Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Avoid Clenbuterol Pork! Dr: "These" Parts Are Safer, But Not The Muscles

In the face of the arrival of American pigs containing clenbuterol to Taiwan, the government has taken many measures, including the labeling of origin and the allowable value of clenbuterol residues. However, the public still has concerns, and it is difficult to judge from the appearance of the meat. How to buy pork to eat safely in the future? Chen Yaokuan, Ph.D. in chemistry, suggested to start with the parts of pigs!

Chen Yaokuan pointed out that ractopamine is a kind of drug that stimulates sympathetic nerve excitation. Animals taking that drug are like cat's hair standing up immediately when they see a dog. Therefore, the main purpose of pigs that eat ractopamine is to excite it, break down fat, and grow lean meat.

Chen Yaokuan said that the fat of normal pork is white, but the pork that has eaten clenbuterol has a brighter red color and less fat; the subcutaneous fat of normal pork belly must be higher than 1 cm, but the public has no way of buying it. Therefore, when choosing three-layer meat and pork belly, it is recommended to pay attention to the thickness of subcutaneous fat.

Judging from the government's standard for pork containing clenbuterol, kidneys and livers are detoxification organs, and their allowable residues are relatively high, while other parts of meat have lower content.

In addition to internal organs, which parts may contain more clenbuterol? Chen Yaokuan draws the following conclusions from the literature and from many experts:

Because the pig head has more gelatin and less lean meat, it contains clenbuterol.The amount is relatively small, so pig ears, pig scalp, pig cheeks and shoulder neck meat are all OK.

"As for the upper body of pigs, the risk is relatively high, especially the loin that people at home and abroad love to eat." Chen Yaokuan once saw an American pig fed with clenbuterol. Both sides of its spine were protruding, and the middle looked like a water. The ditch, with lean meat on both sides, has a concave spine. He believes that the dorsal, rib cage, rib muscles, and hind legs of the pig's upper body are actually high-risk areas because of their abundant striated muscles and delicious meat.

As for the pork belly and loin of the lower part of the pig, because they have more fat and less meat, although they are not very popular parts, they are relatively safe in terms of clenbuterol content. Less, but also a safe place.

Do You Need Cold Water Or Hot Water To Cook Soup? Does The Oil Slick Need To Be Removed? "Natural Oils" In Broth Can Help With Bowel Movements

Many mothers will ask, is the soup nutritious? In fact, the nutritional value of soup stock is not high, and it can even be said that it has almost no nutrition. It is better to eat all the vegetables and fruits that are boiled in the soup, and it can supplement fiber and nutrients.


Whether in Chinese or Western cuisine, the purpose of boiling broth is to get its "flavor". Because the boiled stock will have a taste that combines "sweet, salty and fragrant", and sweet and salty have been the most irresistible condiments for human beings since ancient times, so.

Whether it is rice, vegetables and fruits, meat or seafood, all contain sodium, so when using stock, do not use stock to replace all the water in the non-staple food, this will cause excessive sodium intake, too salty, and secondly It may also cause the baby not to eat lightly seasoned dishes. Therefore, it is recommended to add 20~50ml slowly, and try the taste while adding, and you can easily cook the non-staple food that the baby likes!

. There are many babies who get enough water and fiber in their daily life, but they are constipated only because they do not have the proper fat to help their bowels function.

Therefore, the oil slick on the soup stock is a natural high-quality oil. Instead, it does not need to be removed. Instead, it must be distributed and packaged to ensure that each ice brick is distributed with oil, so that it will not be concentrated in a certain block, resulting in excessive intake. .

200g pork cartilage, 5 garlic heads, 50g onion, 2 slices ginger,Moderate amount of cold drinking water.

4 glasses of water.

❶ If the pig cartilage is bloody, it can be washed with a little water. Peel the garlic and pat it with the back of a knife; peel the onion and cut into pieces; peel and slice the ginger.

❷Boil a pot of water, put in the pork cartilage and scald after the water boils, then pour out the water when the water boils.

❸Pour the blanched pork cartilage into the cold drinking water that covers the ingredients, add garlic, onion, ginger, put it in an electric pot, and cook with 4 cups of water in the outer pot. If you use a gas stove, remove the impurities after the water is boiled, turn to low heat and cook for 1 hour, and filter the soup to complete (if you cover the pot and cook, the cold water should cover the pork cartilage by 1 cm; if you do not cover the pot and cook, The cold water should submerge the pig cartilage by 3 cm).

