Height is a very important aesthetic factor for women.So, if you have a pair of legs that are not perfect, causing your self-esteem to drop somewhat, what should you do? Choose from the following extremely effective leg stretching exercises!
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1.Effects of leg stretching exercises
In adulthood, you may not stretch your legs as quickly as in pubertythen.Due to the structure of bone, bone is calcified and becomes a solid bone mass.
Although it is difficult to grow up at this age, it is not impossible.This is because there is space between the bones of our feet.Through exercises that teach how to stretch your legs, this gap will be filled and your legs will be longer.
Regular exercise has many health benefits.In particular, it also supports bone length and height growth.Especially with exercises that teach you to lengthen your legs.
Stretch exercisesfoot with direct impact on the foot.It helps burn excess fat, stimulates the growth of leg bones, helps legs slim and long, thereby also improving your height.
2.1 Notes on exercises
All of the above exercises have a certain effect on the ability to grow taller if you persist in practicing every day.However, you should also keep a few things in mind as follows:
Warm up body:
Warm up before exercise to help warm up the bodyTherefore, raising the heart rate just enough to increase blood volume, better adapt to different exercises and intensity of exercise, reduce the risk of injury and increase the flexibility of muscles, bones, joints.
Warm up exercises you can do are: jogging in place, jumping rope, or brisk walking.
Pay attention to the breath when practicing:
When practicing, you need to pay attention to your breathing, breathing properly will help stretch and exercise more effectively.Holding your breath while exercising can cause muscle tension, negative effects.
Thanks to breathing through the nose deeply and slowly when exercisingDuring exercise, your muscles are more likely to relax and adapt to different movements.
Replenish water during exercise:
Dehydration can have an adverse effect on your health and ability to exercise.Drinking water provides enough water for the body to function, it also reduces stress, the hydration process that takes place in the body helps lubricate joints and reduce inflammation.
Plan for a workout:
Strength exercises only bring the expected effect if we practice every day.The situation of practice days should not happenlaziness, interval training, makes the body take time to catch up with the movement, difficult to stimulate the muscles and bones to develop, and accordingly, the height is also more limited
2.2 Incorporate a suitable diet
The exercises to lengthen your legs help stimulate your height growth.But that's not enough.You needcombined with eating, supplementing nutrients, more effective support for height growth.
- Addition of legumes: this is a good and hearty source of protein.Components in legumes have been shown to increase levels of insulin-like growth factor 1, a hormone important for regulating growth in children.In addition, beans are also rich in B vitamins, fiber, copper, magnesium, manganese and zinc.
- Chicken: contains a lot of vitamin B12, a water-soluble vitamin, an important compound for height growth.Taurine, found in chicken, is an amino acid that regulates bone formation and growth.Chicken is also high in protein.
- Almonds are nuts rich in healthy fats, rich in fiber, manganese and magnesium.Almonds are rich in vitamin E and almonds can promote bone health.
- Green vegetables: Vegetables are rich in minerals and rich in vitamin K, a nutrient that can increase bone density and increase your height.
- Yoghurt: in addition to reducing inflammation and enhancing immune function.Yogurt is alsoan excellent source of several nutrients involved in bone metabolism, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
- Sweet potato: is a food rich in vitamin A, improves bone health, helps maintain height.
2.3 Things to avoid to increase height
To get the best results when practicing athigh, you need to avoid some of the following
Incorrect technique:
Incorrect exercise not only does not achieve the desired effect, but the body is also prone to loss of strength and risk of injury.
No change in exercise intensity:
At first, you can move gently to gradually adapt to the nature of the body.However, next time, you should gradually increase the strength to practice so that the body feels the change, the muscles stretch more, the bones and joints develop more.
Also, stress injuriesg repetition can occur when you do the same movements over and over.Therefore, you should increase the difficulty a bit and change the exercise accordingly.
Not getting enough sleep:
To grow up, you need to let your body get enough sleep, within 7 to 8 hours a day.Sleep gives you energy and allows muscles to grow.Getting enough sleep will also strengthen the immune system, enhance memory and improve mood.
