Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Eating Beans Is Easy To Fart? In This Way, One Kind Of Bean Is Cooked And Digested, So Don't Be Afraid Of Farting

"The more you eat, the louder the sound" is a nursery rhyme lyrics about "magical fruit" or "musical fruit" (magical fruit / musical fruit). When it comes to beans, the topic is inevitably related to exhaust, and the nickname that beans have earned for exhaust is not easy - not only loud, but sometimes smelly.

. Since there are no enzymes in the body to digest oligosaccharides, they accumulate in the gut. Gases are produced when gut bacteria feed on oligosaccharides and ferment them. But

What if you are particularly sensitive or have thin skin? Can the "musicality" of beans be reduced? Of course no problem, here are some tips:

If you're just starting to incorporate beans into your regular diet, keep it up, no matter how often. According to a 2011 study in the Journal of Nutrition,

Try a variety of beans to find what works best. The same "Journal of Nutrition" study showed that individual responses to consumption of different types of beans vary widely.

A study published in "LWT-Food Science and Technology" in 2009 pointed out that. A 1985 study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that adding baking soda to water removed even more oligosaccharides, but resulted in some loss of B vitamins. In fact, soaking in water will cause the loss of nutrients, so pay attention to the choice.

. This statement has scientific basis: . Other traditional supplements to aid digestionAdditions, including: Mexican herb Nepeta, Indian asafoetida, cumin and ginger.

In fact, there are so many health benefits of beans that you shouldn't give up the opportunity to enjoy them for fear of getting out. According to scholars such as Harold McGee. Might as well laugh when you exhaust, or use it as a song.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "The Bean Diet Collection: The Ultimate Guide to All-round Plant-Based Protein Cooking" Joe. By Younan ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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