Monday, May 2, 2022

Natural Medicine Against Chronic Diseases And Cancer! Eating This "powerful Fruit" Boosts Immunity And Energy

Why is vitamin C so important to health? Scientists have found that the human body cannot produce vitamin C on its own, and has to rely on the supply of foreign food, and the food with the most vitamin C source is fruit, especially sour fruit is a natural medicine to prevent chronic diseases and cancer!


Anti-cancer health care expert Wu Yongzhi mentioned in his book that vitamin C is very important to the body, it can strengthen connective cells and make us less prone to injury and aging; it can prevent free radicals (ie free radicals) from damaging cells , causing cancer; it can strengthen the immune system, fight back against the invasion of bacteria, viruses and cancer cells on the body; it also has the functions of building bones, reducing allergies, preventing nosebleeds, lowering blood pressure, eliminating fatigue, and improving energy.

Vitamin C itself is a white and odorless substance. It needs to be combined with sour citrus acid to prevent it from being destroyed. Any food containing citrus acid must contain vitamin C, so people generally think that vitamin C is sour, but it is not the case. !

Fruits contain the most citrus acid, so when buying fruits, try to choose sour fruits, especially for patients with serious diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, depression, etc., it is recommended to consume ; Cancer patients should eat more sour fruits, such as: limes, yellow lemons, green apples, hard green kiwis (kiwifruit), limes and oranges, berries (eg: strawberries, red raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, black currantberries, etc.), sourMango (referring to the large mango with a very sour blue color) and loquat, etc.

Because cancer cells rely on sugar to survive, eat a lot of sugary foods, such as: honey, candy, desserts, cakes, biscuits, rice, noodles, bread, steamed buns, steamed buns, rice noodles, rice noodles, macaroni And all sweet fruits are equivalent to feeding cancer cells that will violate your health. Be careful!

According to the research on vitamin C by Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner and known as the "Father of Molecular Corrective Medicine", why does vitamin C have such miraculous effects?

Because the chemical molecule of vitamin C is very similar to the chemical molecule of sugar (the chemical formula of vitamin C is C6H8O6, and the chemical formula of sugar is C6H12O6), it can deceive cancer cells. According to the research report of scientists, a normal cell in the human body can produce 36 ATP energy (Adenosine triphosphate, adenosine triphosphate) from a glucose molecule to provide cell life and repair; while cancer cells can only produce 2 ATP energy from a glucose molecule , there is no way to provide enough energy for cancer cells to survive, so in order to survive, after eating vitamin C, it is too late to realize that it is not sugar,

One might ask, why don't the strong free radicals of vitamin C destroy normal cells? According to the research of scientists, it turns out that normal cells are protected by mediators,And cancer cells don't! So buy more sour fruits to keep your body healthy. On the other hand, eating more sour fruits is equivalent to insuring your body with health insurance and rejecting chronic diseases and cancer!

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Wu Yongzhi's Different Vegetable Juices Health Care Solution [Best-selling Collector's Edition]" written by Wu Yongzhi ◎ Image source / Yuanshui Culture‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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Does Drinking Carbonated Beverages Increase Appetite? Dr. Harvard Warns: 3 Kinds Of People Should Drink Less Sparkling Water

The magic of water is endless. I often hear people talk about the fear of carbonated water (soda, sparkling water). The pH value of pure water is close to 7, which is almost neutral, while the carbonated mineral water is slightly acidic, or around pH 5.


Harvard Dr. Ruan Jinmei pointed out that in weakly acidic carbonated mineral water, microorganisms are less likely to survive and multiply, so; however, for the human digestive system, the selling point of carbonated water is insignificant, because the daily diet of fruits, Coffee, chocolate, or dairy products all contain acidic ingredients.

So. In this way, the weak acid characteristics of bottled water products are completely irrelevant. After opening the bottle, the gas in the carbonated drink disappeared without a trace, and we just burped a few times at most. Because

In 2017, Palestinian scientists claimed that carbonated beverages can easily cause bloating. The stomach wall releases signals to the brain due to continuous pressure, stimulating the brain to release the so-called "ghrelin" hormone (Ghrelin), thereby enhancing appetite. The results of the study caused an uproar.

The news also caused a stir in Germany, where many Germans like to drink carbonated mineral water. Ruan Jinmei said she did not believe the results of the study.