❹ When the temperature of the broth drops to lukewarm, use 15ml of non-staple food sub-boxes and 10 cells to make ice cubes, refrigerate for 3 days, and freeze for 2 weeks.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "The strongest and most intimate K-force non-staple food audio-visual teaching book in history [best-selling revised edition]" by K-force ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Eggplant Contains Solanine Toxic? 2 Tricks To "pick Good Goods" To Eat Antioxidants, Protect Blood Vessel Walls And Fight Cancer

Eggplant is a solanaceous vegetable that is abundant in autumn. Its soft and thick taste is favored by many gluttons. It is also rich in 3 kinds of antioxidants, which help the body not get sick. However, many people may have heard the older generation say "eggplant is poisonous", what's the matter? The nutritionist said that as long as you master the correct selection, eating skills and portion size, you can eat with peace of mind!


Nutritionist Xia Ziwen explained that in the past, the reason why eggplant was considered to be very toxic was mainly because it contained "solanine," most of which were fenugreek and stachydrine, but they were often combined with solanine in sprouted potatoes. Mix it up. Solanine is a kind of alkaloid. Plants will use alkaloids to protect themselves against pests and diseases, but the harm to the human body is not as great as imagined.

According to research, the poisoning dose of solanine is 2 to 5 mg per kilogram of body weight in adults, which will cause symptoms such as itching in the mouth and throat, upper abdominal pain, etc. 120 to 300 mg of solanine can be toxic, and ingestion of more than 400 mg can be fatal.

But because eggplant has a high moisture content, every 100 grams of fresh eggplant (about 3/4 rice bowl) contains about 4 mg of solanine, that is to say, and solanine is easily decomposed in a high temperature environment, so The most important thing is to "eat it when it's cooked".

Actually, alkaloids exist widely in nature. Not only eggplants have solanine, but tomatoes, which are also Solanaceae, also contain tomatine, but the sameNot harmful to human body. However, Xia Ziwen reminded that among the foods containing alkaloids, the most important thing is to be careful, otherwise it may cause symptoms such as itchy throat, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension, and heartburn.

Xia Ziwen pointed out that the darker the purple and the riper the eggplant, the higher the solanine content. She suggested the following two selection techniques to buy eggplants that are just right:


1. There is a white circle next to the head (sepal) of the eggplant, which is called "the eye of the eggplant". The more mature the eggplant, the smaller the eyes. If a line has formed, it means that the maturity is just right, the taste is the best, and the moisture and nutrient content are also high.

2. Gently squeeze the eggplant with your hands, the ripe eggplant will have some elasticity, and you should choose shiny and relatively fresh; if it feels hard, it means that the water in the eggplant has been lost. That is overripe.

Eating eggplant has many benefits. In addition to being rich in vitamins A, B, C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper and other nutrients and dietary fiber, Xia Ziwen pointed out that eggplant is also rich in 3 kinds of antioxidants- ─

A type of polyphenols, mainly found in the epidermis of eggplant, is a powerful antioxidant, can protect the endothelial cells of blood vessels from free radical damage, can also prevent cholesterol from being oxidized and improve atherosclerosis phenomenon; is an antioxidant that inhibits free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer.

Also known as "It has the effect of scavenging free radicals and anti-oxidation, which helps to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels; in addition, bioflavonoids can also protect vitamin C from oxidation and enhance the absorption of vitamin C.

In buffet restaurants or bento shops, eggplant dishes are indispensable. Xia Ziwen reminded that in order to make eggplants look good, many restaurants will cook eggplants with oil to keep their skins bright. She suggested steaming, blanching and cold mixing to avoid high oil absorption of eggplants and slow down the rate of blood sugar drop after meals. Diabetics must pay attention. People with cardiovascular disease and hyperlipidemia should also be careful about excessive oil intake.

◎ Image source/Health 2.0 data photo‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock provided

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Purple Rice And Black Rice Will Also Be Dyed? Why Is The Rice Water Discolored? Food And Drug Administration Answers

Purple rice, black rice and other whole grains are very nutritious, and they are very popular among the people now that healthy diet is in vogue. Dark color, doubt whether I bought artificially dyed products; the Food and Drug Administration came forward to answer this.


