Monday, May 2, 2022

Inventory Of 21 Super Phytochemicals! Anti-cancer, Anti-aging, Lowering Cholesterol, Protecting Cardiovascular... The Benefits Are Endless

Phytochemicals (referred to as phytochemicals) are chemical components contained in vegetables, fruits, beans, etc., and are called "the seventh nutrient", which has attracted much attention in recent years. Phytochemicals not only have antioxidant effects, but also have many functions to look forward to. Most of them are water-soluble ingredients, and there are more than 10,000 types.

The reason phytochemicals are gaining attention is the "french paradox". In the French food culture, although the French consume a relatively large amount of saturated fatty acids from meat and dairy products, they also drink a lot of red wine. However, in the 1990s, the incidence of myocardial infarction in France was lower than that in other European and American countries. This was because the polyphenols contained in red wine caused conflicts and became the focus.

Polyphenols are representative phytochemicals with strong antioxidant effects, so they are considered to have anti-aging effects that delay aging. The polyphenol contained in red wine, etc. is a component called resveratrol, which can activate the sirtuin gene known as the longevity gene, so everyone is concerned about its anti-aging properties. Expectations are high, but it's still not clear how effective it will be.

A general term for plant components with multiple polyphenolic hydroxyl groups present in the molecule. Most of them are water soluble, and these ingredients are best known for their strong antioxidant properties.

Grape skins, sweet potato skins, etc. contain purple water-soluble pigments,And it has the ability to promote the resynthesis of rhodopsin that promotes the operation of the optic nerve.

The yellow pigment contained in turmeric. Can promote bile secretion, strengthen liver function and so on.

Bitter and astringent components contained in tea leaves. It has antibacterial effect, inhibits blood pressure rise, and regulates blood cholesterol.

The bitter ingredient in coffee has antioxidant effect.

The aroma and spicy ingredients of ginger have antibacterial effects.

The chemical structure of soy isoflavones in soybeans has estrogen-like effects (relieves menopausal symptoms, prevents osteoporosis, etc.).

One of the sesame lignans contained in sesame seeds is expected to have a cholesterol-lowering effect.

Substances contained in the peels of Wenzhou oranges and grapefruits. It is a type of vitamin P and is expected to prevent high blood pressure and help absorb vitamin C.


The ingredients of natural pigments have strong anti-oxidative effects. When cooking with good oil, fat-soluble vitamins are easier to be absorbed by the human body.

Green-yellow vegetables contain large amounts of yellow or orange pigments, which are found inThe human body is provitamin A (precursor) that is converted to vitamin A. Antioxidant and reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Red pigments in tomatoes and watermelons. Research reports indicate that it has an antioxidant effect.

Antioxidant effects are expected in seafood such as shrimp, crab, and salmon.

The yellow pigment contained in green-yellow vegetables and egg yolks. Good for eye health.

The ingredients contained in Liliaceae vegetables such as garlic and onion, as well as cruciferous vegetables such as radish and mustard, have a strong bactericidal effect and are used as spice for preventing food poisoning and improving flavor.

The unique aroma component of garlic - allicin is the component that is decomposed by allizyme. In addition to anti-cancer and antibacterial effects, allicin will be converted into allic thiamine when combined with vitamin B, which is very effective for fatigue recovery.

The ingredients contained in cabbage and green cauliflower have strong immunity and anti-cancer effects, and the effects are highly anticipated.

A type of isothiocyanate, believed to have anti-cancer properties, a component of broccoli and broccoli sprouts.

The aroma components of plants, essential oils are the main components. It is considered to have anti-oxidant and immune-enhancing effects.

Citrus contains the most aromatic components, especially lemon peel. Anticancer effects are expected.

Menthol is a refreshing aroma ingredient contained in herbs such as mint, which has the effect of improving immunity.

A type of carbohydrate rich in seaweed and root vegetables, classified as dietary fiber when indigestible.

The ingredients contained in seaweed are required for self-protection when the seaweed itself is impacted, or for repairing wounds. In addition to anti-cancer effects, the effect of stabilizing blood pressure is also expected.

