Friday, April 29, 2022

For The Development Of The Baby, You Should Eat More When You Are Pregnant

According to the data from the National Health Administration, it is advisable to gain 10-14 kilograms during pregnancy. Dietitians remind that don’t think that pregnancy is all about eating more. A diet that “weights quality and not weight” is what really allows mothers and babies to get enough Nutrition.

Many expecting mothers hope that their babies can get enough nutrition during pregnancy, but they are worried that the postpartum weight will gain too much and the body will lose shape. Wang Yingdi, senior nutritionist of Cathay Pacific Health Management, pointed out that if you want to control the weight during pregnancy, you need to understand the different stages of pregnancy. In addition to seeking the assistance of a professional nutritionist, she provides the following 3-stage "healthy fetus without meat" diet plan to control the weight of expectant mothers within the ideal range!

The daily calorie requirement of expectant mothers can be in accordance with the recommendations provided by the National Health Service for the three stages of pregnancy, 1950 kcal in the first trimester (1-12 weeks), second trimester (13-28 weeks) and later trimesters (29-40 weeks) 2250 kcal. Notably, ! If pregnant women deliberately diet, it may cause insufficient nutrients and amniotic fluid, affecting fetal development.

In the early stage of pregnancy, there may be symptoms such as morning sickness or nausea and vomiting. Wang Yingdi recommends eating whole grains in the morning, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes or multigrain steamed buns, and avoid taking drinks on an empty stomach in the morning. Try to take soy milk or milk between meals , Eat small meals frequently and choose low-fat foods, such as fish or tofu, and supplement enough folic acid to absorb green vegetables such as spinach and hollow leaves to prevent fetal nerve damage.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, pregnant mothers will be more comfortable in physical condition, and it will also easily lead to increased appetite! Wang Yingdi mentioned that during this period, attention should be paid to the balanced distribution of three meals, and all kinds of food should consume appropriate amounts of starch (rice, noodles, corn, sweet potatoes and potatoes, etc.), high-quality protein (low-fat fresh milk, eggs, low-fat fish and Meat), a variety of rich fruits and vegetables (vegetables are better than fruits), a moderate amount of unseasoned nuts.

In addition, pregnant mothers are prone to constipation or flatulence, and the intake of dietary fiber is important, such as more than half a bowl of vegetables with a variety of vegetables per meal, and two fruits every day the size of a girl's fist; Taking 2000CC of sufficient water every day and reducing drinking carbonated beverages can avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.

If you want to eat some snacks between meals, Wang Yingdi recommends choosing fruits, small steamed buns, whole wheat buns, low-fat milk, soy milk or high-fiber soda biscuits instead of high-sugar and high-fat snacks, desserts, cakes and sugary snacks Add to hand shake.

The late pregnancy is a period of rapid growth of the baby, and the burden on the mother is relatively increased. At this stage of the baby's brain development, the mother can consume fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3), such as salmon, tuna, etc. And helpful.

Avoid edema: eat less processed food

Wang Yingdi said that symptoms such as edema, cramps and anemia will appear one after another in the later stages of pregnancy, and processed foods and pickled foods with high salt content should be avoided to reduce the occurrence of edema; Calcium, such as griddle, dried small fish, black sesame seeds, etc., will also reduce cramp symptoms. Finally, a reminder that supplementing foods containing iron and vitamin C can prevent poverty.Blood, like red meat, dark green vegetables, clams, oysters, guava, oranges, etc.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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