3.Suggest 10 exercises to lengthen your legs by stretching
3.1 Jogging
Running is also a simple exercise that can be done at home or around the house, on a treadmill or on a flat sidewalk.Early morning, late afternoon or evening before 8pm are the best times for jogging.You can run 30-45 minutes/day.
It is not necessary to maintain the habit of jogging every day, but you should run less often2-3 days/week.Note, before running you should warm up lightly, choose comfortable clothes, easy to sweat.You can use many types of running to increase height: endurance running, sprinting, sprinting…
Note when jogging:
- Look straight while running, keep your arms and shoulders relaxed.
- Close the ground completely with your feet, do not raise your legs too high when running.
- Toes always point forward.
- Drink enough water before, during and after jogging so you don't lose strength.
- Have a reasonable running plan, don't overdo it, don't run if you get sickdear.
- Make sure the running environment is cool, the running surface is not rough.
- You can start with 1 to 2 sessions of light walking if you're not used to running.
When running, bones are decompressed and stretched to increase height.In particular, the sprint pattern is likely to create small cracks in the bones.This crack has the effect of stimulating the bone to grow strongly to fill the gap, which means an increase in height.
Exercises to stretch your legs while jogging also bring many health benefits such as stabilizing the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.p, improve bone and joint health, reduce stress, fatigue…
3.2 Jumping on the spot
How to do it:
- Take small steps for about 1 minute to warm up.
- Lower your legs and rotate your body upwards, reaching your arms out in front of you.
- You can bend your legs, straighten your legs, or raise your knees while jumpingaccording to your current ability.
- A training session can do 20-30 jumps, note that there is a break between times to avoid losing strength and limit injury.
Jumping is a leg stretching exercise that helps speed up the process of increasing size by stimulating the proliferation of cartilage, which regenerates non-stop.Like weight training exercises, jumping forces the practitioner to change positions continuously, so the joints are affected to promote growth.
3.3 Jumping rope
How to do it:
- Choosing a strong, medium length rope is a priority before doing this leg stretch.You can jump rope from 15 to 30 minutes a day, jumping intensity from 40 to 50 times / minute.Remember to rest between jumps so you don't lose strength and remember to fill up with water to fuel up the activity.
Jumping rope has many ways, you can straighten your legs, bend your legs, catchCross-legged...Each type of skipping rope will bring different benefits, in general, it has the effect of relaxing muscles, stretching bones and joints, improving the condition of bones and joints.Health..Bones that are stretched regularly will lengthen quickly.Practitioners can flexibly apply jumping rope styles to accelerate development.
3.4 Sleeping positionkicking his feet
How to do it:
- Lie on your left side with your body resting on your left elbow
- Raise right leg as high as possible, hold for a few seconds, then lower down.
- Repeat about 10-15 times
- Change to right side leaning, body resting on right elbow
- Raise your left leg high, hold for a few seconds, then lower it
- Repeat 10-15 times.Do about 3-5 sets with each leg
The exercise lying on the side of the leg is quite simple but effective in lengthening the leg, improving the legThe height is quite large.Every time you kick your legs up high, the muscles and bones in the legs receive significant force stimulation, helping to burn excess fat and slimmer legs.In particular, in the side-lying position, the joints that do not have to support the body are released, which is an ideal condition for height growth.
3.5 Single leg plank
How to do it:
- Rely on your elbows for support, keep your body straight, only your toes touch the ground.
- Slowly raise and lower your legs continuously.
- Do the movement for 5 to 10 minutes.Can be divided into small beats according to strength until the body is flexible enough to do the leg plank exercise longer.
The leg plank seems to be simple, but it's not easy to do.However, this exercise offers great health benefits including improved bone strength, balance, reduced back pain, increasedBoost metabolism, build muscle, get taller and have more beautiful legs.
3.6 Warrior Pose
Warrior Pose works the thighs, ankles, calves, hamstrings, glutes, and shoulders.In addition, this exercise also forms the body's endurance, increases the heart rate and the working ability of the respiratory and digestive systems, helping the body strengthen the body.g coated, supple.
