Saturday, April 30, 2022

The "sacred Fruit" Persimmon Is In Order! Chen Hong Pushes "persimmon Cake" To Make Soup To Keep Healthy And Moisten The Lungs

Every year after the "Frostfall", about September and October, Hsinchu will blow "Nine Falls Wind", so Hsinchu is also called "Wind City". The Xinpu area happens to be the most important area rich in persimmons. After the nine-fall wind blows, the lush greenery on the top of the mountain is lit up by golden persimmons in an instant, and the hilly ground of Xinpu is like the one depicted in the poem Artistic conception - "Suddenly like the spring breeze comes overnight, thousands of trees and pears bloom", full of romantic atmosphere and beautiful imagination.


Chinese areas often buy persimmons during the Chinese New Year to celebrate the arrival of the new year, taking their auspicious meanings of "everything goes well" and "good things will happen".

Persimmons have extremely high nutritional value and are known as "the holy product of fruits".


Persimmons have different curative effects from the pulp, persimmon stems, persimmon leaves, persimmon cakes, and even the white persimmon cream on the persimmon cakes, which are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Persimmons are sweet in taste, cold in nature, can dispel heat and relieve irritability, quench thirst and promote body fluid, moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, and treat hot coughs." And persimmons are sweet and astringent in taste, cold in nature, and moisturizing The effect of lung and astringent intestines is also effective for symptoms such as hot cough, hemoptysis, and blood in the stool. Persimmon cream contains mannitol, glucose, fructose and sucrose, and is also commonly used to treat dry cough due to lung heat, sore throat, sore mouth and tongue.

GuestThe family has always maintained the traditional virtues of being diligent and thrifty, loving things and cherishing fortune. In addition, in the early days, many foods were not easy to preserve, or the fruits and vegetables that could not be eaten during the season were abundant. , save it for later consumption.

If you grew up in a Hakka village, you must be familiar with the aroma of dried persimmons, dried radishes, Hakka dishes, orange sauce...every time I smell the familiar smells in the air, like letting People feel at ease as if they are home.

When you come to Hakka Village in Hsinchu during the autumn and winter seasons, you will definitely see each farmhouse erecting scaffolding in front of the courtyard or square of their old house. The traditional and retro bamboo sieves are neatly painted, and on the bamboo sieves there are yellow persimmons, sunbathing and SPA are done in the warm and warm sunshine. Any food with the care of Father Sun will present a different taste.

In the vast courtyard, the sun shines through the sieves and persimmons, and sprinkles on the ground to form scattered layers of light and shadow, contrasting with the dazzling yellow on the scaffolding, forming a distinct and intense vision. comparison. With the mountain breeze and sea breeze blowing from time to time, the nostrils are filled with the fragrant and rich fruity aroma. This image and aroma of "Suning Persimmons" symbolizing the joy of the autumn harvest also constitute the most beautiful and moving autumn scenery. I think it is rare to see such a spectacular and moving scene in Taiwan except for Xinpu.

Although the power of Jiujiangfeng is not small, butHowever, it was just possible to take advantage of the strong wind and the abundant sunshine of Xiaoyangchun in October to air-dry the freshly harvested persimmons with bright golden color and plump shape to make the famous Xinpu persimmon cake.

Because Hsinchu has "uniquely blessed" nine-fall winds and long hours of sunshine, the persimmons all over the mountains and fields can be made into bite-sized persimmon cakes. In addition to relying on the gods to enjoy their meals, these lunatics who rely on the wind to eat, day after day, do the same repetitive farming every year, and they have become the most beautiful totems in Hakka villages after the fall.

At present, the Hsinchu area is mainly made of persimmons of several varieties, such as beef heart persimmon, stone persimmon and pen persimmon. From fruit selection to cleaning, calyx peeling, charcoal roasting, drying and sun drying, and then kneading and pressing by hand, massage and shaping of persimmons to do SPA, and repeated natural air-drying process, it can be completely The water and astringency are completely removed, and the sweet taste will slowly emerge.

Although the appearance of dried persimmons is not pleasing, it is not as delicate and gorgeous as Western-style cakes and Japanese-style foreign fruits, but the early persimmons can be said to be quite a high-end dessert, soft and sweet, with a sweet taste. It can only be seen at the dinner table of rich people.

. In recent years, many fruit farmers have successively established tourist farms, and gradually developed persimmon popsicles, or added persimmons to salads, or even combined seasonal ingredients to make various creative Western dishes, hoping to attract more young people.

From the process of making persimmon cakes, I seem to see the perseverance of the Hakka people due to the hard working and weathered environment. No matter how difficult things and huge challenges they face, they will persevere for ideals and grit their teeth. The "hard neck spirit" that survives. The images of the two overlapped, and suddenly, the persimmons felt a little more confident and tough, symbolizing the Hakka spirit of being persistent and brave.

I grew up in Hsinchu, where there are many Hakka villages, and I was more or less influenced and nurtured by Hakka culture. This unexpected discovery made me even more proud and gave me an inexplicable joy in my heart. .

, it gives the soup a distinctive sweetness. It is recommended to choose Hsinchu dried persimmons with persimmon frost, which is healthy without additives and has not been treated with sulfides; the biggest difference from imported dried persimmons is that Hsinchu dried dried persimmons are small in size and need to be refrigerated, otherwise they are prone to mold. During the epidemic, it is a high-level enjoyment to use Taiwanese persimmons to stew soup, and

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Hongshidai Home Style: 27 Life Menus" by Chen Hong ◎ Image source / Hiking Culture‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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