Saturday, April 30, 2022

Not Everyone Can Eat Pears To Nourish Their Lungs! Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians Share The Ways Of Autumn Health Preserving Energy For The Severe Winter

Traditional Chinese medicine advocates "nourishing the lungs in autumn", but the knowledge of nourishing the lungs is great, and people do not just follow the practice of eating pears to nourish the lungs. People with different physiques need to adjust the method. Huang Boyu, a physician of traditional Chinese medicine, shared the way to maintain health in autumn.


Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the lungs govern qi", and the most important thing to nourish the lungs is to nourish qi, and exercise is the most important way. Huang Boyu pointed out that in autumn, it is necessary to avoid contracting the respiratory tract due to the cold temperature, resulting in poor breathing and proper exercise. Keep the air running smoothly.

Exercise must master two principles, activate cardiopulmonary function, make the heart beat faster to invigorate blood, and accelerate breathing to promote Qi, so as to achieve the goal of smooth flow of Qi and blood. , such as shoulder joints, hip joints, intercostal and abdominal and waist parts, etc., to enlarge the space for visceral activities, and guide qi, blood and body fluid to reach the place where it should go.

Baduanjin, Taijiquan, yoga, and walking are all good exercises.

It is often said that in autumn, you should eat more white food to moisten dryness, but Huang Boyu reminds that food supplements should be determined according to the constitution.

In addition to eating less ice, eat some warm foods to prepare for winter. Cooking can be seasoned with sesame oil, ginger, and pepper, instead of garlic, onion, and pepper.


, you can feel the sesame oil, ginger, and pepper, and they will heat up from the abdomen and spread to the surrounding, but garlic, onion, and pepper will start to heat from the mouth, so it is considered thatIt is easier to get angry and dry mouth.

You need cool and moist foods to balance, such as pears, fungus, etc., but the fungus is not easy to absorb, and people with bad stomach and intestines may have flatulence. You can add lotus seeds or red dates to strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.


Huang Boyu recommends that regardless of the four seasons or body constitution, the simplest food supplement is "Sishen Tang", lotus seeds invigorate the spleen and invigorate qi, coix seed and tuckahoe remove dampness, yam has moisturizing effect, and can also be added with Gorgon, which also has the effect of taking care of the spleen and kidney. The so-called "deficiency is not replenished", the stomach and intestines should be taken care of in advance in autumn, and the high-calorie glutinous rice food can be absorbed in winter.

"There are not many acupoints, but they are useful and easy to press, so I will press them often." Huang Boyu suggested to press the two major health acupoints "Hegu and Zusanli" frequently, which have the effect of invigorating Qi. The Hegu acupoint at the tiger's mouth of the palm is the junction of the lung meridian and the large intestine meridian.

As autumn gets colder, some parts and acupoints should not be exposed, such as the "Tiantu Point" on the chest and neck, and the "Jianjing Point" on the shoulders. The skin and flesh in the depression are thin, and the airway is inside, which is easy to be affected by wind.


In addition, this season, the big joints should not be exposed as much as possible. In summer, the weather is hot, and shorts and short skirts are often worn to expose the knees, but after the fall, such wearing should be avoided. prone to kneeDeterioration of joint microcirculation.

Beginning in autumn, you should reduce wear and tear, prepare for winter, and gradually extend your sleep time. After the sunrise, the time to wake up is also delayed, so that the body can replenish yang energy. Modern people are limited by time for work and school, and it is difficult to adjust the time to get up.

Huang Boyu emphasized that health care is not divided into four seasons, and it must be done every day in order to keep growing. If you eat it, sometimes "disease comes in from your mouth". If you can't decide how to supplement, you can consult a Chinese doctor.

◎ This article is excerpted from / Beishi United Medical News Issue 163

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

Can Bean Sprouts Roots Turn Black To Eat? 2 Strokes Preservation Technique Is Not Easy To Corrupt And Can Be Stored For Up To 1 Month

Bean sprouts, also known as "ruyi dishes", are quite rich in nutritional value, especially high in dietary fiber and vitamin C; however, bean sprouts can usually only be stored for 2 to 3 days. Japanese cuisine researchers provide 2 Recruit fresh-keeping techniques to extend the shelf life of bean sprouts.


