Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Should Mullet Roe Be Translucent? Do You Need To Remove The Membrane? How Many Tablets Should I Take At A Time? Insiders Tell You

Every Lunar New Year, mullet roe is always on the table. A piece of mullet roe can easily cost thousands of yuan. What kind of delicious secrets and nutritional value are hidden? How to choose good quality mullet roe? How do you cook it after you buy it? Please experts and doctors to answer!

3 tips for mullet roe selection

The sources of mullet roe on the market can be divided into wild, farmed and imported. Wang Liping, a North-South goods expert, shared several tips for selection:

1. Choose a glossy surface and an even color , left-right symmetrical.

2. Looking at the light source, it is better to transmit light.

3. Observe the surface blood vessels, and radial blood vessels can be seen in wild mullet roe.

Wang Liping reminds that mullet roe should be refrigerated for a maximum of 3 months and no more than 1 year after buying it home; if the appearance is black, it is not a precious "blood roe", and most of them are damaged after being stored for too long!

Do not fry mullet roe for more than 2 minutes

A piece of wild mullet roe of about 300 grams costs about 2,000 yuan. It is a pity if the cooking method is wrong after buying it home. Lin Qiuxiang, a medicated food expert, said that mullet roe does not have to be removed from the film, because removing the film will easily break and disperse the mullet roe.

Lin Qiuxiang shared, the mullet roe can be fried after soaking in wine for about 3 minutes, no need to add oil; fry one side for 90 seconds, then turn over, fry for another 30 seconds, then remove from the pan, cut diagonallyslice to enjoy.

The traditional way of eating will be with garlic sprouts and white radish. Many people also add mullet roe with a slice of apple or pear to neutralize the salty taste of mullet roe with the sweetness of the fruit. Recently, there are also many innovative ways to eat mullet roe. , such as mullet roe with cheese, chocolate, can eat different new tastes.

The 2 types of mullet roe high in calories should not be eaten more

"Gold in the sea" is not a false name, Xie Yinghua, president of Tai'an Hospital, explained that mullet roe contains vitamin A, vitamin B, and trace elements manganese, Zinc, copper.

But 100 grams of mullet roe has 230 calories, and one slice (300 grams) is 700 calories. It is indeed a high-calorie food. Xie Yinghua recommends eating a maximum of 50 grams at a time, which is equivalent to 8 to 10 small pieces.

Although mullet roe is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it will not cause too much burden on the cardiovascular system, but still pay attention to cholesterol; Xie Yinghua suggested,

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