Thursday, May 5, 2022

"1 Diet" To Prevent Diabetes, Lose Weight, And Stay Away From Heart Disease! National Taiwan University Professor's Personal Practice

When we eat foods with high GI (glycemic index) value, blood sugar will rise rapidly. Once blood sugar rises, the human body will start to secrete insulin, and a large amount of insulin secretion will promote the formation of body fat, which will quickly cause Hunger re-occurs, resulting in increased food intake and increased blood fat concentration.


Wu Yiqun, a professor at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology at National Taiwan University who has practiced a low-GI diet for a long time, pointed out that there are many benefits of implementing a low-GI diet. The most important are the following six characteristics:

Low GI diet is recommended by many foreign nutritionists as a healthy weight loss diet. The main principle is that insulin in the human body can not only lower blood sugar, but also stimulate cells to use blood sugar to produce fat. Because low GI food is not easy to cause The blood sugar fluctuates greatly, so the secretion of insulin is low. As a result, the opportunity for blood sugar to be used to make fat is reduced, the accumulation of fat is reduced, and the body even burns the fat that has been stored in the body, resulting in natural weight loss. .

Low GI diet is easier to achieve satiety, and it is not easy to overeat. The main reason is that some low-GI foods are characterized by slow digestion and longer stay in the small intestine. The small intestine transmits the message of "there is food" to the brain, so that the feeling of fullness can be maintained for a longer time. In addition, low-GI diets are generally higher in fiber, and the stomach takes more time and consumes more calories to digest high-fiber foods, which further enhances the weight loss effect of a low-GI diet.

According to the American Nursing Health Medical Research, people who eat high GI foods for a long time are nearly three times more likely to develop diabetes than those who eat low GI foods. Therefore, if you adopt a low-GI, high-fiber diet, the chance of developing diabetes in the future will be reduced by at least half, and the sooner you start a low-GI, high-fiber diet, the better the chance of staying away from diabetes!

The main principle of the low GI diet is to choose food types and cooking methods that do not easily affect blood sugar fluctuations. Medical research has found that patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes adopt a low GI diet, which will help to reduce the glycated hemoglobin in the body (the normal value of glycated hemoglobin is about 4 to 6% for the average person, and the diabetic patients should control it below 7%).

Low GI foods are foods that are low in processing, high in fiber, or simply "whole foods." A medical report in 2005 pointed out that eating a "low GI diet" was more effective in reducing triglycerides and improving cholesterol than eating a "low-calorie, low-fat diet". It not only reduced bad cholesterol, but also effectively improved good cholesterol. of high-density cholesterol.

According to medical research, more than half of the diabetic patients in Taiwan suffer from chronic comorbidities such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are the main culprits of cardiovascular disease. Studies have also found that a low GI diet can help reduce high blood pressure and high blood lipids, and can effectively reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

rootAccording to medical reports, after consuming starchy carbohydrates, the brain's intellectual performance, including memory of words, learning of complex mazes, short-term memory, organization, judgment, number-crunching ability, etc., are better than before consumption.

And this effect is not limited to the general population. It is also found in the mental responses of adolescents with diabetes and even some people with dementia. Many medical studies have further found that the effect of low-GI carbohydrates on enhancing learning and memory is much higher than that of high-GI carbohydrates.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Reducing Fat, Lowering Blood Sugar, and Preventing Three Highs and Low GI Diet" by Wu Yiqun and Liu Xiujiao ◎ Image source / Yuanshui Culture‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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