The substances contained in the mucus such as yam, okra, and slippery mushrooms are a mixture of glycoproteins, which have the effect of protecting the stomach wall.

It is a substance combined with multiple fructose, and the substance contained in burdock, chicory, and onion has the effect of inhibiting the rise of blood sugar and lowering blood lipids.

Mushrooms are rich in content and are expected to improve immunity and anti-cancer effects.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Visible Nutrition" written by Yukiko Kawashima ◎ Image source / Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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"Sweet Potato Can't Fight Cancer!" Lin Qingshun, A Professor Of Top Medical Journals, Cracks The Rumors That One Type Of People Should Eat Less

There are countless articles and videos on the Internet touting sweet potatoes' anti-cancer properties. Many of them come from nutritionists and health professionals. But what are they based on? In order to clarify this inexplicable medical information, Lin Qingshun, a retired professor at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, has 40 years of medical research experience, published nearly 200 research papers, and served as a reviewer for more than 60 world-renowned medical journals. Published several articles, the following is a consolidated report of sweet potato anti-cancer rumors.


. On January 13, 2011, this article was reprinted on the "Chinese Vegetarian Network" in the mainland. This reprint is understandable, after all, for vegetarians, this is something to brag about.

In any case, this article has gradually transformed into many different versions since then, creating the myth of "sweet potato fights cancer". . This leap from "super" to "first place" is due to another mainland article.

This article is written in very blunt English, and the title is "Eating more sweet potatoes can prevent cancer" (Note 1). It says in the first paragraph that sweet potato ranks first among 20 cancer-fighting vegetables. Well, let's take a look at what kind of clinical trials can confirm that sweet potatoes are number one. There are at least 100 types of cancer in humans, multiply that by 20 types of vegetables, multiply that by 100 patients (definitely need more), and you'll have to do at least 200,000 tests, multiply that by 10 years of tracking... (maybe more long).

Can you imagine how much it would cost to "preliminarily" determine the number one sweet potato? $10 million may be an underestimate, and $100 million may not be an exaggeration. What kind of institution or individual would be willing to provide such research funding to test a sweet potato of several dozen yuan?

The third paragraph of the article also said that sweet potatoes contain DHEA, and this steroid hormone has anti-cancer effects. However (instead, most studies have found that it may cause cancer).

This article was published on the website of LookChem, which means "Look for Chemicals". It is a website dedicated to people searching and buying chemicals. It is headquartered in Hangzhou. No wonder the English is so blunt. As to why it chose to communicate in English, it is unknown.

In any case, dozens of chemical names appear in this article, including the widely circulated so-called cancer-fighting DHEA. By now, you should know what this article was created for. It's just that a lot of nutritionists, health care experts, and natural therapists believed it to be true and regarded it as a teaching material for anti-cancer food, which led to a lot of innocent people being fooled into believers of "the number one anti-cancer sweet potato". .

After clarifying the article on sweet potato anti-cancer, some readers sent 3 pieces of information about the American version of sweet potato anti-cancer advocates. The first one was published in October 2017, "Is sweet potato a cancer-fighting food?" (Note 2), the author is Bonnie. Singedon (Bonnie Singleton). Although this person is a master of music, but often publishes medical articles. Lin Qingshun had read this article for a long time, and at the time decided that the information on sweet potato anti-cancer provided was purely conjecture.

The second article is the article "Sweet potato protein V.s. cancer" (Note 3) published in November 2015, the author is Michael. Craig (Michael Greger), although he has a doctor of medicine degree, but his work is through writing and speaking, telling people not to eat food from animals (meat, eggs, milk).

To promote this idea, he founded NutritionFacts in 2011, where this sweet potato article was published. His extreme approach to promoting a "whole plant" vegetarian diet has been criticized for many reasons (Note 4).

The scientific research on sweet potato anti-cancer mentioned in this article is almost all done with "sweet potato storage protein" (Sporamin), and almost all of its "treatment" objects are cancer cells in petri dishes , not cancer patients.

