Saturday, April 30, 2022

Xiaoxue Eats More Black Food And Must Drink Radish Pork Ribs Soup! Get Up Often And Practice 1 Trick To Keep Your Body Warm And Keep Your Body From Getting Stuck

"Little Snow" is a season that reflects weather phenomena. The snow is small and there is no snow on the ground. This is the original meaning of the solar term "little snow". The ancient book "Quanfang Pu" says: "A small snow is cold and it will snow, but the ground is cold and the snow is not even heavy."

That is to say, when it comes to light snow, due to the cold weather, the precipitation changes from rain to snow, but at this time, due to the "coldness of the ground", the number of snowfalls is small and the amount of snow is not large, so it is called light snow. Therefore, light snow represents the starting time and degree of snowfall. Like rain, grain rain and other solar terms, light snow is a solar term that directly reflects precipitation.

Fungus, black beans, purple rice... black food should be eaten in winter

Sun Simiao wrote that "the foundation of security is food... I don't know how to eat well, it is not enough to survive." A reasonable diet can make a person strong and healthy. Longevity and longevity, and improper diet is one of the important causes of disease and premature aging. In order to avoid blood stickiness, you should eat more foods that protect the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, such as salvia, hawthorn, black fungus, tomato, celery, red radish, etc. It is also suitable to eat some foods that reduce blood lipids, such as bitter gourd, corn, buckwheat, carrots, etc.

In addition, eat more black foods, such as black fungus, black sesame, black beans, seaweed, purple rice, etc. More intake of foods rich in folic acid can prevent insomnia and forgetfulness, such as spinach, asparagus, kiwi, oysters, oranges , peas, soybeans and dark green vegetables; brown rice and whole grains, yeast, animal liver, milk, pumpkin, edamame and other foods rich in vitamin B complex are also good for improving bad mood, fatigue, and anemia.

Drink plenty of refreshing hot soup to avoid internal heat

In cold weather, people like to eat hot food, but it is best not to eat too much spicy food, which will promote the "internal fire" in the body. Cabbage and radish are seasonal foods, rich in vitamins and a variety of trace elements, and white radish can clear fire, reduce qi, and digest food, which is very suitable for this solar term.

Radish Pork Rib Soup (Schematic/)

This season is the most suitable to eat warming and nourishing foods. Warm nourishing foods include mutton, beef, chicken, etc. Kidney nourishing foods can be used to make porridge with cashews, gorgons, and yam, as well as chestnut stew and ginkgo stew. Chicken, big bone broth, walnuts, etc.

This solar term should go to bed early and wake up after dawn, don't stay up late, go to bed early and get up late, and work at sunrise to ensure adequate sleep time, in order to benefit the latent yang qi and the accumulation of yin essence. As for keeping warm and cold, it must also be done appropriately. Clothing that is too light and too thin, and the room temperature is too low, will not only consume yang energy, but also easily catch a cold. Conversely, if the clothes are too thick and the room temperature is too high, then the internal organs will be released, the yang energy will not be hidden, and the cold evil will be easy to invade.

In terms of exercises, you can diligently practice a set of "harmonious efforts" in the Dharma and Yi Jin Sutra. In a short period of time, the body can spontaneously warm up, and it can also strengthen the buttocks, thighs, All functions related to knees, calves, shoulders and arms are very simple and easy to operate, and are very suitable for sedentary office workers and middle-aged and elderly people.

Dharma Yi Jin Sutra is strong in "cohesion"All functions associated with hips, thighs, knees, calves, shoulders and arms.

(The picture demonstrator is a student of Mr. Wang Xie, not the author himself)

1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands flat, palms open forward; when exhaling, belly straight out. 2. Squat slightly with your feet, and hold your palms with your arms inward; at the same time, your legs will gradually squat and gradually force, and when you inhale, your stomach will shrink inward. 3. Flatten your hands in front of your chest and let go of your palms; at the same time, return your feet to the original standing position. 4. One tighten and one loose, repeat 21 times;

◎ Part of this article is excerpted from / "Meditation - This Matter, Daoyin Exercise" by Teacher Wang Xie ◎ Image source / Shanwen Wenchuang Publishing House‧Health 2.0 Information Photo‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock Provided

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