Sunday, May 1, 2022

A Famous Doctor Who Loves Instant Noodles And Bread Suffers A Stroke At The Age Of 41!

Do you often eat "meal replacement foods"? Qiu Xianxue, a famous Chinese and Western medicine doctor, pointed out that "meal replacement foods" are refined processed foods, such as bread, cakes, instant noodles, jerky, etc. Before he had a stroke, he was a good user of artificial "meal replacement foods".


Chiu Hsien-hsue, the chief physician of the Department of Acupuncture and Traumatology of Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital, is one of the few TCM physicians in Taiwan who has been trained in western medicine neurology and has dual licenses. At the age of 41, he suffered a stroke. He said that Chinese medicine has a point of view.

Qiu Xianxue said that esophageal reflux or stomach bloating will affect sleep quality and make the mental state feel anxious or restless, because stomach bloating can cause heart palpitations or chest tightness, while gastroesophageal reflux can cause coughing or nasal passages Throat sensitivity, and skin rash caused by food contact, these symptoms are difficult to clarify whether it is an allergic phenomenon caused by the food itself, or the impact of the modified food on the human body.

In addition, thanks to the scientific and technological progress of the chemical industry, clouding agents, emulsifiers and antioxidants, etc., there are various food additives that can be named, but it is not known whether long-term consumption is problematic. In medical research, unless a group of specific subjects is tracked for more than 1 to 20 years, and there are a large number of them, the co-influence of other dietary factors can be filtered out and more rigorous observation conclusions can be obtained.

Qiu Xianxue pointed out that there may be some people who think that only a few people will use this kind of diet every day because of the personal burden of personal production; but don't forget the kindergartenChildren who are accustomed to "convenient" dietary content since childhood will naturally become unswerving supporters of the meal replacement industry in the next few decades.

Remember one thing, unless it is processed by physical, chemical, or even the most fundamental genetic modification, it is possible to preserve it for a long time.

Qiu Xianxue explained that in terms of digestive physiology, the process of decomposing and digesting food starts from "seeing food", and chewing in the mouth begins to decompose. Vision, smell and taste work together to make swallowing food more legitimate. The joint action of smell and taste, the human body will naturally reject inappropriate food.

In addition to protecting the human body, the color, aroma and taste of food will also prepare the digestive system in advance, so that the food will not be idle after it is actually swallowed. This is a physiological reflex of the human body to food , to speed up the process of decomposition and digestion.

But the human body won't know, is the color, aroma, and flavor of food simulated or real? It is this sensory deception that brings about an unimaginable dietary crisis.

Xianxue Qiu emphasized that in the digestive system, the stomach is a very important organ, and everything that is eaten needs to pass through extremely acidic gastric juice and various exocrine hormones, so that the food is locked in the two passages of the stomach. The sluice gate - between the cardia and the pylorus, is digested and decomposed. As long as the acidity of the material being kneaded in the stomach and the digestive glands reach the standard, the pylorus will open, allowing the food to go to the next level of the duodenum.

According to normal procedures, the stomach can handleThe decomposition and digestion of the burden will naturally make the food go to the next level, but what about the unbearable? Food will stop in the stomach pouch, waiting for more proper digestive juices to appear. Those artificial ingredients that deceive the senses with their colors, aromas and tastes cannot be decomposed by the original digestive mechanism in the stomach, and can only wait for more digestive juices to be secreted. Digestive juices and stomach acid may also back up in the esophagus.

Even if these "meal replacement" foods have been decomposed and digested, how they are absorbed by the body is another headache. Usually, the calories of meal replacement foods can be calculated.

Real food uses rice and noodles as the basic source of starch for the main meal, which is in line with the environmental climatic conditions currently living in Taiwan. Starch is the main support for blood sugar, carbohydrates can maintain the operation of the body's energy, meat, vegetables and fruits are necessary for the body to balance the metabolism of amino acids and fats.

, because hunger is the time when the human body needs adequate supply of carbohydrates and other nutrients.

. Therefore, "people are like what they eat" is not wrong at all. Innate appearance is one thing. As for whether you are healthy or not, acquired eating habits have a huge impact.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "At 5:02 pm, I had a stroke: The personal experience and confession of a doctor with dual licenses in Chinese and Western medicine and a neurological specialist" by Qiu Xianxue ◎ Photo source/Business Week·Da ZhiyingLike/shutterstock provided

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