Even if he mentioned "reducing cancer metastasis", it was just a small mouse model experiment. The "reduced gallbladder cancer" he mentioned was a small questionnaire (64 patients) in which sweet potatoes were just one of many so-called cancer-fighting foods. (The patient was asked how many sweet potatoes, radishes, peppers, mangoes, cantaloupe, papaya, oranges, etc. he ate in the past year. Could you please answer truthfully?)So, what he called

Another article, "The Amazing Anticancer Effects of Sweet Potatoes" (Note 5), was written by Cyrus. This article was published on one of at least two diet-related for-profit websites that Cyrus Khabatta, a nutritionist, has created in addition to his book.

In addition to the sensational title, he also said in the article that sweet potato storage proteins have been shown to slow the growth and metastasis of colorectal cancer in patients with colorectal cancer. Eleven references are provided below his article. But,. A search of the Public Library of Medicine also failed to find any human trials of sweet potato or sweet potato storage proteins. To sum up, do you still believe that there is a scientific basis for sweet potatoes to fight cancer?

These three American versions of sweet potato anti-cancer myths are a little different from the mainland version, that is, the American version says that sweet potato fights cancer because it contains sweet potato storage protein, while the mainland version says it contains DHEA. already said. So, if you believe the sweet potato storage protein in sweet potatoes can help you fight cancer, be sure to eat it raw, and you may need to eat 100 a day to reach an effective dose. With that said, do you have any other sweet potato anti-cancer myths to share?

After I finished writing the solution of the sweet potato anti-cancer article, a friend told me privately that there are many people who really believe that sweet potatoes are anti-cancer, and some people rely on this statement to sell sweet potatoes for a living, so it is best to Also talk about the benefits of sweet potatoes.

Raw sweet potatoes contain water (77%), carbohydrates (20.1%), protein (1.6%), and fiber (3%), sweet potatoes contain almost no fat. A medium-sized cooked sweet potato contains about 27 grams of carbohydrates. Among them, starch accounts for about 53%, and monosaccharides (glucose, fructose), sucrose and maltose account for about 32%. .

A medium cooked sweet potato contains about 3.8 grams of fiber. Among them, soluble (pectin) accounts for about 15-23%, and insoluble (such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) accounts for about 77-85%. Soluble fiber (pectin) can increase satiety by slowing the digestion of sugars and starches, thereby reducing food intake and reducing blood sugar spikes. Insoluble fiber has health benefits, such as reducing diabetes risk and improving gut health.

. Sweet potatoes also contain many micronutrients, such as vitamins A and C and the minerals calcium and iron. In short, (Note 6).

It is rumored that sweet potatoes can fight cancer because they contain the steroid hormone DHEA.

Studies have shown that "sweet potato storage protein" (sporamin) has anti-oxidation, anti-cancer and other effects, but sweet potato storage protein is protein, so it will be decomposed into amino acids after eating, and it is impossible to have efficacy.

Although it has been confirmed that sweet potatoes fight cancer, it is indeed a nutritious food.

Note 1: Internet article "Eating More Sweet Potato Can Preven"t Cancer

Note 2: "Is Sweet Potato an Anticancer Food?" October 2017 Bonnie Singleton Are Sweet Potatoes an Anti-Cancer Food?

Note 3: In November 2015, Michael. Michael Greger, Sweet Potato Proteins vs. Cancer

Note 4: Michael. Craig's criticism:




Note 5: "The amazing anti-cancer properties of sweet potatoes" Cyrus. Cyrus Khambatta) The Shocking Anti-Cancer Effect of Sweet Potatoes

Note 6: Reference articles on the nutritional value of sweet potatoes:

2000: Nutriitive evaluation on chemical components of leaves, stalks and stems of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas poir)

2005: Beta-carotene-rich orange-fleshed sweet potato improves the vitamin A status of primary school children assessed with the modified-relative-dose-response test

2007: Sweet Potato: A Review of its Past, Present, and Future Role in Human Nutrition

2007: Antioxidant activities, phenolic and β-carotene contents of sweet potato genotypes with varying flesh colours