Japanese cuisine researcher Miyuki Shimamoto, who is also an expert in refrigerators and food preservation, pointed out that bean sprouts can also be eaten raw, but you should be careful if you keep them in their original packaging.

, provide 2 methods to extend the shelf life of bean sprouts.

, close the lid to refrigerate, store in the refrigerator compartment, vegetable and fruit compartment of the refrigerator, remember to change the water every 2 days,

If it is soaked in water, nutrients such as vitamins will be lost more or less with the water. Therefore, if it is not used immediately, it should be refrigerated directly in the unopened state. Although the texture will change, it can be used in stir-fry dishes, as ingredients for soups, side dishes, etc.

;The bean sprouts that have not been used up can be washed and wiped off, then put into a special storage bag for freezing, and the air is squeezed out and sealed.

The bean sprouts in the frozen state do not need to be thawed when cooking. They can be directly prepared in the frozen state and used in soups or stir-fries.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Ingredient preservation and preservation techniques: you can understand at a glance, no waste and more delicious" by Miyuki Shimamoto ◎ Image source/Provided by Advanced Publishing‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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Lettuce, A Dish, Goose Cabbage...Natural Antidote Recommended By Nutritionists, Perfect Match For Grilled Meat, Sausage And Ham

Lettuce is rich in vitamin A, which can protect mucous membranes, help prevent colds in autumn and winter, and protect eyes. The nutritionist said that it has another effect: a natural antidote to nitrite amines, it is a perfect match for eating cured meats such as barbecue, sausage, ham, etc., and you don’t need to buy expensive imported lettuce, 1 Taiwanese lettuce A for 20 yuan Vegetables (goose cabbage) are equally easy to use.


Taiwanese lettuce is affordable for the people, and its nutrition does not lose as much as 100 yuan Luoman

Post Hospital nutritionist Huang Shuhui said that Taiwan's A dish and goose dish, which can be bought all year round, even in typhoon days, are very affordable to the people. The burgers sold by the restaurant only contain 1 or 2 slices at a time. Lettuce, which looks expensive, is actually classified as lettuce. The price of many imported lettuces on the market is high. For example, the price of 3 or 4 romaine lettuces per pack in American stores is more than 100 yuan, and the price of each pack of 2 balls of butter lettuce in supermarkets is more than 3 to 40 yuan. The Taiwan lettuce is almost the same.

Huang Shuhui further explained that Taiwan's A dish, goose cabbage or Fukuyama lettuce (commonly known as mainland mei), like romaine, belong to "non-head lettuce", while the beautiful lettuce and Boston lettuce often placed in hamburgers or lettuce And butter lettuce belongs to "head lettuce", it looks different, but the nutritional content is "family".

Lettuce is rich in vitamins A, B groups and potassium. It is nutritious

Huang Shuhui helps readers to find out the nutrients of various lettuces and finds that all lettuces are very high in vitamin A, up to 1400 to 1900 international units per hectogram, and vitamin A.The vitamin B is very complete, including B1, B2, niacin, B6, and the potassium content is also high, which can be regarded as a nutritional full score.

Lettuce's "Fragrant Hydrocarbon Ester" is a natural antidote for nitrite amines

Huang Shuhui said that what is even more surprising is that lettuce contains "Fragrant Hydrocarbon Ester", which can decompose nitrite amines. Modern people love to eat bacon, ham and other smoked meats, as well as barbecue and sausages, but after eating them, they may produce carcinogenic nitrite. Eating it with grilled meat, or eating it with a blanched dish mixed with various smoked meats, has the effect of removing nitrosamines.

The water content of lettuce is as high as 95%, and the taste is crisp and delicious. But head lettuce has no earthy flavor, so it can usually be eaten as a lettuce, crunchy and delicious in wraps, burgers, or sandwiches. While non-heading lettuce like A dish has a mild bitterness and grassy smell, Huang Shuhui said that the taste is slightly worse when eaten raw, and it is usually quick-fried with ginger, or blanched with garlic to reduce the bitterness and grassy smell.