As you lift your legs and lean forward to form a T, your legs, back, and arms are all straight.As a result, the skeletal muscles and cartilage in the old positions are stretched.Thus promoting a natural increase in size and making the muscles firmer.
How to do it:
- Stand up straight, slowly lean forward, using your left foot as a pillar, bring your right foot back and keep it perpendicular to your left leg, while raising your arms above your head.
- Lean forward so that your body is parallel to the ground.SaThere, the arms and legs form a straight line.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds.Then lower your right leg to the floor and slowly return to a standing position.
- Return to starting position and repeat on your left leg.
3.7 Cobra Pose
The cobra exercise is one of the leg lengthening exercises, which helps increaseheight and strengthen the muscles of the upper back, spine and shins.It also helps you get into the habit of maintaining correct posture.
In addition, this pose also has a positive effect on the arms and abdomen.With the stretch and recoil, the abdominal muscles as well as the back and leg muscles are stretched.As a result, they become more secure.
How to do it:
- Lie on your stomach, legs naturally extended, hands on the floor next to your chest, eyes looking straight, and neck in line with your body.
- Heel and toe together, straighten and apply force evenly on both sideshand.
- Close your elbows to touch your body, twist your shoulders and look up.
- Inhale deeply, use both hands to lift your body up, belly still touching the ground, lower your elbows and bring them closer to your body.
- Stretch your shoulders back, widening your chest cavity.
- Breathe deeply and hold the pose for about 15 to 30 seconds.
- Breathe softly and lower your chest back to the starting position
3.8 Wall stretch exercises
If you do wall stretch exercises regularly and regularly, your height will increase quickly.When performing the exercise, use maximum force to push up against the wall because they will work back into your body thereby stimulating the growth of bones, mainly the spine, back and legs.Thanks to that, this exercise helps you to increase your height effectively.
How to do it:
- Stand up straight, facing the wall.feet shoulder width apart, hands down.
- Bring your arms forward, shoulder-width apart, and lean against the wall.
- Step forward with right foot, knee bent, left leg straight back, keeping back straight and facing the wall.
- Hold this pose for 5-6 seconds, then repeat, switching legs.
3.9 Pigeon Pose
Pigeon pose exercise is a very good height increase exerciseeffective.Exercise helps maintain body flexibility because it stretches the hip flexors, glutes, and legs.When performed, this move helps relieve pressure on the back and spine, helping to open the hips and hamstrings.Thanks to that, the vertebrae are released, helping to increase the ability to improve height.
How to do it:
- Lie on your stomach, straighten your arms and legs, and lift yourself up.
- Slide right knee forward.Slide your left foot back as far as your hips allow.
- Keep hips perpendicular to the floor to protect back and open hips as much as possible.
- Maintain muscleStand up straight and start flexing your upper body
- Relax your hips completely, take a deep breath, and relax your abdomen.Stay in this position for 5-7 minutes.
While doing this height increase pose, if you don't feel a stretch in your right buttock area, slowly move your right leg towards your left hand until you start to feel them stretch, pull Back and keep the hips on the right side perpendicular to the floor.
3.10 Overhead Kick
How to do it:
- Start by standing upright on the mat.
- Extend your body to the maximum while extending your legs.
- Place your hand close to your chest and make a fist.
- Kick your right foot in the air continuously for about 30 seconds and repeat this process with your left foot.
- After doing both legs, rest for 1 to 2 minutes and then continue.
- The leg kick exercise can last 15-20 minutes andThere is always a break between each exercise.
Starting from Taekwondo martial arts movements, the leg kick exercise helps stretch the muscles of the body, especially the legs.From there, the length of the legs increases, the height of the body also improves.This exercise can be done every day, combined with other exercises or playing a sport to promote growth.
» Please refer to 15 more effective height increasing exercises 1 week here: https://wheyshop.vn/15-bai-tap-tang-chieu-cao-hieu-qua-nhat.html
The above article has guided you through 10 effective leg lengthening exercises, and the notes in the process of training and nutrition to improve height effectively.Hopefully the article has brought you useful knowledge, helping you to increase your height, as well as own slim legs.Thank you for your interest in following the article!
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