Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Grow Your Own Garlic, Shallots, And Leeks! Remove Fishy Smell, Natural Seasoning Is Super Good

It can eliminate the fishy smell of fish and meat, and bring out the rich taste through its aroma, called "spicy vegetables", which can be used as seasonings in cooking. If you can grow it in a pot beforehand, it is very convenient to use. Next, we will introduce some vegetables that are easy to grow.

In a broad sense, shallot refers to a hybrid between an onion and an onion, which looks like an onion and develops from the bulb (bulb) at the root. It can be cultivated in warm regions.

1. From August to October, the bulb will be divided into 2 to 3 bulbs, the surface thin skin will be removed, and a part of the front end of the bulb will be exposed to the soil when planting.

2. When the leaves grow to about 10 cm, start to apply an appropriate amount of fertilizer once a week.

3. When the leaves grow to 20-30 cm, cut the leaves 4-5 cm above the soil of the plant for harvesting. Be aware that future leaves will not grow well if they are harvested from near the soil. The second harvest can be carried out when the new leaves grow again.

4. To continue planting in the next season, save the bulbs. When the leaves grow, about May, the bulbs become hypertrophic, the leaves start to yellow and it is a dormant period. Unplug the plant, clean the soil, and let it dry in a cool, well-ventilated place.

Leeks have been grown in China and Japan for a long time. Cold-resistant and heat-resistant, as long as it germinates, it can be harvested several times in the year.

1. Prepare the vegetable cultivation soil in the pot. In March every year, it can be divided into about 5 cmDig holes about 1 cm deep and put 3 to 4 seeds in them. Cover with soil, water enough, and cultivate in a warm place.

2. In summer, it will grow to about 10 cm. You can apply a small amount of fertilizer to the plant.

3. When it grows to about 20 cm, it can be harvested temporarily. In about a month or so, new shoots will grow again, and then you can harvest at the desired length. Don't forget to fertilize after harvesting.

Original in Central Asia, it likes cool climates and is slightly heat-resistant. Its special taste is called "Allicin", which has bactericidal and antibacterial effects. It is a very useful energy vegetable for eliminating fatigue.

1. Garlic, which is sold in the market as a vegetable, is not suitable for seed bulbs because of its "inhibition of germination" due to refrigerated storage. Please prepare horticultural bulbs or potted seedlings for cultivation in warm areas.

2. Prepare deep pots from late September to late October, and mix 2-30% mature compost into the cultivation soil for vegetables.

3. Untie the bunches of bulbs, divide them into pieces of garlic cloves, and bury them in the soil at a depth of about 5 cm with the buds facing up.

4. From late May to late June, harvest from the roots of the plants, and do not overlap and air-dry, and then hang them in a ventilated and bright shade for storage.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Healing Gardening! The Complete Guide to Herb Planting on the Dining Table (Best-selling New Edition)"◎ Image source/Health 2.0 data photo‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock provided

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