Lettuce has high water content, clears heat, and is suitable for the elderly and cancer patients. it suits well. In addition, Chinese medicine believes that lettuce is cool and can clear heat, so during nutrition consultation, it is also recommended that cancer friends who are in treatment, have inflammation and fever can eat more food.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eating The Right Food Can Prevent Dandruff? Dermatologists Say That These Nutrients Can Help Skin Care, And I Am Not Afraid Of Dandruff In Cold Weather

Don't rush to buy an anti-dandruff shampoo when you suddenly notice an increase in dandruff. Dermatologists point out that dandruff is often caused by unbalanced scalp oil caused by stress and affects keratin metabolism. It is recommended to relax and reduce stress. At the same time, you may wish to add nuts, whole grains, pumpkin and mushrooms, egg yolks and other foods, which can supplement biotin, vitamins B, D and zinc, and help to regulate fatty acids.


There are 3 main reasons for dandruff

Many people have discovered recently that white dandruff floats down just by ripping their hair. Zeng Depeng, director of the Department of Dermatology at Tai'an Hospital, said that there are 3 main reasons for dandruff. The first reason is Bacillus dandruff infection, the second is abnormal keratin metabolism, and the third is that weather changes and high pressure affect sebum secretion. These three reasons may exist at the same time, or cause and effect each other and affect skin desquamation.

Because Bacillus dandruff is nourished by triglycerides secreted by scalp sebum, free fatty acids are produced after catabolism. Free fatty acids are highly irritating to the skin, causing inflammation and redness of the scalp, which will slough off when the skin is damaged. These factors may affect keratin metabolism. The keratin that was originally metabolized in 28 days may shorten or prolong the metabolism time. Some will accumulate on the scalp and some will fall off.

And the weather changes or emotional stress, staying up late, etc. will cause excessive oil on the scalp. The human epidermis has dandruff spores, and the excessively secreted oil becomes the trophoblast of dandruff spores, and the colony increases.Abnormal metabolism of raw and keratinous cells leads to a vicious cycle of dandruff.

People with dandruff may have scaling problems all over the body

Although anti-dandruff shampoo works the fastest, many people actually have problems with keratin metabolism throughout the body. It's just because the scalp sebaceous glands are the most densely distributed and the scaling is the most obvious, but in fact the whole body has scaling problems. Zeng Depeng said that some products have promoted biotin nutritional supplements before, but he thinks it is not necessary because biotin can be obtained in many foods.

Food supplements biotin, and the whole body skin is maintained

Zeng Depeng said that biotin is commonly known as "vitamin H", and it is actually a member of the vitamin B group. Biotin is found in many foods, such as egg yolks, nuts, whole grains, mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms, and visceral livers, kidneys, etc., which contain vitamin B and biotin. Mushrooms also contain vitamin D, and nuts, meat, and seafood contain zinc. Simply supplementing nutritional supplements, some people will have mild side effects such as nausea, it is better to take it from the diet and maintain the skin of the whole body.

Anti-dandruff shampoos have a variety of ingredients to choose from depending on the condition

but anti-dandruff shampoos are still the easiest to control dandruff. At present, there are many anti-dandruff shampoos with different ingredients on the market. Some of them mainly control scalp colonies, and some control scalp oil. However, because these functions can control the metabolism of scalp keratin, they all have the effect of removing dandruff. Unless the general anti-dandruff shampoos on the market have limited effects, you may need to choose ingredients with different effects depending on the situation. For example, if there are too many spores, you can choose ketoconazole, coke-containingThe oil component controls colonies. Or keratin metabolism disorders, to choose salicylic acid ingredients, and seborrheic skin, you can choose shampoo containing zinc ingredients.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Mayor Lu Xiuyan Shared The Family Tradition Of "Five Vegetables, Fruits And Beef", And The Nutritionist Recommended That It Is Suitable For These People

As the weather gets colder, Chinese people are always used to taking supplements, but Taiwanese food supplements contain more Chinese herbal medicines. How can people who don't like the taste of Chinese medicines take supplements? Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan, who claims to be the "Best Cooking Mayor in the Six Capitals", taught her family's "Five Vegetables, Fruits and Beef". The nutritionist said that beef is rich in iron, which is best for those who feel weak in body and a little lacking in brain power. However, people with cardiovascular disease suggest that the beef rib should be changed to beef tendon, and it will be better to control the salt content.

