Saturday, April 30, 2022

It's Cold Before Going To Bed, Waking Up And Coughing Non-stop? TCM Practitioners Revealed That 1 Action Is Effective To Keep Warm, 2 Acupuncture Points, 3 Diet Therapy To Relieve Cough And Strengthen Lungs

"Doctor, I've been coughing very easily at night, and even when I wake up in the morning, what should I do?" In autumn and winter, the weather turns cold, and many people have symptoms of dry cough. In addition to seeking medical treatment, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners also recommend using Diet therapy and acupoint massage can accelerate the improvement of physical discomfort.


Lin Qiaomei, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Medicine of Yadong Hospital, pointed out that autumn is dry, autumn dominates the lungs, and the temperature difference between autumn and winter can easily cause allergic reactions in the upper respiratory tract, especially for people with weak immune regulation, especially at night and in the morning. , recurring dry cough symptoms.

For the problem of dry cough, Lin Qiaomei provides 2 acupoints to help strengthen the lungs and improve immunity:

Lin Qiaomei suggested that you can choose "steamed pears" and "white fungus lily Nanxing soup" for food therapy to help moisten the lungs and relieve the symptoms of dry cough; if you have a cough with excessive phlegm, you should eat "American ginseng Chuanbei powder", which can nourish the lungs Qi, phlegm and cough. It is worth noting that

In addition, Lin Qiaomei also reminded that in autumn and winter, the temperature changes greatly in the morning and evening, so you should pay special attention to keeping your neck warm. It is recommended to wear a silk scarf to sleep. If you get up early in the morning to exercise, try to wear a silk scarf or neck circumference.

◎ Image source/Provided by Yadong Hospital·Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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