2010: Composition and physicochemical properties of dietary fiber extracted from residues of 10 varieties of sweet potato by a sieving method

2014: Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam)--a valuable medicinal food: a review

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Pseudoscience on the Dining Table: Professor of the University of California School of Medicine Debunks Hundreds of Health Myths and Deep-rooted Medical Myths" by Lin Qingshun ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Can't Walk Or Eat After The Age Of 50? Do These Little Things Well To Prevent Premature Aging, Healthy And Longevity

After the age of 50, the aging of the body, the decline of bone density and muscle mass are all factors that cause "mobility disorder syndrome". If you don't pay attention to the symptoms, it will be easy to ignore.


If you find that you can't twist the towel, the rotary faucet is not tightly closed, or it is too late to cross the road, or you fall more frequently than usual, you should pay special attention to the occurrence of "mobility disorder syndrome".

There are gender differences in the movement disorder syndrome. In men, the symptoms of movement disorder are mostly caused by sarcopenia and frailty, while in women, it is mostly sarcopenia and lack of balance.

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Why is it said that human suffering from gastrointestinal diseases is almost doomed? This is because there are two situations that modern people often encounter, which happen to be both:

, and it's a vicious cycle where people under chronic stress tend to want to eat at all times, especially sweets.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "100 kinds of happy life proposals for mature age: financial insurance, physical and mental health, social welfare support, lifestyle, residential design, long-term care 2.0, all-round analysis" written by the editorial department of beautiful home ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Stomach Cancer Does Not Have To Be Stomach Pain! The Doctor Revealed That The Symptoms Of Black Stool, Severe Thinness, And Loss Of Appetite May Be Late

You may think that cancer can cause pain, and stomach cancer must also cause stomach pain? In fact, early gastric cancer has no obvious symptoms; once symptoms such as black stool, weight loss, and loss of appetite appear, it may have entered the advanced stage.

According to the statistics of the National Health Administration in 2018, gastric cancer ranked 8th among the top ten causes of cancer deaths in China, with a total of 2,379 deaths. Liu Yiting, chief physician of the Department of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Chengda University Hospital, pointed out that the symptoms of early gastric cancer are often not obvious and may be confused with benign diseases, such as stomach inflammation or gastric ulcer. Clarify the cause.

Liu Yiting emphasized,

Liu Yiting explained that in addition to family inheritance, gastric cancer is commonly associated with acquired environmental risk factors, including: frequent consumption of barbecue, pickled or processed foods containing nitrates, alcohol, smoking, etc., all require special attention. In addition, gastric pylori infection, gastric ulcer, or those who have undergone gastrectomy will also have a higher incidence of gastric cancer.

Liu Yiting said that for stage 2 and 3 patients with a higher risk of postoperative recurrence, health insurance currently has the conditions to provide 1 year of adjuvant oral chemotherapy drugs.

If distant metastasis has occurred at the time of initial diagnosis, the treatment method is mainly compound chemotherapy. Commonly used first-line chemotherapy drugs include platinum drugs combined with fluoropyrimidine amino nitrate drugs; for patients with HER2 gene overexpression of gastric adenocarcinoma, Year 2Starting this month, China Health Insurance will provide first-line targeted therapy drugs, which will greatly reduce the financial burden on patients and their families.

Liu Yiting suggested again,

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Nails Are Too Soft And "calcium Supplementation" Is Ineffective! Physician Exposes The Key To Nutrition And Decrypts 2 Important Parts Of Nails

A tiny piece of fingernail hides many health mysteries. Some people think that the nails are too soft and need calcium supplements, is that true? Some people also say that the bigger the crescent of the nail, the healthier it is? Dermatologists clarify that these are all misconceptions!


Nails too soft? No amount of calcium supplementation is effective

Dermatologist Cai Yishan shared on Facebook that many people think that taking calcium tablets can make nails hard, but it is wrong; the main component of nails is hard keratin, and supplementation Multi-calcium tablets can't make nails hard, but a balanced diet is more important.

