Friday, April 29, 2022

What Kind Of Sweet Soup Should I Eat With The Dumplings? A Nutritionist Revealed That A Bowl Of "calorie Champion" = 5 Tablespoons Of Oil

The winter solstice is to eat glutinous rice balls. In cold weather, drinking sweet soup and eating hot glutinous rice balls is the happiest. How to eat to take into account the heat and satisfy the taste buds? The sweet soup combination recommended by nutritionist Xia Ziwen is sugar-free soy milk bean curd in ginger juice, with taro balls, ergot, fairy grass and other ingredients.

Dumplings are absolutely indispensable during the winter solstice. Xia Ziwen pointed out that commercially available glutinous rice balls come in a variety of flavors. Although the fillings are delicious, they also hide high calories. For example, 1 sweet glutinous rice ball with filling is 70 calories, eating 4 pieces is equivalent to the calorie of 1 bowl of rice; 10 small red and white glutinous rice balls is about 1/4 of the calorie of a bowl of rice, and you can control the heat by not eating starch at night. ingest.

Xia Ziwen said that glutinous rice dumplings are made of glutinous rice, and the starch structure of glutinous rice is amylopectin. Due to the rapid decomposition rate, it is easy to increase blood sugar and easy to digest incompletely. People with poor stomach function should pay attention to the intake. . In addition, glutinous rice is highly sticky.

❶Choose one of your favorite ingredients.

❷Choose 1 prototype food, such as: mung bean, red bean, oatmeal, barley, sweet potato, taro, the less sweet the better.

❸Finally match with fairy grass, love jade or white fungus

Not only in winter, but every month when menstruation comes, it is suitable to drink a bowl of red bean soup to replenish blood and iron. Red beans are whole grains, rich in dietary fiber, half a bowl Red bean is equal to the calories of half a bowl of rice, and the commercially available red bean soup is high in sugar;

ChargeMangu Early Flavor Peanut Soup is the first choice of sweet soup for many people, but it is the "calorie champion"! Peanuts are rich in nutrients and belong to the category of oil and nut seeds.

10 small peanuts are equal to 1 serving of fat and 45 calories, and a bowl of peanut soup has about 50 peanuts and about 225 calories; it is equivalent to eating 5 servings of fat, which almost reaches the oil requirement for a whole day.

Simple bean curd is a very good source of protein. There are also phytochemicals such as soy isoflavones. Although it is nutritious, adding sweet soup and ingredients is equivalent to adding a foot to the total calories. To avoid gaining weight, it is important to choose the right ingredients.

Such as noodles, taro balls, sweet potato balls, small glutinous rice balls, taro, red beans, barley, ergot/oatmeal, noodles and other staple food ingredients, add sugar water to the ingredients, about 2 tablespoons have 90 big card.

Choose unsweetened soy milk as the soup base, and choose Aiyu, Xiancao, unsweetened white fungus, and traditional bean curd as ingredients, so that you can eat more protein and achieve calorie control.

Some stores have three-color bean curd, which tastes like chocolate, egg pudding, and milk, which are very popular among children, but

Xiancao tea is a very low-calorie drink, but burning fairy grass adds a lot of starch to have a thick taste. Additional ingredients, sugar and hard peanuts are added to increase the taste, so the calorie of burning fairy grass is very high.

, it is recommended to add at most 1 pack; and good friends who burn fairy grass also have creamer balls, milkSemen is a source of fat, but it does not contain the nutrition of fresh milk.

◎ This article is from / Xia Ziwen - a nutritionist close to your life ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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