Monday, April 25, 2022

New Year's Eve Gift List For The Elders! Nutritionists Publicly Give Gifts

No matter if you return home on New Year's Eve, go to your elders' home for spring on the first day of the new year, or return to your parents' home on the second day of the new year, what gifts should you prepare the most appropriate? Nutritionist Xia Ziwen openly visited relatives and elders to give gifts, especially the undefeated "fruit gift box", which is suitable for everyone.

You can choose chicken essence, fish essence and other products to supplement small molecules of peptides and amino acids, because the molecules are small, they can quickly supplement nutrition, improve appetite, improve energy, and increase other nutritious foods It is more convenient for elders to "drink it right away"; or healthy bird's nest is also a good choice with full heart.

Add more protein, calcium tablets, magnesium tablets, vitamin D, non-denatured type 2 collagen (UC-2), etc., to maintain the body's muscle mass and bone health, so as to have more physical activity, and Family outing.

Recommended enzymes, probiotics, black and white fungus drink; people who eat fast, the result of swallowing dates is easy to cause indigestion, supplementing enzymes can help the decomposition of food and enhance metabolism; and probiotics can maintain good intestinal bacteria Balanced, fungus is rich in dietary fiber and is a good food for probiotics, which can make bowel movements smooth, and is rich in polysaccharides, which can improve immunity.

You can send camellia oil, which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and has a high smoke point, which can protect the cardiovascular system.

The compound lutein drink helps to resist blue light and protect the window of the soul.

SelectThe health and nutrition products for the private parts containing collagen, D-mannitol, cranberry and other ingredients, so that the private parts are not dry and itchy, super intimate

Tea contains antioxidants such as catechins. It is very pleasant to make tea and chat during the Chinese New Year, but you must choose the quality of the tea carefully.

The high-quality red wine gift box is great. Red wine contains antioxidants such as resveratrol. Drinking in moderation can warm up the body and help sleep.

Unflavored, low-temperature roasted nuts are the best choice, rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and satiety.

Xia Ziwen added that if you really can't think of what to give for the New Year's Eve, then give a "fruit gift box" that will never be defeated, such as oversized alpine pears, Fuji apples, or It's sweet Japanese mandarin oranges and muscadine grapes, and those who receive it will be safe.

◎ This article comes from a chat with Xia Ziwen's nutritionist ◎ Image source / Xia Ziwen - a nutritionist close to your life ‧ Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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