Friday, April 29, 2022

Lost 32kg In 8 Months! The 46-year-old General Manager Successfully Lost Weight, Hyperglycemia And High Blood Pressure Also Improved

Cui Jin-ho, who has just turned 20 and started working as an artist's manager, is now the general manager of an entertainment company that owns Korean artists such as Heo Gak and Apink. Originally 110kg, he lost 32kg in just 8 months through a sugar-controlled diet, and his waistline shrank from 50 inches to 34 inches.

Cui Zhenhao was born in 1974. The moment he first met Mr. Cui, the most impressive thing was his protruding belly and the huge waistline that can only be seen abroad. Obesity makes his whole person look very round, but it can still be seen that he has a slightly longer face, a figure that is completely disproportionate to his face, and it is hard to forget after seeing it once.

In the process of talking about business affairs, Mr. Cui mentioned that his wife who married a few months ago was pregnant, and he also mentioned that he suddenly cried while eating a few days ago.

Despite this situation, he couldn't control his late-night snacks such as fried chicken, rice, and noodles. Facing himself like this, he suddenly thought of his unborn child and wife, so he burst into tears. In fact, when he was serving in the military, he only had a 26-inch waist. "I've been so thin before!"

At the suggestion of a friend, Mr. Cui started the "Sugar Control Plan 2090". On March 4, 2013, he was 171 cm tall, weighed 110 kg, and had a waist circumference of 50 inches. His blood sugar level was about to reach the warning line for diabetes. With the determination to be a new person, he started diet therapy.

In fact, such a physical state, diabetes and abnormal blood sugar, is a matter of course. First, based on the normal BMI index, he calculated his standard weight, set a weight loss goal, and prepared basic necessary items such as a water bottle, and then briefly explained what he could do alone.

Generally speaking, the job of a broker is completely reversed from that of an average office worker. Like directors and producers, managers also have to follow a strict mentoring system. They have to arrange their own artist schedules, so they often stay up late and often miss mealtimes. Sometimes they still have to socialize and have dinner parties during late-night snacks. When I don't want to drink, I also drink because of the needs of work.

Simple concepts of "Sugar Control Program 2090", such as "During 5 days of diet therapy starting tomorrow, don't think about anything, eat only animal protein foods and nonfat dairy products, only drink water and vanilla tea , and then rest more."

Mr. Cui was originally very smart, so he quickly grasped the key points. On March 4, 2013, he took the first step. At the time, his wife went back to Manhattan to prepare for the birth. During the past 3 to 4 months, Mr. Cui stayed in the country alone. This situation helped Mr. Cui to start diet therapy smoothly. Because if he wants to prepare 3 meals for his pregnant wife, he will definitely want to eat it himself. On the contrary, it is easier for him to follow the recipe for dietary therapy.

5 days after the start of March 4th, Mr. Cui completely changed his diet through the first phase of "Sugar Breaking and Detoxification".Reduce the frequency of eating out and buy the ingredients yourself to cook beef, fish, chicken, etc. According to the recommendations, the contents of diet, weight and exercise were meticulously copied down, and the food intake was also a meal of fish, beef, and chicken. There was no concentrated intake of only one kind of food.

Exercise is also just some light walks and jogs. He had no side effects such as dermatitis and constipation at all, as expected,

It was less than a month since Mr. Cui started the "Sugar Control Program 2090", and his weight dropped to 99.8 kg on April 1. Before starting diet therapy, in the interview video, because of his big stomach, he couldn't even bend over to tie the laces of his sneakers, but now his body shape is changing, which also makes Mr. Cui's face show a confident expression.

The biggest change in Mr. Cui's body is that blood sugar and blood pressure have become normal, sleep has improved, fatigue has disappeared, and even bowel movements have become normal. About 8 months later, on November 20, 2013, Mr. Cui, who was 78kg, lost 30kg from his initial weight, and his melancholy expression disappeared. He started a healthy life with his wife and children.

"Sugar Control Plan 2090" means "no sugar no-sugar", which means that based on the removal of sugar, if the daily intake of sugar is limited to 20 grams, then you can live to 90 years old.

❶Cut sugar: reject bad carbohydrates, completely adjust sugar intake, and feel it in 3 days. ❷Selling short: do not eat"Empty calorie" food, junk food with empty calories and no nutrition, should not be eaten. ❸Practice: Execute wholeheartedly, and you will see a better and better self over time.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Sugar Reduction Miracle: A real person who eats 20 grams of sugar a day loses 12 kilograms in 4 weeks, and skin allergies and inflammations disappear! " by Jo Seo Yoon ◎ Image source / provided by Orange Culture

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