First of all, this research is limited to animal experiments; moreover, ghrelin is not the only hormone that can enhance appetite, other hormones and factors alsomay increase appetite.

The reason why carbonated mineral water is fresh and refreshing is not only because of the slight acid flavor, but also because of the pleasure brought by the stimulation of oral nerves by small carbon dioxide bubbles. However, carbon dioxide gas can indeed cause stomach upset and increase the frequency of burping. Therefore,

Regardless of whether mineral water has carbon dioxide added to it, what really matters is that you drink it well and stay hydrated. In Germany, Ruan Jinmei recommends everyone to drink tap water

Ruan Jinmei also said that sugar-sweetened beverages are very treacherous, providing calories similar to food, but almost no nutrients, and they will not make people feel full after ingesting them. heat".

For example, smoothie products in the supermarket can be a dangerous source of empty calories. Consumers may think it's good for the body and even drink more; but most smoothies are as high in sugar as Coke, or even sweeter. Next time you go to the supermarket, you might as well look at the ingredient labels. For your reference, 100 ml of cola contains about 11 grams of sugar.

Ads claim that smoothies are healthy because their ingredients are "100 percent pure fruit." However, in order to smooth the taste, The amount of fruit to make a smoothie is amazing. It exceeds the normal intake range, and it is easy to make people feel overwhelmed. However, after making a smoothie, it can be refilled many times

What is particularly interesting is that scientific research states: . Depending on the food texture as a factor, it may be possible toSatiety left and right. It's really hard to feel full when you only eat liquid food.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "The Chemical Effects of Mobile Phones, Coffee, and Emotions: 24 Hours of Chemistry in a Day" by Dr. Ruan Jinmei ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Are Soy Products Contraindicated In Gout Patients? Nutritionists Teach You 5 Tricks To Avoid Acute Gout Attacks

"Nutritionist, I have gout. I can't eat soy products such as tofu, dried bean curd, bean bag, and soy milk, right?" The word seems to be like the fear of a mouse seeing a cat, but are soy products really the enemy of gout patients?


Wu Jingyi, a nutritionist at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Nutritional Therapy Department, pointed out that in the past, people were taught that soy products are taboo for gout patients.

Including a study in Japan in 1998 and a collection of 5 related studies in the Asian Nutrition-related Journal in 2011, all have similar findings. After consuming soy products, blood uric acid will increase slightly, but it is not associated with gout attacks. related. Tofu is a source of high-quality protein for gout sufferers.

In addition, according to the results of a survey on changes in Taiwan's national nutrition and health status, the frequency of soy product intake is negatively correlated with uric acid, and mushrooms and mushrooms, which are often listed as taboo foods by gout patients, are also found in this analysis. It is also negatively correlated with the concentration of uric acid. In the end, the author also suggested that Chinese people should reduce the intake of internal organs, but increase the intake of vegetables and fruits (carrots, mushrooms), soy products, seaweed and other foods to avoid the increase in the concentration of uric acid.

Wu Jingyi mentioned that soy products are another key point that is often listed as tabooIt is because the general public thinks that "soy products = high-purine food", but in 2014, a study used scientific methods to analyze the content of purine in food (the following are the amount of purine contained in every 100 grams of food), and the analysis results Soy milk was found to be 22 mg, tofu 20 mg, edamame 47.9 mg, fresh shiitake mushrooms 24.4 mg, pork liver 284.8 mg, pork kidney 195 mg, and pork tenderloin 119.7 mg.

Actually, the numbers are useless to the general public, but the important thing is, how much purine can a patient with hyperuricemia or gout eat every day? . Therefore, for patients with hyperuricemia, the less purine contained in the food, the better.

According to the 2016 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Gout and Hyperuricemia in Taiwan, it is impossible to reduce the blood uric acid value to 6.0 mg/dL. Therefore, if the blood uric acid value is to be lowered, it may be necessary to take uric acid-lowering drugs according to the doctor's advice. Cooperate with low-purine diet control.


In addition, lifestyle changes are also a good way to control blood uric acid levels. It is recommended that patients with hyperuricemia or gout can follow the following methods, which may avoid acute gout attacks and allow us to maintain an excellent life. quality of life!

All, in addition, all food intake should beAppropriate and moderate, too much is not a healthy eating pattern!

