Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Avoid Clenbuterol Pork! Dr: "These" Parts Are Safer, But Not The Muscles

In the face of the arrival of American pigs containing clenbuterol to Taiwan, the government has taken many measures, including the labeling of origin and the allowable value of clenbuterol residues. However, the public still has concerns, and it is difficult to judge from the appearance of the meat. How to buy pork to eat safely in the future? Chen Yaokuan, Ph.D. in chemistry, suggested to start with the parts of pigs!

Chen Yaokuan pointed out that ractopamine is a kind of drug that stimulates sympathetic nerve excitation. Animals taking that drug are like cat's hair standing up immediately when they see a dog. Therefore, the main purpose of pigs that eat ractopamine is to excite it, break down fat, and grow lean meat.

Chen Yaokuan said that the fat of normal pork is white, but the pork that has eaten clenbuterol has a brighter red color and less fat; the subcutaneous fat of normal pork belly must be higher than 1 cm, but the public has no way of buying it. Therefore, when choosing three-layer meat and pork belly, it is recommended to pay attention to the thickness of subcutaneous fat.

Judging from the government's standard for pork containing clenbuterol, kidneys and livers are detoxification organs, and their allowable residues are relatively high, while other parts of meat have lower content.

In addition to internal organs, which parts may contain more clenbuterol? Chen Yaokuan draws the following conclusions from the literature and from many experts:

Because the pig head has more gelatin and less lean meat, it contains clenbuterol.The amount is relatively small, so pig ears, pig scalp, pig cheeks and shoulder neck meat are all OK.

"As for the upper body of pigs, the risk is relatively high, especially the loin that people at home and abroad love to eat." Chen Yaokuan once saw an American pig fed with clenbuterol. Both sides of its spine were protruding, and the middle looked like a water. The ditch, with lean meat on both sides, has a concave spine. He believes that the dorsal, rib cage, rib muscles, and hind legs of the pig's upper body are actually high-risk areas because of their abundant striated muscles and delicious meat.

As for the pork belly and loin of the lower part of the pig, because they have more fat and less meat, although they are not very popular parts, they are relatively safe in terms of clenbuterol content. Less, but also a safe place.

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