Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Potato Salad Recipe: Cut Cucumbers Like This To Avoid Water, Tea Eggs Are More Delicious Than Boiled Eggs

Although summer is coming to an end, the scorching heat has not yet subsided. If you want to eat to feel full and cool off from the heat, Lei Yizong, the chef of Thor, teaches the recipe of "Potato Salad"; don't forget to write down a few recipes The secret to adding deliciousness and texture to potato salad!

Delicious Vegetable Potato Salad Recipe

Potatoes, carrots, gherkins, tea eggs, salad dressing, olive oil, pepper and salt

1. Potatoes are boiled or steamed, cut into pieces and mashed into mashed potatoes.

2. The carrots are cooked and diced, and then mixed into the mashed potatoes.

3. Remove the head and tail of the cucumber, cut in half, remove the seeds, dice, and then mix in the mashed potatoes.

4. Peel the tea eggs, use a knife to gently cut open the egg whites, mix the egg yolks into the mashed potatoes first, then cut the egg whites into pieces and put them in.

5. Sprinkle salt and pepper evenly, drizzle with salad dressing and olive oil, mix well and serve.

3 cooking tips for potato salad

Lei Yizong suggested that when chopping cucumbers, remember to remove the seeds, because the seeds are prone to water, which will affect the taste of potato salad.

Also, he uses tea eggs instead of hard-boiled eggs to add flavor to the potato salad. The ratio of tea eggs and potatoes can be adjusted according toDepends on personal preference.

The choice of salad dressing can also be determined by personal preference. Lei Yizong recommends, such as mayonnaise, mayonnaise, flax dressing, yellow mustard, etc., which are all suitable for potato salad.

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"Black Panther" Actor Dies Of Colorectal Cancer At 43! The Key To Staying Away From Bowel Cancer: Eat These To Flush Out The Filth

The high-profile black actor Chadwick Boseman (Chadwick Boseman), who starred in the Marvel movie "Black Panther", suffered from colorectal cancer and struggled with cancer for 4 years, but unfortunately died on August 29 He passed away in shock at the age of 43. He was at the peak of his career, and the news of his sudden death shocked Hollywood. In fact, early detection of colorectal cancer has a high survival rate. Toxicologists also tell everyone how to take care of the intestines and stay away from colorectal cancer.

Playing the film "Black Panther" actor Chadwick Bousman, died of colorectal cancer, and 43 years old of colorectal cancer passed away, really a little young. Toxicology expert Zhao Mingwei pointed out that as long as it is detected early, the survival rate of colorectal cancer is actually very high, and every 1 to 2 years of fecal occult blood examination can reduce the mortality rate of colorectal cancer by 15% to 33% in 50 to 69 years old. %.

Zhao Mingwei explained that colorectal cancer, as a type of cancer of the digestive tract, is mostly caused by "eating" and is not necessarily directly related to family history. However, according to the survey results of changes in national nutrition and health status, the incidence of colorectal cancer has several characteristics, including: insufficient dietary fiber intake, high intake of meat, ingestion of carcinogenic factors, obesity, aging, and poor microbial flora in the digestive tract Wait.

Zhao Mingwei further explained that there are more than 100 million nerve cells in the enteric nervous system living on the intestinal mucosa, which can affect the operation of other organs through the vagus nerve. Therefore, if our digestive system functions smoothly, food nutrients can be fully digested, absorbed, waste andToxins can also be excreted smoothly, and the body is naturally environmentally friendly.

In addition, enzymes can help decompose food and promote nutrient absorption; there are also probiotics, which are related to immune function regulation. Because 70% of human immune cells are located around the intestine, good intestinal bacteria can interact with immune cells. Build gut health together.

Simply put, to take good care of the intestines, stay away from colorectal cancer, and excrete the dirty things is the key! Zhao Mingwei makes the following suggestions:

As for what to eat to help with bowel movements? Zhao Mingwei said that the following 12 kinds can be eaten, but remember not to overdose!

◎ Image source/retrieved from Chadwick Bousman IG

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What Is Clenbuterol? What Happens If You Eat Pork With Ractopamine? Is There A Way To Detox?

