Friday, April 29, 2022

Always "being Provoked For 1 Second"? Be Careful That These Nutrients Are Missing

TV news stations often like to use "annoy XX people in one second" to make news, and now in life, I often see many people on the road, in the dining room, and they fight with others after saying a word. Experts remind that if you are always irritated for 1 second, in addition to being too stressed, it may be a lack of vitamin B complex and trace elements. Those who like "light diet" should be especially careful!

If you get angry at every turn, you may have a hormonal imbalance.

On TV news, people often get angry just because they disagree. It seems that modern people are more and more likely to "get irritated in one second". Luo Huiqun, vice chairman of the All-China Association of Counseling Psychologists, said that clinically, it has been found that in recent years, people are more likely to have disputes with others than in the past. In addition to the fact that modern people put aside their repressed personalities in the past and vent their dissatisfaction more freely, the lack of emotional control may be related to ADHD, or it may be a problem with neural control. I am afraid it is related to the imbalance of stress hormones and the lack of neural stability.

People with metabolic problems are always nervous.

Zhao Sizi, a nutrition consultant at the Health Medical Center of Hexin Hospital, said that modern people often suffer from emotional instability. First of all, we must first consider whether there are metabolic problems. For example, people with high blood pressure, high blood lipids or unstable blood sugar, the body is in a state of chronic inflammation, and the nerves are often tense. Because the muscles and nerves cannot relax, it is easy to be provoked.

And people with metabolic problems are also prone to long-term nutritional disorders. Some nutrients are too high and some are too low, which may affect the body's loadHormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin that are too low can cause depression, but too high can be hyperactive.

The lack of vitamin B group is the most easily angered

Zhao Sizi said that the most important nutrient that affects the stability of human nerves and neurotransmitters is "vitamin B group". Vitamin B group not only affects nerve function, but also affects human energy and energy. Once the cell metabolism is deficient or out of balance, people's emotions are also more difficult to control. For example, vitamin B1 is related to nerve tissue and mental state, and those who lack it are prone to short-tempered and moody. Vitamin B2 and B3 (also known as niacin) can help the body to relax and sleep, and anxiety or depression may occur when it is lacking.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is closely related to adrenal cortex hormones, and B6 is related to the metabolism of tryptophan, sugar and estrogen. Vitamin B12 can maintain the soundness of the nervous system, and lack of it may cause unresponsiveness. It, along with vitamin B6 and folic acid, will affect the amount of oxygen carried by vascular endothelial cells and cause the body's stress response.

In addition, there are many trace elements, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium, which are related to the regulation of stress hormones in the human body. Lack of vitamin C and D may cause emotional tension and depression. Zhao Sizi reminded that when people are under too much stress, they need to consume a lot of vitamin B group to stabilize their nerves. If the intake is insufficient, or the dietary deviation leads to excessive consumption of vitamins that regulate stress hormones, it may make people short-tempered and easily irritated.

These people are most likely to pay attentionNutritional deficiencies

Zhao Sizi reminded that in addition to those who like to eat heavy flavors, drink too much tobacco and alcohol, and are under too much stress, they are likely to consume too much nutrients and suffer from vitamin B group and other nutrient deficiencies. She also reminds a group of people who believe that their diet is very healthy "Light dieters" should be especially careful that they are the most vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies.

She said that when she received nutrition counseling, she often found that some people who emphasized that they had a very healthy diet and ate very lightly, in fact, in order to maintain a light diet, they only ate blanched vegetables at every meal. And I like to choose vegetables that are generally considered healthy, but it leads to a lack of food diversification. I eat several kinds of green vegetables, and only eat low-fat and low-calorie fish for meat.

Especially, there is no change in breakfast, and the source of nutrients is insufficient. It is difficult to meet the needs of consuming a large amount of various nutrients to cope with work pressure. Zhao Sizi reminded that people who are emotionally unstable due to nutritional deficiencies often have an inexplicable tendency to depression, their temper is easily unstable, irritable, and their sleep quality is also poor. And those who like to drink before going to bed to help sleep, also need to be careful that alcohol can easily cause the loss of vitamin B group, and be careful of emotional instability.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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