Thursday, April 28, 2022

Deficiency Will Be Short-lived! No Energy, Lack Of Movement, Anemia... Drinking A Bowl Of Soup Is The Fastest To Replenish Qi. 6 Major Herbal Medicines In Traditional Chinese Medicine

You always seem to lack energy and vitality, have a languid feeling, don't like talking, don't like sports or even anemia? Be careful that you are "empty"! Chinese medicine reminds that if the movement of Qi is disordered or not active enough, people will lose their health. How to replenish qi through diet and nourishment for qi deficiency constitution?

Traditional Chinese physician Chen Chaozong explained that the common symptoms of Qi deficiency are: anemia, lack of energy, easy fatigue, not fond of activities, like static activities, sweating more than most people after activities, easy to catch colds, poor appetite, and excessive urine output And after clearing, there is a feeling of uncleanness after defecation, men are prone to nocturnal emission, women are prone to leucorrhea with clear color, dampness, fat tongue, pale tongue, white coating, sunken tooth marks on both sides of the tongue, etc.

Why do people get angry? Chen Chaozong said that most people with qi deficiency constitution are born with insufficient endowment, poor physical fitness and easy to get sick. Coupled with the acquired poor living habits and unbalanced diet, they will have weak resistance, lack of energy, and are always prone to fatigue and intolerance to physical activity. Therefore, it is recommended to choose foods that nourish the middle and replenish qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach to improve the symptoms of qi deficiency.

Chen Chaozong also reminded that in traditional Chinese medicine, qi is the source of life and vitality of all things, and it is also the basic substance that constitutes and maintains the life activities of the human body. The symptoms of qi deficiency constitution often include repeated colds, weak speech, weak limbs, easy sweating, and a feeling of sagging in the abdomen. In winter, you can drink chicken soup to make up for one, and you can add some traditional Chinese medicines for qi, such as: Astragalus, Codonopsis, American ginseng , Four Gentlemen Soup, Six Gentlemen Soup, Buzhong Yiqi Soup, etc.


Astragalus can be said to be an artifact of invigorating qi; tonifying qi and raising yang, invigorating essence and strengthening the table, diuretic and swelling, suitable for spontaneous perspiration, night sweats, edema, internal injury and fatigue, spleen deficiency, diarrhea, prolapse of the rectum and all qi deficiency and blood False disease. It should be noted that people with real fever such as high fever, thirst, and constipation should not use it.

▶ Huangqi strengthens the spleen and stomach, and is very suitable for people with qi deficiency and spleen dampness, because these people are puffy and have soft muscles; but it is not suitable for people who are angry and thin and strong. ▶Don't eat Astragalus if you have a cold or during menstruation, because Astragalus is strong, it will cause pathogenic stagnation. ▶ People with yin deficiency, damp heat, and severe heat toxicity should not eat Astragalus, as it will help heat to injure yin and aggravate the condition.

It has the functions of replenishing vitality and strengthening the body. It can resist aging. It is suitable for chronic illness, palpitations, palpitation, cold limbs, shortness of breath, collapse, heart failure, neurasthenia, etc. It can improve immune function and promote the recovery of diseases.

▶ People with strong allergies. Do not take if rash occurs after taking it. It should not be taken when there is purulent inflammation. ▶ Hypertensive patients. ▶People who are drinking tea or eating radish should not take it. ▶It is also not suitable to take ginseng when you have a cold or a fever. ▶People who have asthma due to sudden choking of breath, or dry throat due to dry heat, vomiting blood, nosebleeds and other diseases due to impulsiveness should not use it. ▶Insomnia and irritability should not be taken by those with evidence, otherwise sleep will be worse.

It has the functions of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, clearing fire and promoting body fluid. It is suitable for cough due to lung deficiency and chronic cough., wheezing, coughing up blood, hoarseness embolism. It is suitable for those who are fatigued and weak after intense activities and profuse sweating.

▶Not suitable for people with heat in the body and constipation. ▶Children with growth retardation and indigestion. ▶ Those who have a cold, cough or acute infection with damp heat. ▶Afraid of cold, it is not suitable to take because of physical deficiency and cold.

Can invigorate the middle and replenish qi, generate body fluid and nourish blood, and is often used for fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, lack of appetite (no appetite), unformed stools, thirst caused by both qi and fluid injuries; it is also used for qi and blood deficiency. sallow complexion, dizziness and other symptoms, as well as physical weakness and malnutrition after illness.

▶ Those who are stagnant and angry. ▶Those with strong anger. ▶ Those who take hellebore.

Invigorating the lung and spleen, nourishing qi and promoting body fluid, it can be used for those with weak spleen, lack of appetite, fatigue, and thin children; Loss and other diseases.

▶ Those who show a strong presence of evil mainly refer to exogenous pathogenic qi, such as a cold, feel the evil qi of wind and cold, the evil qi is very serious, and have high fever, which mostly refers to the manifestation of wind-cold. ▶Patients with high blood pressure, nephritis and gastritis should not eat more.

Invigorating Qi and strengthening the spleen, drying dampness and diuretic water, anti-perspiration and anti-abortion, it can be used for those with weak spleen, lack of appetite, unformed stool, tiredness and lack of gas, spontaneous perspiration; phlegm and edema with stagnant water and dampness; pregnancy with weak spleen and qi , Fetal dyspnea, swollen feet embolism.

▶Contraindicated for people with stagnant qi stagnation, accumulation of bloating and stuffiness, roaring and dyspnea, stomach pain caused by fire, carbuncle and pus, black and thin people with real bloating.▶It is not suitable for people with yin deficiency, thirst, stagnation of qi and stuffiness.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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