There are many different ways to lose weight that women apply, but the effectiveness of the method so that each week can lose up to 3kg, not everyone can do it.Here is a diet that can help you lose 3kg in 1 week.Please take a look!
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1.Revealing how to lose 3kg in 1 week
To lose 3kg in 1 week, you needFollow some basic principles as follows
1.1 Eat less Carbs and add more protein
In fact, many studies have shown that a low-carb diet is an effective way to lose weight while promoting better health.Short-term reductions in carbohydrate intake can reduce water weight and bloating.That is why peoplePeople on a low-carb diet often see a difference the next morning.In addition, eating more protein helps reduce cravings and speed up metabolism.Try to eliminate or reduce all carbohydrates and starches in the 1-week diet.Replace them with low-carb vegetables and increase your intake of eggs, lean meat and fish

1.2 Eat unprocessed foods
Processed foods often contain many additives and preservatives that are not only harmful to the body but also increase the amount of calories in food.When trying to lose weight fast, stay away from processed foods and eat fresh foods.Fresh foods tend to be easier to digest, eating fewer calories without being too hungry.
During the week, you should make sure you eat whole foods.Avoid most processed foods.Eating mostly lean protein and low-carb vegetables will give you instant satiationeven without the high calories.

1.3 Weight lifting and high intensity training
Intensity training is the best way to burn fat and improve your appearance.Resistance training, which can lead to weight loss similar to regular aerobic exercise.Helps to add or maintain muscle mass and strength.Strength trainingWhole body resistance is a great way to reduce carbohydrate intake and weight, which in turn can lead to a more effective way to lose weight in a week than ever before.

1.4 Calculating BMR
An easy way to help you lose weight in 1 week is to calculate your BMR.BMR is the total number of calories the body needs to maintain basic body functions, includingeven breathing.Once you reach the total calories required by your BMR, walk an additional 8 kilometers during the day.So he can consume 500 calories in 1 day.
You can go to work, ride an exercise bike, go for an evening walk, climb the stairs, do housework, clean, walk the dog… All of these can help you lengthen your distance..Using BMR or calculating calories to lose weight will give the best results, helping you build an effective diet menu.

1.5 Limit junk food to lose weight
The total calories you consume from junk food each day can be higher than the calories you consume in food, so it is easy to gain weight.So the best way to lose weight fast in 1 week is to cut all junk food and cut 500 calories, but if you can't give up, you can eat fresh fruit or vegetables.
You can lose 500 calories a day if you exercise.You can walk in the morning and then walk in the evening, burningburn 250 calories every time you sit down.

- See more : How to calculate Macros to gain weight and lose weight – A step-by-step guide
2.Menu to lose 3kg in 1 week
2.1 Day One
- 6h: 2 boiled eggs, 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of honey and lemon juice, 2 cucumbers.With this menu you will have enough energy to start your day, and at the same time ensure that your weight loss method will be highly effective.
- Snack at 9am: 1 banana + 1 cup of tomato juice.These two meals will help you last until noon without overeating.In addition, tomato juice will also help you lose weight safely and ensure your skin has enough vitamins to stay young and anti-aging.
- Lunch at12h: 1 bowl of rice + 1 bowl of tomato salad + squash soup and 1 cup of tapioca juice.
- At about 3pm you should have a snack with a plate of fruit.
- Dinner, you eat at 19:00: 1 bowl of rice + crab soup + 1 plate of boiled vegetables.
2.2 Day 2
How to lose 3kg in 1 week is effective or not because you need to have enough perseverance and high determination.If you are only on a dietone day and you feel so depressed, it's hard to continue the next day.
- Breakfast at 6am: 1 plate of vegetarian rolls, 1 banana, 1 glass of salty lemonade.
- Lunch at 12:00: 1 bowl of rice, amaranth soup, 1 boiled egg.
- Dinner at 6pm the menu is: 1 bowl of rice, pumpkin soup, boiled vegetables, apple juice or 1 cup of orange juice.
On the 2nd day of weight loss in 1 week, you will see a decrease in snacking.It is necessary to gradually adapt to this.
2.3 Tuesday
- Breakfast: You can eat beef bread, 1 cup of green tea and 1 bunch of grapes.
- Skipping snacks, you should have lunch with 1 bowl of rice + 1 salad + 1 small piece of cooked meat.
- Dinner: Starting on day 3, you'll need to introduce a more draconian weight loss approach.Dinner will almost no longer have rice, but instead eat fruit up to 40%, then eat normal rice.
2.4 Wednesday p>
By day 4, you will begin to get used to this weight loss method and prepare for a heavier diet.
- Breakfast: 1 bowl of lotus seed porridge, 1 banana and add 1 cup of unsweetened milk.
- Lunch: 1 bowl of rice + 1 bowl of stewed lotus seed soup with 1 plate of boiled vegetables.
- Dinner: You return to starch to balance your body when using 1 bowl of rice + 1 bowl of Khuc Bach tea.
To reduce csafe, you should know how to consider your diet.If you constantly skip a starchy dinner, your body will lack nutrients, leading to many unpredictable consequences.So let's add some rice on day 4.
2.5 Thursday
- Breakfast: 1 slice of bread with an omelet and 2 cucumbers with 1 cup of lemon juice.
- Lunch: You should only eat half a bowl of rice+ cabbage soup + 1 cup of honey lemon juice.
- Dinner: Instead of eating rice, you should eat 1 bowl of noodles with lean meat and vegetables.
2.6 Friday
Continue the effective weight loss diet until the 6th week.You will see your body start to lose weight.
- Breakfast: A bowl of eel vermicelli + 1 cup of grapefruit juice.
- Lunch: 1 piece of steamed fish, half a bowl of rice with a plate of boiled vegetables and 1 cupc soy milk.
- Dinner: You should not tolerate extra starch, but eat 1 plate of boiled chayote with 1 bowl of steamed clam soup and 1 glass of fresh lemon juice.
2.7 Saturday
- Breakfast: You eat chicken porridge.
- Lunch: You eat boiled vegetables + fish porridge.
- Dinner: The menu is meat porridge + carrot juice.
» Refer to the effective weight loss menu for women1 week here:
The above is a suggested menu to help you lose 3kg in 1 week, which you can refer to.After 7 days with this diet weight loss method, your body still has enough nutrients to have energy to work effectively and still can lose 2-3kg.In addition to the above diets, you can do more weight loss exercises to achieve greater efficiency.Wishing you success in getting in shape as desired!
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