Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Lose 60kg In A Year! He Successfully Lost Weight With 4 Sentences, And He Can Burn Fat While Sitting

In Taiwan, one out of every three people is obese. Although many people talk about "weight loss" and "weight loss", those who have tried it know that it is really necessary to lose weight and lose weight. Fat is not an easy thing.

Weight loss in 4 sentences made him lose 60kg.

Qiu Zhenghong, a weight loss specialist, shared that he once met a patient who was originally 120kg and reduced to 59kg in a year, all by "self-learning" online. According to the weight loss knowledge publicly taught by doctors, I successfully reduced my weight to half of the original weight! Qiu Zhenghong condensed his weight loss secrets into 4 formulas:

Give up drinks and sweets first starch to protein If you don't have time to exercise Raise one leg when sitting

The first two sentences are related to diet. Qiu Zhenghong reminds that obese people must check their eating habits. In addition to three meals, whether they have additional meals, such as sugar-sweetened beverages, snacks, etc.; Nutritional intake is also very important, you don't need to starve, but you can replace starch with protein to avoid excessive sugar intake and gain weight.

The last two sentences are related to exercise. Many people are exhausted physically and mentally after get off work and have no time to exercise. Qiu Zhenghong suggested "standing when you can stand", because when you stand, your leg muscles will contract, and there is a chance to burn fat; If you have to sit, you can often lift your foot and stay in mid-air to increase calorie burn, and also exercise your abdominal muscles by the way.

Aerobic exercise vs. anaerobic exercise which one should I choose?

However, it is still necessary to lose weightWith the help of exercise, but there are so many types of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise, which one should I choose to lose weight? Physical therapist Hu Yiwei explained that anaerobic exercise (such as heavy training) mainly increases muscle mass, improves metabolism, and converts body fat into muscle in a short time; aerobic exercise (such as running) consumes calories for a long time.

Hu Yiwei reminds, ──You can do 15 minutes of aerobic exercise first to use up the energy in your body and let your body start to burn calories, then do anaerobic exercise at this time to help increase muscle mass.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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The Redder The Raw Meat, The Fresher It Is! Beware Of Color-retaining Agent, It May Cause Cancer

Color-retaining agents are common food additives, such as sausages and bacon, which can not only increase color and luster, but also have antiseptic effects, but they should not be used in fresh food. However, unscrupulous traders may use it for fresh meat and fresh fish. When you see fresh meat that is too bright red, you must pay attention.


The color retention agents are represented by nitrates and nitrites, including potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate, potassium nitrite and sodium nitrite, etc. The food range and dosage standards are the same:

❶ Color retention agent can be used in meat and fish products; the dosage is 0.07g/kg in terms of nitrous acid residue.

❷ Color retention agent can be used in salmon roe products and cod roe products; the dosage is less than 0.0050g/kg in terms of nitrous acid residue.

Nitrate is easily excreted in the body by urine, and the rest is partially reduced to nitrite by saliva in the mouth, and becomes nitrous acid in the acidic conditions of gastric juice, and then becomes nitrous anhydride, which is converted into nitrite Nitrate conversion is calculated based on 1/30. For example, adding 3 grams of sodium nitrate to 1 kilogram of meat, nitrite is 0.073 (gram nitrite per 1 kilogram of meat), and it must be corrected if it is greater than the standard 0.07. The limit on the use of colorants is calculated based on the amount of nitrite residues in food (the current standard is less than 70ppm to be legal), rather than based on the amount added or used.

, Botox is currently knownThe most toxic bacteria, its half-lethal dose: 5 × 10g/kg, imparts special pickled flavor to meat, has antioxidant effects, and improves the texture of cured meat. But

The nitric oxide produced by the decomposition of nitrite will interact with heme, changing the heme containing ferrous iron (which can transport oxygen) into denatured heme containing ferric iron (losing the function of transporting oxygen). Fortunately, the human body In red blood cells, there is a reductase enzyme that can reduce metahemoglobin to heme, so that metahemoglobin in the human body is maintained at a low level (1∼2%).