◎ This article is excerpted from / Chang Gung Medical News, Vol. 41, Issue 10

◎ Writing/

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

"1 Cup Of Milk In The Morning And Evening, 3 Meals Of High-quality Protein" Silver-haired People Eat This Way To Nourish Muscles And Prevent Aging, And Nutrition Can Improve Physical Weakness And Muscle Weakness

Many elders are often afraid of chronic diseases, and they are too careful about diet, which leads to unbalanced nutritional intake, resulting in sarcopenia or frailty. Experts suggest that elders should "1 cup of milk in the morning and evening, and 3 meals of high-quality protein" in order to achieve a sufficient and balanced protein intake, which will help improve physical weakness or muscle weakness.


Director Yuan Lufang of the Neihu District Health Service Center in Taipei suggested that elders who don't know what to eat can refer to "My Healthy Plate" for the recommended food portion, and eat whole grains, whole grains, beans, fish, eggs, meat and vegetables in a balanced manner for three meals. To achieve a balanced and sufficient calorie intake, with adequate protein intake, you will have sufficient physical strength.

According to the screening results of the "Elderly Frailty Assessment" conducted by the National Health Service of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2019, the elderly over 65 years old, the higher the age, the higher the frailty rate. Poor physical strength increases the risk of accidental falls.

From the series of nutrition education courses held by Neihu District Health Service Center, we found that many elders said, "I drink milk and have diarrhea", "I can't eat eggs because of high cholesterol", "It's good to eat breakfast and lunch. Only in the evening when young people come home from get off work will they eat meat together.” But what is the reason for poor appetite and inability to eat? Or if you focus on nutrition and only choose healthy food to eat, but your body continues to become weak and lacking energy, what should you eat to be nutritious?How much is enough to eat? Worth exploring.

According to the 2013-2016 National Nutrition and Health Status Change Survey, the daily diet of the elderly over 65 years old, the intake of six types of food is not balanced, such as eating more food than vegetables, serious dairy Insufficient, lack of vegetables and fruits, low fat and infrequent eating of nuts.

Among the sources of protein, it is obvious that I do not like to drink dairy products. I only consume about half a cup of dairy products every day, which is far from the recommended 1-2 cups. The main reason is that the lactose in milk causes gastrointestinal discomfort. It is recommended to choose yogurt and cheese with lower lactose content instead, and increase the amount gradually from a small amount.

Liu Yuling, a nutritionist, pointed out that high-quality protein sources can be given priority to beans, fish, eggs, meat and dairy products, etc., and other important nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin B group, etc., and the combination is sufficient. The more fruits and vegetables, the right amount of nut oils and whole grains, and the more abundant vitamins and minerals can be ingested from a variety of ingredients.

Ms. Liao, who participated in the course, said that she now knows how to buy good ingredients and cook them easily to make them delicious and healthy. She also knows that you need enough protein to build enough muscles to have strength. Even those who have been suffering from constipation all the time She has also improved after changing her diet. Now she is no longer afraid of eating meat or dairy, but needs to know how and how much to eat! .

Mature life is not depressed about diet

Liu Yuling pointed out that elders can make a cup of cocoa matcha soy milk, black sesame walnut paste,The Vitality Green Latte changes the texture of the food and makes the protein better absorbed; stir-fry with electric pot, oven and low temperature, with a variety of ingredients, to improve the absorption of nutrients.

She introduced 2 special dishes:

1. Love Baijiu Tender Chicken and Mango Warm Sand:

Low-fat chicken breast contains high-quality protein. First, marinate chicken in olive oil rich in good fat, use bamboo shoots to increase satiety, and match vegetables rich in five colors to enhance antioxidants of nutrients.

2. Tuna Rainbow Egg Pie:

Boiled tuna is Omega-3 rich in good fat and high-quality protein, which can help sleep and protect the brain, rich in fiber and low in energy The amount of starch is suitable for the elderly with diabetes, and it is easier to control blood sugar.

◎ Image source / Beishi Neihu Health Center‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

The Mediterranean Diet Is Full And Thin! She Lost 14kg In 3 Months, And Her Knee Joint Degeneration Has Also Improved

Wang Lihui hasn't lost any weight since she gave birth to her daughter 9 years ago, and her weight has remained high. In addition to her unsightly appearance and greatly affected self-confidence, her knee pain has become increasingly serious; A few years ago, I took my health seriously and started diet control, exercise and rehabilitation. I lost 14kg in 3 months and the degeneration of my knee joints also improved.