The government announced that from January 1 next year, the import of US pigs and US cattle containing clenbuterol will be relaxed, causing panic among the Chinese. Yang Zhenchang, director of the Department of Clinical Toxicology and Occupational Medicine at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, reminded that ractopamine is a sympathetic stimulant. Pregnant women, young children, and patients with cardiovascular disease should be careful. Most people should have no problem with a normal diet.


Clenbuterol helps pigs and cattle grow meat without gaining weight

In the past few days, many people and groups are worried: Taiwan and many countries have refused to use Clenbuterol for US pigs and cattle for many years. Does it mean that they eat pork containing Clenbuterol? Is beef dangerous? Yang Zhenchang said that clenbuterol is a beta sympathetic receptor enhancer (ß-adrenergic agonist), called "clenbuterol" because it can make nutrients mainly used for muscle growth and less converted into fat, which is eaten by pigs and cattle. Long meat without oil, was invented many years ago as a feed additive.

Early Clenbuterol was easily poisoned, causing tremors and heart palpitations. It is relatively safe "ractopamine". Ractopamine has a sympathetic effect and may cause symptoms such as tremors, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia. The standard set by the International Codex Alimentarius Commission (CODEX) in 2012 is less than 1 microgram per kilogram of body weight, and it is recommended for adults of 60 kg. Say, the safe tolerance per day is 60 micrograms.

LaiThe metabolism of gdopamine is fast, but young children and pregnant women should be careful

How to quickly metabolize meat containing clenbuterol? Yang Zhenchang said that drinking more water and exercising can not speed up metabolism, but ractopamine is metabolized very quickly in the human body, and 75% of it is metabolized in about 6 hours. Moreover, when assessing the safety of imported clenbuterol pork in the past, Taiwan's dietary intake database for Chinese people showed that the daily intake of ractopamine is 18.3 micrograms based on the daily intake of pork and pig offal. It is fairly safe, but there is still no international standard for the safety of sensitive groups such as children, pregnant women, and patients with cardiovascular diseases, which is more worrying.

Heart disease patients should be 10 times stricter than the average person

especially patients with arrhythmia, the risk of eating foods containing sympathetic stimulants is high. The deceased poison expert Dr. Lin Jieliang believed that the safe tolerance of ractopamine for heart disease patients should be 10 times stricter than that of ordinary people, that is, only 0.1 micrograms per kilogram of body weight, and 60 kilograms of body weight should not exceed 6 micrograms a day. If you eat 18.3 micrograms a day Micrograms exceed the standard by 2 times!

Confinement meals should be avoided due to high visceral residues. According to the Food and Drug Administration’s official announcement today (31), in 2019, the “Eating Meat Exposure Lake” was commissioned by Li Junzhang, director of the Environmental Trace Toxic Research Center of National Cheng Kung University School of Medicine. Health Risk Assessment of Dopamine", the safety assessment result of the general public's consumption of pork is "acceptable risk", but if it is a woman who is confinement, because Chinese people's eating habits of confinement, sesame oil kidney and sesame oil pig liver are a part of diet therapy.Ring, this study shows that if confinement women consume more than 1 piece of pig kidney and 1 piece of pig liver per day, the risk will be exceeded.

Yang Zhenchang said that the residual amount of clenbuterol in meat is low, but the residual amount in internal organs such as liver, kidney and lung is very high. Although there are many people in Taiwan who like to eat kidney beans with sesame oil, they only eat it for a month at most Once or twice, but confinement women often use sesame oil kidneys and pig livers for their daily diet. If they eat pork kidneys and livers containing clenbuterol, they should be careful.

The establishment of allowances for pork liver and kidney causes panic

Yang Zhenchang said that although this time, the lean pork and US beef only mentioned "opening up the import of US pork containing ractopamine and US beef over 30 months old", but did not mention it. To the internal organs, but the allowable amount of pig liver 40ppb and pig kidney 90ppb is set, does it mean that the internal organs of US pigs and US cattle will also be imported in the future? This is what worries everyone.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Can Dementia Be Misjudged? Physician Exposes 5 Signs Of Dementia

Clinically, elders may sometimes experience temporary dysfunction due to some physical conditions. Doctors will diagnose the early stage of dementia according to the clinical symptoms at that time. However, in fact, dementia can cause continuous deterioration of brain function. When symptoms do not worsen for 1 to 2 years, dementia can be ruled out.