According to the Food and Drug Administration, purple rice, black rice or black sesame seeds are all foods rich in anthocyanins, and anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments that are easily dissolved during cleaning and appear purple-red in different shades. ,it `s just normal. At present, there are about 20 kinds of anthocyanins in nature. The color will change due to the pH value of the environment. It appears red in an acidic environment and blue in an alkaline environment.

Anthocyanins have good antioxidant capacity and are commonly found in purple or black natural foods, such as: purple eggplant, purple cabbage, purple sweet potato, black currants, blueberries and other purple fruits and vegetables, as well as red strawberries and apples Fruits and vegetables, black foods such as black beans, black diamond peanuts, black wolfberry or black fungus; in addition, the purple color of butterfly pea flower drinks is also derived from anthocyanins.

The Food and Drug Administration stated that anthocyanin is an approved natural food coloring, obtained from dark edible plants and fruits, and there are many natural food colorings whose main component is anthocyanin, such as blueberry pigment, roselle pigment Anthocyanins, strawberry pigments, mulberry pigments and blue fruit (capsule) pigments, etc., many manufacturers have also begun to replace artificial colorants with natural food colorings and add them to products such as candy and beverages.

The Food and Drug Administration pointed out that due to the wide variety of synthetic colorants and the fact that the raw materials used in food contain or additionally add natural pigments, the Food and Drug Administration has also actively developed coloring in food. The new testing method for tinctures has improved the testing method that can only identify 8 kinds of artificial colorants to simultaneously identify 50 kinds of natural and artificial colorants.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Lack Of Libido After 30? Dr. Gender Research Reveals 3 Ways To Stimulate Male Sexual Desire, 1 Exercise, 5 Foods To Increase Male Hormone CP Value

Man only has one mouth left after 30? Xu Lanfang, a doctor of gender studies, pointed out that after men reach the age of 30, male hormones begin to decrease, which leads to a decrease in libido. The most direct way to increase male libido is oral sex.

Xu Lanfang said that if you want to help men regain their sexual desire, they can use visual stimulation:

❶ Wear looming clothing according to the male partner's preference.

❷ Change the sex place to increase the excitement of sex.

❸Oral sex is the most direct way to increase male libido.

Xu Lanfang suggested that proper exercise and proper diet can help increase male hormones:

Muscle strength exercise, increase muscle mass to help increase male hormones, such as squatting; especially the thigh is the part that accounts for the most muscle mass in the body, and the CP value is the highest.

Can help sperm production and maturation, such as milk, soybeans, dried small fish, sesame seeds.

Can increase male libido, such as oysters, pumpkin seeds.

Can delay aging, such as dark green vegetables.

Can help sperm formation, such as eels, peas.

Cholesterol is related to hormone formation, but not suitable for people with cardiovascular disease.

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If You Are Not In The Sun, You Can "eat" Vitamin D With It! 3-step Homemade Vegetable Flavor Powder, Delicious And Healthy

According to a survey, up to 60% of Taiwanese are deficient in vitamin D. In addition to sun exposure, vitamin D can also be obtained from a few foods, such as sun-dried shiitake mushrooms.


Vegetarian nutritionist Mia (Gao Yunjun) and chef Ah Q (Xiao Yuda), a well-known vegetable restaurant, recently published "I don't have time to cook properly, but I still want to quickly conjure up a hot meal at home. Vegetable flavor powder is definitely your most powerful assistant! Just add it to water and cook for a few minutes, it is a special soup, and it is 100% natural and delicious.


Studies have found that shiitake mushrooms can significantly increase vitamin D levels as long as they are exposed to the sun for six hours on two consecutive days. The content of sun-dried shiitake mushrooms has been increased from 100 micrograms of vitamin D per 100 grams to 1,150 micrograms. For those in need of vitamin D supplementation, it is an easy way to incorporate it into the daily diet.

Many brands of shiitake mushroom stock in different flavors are available in the market, which are quite convenient to use. However, in addition to artificial seasonings, the commercially available shiitake powder will be added. Fresh shiitake mushrooms are readily available, and with the abundant sunshine in Taiwan, homemade shiitake mushroom powder is not difficult at all!

