes painful joints, increases the risk of injury and reduces the body's endurance.As you age, muscle mass is lost faster, which means simple activities can become more difficult.Endurance training can help you increase your endurance, get stronger, and improve your daily performance.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.Top 10 exercises to increase muscle strength at home

The following exercises that use heavy weights and low reps will help you build muscle strength quickly.In particular, the exercises only target the largest muscle groups in the upper bodypossible so that you can build the most balanced strength.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer


Deadlift is one of the muscle-strengthening exercises that helps you quickly increase your ability to lift heavy objects from the bottom up.This move requires the participation of the lower back and hamstrings, which are the two strongest muscle groups on the body.

How to do this: 

  • Stand upStraight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, grasp the bar with both hands so that the inner forearm does not touch the outside of the thigh and the lower leg touches the bar lightly.
  • Put the spine in a central position, neither up nor down; Eyes looking straight ahead, hips low.
  • Lightly squeeze your lower abdomen, making sure that your shoulder blades are in the center position.With your shoulders facing back, press down firmly and take care not to bend over.
  • Hands grip the barbell push the leg down to help the leg create force to lift the bar.hip andShoulders at the same time turned up, hands still clenched.Combine with upper body strength to lift the weight until the position of the weight is in the middle of the upper thigh.
  • Note, when lifting the barbell, push both toes down, followed by heel push.Always keep the bar in contact with the body during exercise.
  • You should slowly lower the weight until it touches the floor, then pause for a bit and then raise the weight again to continue the Deadlift exercise.
  • Note: When lowering the weight, you must be very slow to feel the tension of the muscles.Above all, when you raiseNext time, you must have control and not use inertia to lift weights.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.2.Bicep curls

You can do Bicep curls while standing or sitting at the end of a bench.

To do this exercise:

  • Stand or sit upright.Shoulder width apart.
  • Hold an equal dumbbell in each hand.Place your arm at hWho's on your side.
  • Inhale.As you exhale, slowly roll the dumbbells toward your shoulders.Focus on using your biceps to lift the weight.Tighten your abs and straighten your back.
  • Pause for a beat, then lower the dumbbell to position
  • the beginning.
  • Repeat the movement to the required number of repetitions.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.3.Chest press

ExerciseChest press is a familiar exercise that strengthens your upper body, effectively working multiple muscles at once, including the pectoral muscles, triceps, and shoulder deltoids.

Do this exercise like this:

  • Lie on the floor or on a bench with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand.Bend your elbows so that your hands are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Inhale, holding dumbbells with both hands, slightly wider than chest.
  • As you exhale, push the dumbbell up.
  • Pause for a beat, lower the dumbbell to the starting position.
  • Repeat degreespractice until the required number of repetitions is reached.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymers

2.4.Dumbbell row

Dumbbell row exercises help build strength in the back, arms and abs.In this move, the levers, traps, and rhombuses will be exercised, correcting your posture as you pull your shoulders back and helping to stabilize your spine.

How to do it: 

  • Use a dumbbell (9kg is most common to start) and a bench.
  • Start position with left hand on bench with left arm extended, left leg resting on chair, while right hand holding dumbbell and right leg straight on floor.
  • Put your shoulders up, tense your abs, and pull the dumbbells closer to your body until your elbows are over your body.
  • Slowly lower the weights and repeat 3 reps, 6-8 times each side.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercisesgive it to the gymer


Push-ups are a seemingly simple move that works your upper body muscles while toning your abs and allowing you to move your shoulder blades through their full range of motion.

How to do it: 

  • Start with knees facing the floor, hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, straight under shoulders.
  • Stay in a plank position by straightening your legs and lifting weights with your arms and legs.
  • Tighten your back muscles to keep your body straight, then lower to the floor.Right elbowi is curved – like an arrow instead of splitting like an arrow, instead of keeping it spread like a T. 
  • Lower until chest touches floor and return to starting position, fully extending arms and repeating.


  • If you can't do 5 push-ups with correct posture, raise your arms while leaning against a bench or recliner to start strengthening your muscles.
  • If push-ups are easy, try lifting your legs up on a chair and putting more weight on your body.Make sure you can do it 12 timesn do push-ups, lift your own weight before adding heavy objects or elevating your legs.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.6.Split squat

This move is very important because it involves movement of each leg which improves balance during the exercise.The one-legged squat will help you improve lower body strength while improving balance, flexibilityhip mobility and stability.

How to do it: 

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Put right foot forward one step, then left foot one step back – this is your starting position.
  • Keeping your heels in front of you, lower yourself into a one-legged position, bringing your knees and back to the floor.
  • Pause when the back knee touches the ground while the front heel remains on the ground.Pause for about 2 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Do 6-8 reps for the right leg, 6-8 times for the left leg and repeat 3 times like thatmore.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.7.Lateral squat

This is a combination of kneeling and side squatting, which stretches the groin and inner thighs, while also working the hips, thighs, and torso.

How to do it: 

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, heels on the floor and toes pointed.
  • Start the movement by pushing your hips back, bending your left leg andà lean to the left with the right foot pointing slightly out.
  • Bend left knee, left heel still on the ground, and extend right leg while placing weight on left side of body.It's a step.
  • Return to standing position and lower body with the same motion but to the right side.
  • Do 6 reps on each side, switch sides, and do 3 more swaps.

Top 10 exercises to increase muscle strengthbest for gymer

2.8 Hip extension

This muscle-strengthening exercise trains the hip muscles, usually applied when you have to sit for a long time every day

How to do it: 

  • Fix the back shoulder by leaning against a sturdy chair, feet firmly on the floor, about 15 cm from the buttocks
  • Stretch your butt, pushing your hips hard from your heels to a position where your torso forms a bridge with your hips fully extended.The knees should be in a straight line, with the knees bent at a 90-degree angle.Keep the upper body, hips, abs and hamstrings are done
  • Lower hips and repeat 8 times.

