Monday, May 2, 2022

Inventory Of 21 Super Phytochemicals! Anti-cancer, Anti-aging, Lowering Cholesterol, Protecting Cardiovascular... The Benefits Are Endless

Phytochemicals (referred to as phytochemicals) are chemical components contained in vegetables, fruits, beans, etc., and are called "the seventh nutrient", which has attracted much attention in recent years. Phytochemicals not only have antioxidant effects, but also have many functions to look forward to. Most of them are water-soluble ingredients, and there are more than 10,000 types.

The reason phytochemicals are gaining attention is the "french paradox". In the French food culture, although the French consume a relatively large amount of saturated fatty acids from meat and dairy products, they also drink a lot of red wine. However, in the 1990s, the incidence of myocardial infarction in France was lower than that in other European and American countries. This was because the polyphenols contained in red wine caused conflicts and became the focus.

Polyphenols are representative phytochemicals with strong antioxidant effects, so they are considered to have anti-aging effects that delay aging. The polyphenol contained in red wine, etc. is a component called resveratrol, which can activate the sirtuin gene known as the longevity gene, so everyone is concerned about its anti-aging properties. Expectations are high, but it's still not clear how effective it will be.

A general term for plant components with multiple polyphenolic hydroxyl groups present in the molecule. Most of them are water soluble, and these ingredients are best known for their strong antioxidant properties.

Grape skins, sweet potato skins, etc. contain purple water-soluble pigments,And it has the ability to promote the resynthesis of rhodopsin that promotes the operation of the optic nerve.

The yellow pigment contained in turmeric. Can promote bile secretion, strengthen liver function and so on.

Bitter and astringent components contained in tea leaves. It has antibacterial effect, inhibits blood pressure rise, and regulates blood cholesterol.

The bitter ingredient in coffee has antioxidant effect.

The aroma and spicy ingredients of ginger have antibacterial effects.

The chemical structure of soy isoflavones in soybeans has estrogen-like effects (relieves menopausal symptoms, prevents osteoporosis, etc.).

One of the sesame lignans contained in sesame seeds is expected to have a cholesterol-lowering effect.

Substances contained in the peels of Wenzhou oranges and grapefruits. It is a type of vitamin P and is expected to prevent high blood pressure and help absorb vitamin C.


The ingredients of natural pigments have strong anti-oxidative effects. When cooking with good oil, fat-soluble vitamins are easier to be absorbed by the human body.

Green-yellow vegetables contain large amounts of yellow or orange pigments, which are found inThe human body is provitamin A (precursor) that is converted to vitamin A. Antioxidant and reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Red pigments in tomatoes and watermelons. Research reports indicate that it has an antioxidant effect.

Antioxidant effects are expected in seafood such as shrimp, crab, and salmon.

The yellow pigment contained in green-yellow vegetables and egg yolks. Good for eye health.

The ingredients contained in Liliaceae vegetables such as garlic and onion, as well as cruciferous vegetables such as radish and mustard, have a strong bactericidal effect and are used as spice for preventing food poisoning and improving flavor.

The unique aroma component of garlic - allicin is the component that is decomposed by allizyme. In addition to anti-cancer and antibacterial effects, allicin will be converted into allic thiamine when combined with vitamin B, which is very effective for fatigue recovery.

The ingredients contained in cabbage and green cauliflower have strong immunity and anti-cancer effects, and the effects are highly anticipated.

A type of isothiocyanate, believed to have anti-cancer properties, a component of broccoli and broccoli sprouts.

The aroma components of plants, essential oils are the main components. It is considered to have anti-oxidant and immune-enhancing effects.

Citrus contains the most aromatic components, especially lemon peel. Anticancer effects are expected.

Menthol is a refreshing aroma ingredient contained in herbs such as mint, which has the effect of improving immunity.

A type of carbohydrate rich in seaweed and root vegetables, classified as dietary fiber when indigestible.

The ingredients contained in seaweed are required for self-protection when the seaweed itself is impacted, or for repairing wounds. In addition to anti-cancer effects, the effect of stabilizing blood pressure is also expected.

The substances contained in the mucus such as yam, okra, and slippery mushrooms are a mixture of glycoproteins, which have the effect of protecting the stomach wall.

It is a substance combined with multiple fructose, and the substance contained in burdock, chicory, and onion has the effect of inhibiting the rise of blood sugar and lowering blood lipids.

Mushrooms are rich in content and are expected to improve immunity and anti-cancer effects.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Visible Nutrition" written by Yukiko Kawashima ◎ Image source / Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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