Five Vegetables and Fruits Beef without Spices Enjoy the sweetness of beef, vegetables and fruits

As long as it rains recently, the temperature will drop by a degree or two. The weather is getting colder and cooler, and Taiwanese are used to taking supplements to replenish their bodies. The family heirloom beef with five vegetables and fruits shared by Lu Xiuyan contains white radish, carrot, onion, tomato, and half an apple stewed beef rib. Without any spices, you can taste the sweetness of beef, vegetables and fruits.

Five vegetables and fruits, beef ribs and soy sauce paste are stewed and melted in the mouth.

Her method is to blanch the beef ribs to remove the blood and cut them into pieces, then put the red and white radishes cut into large pieces on the bottom layer, and then put the onions , put the beef ribs in the middle layer, then add the apples and tomatoes, add 1/4 pot of water and cook. Lu Xiuyan said she usually adds a little soy sauce paste after the water boils to color the beef. Because the soy sauce paste is salty and sweet, and it is thick, it has a thickening effect after cooking.

Then turn to medium-low heat and continue to simmer for 40 to 50 minutes, then turn off the heat. After simmering for 1 hour, turn on the heat and return to simmer for 1 hour, so that the stewed beef will melt in your mouth. It can be poured into a large plate and decorated with broccoli, which is a large dish for hospitality. You can also cook noodlesSoup, topped with beef stew and gravy, is delicious beef noodles.

Rich in iron, lycopene, and carotene, it can nourish deficiency, treat cold hands and feet, and nourish the brain.

Zhang Silan, a nutritionist at Cathay Pacific Hospital, said that this beef with five vegetables and fruits looks like a very refreshing beef stew, which can be enjoyed by anyone with any physique. Perfect to enjoy. Because beef is rich in iron, it is especially suitable for people who often feel weak and have cold hands and feet. The iron in beef can improve anemia and protein can increase muscle mass. After menstruation, women often feel that their brain power is insufficient. Eating iron supplements can make blood oxygen more abundant and help brain power.

In addition, the vegetables and fruits used in it, such as tomatoes, carrots, and onions, contain lycopene and carotene, and the sulfides of onions are all fat-soluble, so the nutrients will not be lost after long-term cooking, and the antioxidant effect can be preserved.

Cardiovascular disease beef rib can be changed to beef tendon. Cook for a long time until it becomes soft but not rotten.

However, Zhang Silan suggested that if people with cardiovascular disease should eat beef with five vegetables and fruits, the beef rib can be changed to beef tendon, which has more muscle, fat content and less Lower calories would be more suitable. Moreover, the beef tendon is soft and not rotten after being cooked for a long time, and the taste is also delicious. In addition, pay attention to salt control to avoid excessive sodium content and cause blood pressure to rise. This is the perfect and nutritious beef stew.

◎ Image source/Photo provided by Lu Xiuyan Facebook‧Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Is Alkaline Ionized Water Healthier? Can Neutralize Acidic Body? Chemistry Watchers Uncover The Truth

Speaking of ions, have you noticed that even after leaving school, the term seems a little familiar? This is because in life, you must often see the existence of ions in TV commercials, electrical appliances, and even daily necessities. It seems that no matter what product, as long as the word "ion" is added, the price will rise.


There are many products with the word "ion" added. Among them, the most affordable and most common "ionic product" is probably "alkaline ionized water".

You must have seen "alkaline ionized water" products in convenience stores or supermarkets? Among many drinking water products, "alkaline ionized water" always looks particularly eye-catching.

Let's start with "water". Water is everywhere, and even about 70% of the body's weight is contributed by water. Natural water bodies, such as mountain spring water, sea water, etc., themselves contain a certain amount of minerals. These minerals themselves exist in the form of ions, especially cations are various, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium ions, etc. Etc... The benefits to the human body are not the same, so when it comes to nutritional intake, you often see these guys. In contrast, minerals have fewer types of anions.

However, in fact, the laws of nature will tell you that anions and cations must appear at the same time. Due to the electrostatic attraction between the anions and cations, the concept is very similar to the principle of magnets that "same sex repels, opposite sex attracts" . Through this analogy, youIt must be understood that anions and cations must not exist alone, so in water containing cations such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc., there must also be anions such as chloride ions.

