Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Latest Study: Lack Of Vitamin D Increases The Risk Of Contracting New Coronary Pneumonia By 77%

The global epidemic of new coronary pneumonia has risen again in Europe and the United States; the latest research found that people with vitamin D deficiency have a 77% increased risk of contracting new coronary pneumonia. In addition to more sun exposure, nutritionists suggest that eating more fatty fish, as well as eggs, milk, cheese, dried mushrooms, and algae, can supplement vitamin D.


According to new research published in JAMA Online,

The University of Chicago research team analyzed the electronic health records of 489 patients with new coronary pneumonia before infection and found that 124 patients with new coronary pneumonia had insufficient levels of vitamin D in their blood, while 287 patients with new coronary pneumonia had adequate levels.

Further tracking of the health status of patients with new coronary pneumonia showed that 22% of those who were deficient in vitamin D contracted new coronary pneumonia, while only 12% of those with sufficient vitamin D concentrations contracted new coronary pneumonia.

Millennium Love Foundation nutritionist Cai Jiajun explained that past research has found that,

However, according to the 2013-2016 National Nutritional Status Change Survey, Chinese people are generally deficient in vitamin D. Men aged 13 to 44 and over 45 have vitamin D insufficiency rates of 60% and 40% in their blood, respectively; women are even higher 80% and 60%.

Wu Zhixing, director of the Millennium Love Health Foundation and director of the Department of Family Medicine of Chengda Hospital, said that the human body needs to sustain lifeThe main source of vitamin D is self-synthesized on the skin surface through sun exposure,

Cai Jiajun pointed out that there is often a lack of sunlight in winter, and lack of sunlight is more likely to lack vitamin D. It is recommended to eat five more foods:

"Health 2.0" reminds you

In response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the CDC continues to strengthen epidemic monitoring and border control measures, and wear a mask as instructed to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and actively inform the doctor of travel history and contact history, so as to facilitate timely Diagnosis and notification.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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