Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Diabetes Comes From Eating! Change The Order Of Meals, Do 7 Things Right In Prediabetes, Break The Blind Spot And Eat Everything

Diabetes is a problem caused by eating. Back to the root of the problem, it needs to be solved by eating. Diet therapy is to control blood sugar from both the quantity and quality of the diet. If diet therapy is unsuccessful, diabetes treatment will not be successful. Medicine is to cure disease, food is to heal disease, and diabetes is a lifestyle disease. If you don’t want to use medicine for a lifetime, it is absolutely necessary to adjust your diet!


Han Wenhui, Ph.D., Institute of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, National Taiwan University pointed out in her book that the World Health Organization's diabetes diagnosis and treatment guidelines do not recommend drug intervention for prediabetes. The only way to stop them from developing into diabetes is lifestyle intervention, that is, people with prediabetes should learn to control their diet and exercise to maintain a stable blood sugar.

It's best to eat 6 to 7 minutes full, don't be full! Chew slowly when you eat to prevent your blood sugar from rising too fast after a meal. In terms of eating order,

, to prevent blood sugar from rising too fast.

The structure of human teeth and the length of the intestines belong to the "vegetarian family" in terms of physiological structure. Therefore, the human digestive tract is conducive to the digestion and absorption of grains, fruits and vegetables, and is not conducive to the digestion and absorption of meat. Fruit and vegetables foods contain a lot of active enzymes, which are beneficial to the catabolism of toxins in the body, and are the most natural body cleansers.

Fibre increases the body mass of feces and promotes intestinal peristalsis. At the same time, cellulose is the food of nearly 10 trillion microflora in the intestinal tract, which is essential for the elimination of toxins.

Somewhat naturalIngredients have hypoglycemic effects, such as bitter gourd, yam, okra, celery, kelp, etc., all of which are known as "natural hypoglycemic drugs". The bitter melon saponins in bitter melon have a hypoglycemic mechanism, and the effect of invigorating the kidney and diuresis is also very good. It is an ideal food for diabetic patients. Modern medicine believes that yam is rich in amylase, fat, protein, vitamins, etc., and has the functions of lowering blood sugar and blood lipids, enhancing immunity, and anti-aging. Okra contains soluble cellulose, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent cholesterol absorption, so it has the effect of lowering lipids, laxatives, and also helps to lose weight. certain effect.

The digestion and absorption of nutrients and the excretion of toxins are all carried out in the state of hydrolysis. The importance of drinking water is self-evident. Correct and effective drinking water is the key to maintaining health and curing diseases, and it is even more important for diabetic patients with metabolic disorders. Not drinking water for half an hour before going to bed can avoid swollen eyelids, frequent trips to the toilet in the middle of the night, and affect sleep quality. After waking up, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm water to reduce blood viscosity, which can reduce the formation of diabetic complications. If you are active, sweat a lot or in summer with high temperature, you should add additional water.

Vitamin C and vitamin E are powerful antioxidants that can reduce free radicals in the body and maintain the balance of redox in the body. Foods rich in vitamin C include kiwi, citrus and other fruits, as well as vegetables such as green peppers and bitter gourd; foods rich in vitamin E include nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds; but neither should be excessive.

A study published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology on October 11, 2017 found that eating foods rich in OMEGA-6 polyunsaturated fats (soy, sunflower seeds, etc.) Oil and nuts, etc.), can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, but it is not advisable to overeat, because OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 need to maintain a certain ratio in the body.

Selenium: such as squid, sea cucumber, hairtail and other seafood. Magnesium: such as lotus seeds, black rice, kelp, mung beans, seaweed, etc. Calcium: such as dried shrimps, tofu, oats, bracken, etc.

Tea polyphenols, tannic acid, caffeine, etc. in strong tea, excessive amounts will not only affect blood sugar stability, cause insomnia, but also take away most of the vitamin B1 in the body, causing loss of appetite, nervousness, and susceptibility to fatigue Wait. The same is true for not drinking coffee.

Spicy and divergent foods can easily cause retinal hemorrhage and vasodilation. Especially in the stage of retinal hemorrhage, it is not advisable to eat spicy foods such as peppers, onions, and garlic.

If the blood sugar of diabetic patients is not effectively controlled, it is easy to induce eye complications. Diabetic retinopathy is a major blinding disease, and almost all eye diseases can occur in people with diabetes. Such as fundus hemangioma, fundus hemorrhage, dacryocystitis, glaucoma, cataract, vitreous opacity, optic atrophy, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, and the probability of these eye diseases in diabetic patients is significantly higher than that in non-diabetic patientsgroup.

There is a large amount of taurine in the human retina, which can promote the development of the retina and protect the retina, which is beneficial to the development of visual receptors and improves the visual function, which is of great significance for the prevention of diabetic eye disease. Sea fish, shellfish, shrimp, oysters, clams, etc., mackerel, sardines and other taurine in fish are rich in taurine, and proper intake helps to supplement taurine.

Lutein can significantly improve the resistance of blood vessels, provide sufficient blood supply to the eyes, prevent the damage caused by the combination of free radicals and eye collagen, thereby improving the treatment rate of diabetic eye disease, and helping to improve and restore the resulting vision loss. Lutein is mostly found in natural dark green and yellow vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, pumpkin, corn, spinach, cauliflower, kiwi, etc.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Starting the Self-Healing Power of Diabetes" by Han Wenhui ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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