There is also some literature that supplements with biotin (biotin) for healthy hair and nail growth. Cai Yishan pointed out that there are actually quite a few foods rich in biotin, such as cauliflower, egg yolk, animal offal, oatmeal, seafood, etc.

Wrong dieting causes yellow and brittle nails

Cai Yishan also reminded that many beauty-loving women use the wrong way to lose weight and go on a diet desperately, resulting in bad hair and nails. This is because the daily calorie intake is too low, All functions of the body will be affected, and the hair and nails produced at this time will be of poor quality, yellow and easily brittle!

Deciphering the 2 major parts of the nail: crescent, transparent skin

Is the crescent of the nail related to health? If you look closely, you can find that from the thumb to the little finger, the area of ​​the crescent will also change from large to small. Cai Yishan pointed out that the white crescents are actually the "growth plates" of the nails exposed on the skin.The part outside the skin, and another part is covered under the skin, so it doesn't mean "not seeing the crescent moon" means unhealthy!

She also shared an interesting little knowledge about nails. At the junction between the root of the nail and the skin, there is a structure called a cuticle. Some people will use props to scrape it, but in fact, the cuticle is very harmful to the skin and nails. Health is very important, it is recommended to keep it as complete as possible.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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If You Don't Sleep Well, Be Careful To Become Fat And Stupid! Dietitian Reveals That You Should Never Eat 3 Kinds Of Food For Dinner

We all know that if the brain is not rested, the human body will feel fatigued, and it will also affect work efficiency. If you always have trouble falling asleep or waking up from sleep, you always feel tired when you wake up, and the quality of sleep is not good for a long time, what will be the impact on your body?

Lack of sleep makes the body easy to fatigue, our immune system will become weak, the body will not only be prone to inflammation, such as: shoulder and neck pain, headache, toothache, the body skin will feel more sensitive, prone to allergies and rashes.

When the immune response is imbalanced for a long time, the chance of autoimmune disease symptoms will increase, especially in women, due to the fluctuation of female hormones, this symptom is more obvious! In addition, during sleep, the body secretes leptin, which helps suppress appetite.

Meibao Lv, an expert nutritionist in functional medicine, mentioned that in her consultation cases, 6 out of 10 patients had trouble with poor sleep quality, and in addition to the adjustment of living habits, the actual daily food intake , will also affect our sleep!

Lu Meibao put forward the key principles of "three nos and three essentials" for a good sleep diet, teaching you to seek good luck and avoid evil, and eat smartly to get a good night's sleep:

❶ Refined sugars.

❷Alcohol and caffeine beverages.

❸Spicy food.

Refined sugar can make blood sugar soar, "high blood sugar, alcohol, caffeine, spicy" will interfere with the length of deep sleep, allowing the brain to sleep during sleepparticularly active. If you want to have a peaceful and peaceful dream, avoid the above!

"Melatonin" can help you fall asleep and help increase the duration of deep sleep. Walnuts, which are among the nuts, have some melatonin and can be added as an evening snack. In addition, foods rich in vitamin C, such as guava and kiwi fruit, are helpful for the regulation of stress hormones and antioxidant repair, which is equivalent to allowing you to have a stress-relieving beauty sleep!

Melatonin requires protein as a raw material, especially foods rich in the amino acid "tryptophan", such as: . The good bacteria in sugar-free yogurt can also help the balance of intestinal bacteria, and high-fat fish can also absorb good omega-3 fatty acids, which are also positive for nerve conduction and emotional stability.

, unprocessed natural food, rich in magnesium ions, also helps to stabilize nerves and muscle relaxation.

Lu Meibao emphasized that the time of deep sleep is also the time for the immune system to detoxify. At this time, the white blood cells of the immune system will flow to the lymph nodes of the body to clean up and recycle waste, allowing the white blood cells to recover, and then return to the body through the blood circulation. All parts of the body.

Some aging free radicals and unnecessary protein wastes in the brain are also metabolized at the same time, so.