Chen Anzhi, chief physician of the Department of Neurology, Sun Yat-Sen Medical University Hospital, emphasized that dementia is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that leads to the gradual deterioration of cognition and daily life functions. Dementia is still incurable. Early detection and early treatment are recommended to prevent dementia. Slow down the progression of the disease.

Chen Anzhi reminds that when family members have the following 5 major situations, there may be signs of dementia and should go to the hospital for further diagnosis:

Chen Anzhi emphasized that with typical Alzheimer's disease, brain function will continue to deteriorate, but; however, when diagnosed with middle-stage dementia, the symptoms of dementia patients will continue to deteriorate, and they are less likely to be misjudged .

Chen Yingru, a nutritionist at the Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yat-Sen Medical University, added, but dementia patients will have different dietary problems at different times. For example, reduced food intake, resulting in vitamin B deficiency; possible eating but forgetting; gradual changes in dietary preferences; refusal or overeating.

Chen Yingru suggested that, at the same time, the water intake and weight of dementia patients should also be monitored. According to the drinking water recommendation of the European Society of Intravenous and Enteral Nutrition for the elderly, it is 1.6 liters/day for women and 2 liters/day for men. Days, those with kidney or heart disease require additional assessment of water intake.

Huang Yichun, a professor in the Department of Cosmetology at Taichung University of Science and Technology, shared that her mother is a dementia patient. In her 13 years of dementia care experience, she found that the pressure of dementia caregivers may come from Invisible pressures such as careless inquiries from other family members, actual care pressures, long-term time pressures, and seeking good and strong.

Huang Yichun emphasized that. She suggested that dementia caregivers can ask themselves "Can it be solved?", "Can I face it?" or face it from a different perspective, learning to live with stress.

In addition, Huang Yichun also suggested, wait, and appropriate exercise, or massage, essential oils, etc., to develop an attitude of letting stress-relieving habits enter your life.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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A "greenback Fish" Repairs Cell Membranes Throughout The Body, Strengthens Memory, And Avoids Inflammation In The Body

When the weather is hot, everyone will pay attention to whether the intake of water or minerals is insufficient, but the intake of "oil" is often ignored. Maybe everyone has the established impression that oil is not good for the body, but there are actually different types of oil. Among them, the fats that the human body cannot synthesize on their own and must be obtained from the diet are called essential fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids are in this category.

Get rid of your inflammation-prone constitution by eating more ingredients with omega-3 fatty acids that inhibit inflammation. The target of reactive oxygen species, the cell membrane, is made of Omega-3 fatty acids; specifically, Omega-3 fatty acids are the raw materials for the manufacture of neurotransmitters, red blood cells, vascular endothelial cells and other cell membranes, and can also improve blood circulation.

The production of reactive oxygen species was originally to protect the body from foreign enemies, and the most representative foreign enemy is ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays are very strong in summer, so reactive oxygen species are especially easy to generate. When the reactive oxygen species is in excess, it will even turn back and harm normal cells. In addition to the "external" reactive oxygen species caused by ultraviolet rays, changes in temperature, air pressure, and humidity can also cause stress, disrupt the autonomic nervous system, and generate "intrinsic" reactive oxygen species.

Among the oils rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, the most representative ones are linseed oil and perilla oil. Linseed oil and perilla oil are easily oxidized when heated, so it is best to pour them directly on the dishes or use them as dipping sauces.

subHemp seed oil and perilla oil are Omega-3 fatty acids, which can prevent inflammation in the body; Omega-6 fatty acids can promote inflammation. Without special attention to diet, almost most people will consume excessive amounts of Omega-6 fatty acids;

The ideal intake ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids is 1:2∼4, but the intake ratio of most people is 1:10∼40, and the intake of omega-6 fatty acids is obviously excessive. In addition to omega-6 fatty acids, eating too much trans fat (margarine, ghee, fry, etc.) is also one of the reasons why many modern people are prone to inflammation or allergies.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids have an impact on memory and mental agility. In addition to preventing the body from generating reactive oxygen species due to stress, you can also consume more Omega-3 fatty acids when your conscious creativity or planning ability is a little weak.