Beginners use their own body weight, while more advanced players can keep the bar at hip height and raise the hips and lift harder.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

2.9 Plank high hand low hand

  • Straighten your body lying on your stomach, raise your arms up, arms as wide asshoulder, hind leg straight and both toes pointed up.
  • Close your abs and lower your elbows to the floor in turn, then raise them one at a time.During the movement, the body keeps tension and tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Continue doing high and low planks for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymers

2.10 Jumping Squats

  • Stand up straight with two legship-width apart, hands clasped on either side of the ribs.
  • Bend your feet slightly to create momentum to jump up high, then land in a deep knee-to-toe position, butt pushed back and hands resting on thighs.
  • jump up again and land in the same squat position as step 2.
  • Inhale when you turn up, then exhale when you land, and repeat continuously for 40 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

Top 10 muscle strengthening exercisesbest corn for gymer

3.Notes for safe and effective muscle strength training

3.1 What to prepare for muscle strength training?

Strength training is a type of training that does not require much investment in equipment.Here are a few things you can prepare to start your home workout routine:

  • An exercise mat
  • Dumbbell set (If you can't afford weights, you can still use water bottles, sandbags or canned goods)
  • Resistance rope
  • Books and videosPrestigious and scientific exercise guide
  • Plan and schedule a suitable gym session

Many of you regularly practice without a specific plan or schedule, it makes you confused, not knowing where to start or what to do with each workout.

Our body is divided into major muscle groups and minor muscle groups, so you must have a plan to alternate training, combining these two muscle groups between training sessions for full body development.

Take some time before you start working out to find and schedule a gym that's right for yousuits you.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

3.2 Practice proper technique

With each exercise, if done correctly, it will work exactly the muscle group you want to target.Non-technical training not only wastes your effort, but also easily leads to unnecessary injury.

You also do not let yourself be influenced by new exercises online, but should focus on basic exercises.n with weights such as weightlifting, weightlifting, deadlift, …

Applying traditional weight training methods:

This is a training method to gain muscle quickly applied by many people.Because when the body gets used to normal activities, they are less likely to tear.So if you want bigger muscles, you have to put more pressure on.The easiest way is to increase the weight.

When training with this method, you gradually increase the weight of the weight and gradually decrease the number of times to lift the weight.You practice 4 sets of each exercise, from round 1 to set 4, the weight increases gradually, and the number of timesgradually dim.Rest 90-120 seconds between each set.


  • Round 1: do 12-14 reps, using weights of 40-50% 1RM
  • Half 2: 8-10 reps, 50-60% of 1RM
  • Round 3: Practice 6-8 reps, 70-80% 1RM
  • Round 4: do 4-6 reps with weights over 80% 1RM

RM: maximum strength when doing push-ups.

Applying the method of overtraining – Max OT:

With this method, you do not need to regularly increase weights, but you will have to train with a fixed weight.

  • Each session lasts 30-40 minutes.OnlyI practice 1 weight Max OT is 80-90% 1RM.
  • Only focus on 1 muscle group or 2 muscle groups related to each other such as: pectoralis posterior, triceps anterior,,…

Drop-set method:

This method is the complete opposite of the traditional weight training method.With Drop-set you will train from heavy to light and gradually reduce the number of repetitions.That means you'll also do 4 sets of each exercise, with only 10-15 seconds of rest between sets.

3.3 Stick to the exercise program

The exercise program must be tailoredfit your body, goals, and experiences.Don't follow other people's programs, training schedules, and training methods.Unless you find this program more suitable for you than usual exercises.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

3.4 Maximum concentration when exercising

Don't bring your phone into the gym, if you have it on silent mode.Don't argue, pay attentionto other people's practice,...because these factors only distract you, not focusing on your exercise.Since then, the training performance is also not reached.

3.5 Learn to breathe, rest between sets 

Many of you think this factor is not important? In fact, they are extremely important, contributing to the success of training.Breathing when exercising properly will make the exercise more effective, more accurately impacting the muscle groups you want.

For the most appropriate rest between series (sets) is 35 minutes, depending onc to the intensity of the exercise.Do not rest too long or too quickly.This is also a way to quickly gain muscle that many people apply.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

3.6 Nutritional supplements for muscles

Besides training, nutrition also plays an important role in increasing muscle strength.Every day, you should consume about 2-3,1g of protein per kilogram of body weightand divided into meals throughout the day.Prioritize plant-based protein intake, as animal protein will cause you to consume more bad fats and cholesterol.Do not forget to increase fiber intake from vegetables, tubers, fruits, legumes, reduce processed foods, sweets and foods high in sugar in daily meals.

3.7 Reasonable rest mode

Rest is extremely important for your muscle growth.Especially for weightlifting exercises with heavy weights, you need to spend at least  8 hours of rest tomuscle recovery.

For daily sleep, you should sleep deeply at least 7 hours per night, but ideally 8-9 hours.Sleeping before 11pm is more reasonable.Deep sleep is extremely important for muscle growth.The time to fall into deep sleep is also the time when the body increases testosterone secretion, switching to the best state of muscle repair and development.

Top 10 best muscle strengthening exercises for gymer

⇒ Refer to the list of products that increase Strength with cheap promotion at:

The above article shares about the 10 most effective muscle strengthening exercises, and you must have seen that these exercises are not too difficult.Hope you get the results you want quickly.Thank you forInterested in following the article!