Saturday, April 23, 2022

Can Drinking Tea Help You Lose Weight? Is It Difficult To Form Body Fat After Drinking It? Nutritionist Reveals 10 Secrets To "must Be Thin"

Tea is often associated with "not easy to form body fat", which makes people think that drinking tea can help you lose weight. In addition, some teas on the market will have the label of "Little Green Man" as a healthy food, which is advertised that it is not easy to form body fat; What does not easy to form body fat mean? Can drinking tea help you lose weight?

The nutritionist Xiao Weilin pointed out in the Facebook fan special that according to the announcement of the health effect evaluation method of healthy food that is difficult to form body fat, tea can make it difficult for the human body to form body fat, which can be divided into 2 Principles:

1. Helps the decomposition of body fat: That is, it can help the fat decomposition of fat cells in the human body.

2. The function of regulating digestion and absorption: In simple terms, it is like starch needs to be decomposed by amylase, and fat needs to be decomposed by lipolytic enzymes. This type of healthy food can reduce the effect of these enzymes, thereby affecting the Nutrient absorption.

Xiao Weilin further mentioned that, according to the health food information reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, there are several tea drinks on the market that claim to be difficult to form body fat (see the picture below). In general, it can be found that most of the products are It takes not only one can of drinking a day, but it takes at least 7 weeks to be effective. Indigestible maltodextrin and chicory fiber are also added to promote peristalsis of the digestive tract and increase defecation.

So whether drinking tea can help you lose weight, Xiao Weilin believes that according to the research results, it is possible, but it must last a long timeFor a period of time, so the efficiency is not high, and there is another condition for the claims of health benefits. It must be useful in "rigorous nutritional balance and calorie control, as well as appropriate exercise", so diet control and exercise are the key.

In terms of diet for weight loss, many netizens also asked, "How many meals are better to eat a day?" and "Is it okay to not eat?" Xiao Weilin suggested that if you want to lose weight, you should develop a good habit. Under the condition of a balanced diet, all meals and meat should be eaten, and each meal should be 7 to 8 minutes full. If you don't eat or eat very little, it is easy to gain weight or even become overly depressed and overeat.

1. Don't eat 2 hours before going to bed to avoid affecting sleep quality.

2. It is good to eat 70% full at each meal to avoid excessive calories.

3. Eat every bite for 20 seconds to avoid eating too much food.

4. Eat vegetables and fruits before meals to increase satiety.

5. Eat starchy foods last to reduce blood sugar changes.

6. Eat nuts between meals to increase nutrient intake.

7. Avoid eating sweets on an empty stomach, which has a great impact on blood sugar; only eat sweets twice a week and reduce refined sugar.

8. If you want to eat sweets, you should halve your meal size and control your overall carbohydrates.

9. Exercise at least 3 times a week to increase calorie consumption.

10. Replace sugar-sweetened beverages with water to avoid excessive calories; if you want to drink beverages, choose milk and soy milk to increase protein intake.

◎ This article is from / Nutrient at the beginning of Nutrue- nutritionist cup lid ◎ Image source/Nutrue-Nutritionist Cup Cover‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock provided

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