Nitrite is highly toxic, so it is rarely used alone. Commercially available color retention agents are all used in formulations (mixed with nitrates, vitamin C, polyphosphates, nicotinamide, excipients, etc.). On the one hand, it can avoid poisoning caused by misuse, and on the other hand, it can stabilize the effect of hair color. .

Color retention agents are represented by nitrates and nitrites, both of which can make meat products appear bright red. Most of the meat products of big brands can be used according to the regulations, but the products made by small manufacturers or butchers are more worrying. In addition, due to the use of a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer in vegetables, the problem of nitrate accumulation in leafy vegetables is also worth noting.

Carbon monoxide has a strong binding capacity for both hemoglobin and myoglobin, and is 200 to 250 times stronger than oxygen. Once myoglobin is combined with carbon monoxide, the color will become red and stable, so the fish meat will become red and tender and beautiful after adding carbon monoxide. After the fish is added, the fish is colored to make it more beautiful, but the fish with insufficient freshness is used, and the color of carbon monoxide is used to make it "look new".fresh".

For example, sashimi treated with carbon monoxide, although it is not acutely toxic and will not immediately harm the human body, the red and tender color will lead consumers to misjudge it as fresh, and eat stale fish, resulting in diarrhea and food poisoning .

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Illustrated Food Additives and Practices" by Zhang Zhelang, Li Mingqing, Huang Zhonghua, Wu Bosui, Yan Wenjun, Cai Yuren, Xu Nengzhen, Shao Longzhi ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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American Pigs And Cattle Are About To Open, Causing Panic Of "clenbuterol"? Nutritionists And Doctors Point Out The Truth In One Sentence

Recently, President Tsai Ing-wen announced that he will open the import of US pigs containing clenbuterol (ractopamine) and the import of US cattle over 30 months old, which has caused discussions from all walks of life, and even caused panic among the public. But the doctor spoke with the nutritionist.


Cai Xiuwen, a nutritionist from Nantou Hospital, said that according to the information of the Food and Drug Administration, clenbuterol is a common name in animal husbandry and is a type of beta receptor hormone. Adding it to animal feed can increase the lean meat of livestock and poultry. Proportion. Ractopamine is one of the beta receptors.

The upper limit of ractopamine for adults is 60 micrograms per day, and it takes about 5.6 kilograms of meat to exceed the limit. According to past statistics, men in Taiwan consume more meat than women every day. Men eat about 203 grams (6-8 taels) of pork per day. For example, the pork ribs in the commercial rib bento are about 150 grams. Intake of ractopamine was 18.3 micrograms.

In addition, many people worry that animal offal may contain more clenbuterol. However, Cai Xiuwen took Taiwanese women's postpartum confinement as an example, who often put their internal organs into vegetables to achieve the effect of tonic. About 38.73 micrograms of meat (about 90 grams) will be consumed.

Cai Xiuwen mentioned that the above is based on Japan, Australiaand JECFA assessment, so under normal diet, it is not easy to exceed the recommended safe intake. Besides, Taiwan is a food kingdom, and the sources of food are quite diverse.

Balanced diet to maintain health

Zhuang Zongfang, director of the Department of Nephrology of Nantou Hospital, said that the allowable concentration range currently set by the state, no matter how short an individual consumes the imported meat, it is difficult to reach the level of harm to the human body. However, extremes meet, and excessive consumption of any item may cause harm to the human body. Therefore, the public is urged to have a balanced diet and a diverse intake of nutrients to maintain good health.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

15 Foods To Eat Every Day For Brain Health! Dietitian Promotes "mind Diet", The Brain Is 7.5 Years Younger, The Most Effective In Preventing Dementia

How many foods do you eat every day? Studies have found that daily diet can affect the size of the brain, and poor diet can lead to cognitive dysfunction and dementia. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 15 kinds of foods every day, including: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, olive oil, etc., to effectively prevent dementia.


