Thursday, May 5, 2022

Desserts Are Not Afraid Of Fat When They Are Eaten At The Right Time! 23 Waist Beauty Nutritionist Announces "3 Best Times To Eat Desserts"

Desserts can help relieve stress and improve mood, but may cause weight gain. With a small waist of 23 inches

Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu pointed out,

If the intensity of exercise or fitness is high, the insulin in the muscles can effectively guide the sugar into the muscles for storage.

The body's metabolism is most vigorous in the morning, and the fat-burning power is the highest. In addition, eating in the morning can best inhibit the hormone "ghrelin" that induces body hunger and stimulates appetite. Therefore, in the morning

Dessert after a meal is a bliss, but there are unexpected benefits! The protein and dietary fiber eaten at the meal can slow down the emptying speed of the stomach, delay the feeling of hunger, and incretin, which can reduce appetite, is also secreted after meals, so

Cheng Hanyu also reminded that because the metabolic rate generally decreases after the evening; if you choose to eat sweets before going to bed, it will increase the risk of gastroesophageal reflux.

Cheng Hanyu explained that sugar and fat in desserts such as cakes will cause excessive secretion of gastric acid, while chocolate will open the esophageal sphincter, making it easier for gastric acid to flow back.

◎ Picture source/Cheng Hanyu nutritionist

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