Wednesday, April 27, 2022

For A Healthy Vegetarian Diet, Blood Lipids Soared From 150 To 300! Nutritionists Teach 3 Keys: Protein, Vitamins And Iron Must Be Considered

Many people have switched to vegetarian diets in order to take care of their health. A nutritionist pointed out that eating a vegetarian diet can take into account the concept of environmental protection and health. However, the biggest problem with vegetarian diets is that in addition to the high oil and sodium associated with processed products, there are also It will eat too many calories because of thickening, and even make blood lipids soar.

Liu Yujie, a nutritionist at Lianxin Clinic, shared that recently a manager Chen wanted to lose weight and improve his health by eating a vegetarian diet. It soared to 300 mg/dl. Carefully inquired about Manager Chen's eating habits. It turned out that he was a vegetarian and did not feel full, so he ate a lot of rice and bread as snacks, which caused the calories to exceed the standard.

She suggested the following 3 key dietary tips to help vegetarians eat healthy and balanced.

Protein is an important element in the composition of the body, and high-quality protein needs to contain "essential amino acids" that the human body cannot synthesize on its own. Generally speaking, meat and eggs contain 9 essential amino acids, but a single plant protein is more difficult to cover comprehensively. Therefore, if you choose to eat a vegan diet, you should pay more attention to a balanced diet.

For example, vegetarians need at least 2-3 servings of protein per meal, one serving is about 250cc of soy milk, or half a palm-sized soy product, such as one serving of bean skin, half traditional Tofu. Vegetables can be divided into two parts: dark vegetables and mushrooms, together with the staple food of five grains and roots.

After meals, you can mix with fist-sized fruits, and a cup of soy milk or original yogurt in the morning and evening. Such a diverse diet can ensure adequate intake of high-quality protein, calcium and iron.

Many people think that eating plant protein is more difficult to build muscle. Liu Yujie believes that the correct statement should be that the absorption rate of plant protein is indeed lower than that of meat. Therefore, it is recommended that vegetarians can increase their protein goals by about 10%. For example, if your protein recommendation is 60g a day, consider eating 70g as your goal. (Protein intake is calculated as 1 g/kg body weight)

Although vegetarians cannot eat meat, there is still a lot of high-quality protein. For example, it is recommended to supplement with prototype foods. In addition, it is not recommended to eat more of a single type of beans, because a large amount of certain types of beans can also easily cause gastrointestinal allergies.

In addition to protein, vegetarians are most likely to be deficient in "vitamin B12" and "iron", and need to pay special attention to supplementation. For example, many fermented foods are rich in vitamin B12. Therefore, in dietary choices, kimchi, natto, stinky tofu, tempeh, and miso can be added in time to add flavor and supplement vitamin B12.

Plant-based iron belongs to "non-blood-based iron", which is less absorbed than meat. But it can be combined with vitamin C to increase the absorption rate. Therefore, you can have a fist-sized fruit after meals, such as an orange or half a guava, to improve iron absorption.

Liu Yujie believes that if you are considering a vegetarian diet, it is recommended to discuss with a nutritionist to design a suitable menu; and remember to take a multivitamin supplement every day. If you want to be vegetarian and take care of your health, it is actually not difficult!

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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