A Dutch study published in Neurology in 2018 assessed the dietary patterns and brain volume of 4,000 elderly people with an average age of 65.7 years. Those with saturated and trans fats had smaller brain volumes, while those with adequate diets of vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy products, fish, and less sugar-sweetened beverages had larger brain volumes.

Dr. Xu Huiyu, director of the Nutrition Center of the Tung Foundation, pointed out that sugar-sweetened beverages, fried foods, processed red meat, refined grains, sweets and other high-sugar, high-fat, and high-glycemic index foods are all unhealthy diets. It can promote oxidative stress and cause inflammation, reduce brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which regulates nerve conduction and growth, thereby affecting the normal function of brain neurons, resulting in an unhealthy brain and poor cognitive function.

Xu Huiyu said that a good diet refers to more fruits and vegetables and whole grains, especially the "mental diet" that combines the advantages of the Mediterranean diet and the Deshu diet,

According to research, 58-98 years old,A total of 923 subjects, after 5 years of follow-up, found that,

Another study found that people with more Mediterranean-type diets had larger total brain volume and gray matter, about 1.5% and 1.6-1.9% larger, indicating that daily diet can affect brain health.

Xu Huiyu emphasized that the source of nutrients for improving brain health should come from food, not supplements such as capsules and tablets, in order to truly improve the quality of the diet.

◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Is It Better To Drink Coffee Or Plain Water Before Exercise? Study: Drinking Coffee 1 Hour Before Exercise Improves Exercise Performance, Increases Fat Loss

Is it better to drink coffee or plain water before exercise? Studies have found that drinking coffee 1 hour before exercise can not only promote endurance exercise performance, but also increase lipolysis and enhance fat loss.


In the discussion section of the Exercise Physiology website, there is a discussion on "Does long-term coffee consumption affect practice and drug testing?" for reference. According to Zheng Jingfeng, a professor at the Department of Sports and Athletics of Taiwan Normal University, "In 1984, coffee was banned by the International Olympic Committee, and the illegal dose was 800mg (about 5 to 6 times in 2 to 3 hours). cup of espresso). However, coffee was removed from the banned drug list in 2004.

In other words, coffee was banned on the sports field for a period of time, and athletes were not allowed to consume a large amount of it. On the other hand, it means taking too much, which may harm the body or cause unfair competition.

Zheng Jingfeng's response also pointed out that, according to Williams (2005)'s book "Nutrition for health, fitness & sport", the effect of ingesting caffeine: stimulate the central nervous system, increase alertness, and improve the reflex time of simple movements (Dose 200mg), when the dose is higher than 400mg, it will increase anxiety and nervousness and affect sports performance, stimulate the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium ions, increase muscle contractility, and help high-intensity sports performance, which may be related to psychological effects.

. Before using caffeine as a supplement, it is necessary to withdraw for 2 to 4 days. Caffeine is a diuretic, but current research shows that as long as a balanced diet, caffeine does not change the amount of sweat, plasma volume and body temperature. The effects of caffeine intake vary from person to person, so it's best to experiment with it yourself before actually applying it to competition.

In terms of research on the correlation between caffeine intake and blood fat concentration, a study has discussed that after consuming coffee (caffeine 3mg/kg body weight) and plain water 1 hour before exercise, pedaling at 50% VO2 max for 90 minutes of cycling exercise , acute effects on blood lipids and blood lipoproteins.

The study found that after exercise with coffee intake, triglycerides were significantly higher than after exercise with plain water intake, but total cholesterol and lipoprotein were not affected. In fact, almost all research reports indicate that caffeine intake can significantly increase the concentration of free fatty acids in the blood.

