Tuesday, April 26, 2022

"Dahan" Eats 6 Kinds Of Food To Replenish Qi And Blood, Soaks Feet And Wears Socks Before Going To Bed, And 1 Stroke To Boost The Spirit And Not Be Drowsy

The Great Cold is the last solar term in the twenty-four solar terms. People are busy removing the old and decorating the new, pickling the dishes for the New Year, and preparing the New Year's goods, because the most important festival of the year - the Spring Festival is coming.

Winter and March are the season when life is lurking and all things are hidden. At this time, the metabolism of yin and yang of the human body is also very slow, so you should go to bed early and get up late at this time, do not disturb the yang qi easily, and do not overwork everything , to keep the mind deep within, to avoid impatience and anger.

Dahan is one of the six solar terms in winter, when the weather is extremely cold, hence the name Dahan. Dahan's health care should focus on "hiding". It means that during this period, people should control their spiritual activities, keep their spirits quiet, and hide their gods inside instead of exposing them outside. This will help you spend the winter peacefully.

In addition, the diet should follow the principle of protecting yin and hiding yang. At this time, it is suitable to add food with the properties of rising and dispersing, such as coriander, white radish, mustard greens, fennel, etc., to nourish the spleen and liver, and prepare for the spring.

In order to improve the body's ability to resist the cold, soak your feet in hot water before going to bed and sleep with socks on to keep warm. The big cold season is cold and dry, so keep warm and keep your skin moist.

Exercise is even more essential in cold weather. Timely exercise can make qi and blood strong, smooth and keep the body and limbs warm. Only in the cold season, it should be noted that outdoor activities should not be too early, and it is better to wait until sunrise.

Here recommends a set of health-preserving exercises suitable for operation in cold and cold winters. The "full tightening and full loosening" in the nine health-preserving postures can prevent the muscles of the whole body from aging and the bones from becoming loose. And can capture the mind, not drowsy and scattered. It is helpful for waist, kidney, bones and joints; but it is not suitable for people with blood pressure problems and heart disease.

1. With feet shoulder-width apart, relax 3 times from head to toe. Imagine that your whole body is like an air bag, empty, and at the same time relax your whole body, from the hair on the top of your head to the Yongquan acupoint on the bottom of your feet, everything is empty and transparent like a ball.

(The picture demonstrator is a student of Mr. Wang Xie, not the author himself)

2. Raise your hands horizontally and spread left and right.

3. When inhaling, do not force your body, squat down slowly; clench your fists hard, and cross slowly toward the center.

4. Squat down, such as squatting toilet-style to the end; when exhaling, relax your hands and ascend without exerting force.

5. Repeat the action 7 times to end the work.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Meditation - This File Daoyin Exercise" by Teacher Wang Xie ◎ Image source / Shanwen Wenchuang Publishing House‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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