This means that.

According to the current technology, most of the alkaline ionized water will go through the process of "electrolysis". Electrolysis is a tedious process where the sky might be half dark if you say it, but in simple terms,

The businessman took advantage of the public's misunderstanding of acidic constitution and specially emphasized that "alkaline ionized water can 'neutralize' your acidic constitution. This kind of high-tech water through electrolysis, drink more and more Healthy!", and after a great article, it has become "alkaline ionized water" that you can buy at convenience supermarkets and major supermarkets.

Now you know,. And no matter whether the water is acidic or alkaline, after we drink the water, it will encounter stomach acid at the first level... Stomach acid is strongly acidic,

◎ This article is excerpted from / How important is chemistry, why I never knew it? "By Chen Weijun ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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In November, Taro Is The Loosest And The Best! Taro-controlled Quick-cleaning Refrigerator, Experts Teach It To Keep It For A Long Time Without Losing Its Taste

Eating a summer's worth of taro ice cream? Taro lovers hurry up and clear the refrigerator now, because the taro from November to December is the softest and delicious! Taro experts teach you a good way to preserve taro, which can keep delicious taro frozen for a year, and use it at any time without losing its taste!


The best maturity period for taro after the Mid-Autumn Festival

Although taro can be eaten almost all year round in Taiwan, Qian Changsheng, an assistant researcher at the Changhua Improvement Farm of the Agricultural Committee, said that taro is produced once a year, and the tuber part is 8 to 8 10 months to mature. In the growth stage, the leaves and tubers of taro need nutrients. Once they absorb too much water, they will grow violently. The leaves will often rob the nutrients of the taro, and sometimes the leaves will grow taller than people.

Taiwan is in the subtropical zone, and winter is a period of plant dormancy. The growth period is rainy and typhoon in summer and early autumn. If there is too much rain, the starch of the original taro tuber will be converted into sugar, and the nutrition will be returned to the leaves, so that the leaves will grow rapidly. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the land is dry, the mature taro will start to enter the dormant period, and the nutrition of the leaves will return to the tuber sphere. Qian Changsheng said that as long as you pick the right taro, almost none of the taro bought in November will "step on thunder".

Qian Changsheng said that although Taiwan is generally rainy and typhoon, the chance of encountering bad weather with too much water for taro is very high, but if farmers manage properly, avoid too much water absorption by leaves after rain, protect the taro tuber sphere in advance, and the quality of taro Still can keep.

Pick delicious taro: the tuber should be smooth and spindle-shaped.

He taught everyone to look at the appearance when choosing taro. A good taro sphere should be as complete as a spindle, with the same width on the left and right, and a smooth arc. If the taro has a "gourd waist", the outer surface is wide or thin, and the width is inconsistent, it means that there is a typhoon in the growing period to cut the leaves for protection. Because after cutting the leaves, the taro will stop growing for about two weeks, which will cause the taro ball to appear concave, which will change the appearance of the taro. A circle of concave represents the leaves that have been cut once. .

The bottom of the taro is wet and may not be fully cooked

Check the taro ball, and then look at the bottom of the cut taro. Qian Changsheng said that many people who have picked taro leaves know that the taro stems will ooze milk, but if it enters the dormant period, the fully mature taro will ooze very little milk, and the bottom will be dry. If the bottom of the cut is very wet when picking taro, it is likely that the taro is not fully cooked. When you buy and cut the taro home, the surface of the mature taro should also be dry. If it is cut open, the cut surface will overflow with milk, which is also the state of the taro that is not fully mature.

The taro is cut into pieces, blanched or fried, and it can be frozen for 1 year without losing its taste.

Qian Changsheng reminds that fresh taro is not resistant to storage, and the temperature is not well controlled. It has to be "killed" first. The practice is to cut the taro into large pieces, scald it with hot water for a few minutes, then pick it up. After cooling, seal it in a sealed bag and freeze it. It can be stored for more than a few months without losing its taste. They have instructed large wholesalers to deal with taro, but it is cut into pieces and fried, frozen and even stored for 1 year, and the quality can be maintained very is good.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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