Greenback is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and red meat has more Omega-6 fatty acids. When you don't know whether to eat fish or meat, choose fish .

These fish are rich in fat-soluble nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA) and vitamin D, which can enhance memory and thinking skills.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "1 week 2 ingredients, letAnxiety Diet without Inflammation of the Heart" by Ai Okubo ◎ Image source/Tachi Image/Shutterstock

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GMO Corn Can Be Identified By Counting The Rows Of Corn? Is The Genetically Modified Corn Identification Picture True Or False?

Recently, a photo of "GMO corn in seconds" has been widely circulated in social software, indicating that "corn with 12 rows of pulp is non-GM corn, and 14 or 16 rows are genetically modified corn"! Corn experts urge everyone not to be fooled. Traditional corn has rows from 6 to 32. Genetic modification is not in the number of rows of corn, and it cannot be seen from the appearance.

The edible safety of genetically modified crops is still controversial, but consumers absolutely have the right to know whether the crops they eat are genetically modified crops! Recently, a photo has been widely circulated in social software such as line and Facebook. It is simply pointed out that 12 rows of pulp, thin and small corn are non-GMO corn, if it is beautiful in appearance, 14 rows and 16 rows of pulp maize is genetically modified. Many people not only believe it, but also help to spread the word frequently, but what is the meaning of the truth?

Taiwanese corn expert Xie Guang, who developed "Tainong No. 7 corn", said that when he saw the photos posted on the Internet, he was worried that the Chinese people would be misled, because the rows of corn pulp had nothing to do with genetic modification. From the 6th row, the 8th row, up to 32 rows he has seen, all of them are unimproved traditional genetic corn, so it is not that the appearance is beautiful and the flesh is plump, it is genetically modified.

There are three types of genetically modified corn, all of which have nothing to do with the rows of pulp. Xie Guangguang, a researcher at the Agricultural Experiment Institute of the Agricultural Committee, said that the first genetically improved jadeRice is mainly implanted with insect-resistant genes, the second is implanted with herbicide-resistant genes, and the third is implanted with insect-resistant microcrystal genes. These are completely indistinguishable from the appearance, but genetic inspection can be clearly found. Improved genes.

Taiwan's corn is "breeding" non-genetically improved

But the sweet corn on the market in Taiwan is several times more beautiful than the thin, small, sweet corn on the market more than 10 years ago, and Sweet and juicy, isn't it genetically modified? Lin Hongzong, an assistant researcher at the Seedling Improvement and Breeding Farm of the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan, said that this is through "breeding", which is to find corn varieties with high sweetness and high water content from traditional varieties, and then carry out cross-breeding. It takes 5 to 10 years to cultivate corn, and the research and development of Tai Nong No. 1 to No. 7 of Taiwan corn is almost 40 years behind.

Xie Guangguang said that the corn currently on the Taiwan market, whether it is sweet corn or glutinous corn, mostly has 12 to 16 rows of pulp. In the past, the sweetness of corn was only 6 or 7 degrees. Now the average sweetness of waxy corn is 8 degrees, and the average sweetness of sweet corn is 12 degrees. In addition, there are super sweet varieties that can reach 16 degrees, and sweetened corns are as high as 18 degrees. higher than the sweetest fruit.

It took Taiwan 20 years to improve the sweetness of corn.

It took them 20 years to improve the sweetness. They find out natural mutations and sweet corn varieties with known high sweetness, repeatedly cross-breed the best varieties, and then hand them over to farmers for planting, so that Chinese people can eat cheap and delicious corn. Xie Guangguang and Lin Hongzong both called on Chinese people to buy the products on the market with peace of mind.Corn, these are all good corns cultivated by domestic researchers and breeding farms. Taiwan Benshi has absolutely no genetically modified corn. You don't need to count how many corns there are, and you can eat them with peace of mind.

◎ Picture source/reproduced from the Internet

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Walking Always Has Backache And Knee Pain? Sports Nutritionist Teaches You To Take Care Of Your Waist And Protect Your Knees

According to statistics, up to 55.2% of people in Taiwan have the habit of walking. Have you ever experienced walking? Do you feel backache and knee discomfort because of walking?