Wang Lihui said that since childhood, she has tried many ways to lose weight, such as diet, laxatives, diet pills, acupuncture and thread embedding, etc., all of which have been tried several times. But it's the yo-yo effect that keeps repeating itself, and the spell doesn't stop until you get serious about exercising.

Wang Lihui said, Over the past 3 years, although the weight has recovered slightly due to returning to a normal diet. However, for the past 3 years, I have been maintaining the happy stage of eating healthy and comfortable, and enjoying sports at the same time.

Wang Lihui said that she has changed from a person who hates sports to a person who loves sports, and even made sports one of her daily habits. Because she loves food, she needs sports even more. Both are indispensable.

Wang Lihui said that since she learned about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, she fell in love with the Mediterranean diet even more, and she now eats in a healthier way.

Wang Lihui said that after losing weight, she regained her self-confidence. She could finally wear the clothes she used to wear when she was a young lady, and she began to return to the way she used to dress up!

500g carrots, 1000cc chicken stock, 400cc milk, 3 tablespoons original nuts.

1/4 tbsp salt, 1/4 tbsp crushed black pepper.

❶ Peel the carrots, cut them into pieces, put them in an electric pot and steam them until cooked (the water in the outer pot is about 300cc), and take them out for later use.

❷Put chicken stock, milk, and carrots together in a soup pot, heat to a boil over high heat, turn off the heat immediately, add nuts, beat with a hand-held stirring rod, add seasonings and mix well.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "5 minutes a day, 4 weeks to lose weight: real-life evidence, a professional chef who dumped 35 kilograms of meat, personally designed 149 low-calorie fast dishes × 1 minute for each stroke, 70 strokes ready to move body sculpting exercise = Build a slim and healthy curve, never regain a fat physique" by Xie Changsheng (Marco), Hu Xiaoxin (Energy) ◎ Image source/Provided by Daily Happiness

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"Cold Dew" Is A Cool Breeze, Add More Clothes In The Morning And Evening, And Eat More Yin Nourishing Food! 1 Stroke To Strengthen The "Kidney Meridian" To Gather Yin And Nourish Qi

Cold dew has three princes, "First, swan geese are guests; second, birds enter the water as clams; third, chrysanthemums have yellow flowers." This means that in this solar term, the swan geese are lined up in a line or herringbone-shaped queue to move south; In the cold autumn, the birds are gone. The ancients saw that many clams suddenly appeared on the seashore, and the stripes and colors of the shells were very similar to those of birds, so they thought they were made by birds.


In ancient times, "dew" was used as a sign of the weather becoming cooler and colder. After the white dew, the weather turns cooler, and dew begins to appear. When it comes to the cold dew, the dew increases, and the temperature is lower.

Dryness damages the lungs and stomach Eat more lotus root, milk, and chrysanthemum to nourish yin

During the "cold dew" season, the rain decreases, the weather is dry, and the day is hot and the night is cool. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the biggest feature of this solar term is that dryness is in season, and dryness is most likely to hurt the lungs and stomach. Sweat evaporates faster at this time, which often causes dry skin, increased wrinkles, dry mouth, dry cough and less phlegm, and even hair loss and constipation.

In the "cold dew" season, you should avoid strenuous exercise, overwork, etc., so as not to dissipate the essence, qi and body fluid. In the diet, you should also eat less spicy, spicy, fragrant, smoked and roasted foods. Soft food with the effect of invigorating the stomach and invigorating the body.

At the same time, keep a certain humidity indoors, pay attention to adding water, and eat more fruits such as pears, bananas, cantaloupe, apples, persimmons, and grapes. In addition, proteinChoose to avoid too hot food as much as possible, such as mutton and beef. You can eat warm chicken and pork. Dates are also warm ingredients that you can eat more.

At this time, crabs are abundant, but crabs are cool and should not be eaten too much. When eating crabs, you can grind ginger into mud and use it together, or add ginger slices when cooking to neutralize the coolness of crabs. In addition, it is also important to apply skin care moisturizing cream to protect the skin and prevent dryness.

After the white dew, the weather can be cold or warm, so you need to add clothes to avoid catching a cold. Once your feet get cold, it will easily reduce blood circulation and cause diseases. Before and after the cold dew, the weather changes greatly in the morning and evening, and it is more likely to cause a cold or respiratory disease due to cold. It is recommended to carry a light jacket when going out to prevent the temperature from plummeting.

