Saturday, April 30, 2022

"Frost Fall" Tonic Is More Effective Than Winter Tonic! Apple, Yam, Honey Water... 8 Kinds Of "flattening Food" To Relieve Autumn Dryness

Frost fall is the 18th solar term in the twenty-four solar terms of the year. In the ancient book "The Twenty-Four Solar Terms", it says: "When the qi is subdued and frost descends, the yin begins to condense." At this time, the minimum temperature drops below zero, and the water vapor in the air condenses on the ground into a white crystal, called frost. So plants that are not hardy will stop growing, showing a late autumn scene.

Meteorologically, the first frost in autumn is called "early frost" or "first frost", and the last frost in spring is called "late frost" or "final frost". The interval from the last frost to the first frost is the frost-free period. At this time, nature is in a transitional stage to winter, and we should also make some preparations for a healthy winter.


Shangjiang solar term is the peak period for the recurrence of chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer disease. The elderly are also very prone to suffer from "old cold legs" (knee osteoarthritis), and chronic bronchitis is also prone to recurrence or aggravation. There is a saying that "it is better to replenish the winter than to replenish the frost", and there is also a proverb in southern Fujian that "it is better to replenish the frost in one year (meaning tonic for the whole year)," we know

Frost fall season is mainly to calm the autumn dryness. Because the dryness in autumn can easily affect the body and mind, it is not only easy to feel irritable, but also worried about the aging of the skin caused by the dry climate. Here are some foods that can clear the heart, nourish the lungs, and have the effect of beautifying the skin.

Clearing away heat and stagnation, containing calcium, phosphorus, iron and rich in vitamin C, it is regarded as a long-lastingTop grade for longevity. Fresh lotus root juice and honey can relieve boredom and thirst; after cooking, it can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach.

It can moisten dryness, clear the lungs and resolve phlegm. It not only has beautifying effects, but also rich in lecithin, which can strengthen the brain, regulate blood lipids, increase calcium and bone density, and contain fiber to help defecation. If drinking soy milk will cause flatulence, you can change to eat soy products such as tofu.

Honey can soothe the skin, moisten the intestines, solve the symptoms of autumn dryness, and has been studied to relieve night cough. It is very suitable for drinking in autumn, but children under one year old should avoid eating it.

Sweet and slightly astringent, it can moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, clear away heat and promote body fluid, invigorate the spleen and invigorate the stomach, improve blood circulation, and help fight inflammation. In addition, persimmon is rich in sugar, pectin and vitamins, and is a natural health food for patients with chronic bronchitis and hypertension.

It can moisten the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify, so it is known as "Natural Manna Drink". It has a good improvement effect on dry cough, thirst and constipation caused by autumn dryness. But people with weak spleen and stomach should not eat more. Raw food, juice (can add sugar cane or honey, the moisturizing effect is better) can be. If you add honey and rock sugar to fritillary stew, it can relieve cough symptoms.

It has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the lungs. It contains polyphenols and anthocyanins, which can adjust metabolism, soothe the skin, and clear the intestines. The starch content of yam is low, but 100 grams of yam is equivalent to 1/4 of a bowl of rice. It is recommended that people with high blood sugar and weight loss needs reduce the intake of staple food after eating yam. Just pay attention to the right amount, because the mountainTaking too much medicine will slow down gastrointestinal motility, indigestion, and flatulence. It can be used in soup or bibimbap.

Nourishing yin, clearing heat, moisturizing and sweet, moisturizing the lungs and beautifying the face, as well as relieving cough, calming the nerves, and invigorating the brain and stomach. Fresh lily has a calming and soothing effect, while dried lily has a nourishing effect. Lily can be eaten with lotus seeds, which can improve the symptoms of insomnia; lily is also suitable for eating with eggs, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, clearing the heart and soothing the mind.

The nutrients in apples are highly soluble and easily absorbed by the human body, which is conducive to dissolving sulfur elements and making the skin smooth and soft. Apple is also rich in minerals, which is conducive to calcium absorption and utilization, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and also has the effect of nourishing the brain and nourishing blood, concentrating and sleeping.

In addition, late autumn is a good season for respiratory diseases. Rubbing the Yingxiang acupoint on both sides of the nose can help prevent respiratory diseases. Appropriate exercise is possible, and the elderly should pay attention to keeping their knees warm. In autumn and winter, when everything is bleak, it is necessary to maintain a calm mood and avoid irritability and anger.

At this time, diligently practicing the "spiritual turtle turning over" in a set of nine health-preserving postures will help with symptoms such as gastrointestinal system, flatulence, hyperacidity, and abnormal gastrointestinal motility. If you feel a lot of saliva secretion during this exercise, you can slowly swallow it in 3 mouthfuls to the dantian. At this time, saliva is converted into enzymes due to Qi training, which will help the gastrointestinal system.

1. With feet shoulder-width apart, relax 3 times from head to toe. 2. Put your hands on your hips,Thumbs forward, squat to exhale, stand up and inhale, repeat 3 times. When inhaling, cooperate with the action of the abdomen, compress the abdomen back to the back as much as possible, and lift the perineum a little but not forcefully.

(The picture demonstrator is a student of Mr. Wang Xie, not the author himself)

3. Squat slightly, when inhaling, rotate the upper body to the right, move above the waist, and do not move below the waist. 4. Press the arteries on both sides under the chin, and twist the head along with it, and try to see the back of the body as much as possible. Exhale and slowly turn around to recover.

5. Inhale and turn to the left in the same way. Exhale, restore your body. 6. Repeat 7 times, with palms facing up, lift up to the height of Tanzhong acupoint, turn palms down, relax and hang down on both sides of the body, and end the exercise.

◎ Part of this article is excerpted from / "Meditation - This Matter, Daoyin Cultivation Method" by Teacher Wang Xie ◎ Image source / Shanwen Wenchuang Publishing House‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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