Although walking is not an intense exercise, warm-up exercises cannot be ignored either! Before walking, you can do simple stretching exercises to improve the range of motion of the knee joint and increase the extensibility of the muscles of the limbs.

It highlights the importance of the muscles of the waist and back, so a complete warm-up can avoid back pain. 5 simple movements to help you warm up easily from top to bottom:

First: "Neck extension", slowly rock the neck forward, backward, left and right respectively.

Second: "Extend the arm and wrist", cross the fingers of both hands, the palms face inward, and stretch forward, up, left, and right.

Third: "Stretch your back and legs back", stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your knees, and slowly extend down from the cervical spine, chest, stomach, thighs, and calves.

Fourth: "Left and right knees", feet shoulder-width apart, knees elevated, knees supporting the feet relaxed, and left and right feet alternately lift the knees.

Finally: "Squat and stretch your arms", squat and stretch your knees together, make fists with both hands, palms facing inward, and swing back and forth.

In addition to the above five warm-up exercises,

Don't rush home after exercising! Slow down the pace of walking and change to normal walking for 10-15 minutesThe clock is combined with 4 gentle closing maneuvers:

First: "Stretch the left and right feet forward", take one foot forward a small step, sit back on the buttocks, slightly bend the knee that supports the foot, and stretch the back of the leg.

Second: "Pull the left and right feet back", find a railing or chair that can be supported by your side, rest your knees on the support foot, grab the ankle of the other foot with your hand, bend your knees back, and lift your feet Stretch the front thighs together.

Third: "Stretch the left and right shoulders", straighten one hand to the other side, and use the other hand to push inward toward the chest to stretch the shoulder muscles.

Fourth: "Elbow push back", straighten one hand up and bend the elbow down, use the other hand to assist in pushing back and stretch the triceps.

After completing the 4 movements, when breathing is relatively easy, you can add water or eat some protein food to replenish the lost water and nutrients!

, such as soy milk or milk in convenience stores, match with sweet potatoes, bread and other foods, or prepare salads, boiled eggs with milk in the refrigerator at home in advance, and supplement protein, sugar and water at the same time, so that physical strength can recover faster!

You should add water (600ml/hour) while walking. If it is more than 30 minutes, you can add carbohydrates to make your walking full of energy.

"If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools". Walking is a long-term exercise. Of course, the most important thing is sports shoes. Things to pay attention to when choosing shoes:

GoodThe wrapping of the shoes can protect the ankles, support the muscles, make it easier to apply force, and prevent sports injuries when stepping on uneven roads. Remember to choose shoes with good coverage and support.

Walking is an exercise that repeats the same posture for a long time. Each time you walk, it can range from a few thousand steps to tens of thousands of steps. Repeatedly stepping on the ground, the soles of the feet will be impacted to some extent, and the knees are also easy to bear pressure, which is too hard. The cushioning capacity of the insole is not good, and the insole that is too soft is easy to slide and is not easy to apply force, so you must try on the shoes to make sure they are comfortable to walk. Good and comfortable shoes make it easier to fall in love with walking!

In addition to shoes, don't forget to wear it. When the exercise reaches sufficient intensity, it will dissipate heat through sweating. Wearing sweat-wicking or breathable clothing can help cool down and achieve the effect of exercise. So effective walking, not only to choose a good pair of shoes, but also pay special attention to clothing!

In each stage of walking, the intensity and distance can be adjusted according to personal conditions, and walking can also be arranged in different places and locations. , the purpose is to develop exercise habits and reduce the occurrence of sports injuries.

But, because of the high intensity, you must not forget to warm up and exercise to protect your knees and joints, so that every walk is not only effective and healthy.

, or famous scenic spots in various regions, these routes are not easily disturbed by vehicles, and can also take into account leisure travel at the same time, so that both physical and psychological can get an excellent rest,Relax.

For related information, you can refer to the walking map of "Taipei Healthy City", or you can choose the pro-mountain trails, circular trails, characteristic trails and convenient MRT trails carefully designed by the Earth Engineering Department of the Taipei City Government Public Works Bureau. Move your finger to open the web page and have fun planning weekend walking activities!

◎ This article is from / ◎ Written by / Zhang Yizhen, a sports nutritionist ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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