Monday, May 2, 2022

"Cold Dew" Is A Cool Breeze, Add More Clothes In The Morning And Evening, And Eat More Yin Nourishing Food! 1 Stroke To Strengthen The "Kidney Meridian" To Gather Yin And Nourish Qi

Cold dew has three princes, "First, swan geese are guests; second, birds enter the water as clams; third, chrysanthemums have yellow flowers." This means that in this solar term, the swan geese are lined up in a line or herringbone-shaped queue to move south; In the cold autumn, the birds are gone. The ancients saw that many clams suddenly appeared on the seashore, and the stripes and colors of the shells were very similar to those of birds, so they thought they were made by birds.


In ancient times, "dew" was used as a sign of the weather becoming cooler and colder. After the white dew, the weather turns cooler, and dew begins to appear. When it comes to the cold dew, the dew increases, and the temperature is lower.

Dryness damages the lungs and stomach Eat more lotus root, milk, and chrysanthemum to nourish yin

During the "cold dew" season, the rain decreases, the weather is dry, and the day is hot and the night is cool. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the biggest feature of this solar term is that dryness is in season, and dryness is most likely to hurt the lungs and stomach. Sweat evaporates faster at this time, which often causes dry skin, increased wrinkles, dry mouth, dry cough and less phlegm, and even hair loss and constipation.

In the "cold dew" season, you should avoid strenuous exercise, overwork, etc., so as not to dissipate the essence, qi and body fluid. In the diet, you should also eat less spicy, spicy, fragrant, smoked and roasted foods. Soft food with the effect of invigorating the stomach and invigorating the body.

At the same time, keep a certain humidity indoors, pay attention to adding water, and eat more fruits such as pears, bananas, cantaloupe, apples, persimmons, and grapes. In addition, proteinChoose to avoid too hot food as much as possible, such as mutton and beef. You can eat warm chicken and pork. Dates are also warm ingredients that you can eat more.

At this time, crabs are abundant, but crabs are cool and should not be eaten too much. When eating crabs, you can grind ginger into mud and use it together, or add ginger slices when cooking to neutralize the coolness of crabs. In addition, it is also important to apply skin care moisturizing cream to protect the skin and prevent dryness.

After the white dew, the weather can be cold or warm, so you need to add clothes to avoid catching a cold. Once your feet get cold, it will easily reduce blood circulation and cause diseases. Before and after the cold dew, the weather changes greatly in the morning and evening, and it is more likely to cause a cold or respiratory disease due to cold. It is recommended to carry a light jacket when going out to prevent the temperature from plummeting.

Spring, summer long, autumn harvest, winter storage, the concept of health preservation in Chinese medicine is closely related to the operation of the four seasons, because Chinese medicine believes that the human body is a small universe, and the small universe should be related to the outside world. The universes correspond to each other. In autumn, the days are shorter and the nights are longer. As the natural yang qi weakens and the yin qi increases, the yang qi of the human body also needs to be absorbed.

In addition to living well, this time is the most suitable time to practice a set of "Ear and Face Life" in Bodhidharma Sutra. For office workers and middle-aged and elderly people who sit at their desks for a long time, it can strengthen the kidney meridian and elevate the lumbar vertebrae to the upper lumbar spine. The function of the Ojo region and the hands.

Dharma Yi Jin Jing "Ear Lifting Face Life" helps to strengthen the kidney meridian, improve the function of the lumbar spine to the Dazhui area and the hands. The simple and easy-to-operate exercises help to consolidate yin and nourish qi,To accompany you to relax and spend the autumn easily unhappy!

1. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, hands hanging down naturally, palms facing back, palms relaxed. 2. When inhaling, raise both arms on the left and right sides, elbows bent upwards, shoulders level like a mountain, palms facing forward to make a fist, and the soles of the feet are on the ground. 3. When exhaling, lift your heels, lift your body up, and turn your hands from clenched fists to open palms. 4. Repeat the action 21 times to end the work.

(The picture demonstrator is a student of Mr. Wang Xie, not the author himself)

◎ Part of this article is excerpted from / "Meditation - This Matter, Daoyin Cultivation Method" by Teacher Wang Xie ◎ Image source / Shanwen Wenchuang Publishing House‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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