Caffeine can inhibit phosphofructokinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase to increase the rate of fat oxidation, increase the concentration of free fatty acids in blood, and at the same time

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Being a Smart Runner: Scientific Running Training and Online AI-Assisted System" by Wang Shunzheng and Lin Yuqiong ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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Diabetes Comes From Eating! Change The Order Of Meals, Do 7 Things Right In Prediabetes, Break The Blind Spot And Eat Everything

Diabetes is a problem caused by eating. Back to the root of the problem, it needs to be solved by eating. Diet therapy is to control blood sugar from both the quantity and quality of the diet. If diet therapy is unsuccessful, diabetes treatment will not be successful. Medicine is to cure disease, food is to heal disease, and diabetes is a lifestyle disease. If you don’t want to use medicine for a lifetime, it is absolutely necessary to adjust your diet!


Han Wenhui, Ph.D., Institute of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, National Taiwan University pointed out in her book that the World Health Organization's diabetes diagnosis and treatment guidelines do not recommend drug intervention for prediabetes. The only way to stop them from developing into diabetes is lifestyle intervention, that is, people with prediabetes should learn to control their diet and exercise to maintain a stable blood sugar.

It's best to eat 6 to 7 minutes full, don't be full! Chew slowly when you eat to prevent your blood sugar from rising too fast after a meal. In terms of eating order,

, to prevent blood sugar from rising too fast.

The structure of human teeth and the length of the intestines belong to the "vegetarian family" in terms of physiological structure. Therefore, the human digestive tract is conducive to the digestion and absorption of grains, fruits and vegetables, and is not conducive to the digestion and absorption of meat. Fruit and vegetables foods contain a lot of active enzymes, which are beneficial to the catabolism of toxins in the body, and are the most natural body cleansers.

Fibre increases the body mass of feces and promotes intestinal peristalsis. At the same time, cellulose is the food of nearly 10 trillion microflora in the intestinal tract, which is essential for the elimination of toxins.

Somewhat naturalIngredients have hypoglycemic effects, such as bitter gourd, yam, okra, celery, kelp, etc., all of which are known as "natural hypoglycemic drugs". The bitter melon saponins in bitter melon have a hypoglycemic mechanism, and the effect of invigorating the kidney and diuresis is also very good. It is an ideal food for diabetic patients. Modern medicine believes that yam is rich in amylase, fat, protein, vitamins, etc., and has the functions of lowering blood sugar and blood lipids, enhancing immunity, and anti-aging. Okra contains soluble cellulose, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent cholesterol absorption, so it has the effect of lowering lipids, laxatives, and also helps to lose weight. certain effect.

The digestion and absorption of nutrients and the excretion of toxins are all carried out in the state of hydrolysis. The importance of drinking water is self-evident. Correct and effective drinking water is the key to maintaining health and curing diseases, and it is even more important for diabetic patients with metabolic disorders. Not drinking water for half an hour before going to bed can avoid swollen eyelids, frequent trips to the toilet in the middle of the night, and affect sleep quality. After waking up, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm water to reduce blood viscosity, which can reduce the formation of diabetic complications. If you are active, sweat a lot or in summer with high temperature, you should add additional water.

Vitamin C and vitamin E are powerful antioxidants that can reduce free radicals in the body and maintain the balance of redox in the body. Foods rich in vitamin C include kiwi, citrus and other fruits, as well as vegetables such as green peppers and bitter gourd; foods rich in vitamin E include nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds; but neither should be excessive.

A study published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology on October 11, 2017 found that eating foods rich in OMEGA-6 polyunsaturated fats (soy, sunflower seeds, etc.) Oil and nuts, etc.), can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, but it is not advisable to overeat, because OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 need to maintain a certain ratio in the body.

Selenium: such as squid, sea cucumber, hairtail and other seafood. Magnesium: such as lotus seeds, black rice, kelp, mung beans, seaweed, etc. Calcium: such as dried shrimps, tofu, oats, bracken, etc.

Tea polyphenols, tannic acid, caffeine, etc. in strong tea, excessive amounts will not only affect blood sugar stability, cause insomnia, but also take away most of the vitamin B1 in the body, causing loss of appetite, nervousness, and susceptibility to fatigue Wait. The same is true for not drinking coffee.

