Thursday, April 28, 2022

Weight Loss Depends On Age! Intermittent Fasting, Sugar Reduction Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Arkin Diet Which Weight Loss Method Is Right For You?

The four most popular weight loss diets in recent years are intermittent periods, sugar-reduced diets, ketogenic diets and Akin diets. Weight loss physician Qiu Zhenghong reminded that people of different ages have different reasons for gaining weight, so it is necessary to choose the right diet to achieve the best weight loss effect.

30-year-old weight loss group is suitable for a sugar-reduced diet

Excessive staple foods such as rice and noodles are easily converted into fat, so the focus of a sugar-reduced diet is to reduce the intake of sugar (carbohydrate) to help lose weight. Dietitian Zhao Hanying said that modern people often have the problem of excessive starch and meat. High sugar and high oil are easy to gain weight. Therefore, the easiest way to lose weight is to start with "sugar reduction" and reduce the intake of delicate sweets.


40-year-old weight loss family is suitable for intermittent fasting

The recently popular 168 fasting method and 52 fasting method are all intermittent fasting. Qiu Zhenghong believes that it is most suitable for the weight loss group around the age of 40. Because this age often serves as a small supervisor in the workplace, and is busy with business every day, it is difficult to follow a strict diet on weekdays. You might as well use the holidays to try 52 fasting. Eat normally from Monday to Friday, and try a light fast on Saturday and Sunday.

Kang Zhisen, vice president of Boren Hospital, reminded that intermittent fasting is not suitable for parallel use with blood sugar control drugs. He once encountered a patient who had low blood sugar and cold sweats when he came to see a doctor. The reason was that she continued to take it during intermittent fasting. "insulin secretagogues," causing blood sugar to drop too low; he recommends


The 50-year-old weight loss group is suitable for a ketogenic diet

Qiu Zhenghong explained that after women enter menopause, hormone secretion is reduced and unbalanced, and fat is an important raw material for hormone production. Helps improve hormonal imbalances. But he reminded,

The ketogenic diet promotes the production of ketone bodies and degrades fatty acids in the liver through the intake of a large amount of fat to achieve the effect of weight loss. However, the ketogenic diet is a relatively intense weight loss diet. It is recommended that those who adopt the ketogenic diet must be accompanied by moderate exercise and blood tests to check their body values ​​to ensure their health.

Zhao Hanying suggested that the ketogenic diet does not need to be done every day, but can be used intermittently, 1 to 2 days a week; the long-term ketogenic diet is not only ineffective, but also a lot of fat It may also cause high blood lipids, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, etc., and it will hurt the body instead of losing weight.

The 60-year-old weight loss group is suitable for the Akin diet

The Akin diet, also known as the high-protein diet, is to increase protein intake to 30% and limit carbohydrate intake to less than 40%. Qiu Zhenghong pointed out that older weight-lossers are most afraid of losing muscle, which may lead to sarcopenia. Incorrect weight-loss methods will also accelerate the occurrence of osteoporosis, so it is recommended to choose a high-protein diet.

You don't have to eat meat for high protein supplements. Zhao Hanying suggested that other things like oysters, dried tofu, and soy milk are also good sources of protein.Choice; vegetables should be as much as protein, plus a serving of whole grains and roots, and starch intake can be moderately reduced.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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