Thursday, April 28, 2022

Can't Sleep With Cold Hands And Feet? Nutritionists Reveal 4 Kinds Of Warm-up Foods, 1 Action Before Bedtime To Warm Up And Fall Asleep!

Do you feel like your hands and feet are as cold as popsicles when winter arrives, no matter how thick your clothes are, you always have to cover a thick quilt every night, and wear thick socks or a hot blanket to sleep warmly? Nutritionist Xia Ziwen offers 5 tips to improve cold hands and feet.

People who sit for a long time, rarely exercise, or have low blood pressure, will cause poor peripheral blood circulation, and there will be a temperature difference between the body's core and hands and feet.

Girls who are on a diet to lose weight or are thin and weak are often accompanied by anemia due to eating less and lack of balanced nutrition, and lack of iron will affect the oxygen transport in the blood, making the hands and feet cold.

Whether it is in an air-conditioned room or in the winter, if the clothes are not warm enough, the body temperature will be easily lost.

Before going to bed, soak your feet in 40°C warm water for 10-15 minutes, then put on socks to keep the temperature from dissipating.

Exercise can effectively improve metabolism, express emotions and stress, and doing some stretching of hands and feet before going to bed can also relieve cold hands and feet caused by nervousness and help blood flow.

Warm the stomach and improve the constitution of deficient cold.

Dispel wind and cold, promote blood circulation.

Appropriate consumption of cinnamon can not only enhance the taste, but also dilate peripheral blood vessels and promote blood circulation, and the volatile oil contained in it can also help digestion.

Whether it is soaking black sesame seedsDrink with powder, or use black sesame oil into vegetables. The lignans contained in black sesame can promote blood circulation, help blood vessels restore elasticity, and regulate fat metabolism.

Fried eggs in sesame oil. After the black sesame is cooked, more lignans are released.

For example: onion, ginger, garlic, can promote metabolism and warm the body.

◎ This article is from / Xia Ziwen - a nutritionist close to your life ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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