Spicy and divergent foods can easily cause retinal hemorrhage and vasodilation. Especially in the stage of retinal hemorrhage, it is not advisable to eat spicy foods such as peppers, onions, and garlic.

If the blood sugar of diabetic patients is not effectively controlled, it is easy to induce eye complications. Diabetic retinopathy is a major blinding disease, and almost all eye diseases can occur in people with diabetes. Such as fundus hemangioma, fundus hemorrhage, dacryocystitis, glaucoma, cataract, vitreous opacity, optic atrophy, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, and the probability of these eye diseases in diabetic patients is significantly higher than that in non-diabetic patientsgroup.

There is a large amount of taurine in the human retina, which can promote the development of the retina and protect the retina, which is beneficial to the development of visual receptors and improves the visual function, which is of great significance for the prevention of diabetic eye disease. Sea fish, shellfish, shrimp, oysters, clams, etc., mackerel, sardines and other taurine in fish are rich in taurine, and proper intake helps to supplement taurine.

Lutein can significantly improve the resistance of blood vessels, provide sufficient blood supply to the eyes, prevent the damage caused by the combination of free radicals and eye collagen, thereby improving the treatment rate of diabetic eye disease, and helping to improve and restore the resulting vision loss. Lutein is mostly found in natural dark green and yellow vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, pumpkin, corn, spinach, cauliflower, kiwi, etc.

◎ This article is excerpted from / "Starting the Self-Healing Power of Diabetes" by Han Wenhui ◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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The Garlic Is Expensive! Use "red Onions" To Stir-fry Vegetables To Enhance The Flavor And Cook "onions" In 5 Ways

Affected by the new crown pneumonia, domestic garlic production has been reduced, and foreign garlic imports have also encountered bottlenecks, making garlic in short supply, and the wholesale price of each kilogram has risen from 60 yuan to more than 300 yuan, a record high. State banquet royal chef Lei Yizong suggested that if garlic is too expensive or unavailable, you can actually replace it with onion or shallot, and the taste will not diminish!

Shallots have a good effect of enhancing the taste, and it is delicious when chopped and stir-fried.

Lei Yizong pointed out that shallots are rich in water like garlic, which helps to stimulate the taste of the main ingredients, and is a very good supporting role in cooking; Similar to garlic, first chop shallots, then fry until fragrant, then add other ingredients and stir-fry. It is delicious with vegetables or meat.

Fresh shallots, like garlic, have a pungent flavor that transforms into a rich aroma when cooked. However, Lei Yizong mentioned that some people like to eat sausages with raw garlic, while shallots are not suitable for eating raw, the taste is not as rich as garlic, and it does not taste like fruit and has no graininess.

Onion Stir-Fry VS. Cooked Meat Chef taught 5 ways to cut it

When you can't buy garlic, onion is a good spice. Lei Yizong suggested that you should use chopped or diced onion to fry vegetables first. The dishes will not be bland and tasteless, or paired with spinach, A dish and other heavy-tasting vegetables, it can also help neutralize the "grass smell".

Lei Yizong recommends using shredded onion,Onion slices or onion willows have a fuller taste and a good visual effect. The method of cutting onion slices is similar to dicing willows, first cut the onion in half, and then cut it into one clove; the onion will be thicker than the shredded onion.

Ginger is suitable for stir-fried vegetables and soups to neutralize the coldness of food.

In addition, as autumn and winter are coming soon, ginger is also a good spice choice. Lei Yizong mentioned that the price of ginger is relatively stable, the effect of improving the taste is good, and vegetarians can also eat it. If you want to fry in a pot, you can use ginger slices, and for soup, you can use ginger shreds. Cook with winter melon, cabbage, bitter gourd, etc., and it can also neutralize the coldness of the food.

Lei Yizong reminds that no matter what kind of spices you use, you should pay attention to avoid sauteing. In addition, you can also buy commercially available garlic crisps or garlic slices to replace fresh garlic; remember to smell it before use, if there is oil consumption, it means that it has been stored for a long time.

◎ Image source/Health 2.0 data photo

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