Monday, May 2, 2022

Traditional Bean Curd, Pudding Bean Curd Which Do You Like To Eat? Dietitian Exposes "Douhua Mines", One Kind Of People Should Be Careful When Eating Douhua

A bowl of sweet, cold and nutritious bean curd not only quenches thirst, but is also a "national snack" suitable for all ages. What is the difference in the taste of traditional bean curd and pudding bean curd on the market? What should I pay attention to when buying bean curd? The nutritional value of bean curd lies in "soy beans". A nutritionist pointed out that the phospholipids of beans can help improve the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol. If people want to eat bean curd healthily, it is best to add less ingredients and sugar water.


Douhua includes traditional beancurd, pudding beancurd, boxed beancurd, etc. Cai Minlang, a professor at the Department of Food Science of National Taiwan Ocean University, explained in the Food and Drug Administration's "Drug and Food Safety Weekly Report" that traditional beancurd, pudding, etc. Douhua and boxed beancurd sold in supermarkets are also made of soy milk as the main raw material, but the taste is obviously different.

Cai Minlang said: "Traditional bean curd uses gypsum or brine as a coagulant. The calcium ions of gypsum or the magnesium ions of brine are positively charged, which attracts the negative charges on the proteins in soy milk to form a gel structure. After solidification, it is the bean curd we usually eat." When making traditional bean curd, gypsum is usually mixed with sweet potato powder (starch). After these starch molecules are gelatinized, the molecular chain is fully expanded and shuttled in the protein structure, which can make bean curd. After solidification, the texture is finer, denser and more elastic.

As for pudding bean curd or boxed bean curd, the soy milk is made into a frozen form using animal and vegetable glues such as agar, gelatin, gelatin, pudding powder, etc. The pudding powder is made or added with eggs, and it will also have an egg fragrance.

Song Minghua, a nutritionist, said that soybeans are the main raw material of bean curd, but the nutritional value of soybeans will be different due to different manufacturing processes. For example, if the water content is relatively small, the nutrient density will be relatively high. The main nutritional value of bean curd is soybean, which is a good source of high-quality protein for vegetarians. If vegetarians are worried about insufficient protein intake, it is also good to eat bean curd as a snack.

In addition, Song Minghua pointed out that because beans have no cholesterol, the phospholipids in them can also help improve the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol. Therefore, soybeans can provide high-quality protein just like ordinary meat, but soybeans are less burdensome to the body. Soybeans also contain phytoestrogens, which are helpful in adjusting the endocrine balance of the body. In addition, if pure bean curd is eaten correctly, it can reduce the burden on the body and obtain protein for weight loss or fitness people.

However, modern people eat bean curd most often with "ingredients". Song Minghua said frankly that for modern civilization diseases, the most important mine is the ingredients, such as powder balls, taro balls, peanuts and sugar water. If you don’t add any toppings or just add a little bit of sugar, and if you have less sugar water, bean curd is actually a good choice as a snack, better than sugar-sweetened beverages and cakes.

However, some people still need to pay attention to eating bean curd. For example, those with gout or high uric acid often feel that they cannot eat beans. Song Minghua said that in fact, if they are properly controlled and they are not in the gout attack period, it is okay to eat bean curd in moderation. questionable.

Professor Cai Minlang stronglyThe quality of raw soybeans will directly affect the quality of beancurd, but consumers cannot confirm the condition of the raw materials with their own eyes when buying beancurd. It is recommended to choose a reputable store or brand to buy. If you buy bean curd at a store or a vendor, you can pay attention to the cleanliness of the surrounding environment, the hygiene of personnel, and whether the utensils and containers are clean.

Because bean curd is rich in protein, it is easy to spoil when stored in poor conditions. When purchasing, you can also pay attention to whether the shop's bean curd has refrigerated or hot storage equipment, insulation buckets, so that bean curd can be stored under suitable conditions to reduce spoilage. The risk of buying bean curd should be tasted as soon as possible after returning home, and it should not be left for too long.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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