◎ This article is excerpted from / Trending Online Course ─ "Smart Eating Makes Immunity!" my first"Immunology and Nutrition Course" ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

Traditional Bean Curd, Pudding Bean Curd Which Do You Like To Eat? Dietitian Exposes "Douhua Mines", One Kind Of People Should Be Careful When Eating Douhua

A bowl of sweet, cold and nutritious bean curd not only quenches thirst, but is also a "national snack" suitable for all ages. What is the difference in the taste of traditional bean curd and pudding bean curd on the market? What should I pay attention to when buying bean curd? The nutritional value of bean curd lies in "soy beans". A nutritionist pointed out that the phospholipids of beans can help improve the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol. If people want to eat bean curd healthily, it is best to add less ingredients and sugar water.


Douhua includes traditional beancurd, pudding beancurd, boxed beancurd, etc. Cai Minlang, a professor at the Department of Food Science of National Taiwan Ocean University, explained in the Food and Drug Administration's "Drug and Food Safety Weekly Report" that traditional beancurd, pudding, etc. Douhua and boxed beancurd sold in supermarkets are also made of soy milk as the main raw material, but the taste is obviously different.

Cai Minlang said: "Traditional bean curd uses gypsum or brine as a coagulant. The calcium ions of gypsum or the magnesium ions of brine are positively charged, which attracts the negative charges on the proteins in soy milk to form a gel structure. After solidification, it is the bean curd we usually eat." When making traditional bean curd, gypsum is usually mixed with sweet potato powder (starch). After these starch molecules are gelatinized, the molecular chain is fully expanded and shuttled in the protein structure, which can make bean curd. After solidification, the texture is finer, denser and more elastic.

As for pudding bean curd or boxed bean curd, the soy milk is made into a frozen form using animal and vegetable glues such as agar, gelatin, gelatin, pudding powder, etc. The pudding powder is made or added with eggs, and it will also have an egg fragrance.

Song Minghua, a nutritionist, said that soybeans are the main raw material of bean curd, but the nutritional value of soybeans will be different due to different manufacturing processes. For example, if the water content is relatively small, the nutrient density will be relatively high. The main nutritional value of bean curd is soybean, which is a good source of high-quality protein for vegetarians. If vegetarians are worried about insufficient protein intake, it is also good to eat bean curd as a snack.

In addition, Song Minghua pointed out that because beans have no cholesterol, the phospholipids in them can also help improve the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol. Therefore, soybeans can provide high-quality protein just like ordinary meat, but soybeans are less burdensome to the body. Soybeans also contain phytoestrogens, which are helpful in adjusting the endocrine balance of the body. In addition, if pure bean curd is eaten correctly, it can reduce the burden on the body and obtain protein for weight loss or fitness people.

However, modern people eat bean curd most often with "ingredients". Song Minghua said frankly that for modern civilization diseases, the most important mine is the ingredients, such as powder balls, taro balls, peanuts and sugar water. If you don’t add any toppings or just add a little bit of sugar, and if you have less sugar water, bean curd is actually a good choice as a snack, better than sugar-sweetened beverages and cakes.

However, some people still need to pay attention to eating bean curd. For example, those with gout or high uric acid often feel that they cannot eat beans. Song Minghua said that in fact, if they are properly controlled and they are not in the gout attack period, it is okay to eat bean curd in moderation. questionable.

Professor Cai Minlang stronglyThe quality of raw soybeans will directly affect the quality of beancurd, but consumers cannot confirm the condition of the raw materials with their own eyes when buying beancurd. It is recommended to choose a reputable store or brand to buy. If you buy bean curd at a store or a vendor, you can pay attention to the cleanliness of the surrounding environment, the hygiene of personnel, and whether the utensils and containers are clean.

Because bean curd is rich in protein, it is easy to spoil when stored in poor conditions. When purchasing, you can also pay attention to whether the shop's bean curd has refrigerated or hot storage equipment, insulation buckets, so that bean curd can be stored under suitable conditions to reduce spoilage. The risk of buying bean curd should be tasted as soon as possible after returning home, and it should not be left for too long.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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