1. Sliced ​​and sun-dried

Fresh shiitake mushrooms, washed and dried, sliced ​​and spread out, remember not toOverlap, so that each part of each piece of shiitake mushrooms can be exposed to sunlight.

2. Completely dried

Shit mushrooms only need to be in the sun for 1 hour, the vitamin D content will start to increase, and with the increase of time, the increase of vitamin D will be greater, such as: 6 hours in the sun for 2 consecutive days. But to make a stock powder, the shiitake mushrooms must be dry to the touch, crisp and free of moisture, so that they don't stick to the blades of the conditioner or grinder when powdered.

If the sunlight is insufficient to completely dry the mushrooms, you can also put them in the oven after 1 hour in the sun, and bake them at a low temperature of 110-120°C for about 4 hours until they are completely dried. If you have a food dryer at home, you can also put it in the food dryer after 1 hour of sun exposure.

Use a food processor to grind the dried shiitake mushrooms into a fine powder. In the process of beating, there will inevitably be some coarse powder particles. If you mind, you can sieve it again with a fine sieve to get the fine original mushroom powder.

1. Cut the vegetables into thin slices

In order to make the flavor of the mushroom powder more layered, you can make an advanced version of the vegetable mushroom powder.

Rinse appropriate amount of carrots, celery, kelp, and shiitake mushrooms, cut them into thin slices, and place them on a baking tray. If you want to increase your vitamin D intake, shiitake mushrooms can be sliced ​​and sun-dried for 6 hours (2 days in a row) before roasting with other vegetables.

2. Bake or dry

put in the oven toBake at a low temperature of 110-120°C for about 4 hours, or put it in a food dryer until the vegetables are dried or dried as shown in the picture, then take them out and let them cool.

3. Make into a powder

After it is completely cooled, put it in a food processor or grinder and make it into a fine powder. After completion, it is vegetable mushroom powder. If you want to take in more vitamin D, or want to give priority to the flavor of shiitake mushrooms, you can add another beaten sun-dried shiitake mushroom powder and mix well.

Mix the beaten vegetable shiitake powder with an appropriate amount of vegan curry powder, or when the vegetable powder is almost beaten, add the curry powder and mix well, it is the most suitable seasoning for curry soup.

◎ This article is excerpted from Gao Yunjun. Xiao Yuda

◎ Image source/Roamer Culture‧Dazhi Image/Shutterstock

Can You Tell The Difference Between Saturated And Unsaturated Fatty Acids? Correct Blood Lipid Lowering To Choose These Oils

As long as you pay attention to the type of fat (fat) ingested during meals, you can reduce "low-density lipoprotein cholesterol" (LDL-C, bad cholesterol) and effectively control the blood fat level.


Most of the fats contained in food are neutral fats, which are substances in which fatty acids are attached to glycerol, and 90% of the fats and oils are such fatty acids. Fatty acids perform many functions in our body. The properties of fats and oils vary depending on the type of fat and oil components (types of fatty acids), and the intake of fatty acids also greatly affects cholesterol levels.

Fatty acids can be roughly divided into and . Excessive intake of saturated fatty acids increases LDL cholesterol levels in the blood because liver cells have fewer LDL receptors, making LDL more difficult to process.

On the other hand, unsaturated fatty acids will reduce the LDL cholesterol value in the blood, because the intake of unsaturated fatty acids will accelerate the rate of cholesterol stored in the liver into bile acid, and promote the absorption of LDL by the liver, so it can reduce the LDL cholesterol value. There are two types of unsaturated fatty acids: "" and "". That is, fatty acids can be divided into the following three categories:

Most of them are contained in animal fats, and one-third of fish oils are saturated fatty acids.

Contained in most animal and plant foods. Olive oil accounts for more than 70% of oleic acid (oleicacid) is one such unsaturated fatty acid. If you can replace saturated fatty acids with monounsaturated fatty acids, it will not reduce HDL good cholesterol, but only reduce LDL bad cholesterol.

Mostly contained in vegetable oils and fish oils. Linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), or EPA and DHA rich in fish oil belong to this fatty acid. Excessive intake of linoleic acid not only lowers LDL cholesterol, but also lowers HDL cholesterol. And

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Full Color Graphics: Lowering Bad Cholesterol and Raising Good Cholesterol" by Shunji Ishikawa and Zhaowen Chen ◎ Image source / Yuanshui Culture‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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