Friday, April 29, 2022

Congee And Side Dishes Are Healthy? Small Cardiomyopathy! "Porridge And Blindness" 3 Ways To Supplement Protein

Because of concerns about obesity, three highs, kidney disease, or because of bad teeth, many elderly people are accustomed to eating porridge and side dishes as a meal, and consuming less protein food. In the long run, it may lead to a large amount of muscle loss and muscle loss. Strength decline, sarcopenia, severe disability, and even increased mortality.

Insufficient protein may cause muscle loss, decreased resistance, and dry hair

Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital nutritionist Guo Boliang pointed out that protein is not only the body's blood cells, antibodies, hormones and other raw materials, but also related to muscle synthesis and bone Development; to keep away from sarcopenia, the intake of protein in the daily diet is very important.

The daily diet of many elders is mainly vegetable food, or they only drink porridge or soup because of bad teeth. If they lack the intake of beans, it is easy to cause insufficient protein intake. Guo Boliang emphasized that long-term lack of protein will lead to loss of muscle mass and increase the risk of sarcopenia. It is also prone to problems such as dry and yellow hair, dry skin, decreased resistance, decreased blood pressure, slow heartbeat, and edema.

Guo Boliang suggested that elders may adopt the following 3 principles to consume protein safely and healthily:

1. Intake of vegetable protein

Plant protein reduces cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, which can help to prevent gout by lowering cholesterol, delaying the deterioration of renal function, improving liver function, preventing cardiovascular disease and reducing uric acid synthesis.

2. Mainly natural foodsSodium and fat content, so the diet should be based on natural food, so as not to increase the burden on the body.

3. Eat less fried foods

Compared with simple cooking, fried foods lose a lot of nutrients and produce more trans fats, which can easily lead to three high problems and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. High-fat foods also suppress appetite, which may affect how much you eat.

The nutritionist suggested "soy milk porridge" to supplement protein

For the elderly with bad teeth, Guo Boliang also suggested to use soy milk instead of water to cook porridge. Cough risk. In addition, he also provides a "soy milk stewed rice" recipe, which is formulated according to the nutrients needed by the elderly, so that you can get enough protein without extra food.

Soybean Milk Stewed Rice

1 bowl of white rice (200g), 1 cup of unsweetened soy milk (250cc), 1 slice of wet bean curd (60g), 25g of red pepper, 25g of yellow pepper, 5 grams of kelp sprouts, 2 teaspoons of olive oil (10 grams), 1 teaspoon of miso (5 grams), appropriate amount of water

1. Remove seeds and dice the red and yellow peppers, soak the kelp sprouts and finely chop them, mix well with miso and water. 2. After the pan is hot, put the above ingredients in the pan and stir-fry. 3. Pour in the soy milk and rice, cook over medium heat until the soup is dry.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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