Spring, summer long, autumn harvest, winter storage, the concept of health preservation in Chinese medicine is closely related to the operation of the four seasons, because Chinese medicine believes that the human body is a small universe, and the small universe should be related to the outside world. The universes correspond to each other. In autumn, the days are shorter and the nights are longer. As the natural yang qi weakens and the yin qi increases, the yang qi of the human body also needs to be absorbed.

In addition to living well, this time is the most suitable time to practice a set of "Ear and Face Life" in Bodhidharma Sutra. For office workers and middle-aged and elderly people who sit at their desks for a long time, it can strengthen the kidney meridian and elevate the lumbar vertebrae to the upper lumbar spine. The function of the Ojo region and the hands.

Dharma Yi Jin Jing "Ear Lifting Face Life" helps to strengthen the kidney meridian, improve the function of the lumbar spine to the Dazhui area and the hands. The simple and easy-to-operate exercises help to consolidate yin and nourish qi,To accompany you to relax and spend the autumn easily unhappy!

1. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, hands hanging down naturally, palms facing back, palms relaxed. 2. When inhaling, raise both arms on the left and right sides, elbows bent upwards, shoulders level like a mountain, palms facing forward to make a fist, and the soles of the feet are on the ground. 3. When exhaling, lift your heels, lift your body up, and turn your hands from clenched fists to open palms. 4. Repeat the action 21 times to end the work.

(The picture demonstrator is a student of Mr. Wang Xie, not the author himself)

◎ Part of this article is excerpted from / "Meditation - This Matter, Daoyin Cultivation Method" by Teacher Wang Xie ◎ Image source / Shanwen Wenchuang Publishing House‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Is It Better For The Elderly To Drink Milk Or Soy Milk? Doctors Take Stock Of "daily Protein" So That Eating Is Enough

If you want to maintain health and vitality until old age, doctors remind you that there are three major nutrients that are the key to maintaining mobility, namely calcium, vitamin D and protein. However, when many people enter the mature age, they eat lightly because of the pursuit of health, which leads to insufficient nutritional intake!

Chen Rongbang, chairman of the Osteoporosis Society of the Republic of China, pointed out that mobility is an important basis for the quality of life of the elderly, but according to statistics, among the 4 million elderly in Taiwan, 2.86 million have low bone density and 810,000 have low muscle mass. , and 3.53 million people with joint discomfort; it is foreseeable that 1 in 3 people will face the dilemma of poor mobility in the future.

Is it better to drink milk or soy milk to supplement protein intake?

According to the National Health Administration's nutritional intake recommendations, adults should consume 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight, and mature age groups over 65 are recommended to consume 1 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Huang Junfeng, director of the Family Medicine Department of the Hospital Affiliated to Yangming University, pointed out that, taking an elderly person weighing 60 kilograms as an example, he should consume 60 to 72 grams of protein per day.


If you want to get enough protein, Huang Junfeng reminds that plant-based protein is difficult for the human body to absorb, and it is recommended to choose animal-based protein first; if soy milk is compared with milk, milk is a better source of protein because it is rich in Contains whey protein, the amino acids decomposed, and the amino acids that make up albumin in the human body, the two components are the closest,More conducive to human absorption.

Mature people weighing 60 kg, how to eat protein food every day?

Protein content 13.2 grams Protein intake 16 grams (8 grams per bowl) The protein intake is 35 grams (7 grams per serving). The food composition of soybean, fish and egg meat includes 1 egg, 1 piece of tofu, and lean meat (pig, chicken, fish, etc.).

Don't rely too much on the sore patch! It may be a warning sign of decreased mobility

Some middle-aged and elderly people often feel pain, fatigue, and weakness, thinking it is just a minor problem, but Chen Rongbang reminded that these symptoms are likely to be warning signs of decreased mobility. At this time, if you just stick a sore patch, or buy products such as waist pads and knee pads yourself, you cannot really solve the problem.

After excluding other disease factors, it is necessary to consider whether it is a problem of insufficient muscle mass, poor bone support or reduced joint function, adjust daily nutritional intake as soon as possible, and increase muscle strength training. Huang Junfeng pointed out that, for example, lifting a water bottle, squatting against a wall, or picking up vegetables and climbing stairs in daily life are all life rules that help to curb the loss of mobility.

◎ Image source/Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

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