Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Potato Salad Recipe: Cut Cucumbers Like This To Avoid Water, Tea Eggs Are More Delicious Than Boiled Eggs

Although summer is coming to an end, the scorching heat has not yet subsided. If you want to eat to feel full and cool off from the heat, Lei Yizong, the chef of Thor, teaches the recipe of "Potato Salad"; don't forget to write down a few recipes The secret to adding deliciousness and texture to potato salad!

Delicious Vegetable Potato Salad Recipe

Potatoes, carrots, gherkins, tea eggs, salad dressing, olive oil, pepper and salt

1. Potatoes are boiled or steamed, cut into pieces and mashed into mashed potatoes.

2. The carrots are cooked and diced, and then mixed into the mashed potatoes.

3. Remove the head and tail of the cucumber, cut in half, remove the seeds, dice, and then mix in the mashed potatoes.

4. Peel the tea eggs, use a knife to gently cut open the egg whites, mix the egg yolks into the mashed potatoes first, then cut the egg whites into pieces and put them in.

5. Sprinkle salt and pepper evenly, drizzle with salad dressing and olive oil, mix well and serve.

3 cooking tips for potato salad

Lei Yizong suggested that when chopping cucumbers, remember to remove the seeds, because the seeds are prone to water, which will affect the taste of potato salad.

Also, he uses tea eggs instead of hard-boiled eggs to add flavor to the potato salad. The ratio of tea eggs and potatoes can be adjusted according toDepends on personal preference.

The choice of salad dressing can also be determined by personal preference. Lei Yizong recommends, such as mayonnaise, mayonnaise, flax dressing, yellow mustard, etc., which are all suitable for potato salad.

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